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Event Management

Norris Center offers many spaces and services to host your event see the information and links below for more information.

Meeting Room Capacities

ROOM Lecture U-Shaped Classroom
1st Floor
McCormick Auditorium (standard) 360 NA NA
Wildcat Room A+B 120 30 54
1-163 Wildcat Room A 40 14 18
1-169 Wildcat Room B 70 20 30
1-173 Evans Room 40 14 18
1-189 Chicago Room (standard) 16 NA NA
1-204 Big Ten Room As is NA NA
2nd Floor
2-149 Eighteen Fifty-One 18 3 4
Northwestern Room A+B 160 36 68
2-160 Northwestern Room A 70 16 28
2-172 Northwestern Room B 70 16 28
2-180 Lake Room 80 28 48
2-188 Scholars Room (standard) 15 NA NA
Louis Room A+B 400 40 130
2-204 Louis Room North 80 32 56
2-232 Louis Room South 300 40 70
2-264 Arch Room 60 14 18
2-270 Rock Room 40 14 18
2-287 Armadillo Room 40 14 18
3rd Floor
3-288 Alumni Room (standard) 14 NA NA
Casbah Room (standard) 16 NA NA

Online Reservations


Mazevo (mah-zay-voe) is Greek for "gather"!

It is a comprehensive event scheduling system, founded by industry veterans with nearly 100 years of combined scheduling experience. Cloud-based and PC/Mac/tablet/mobile friendly, the platform dramatically simplifies the scheduling process for both the event host and the staff coordinating logistics on the backend.

Please be advised that Mazevo reservations are for Northwestern University recognized student organizations, faculty, and staff only.

The booking request system can be accessed here:

Click "Add New Request" and follow the prompts to schedule an event or reserve a space. 

Log into the application with your Northwestern University email and password. If you are receiving a single sign on (SSO) error or if you have any questions, please contact for assistance.

Important Information

Requests for meetings or events need to be submitted at least 10 business days prior to the event. Contact Norris Event Planning directly for requests within the 10 business day deadline or for any spaces not reservable online.

Helpful Links

Reservation Forms

In Person Reservations

Reserve space in person from Monday-Friday, 8:30am to 5pm in the Event Management Office, 3rd Floor, Norris Center

Northwestern Catering

For information about Northwestern Catering, Menus and Forms click here.

Read Norris University Center Catering Policies

Areas of Event Management


M-F 8:30am to 5pm | (847) 491-2330