Who We Are
Procurement and Payment Services is the single point of contact for all centralized procurement and payment activities. Procurement and Payment Services is considered the procurement expert at Northwestern, setting the overall strategy regarding how purchases and payments should be made.
Primary Functions
Are you looking for mail, travel services or trademark licensing? Auxiliary Services can help you with those resources and more.
New Gift Card Program for Research Participant Payments
Procurement and Payment Services worked with Depository Services to establish a new gift card program and stored value card program to support the payment of research participants.
The Tango gift card platform is available for use in iBuyNU beginning January 2025. This platform is ONLY available for research participant payments at this time. A Tango Gift Card Process Guide (pdf format) can be viewed to assist users. Also, a Tango – Participant Process Guide (pdf format) is now available to walk you through the steps a recipient will take to redeem their gift card.
Implementation of New iBuyNU Platform
PPS and Northwestern IT hosted two webinar training courses in June 2024 to provide an overview of the functionality of the new iBuyNU platform that is live as of July 1st, 2024.
Wildcard Advantage Program
The Wildcard Advantage Program is now managed by Procurement and Payment Services.
Fluid Requisitions Live - Classic Unavailable
PPS and Northwestern IT hosted two webinar training courses in January 2023 to review Fluid Requisition functionality in NUFinancials. Previously, Northwestern used the “classic” view when requisitioning but has transitioned to the “fluid” view to provide a smoother end-user experience. The classic view is no longer available.
Subscribe to New PPS Listserv
PPS will now communicate important information via a new Listserv. The Listserv will be used to email subscribers information in-between our quarterly Dollars & Sense Newsletter.
Open Lab Sessions
PPS hosts monthly Open Lab Sessions, in which staff are able to meet our team, ask questions, and review processes.