Money Management
Study abroad may be your first experience planning a budget, so it may also be your first experience managing and sticking to a budget. Paying attention to your spending in a different country, in a different currency, on a different calendar, and maybe even in a different language - and keeping on track - can be just as difficult as setting your budget in the first place! This section will give you some information, tips, and tricks that will prepare you for managing financial transactions and spending wisely while you're abroad.
Learn How To Access Money Abroad
You can use various different forms of payment while abroad: cash, ATM's, credit and debit cards, and mobile payments. Before you travel, it is important for you to research which methods may work best for you, depending on your bank, credit card company, and your host country. Learn about methods for accessing money abroad.
Keep Your Money Safe
Unexpected situations may arise, so it is important that you have various methods for accessing money and making payments abroad. Review tips for security and backup plans.Spend Wisely - Tips for Managing Money Abroad
You created a budget before your departure. Once you're abroad, you'll want to make spending choices that make your budget go as far as possible. Find ways to save money and spend wisely on budget categories like food, toiletries, transportation, communication, and travel.