Monitoring Card Activity
There are several ways in which cardholders and their support staff can appropriately monitor activity on their card. Enabling these features helps ensure that transactions are reconciled in a timely manner:
- Cardholders will receive an automated email from NUFinancials approximately 24 hours after a transaction has occurred. The email will list all purchases made from that date and is intended to be a reminder to cardholders that the transactions need to be reconciled on an expense report within 30 days.
- Access My Wallet anytime to monitor card activity
- To access My Wallet:
- Log into the NUportal via
- Select NUFinancials.
- Go to Navigator > Employee Self Service > Travel and Expenses > My Wallet
- Enter your employee ID or name (lastname,firstname), click on search and choose it from the results.
- Select Finish.
- To access My Wallet:
- Monitor card activity using the SC034 in Cognos
- To run the SC034 to view card activity:
- Log into the NUportal via
- Select Cognos.
- Choose My Home > Finance Facilities and Research Administration > School > Supply Chain > SC034 – P-Card Activity Report
- Choose the date range you want to see. If you’re running it weekly you can choose the last 7 days.
- Choose Transaction Type Both to see unreconciled transactions and transactions on expense reports that have not been posted.
- In the Card Holder section enter your employee ID or name (lastname,firstname), click on search and choose it from the results.
- Select Finish.
- To run the SC034 to view card activity:
Please note that there is a 1-2 day delay after using the card before the transaction can be viewed using any of the above methods.