Lutkin Hall
Lutkin Hall is a 289-seat performance/lecture space located on University Place between Sherman Avenue and Sheridan Road. Lutkin Hall is available to Northwestern University Organizations for events on weekday evenings and weekends.
- Lutkin Hall may be reserved by Northwestern University Academic Departments, Administrative Offices, and recognized Student Organizations for speeches, dance recitals, rehearsals, small concerts, lectures, and presentations.
- Food and beverages may only be served in Lutkin Hall with prior approval by Performance and Satellite Venue Office.
- Reservation requests must be made at least ten business days in advance of the event date. Requests made with less than ten business days’ notice will be reviewed by the Performance and Satellite Venue Office for approval.
Reserve Lutkin Hall
- Call the Event Planning Manager, Norris University Center Performance and Satellite Venues at 847-491-7285
- Contact Lutkin Hall via email