How to Apply
- Complete the appropriate application on the SES One Form portal. Applications are posted for separately for Fall, Winter and Spring Quarters
What is the Application Review Committee Seeking?
- A clear connection between the funding request and your career goals: What are your career goals? How will receiving funding for this request help to advance your career? How will this funding help you to obtain an internship, job, or graduate school opportunity?
- An accurate and clear description of your financial circumstances: Financial need is the primary factor when reviewing applications; the financial aid status for all applications will be verified with the Office of Undergraduate Financial Aid. The information provided on your general application will provide important information about your financial circumstances, especially if you do not receive financial aid from the university.
- A funding request that fits the purpose of the Career Development Fund: The Career Development Fund is for specific career related requests only specifically the purchase of an interview suit and graduate test preparation and test support. Applications for personal needs or student activities will not be considered.
- Please include specific interview(s) or upcoming career related events.
- Students must be in pursuit of an opportunity; students are not eligible once a full-time job or graduate school admission has been secured.
- Opportunities that cannot be supported by other existing funds on or off campus: Several offices and schools on campus offer funding to support undergraduate professional development needs. The review committee may refer an applicant to one of these resources if it is a more appropriate fit for the funding request. Conversely, if it is determined that an application request has been funded through an alternate source, the application will be declined.
- Enough time to review and process funding: Please pay attention to the dates the fund will be open/closed and plan accordingly. Applications that fall outside of our recommended timelines may be submitted, however, we cannot guarantee that the application is able to be processed with a shortened timeline. To request an expedited process, email
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