GLObal Guides Program
The GLObal Guides program recognizes Northwestern faculty, staff, and alumni as advocates for global learning and highlights them as a resource and support for students throughout the study abroad journey – from exploration to returning home.
Should you choose to participate in the GLObal Guides program, GLO will:
- Feature you among other GLObal Guides on the GLO website to provide a centralized place for the Northwestern community to locate people who are knowledgeable about and supportive of global learning, study abroad, and international travel;
- Provide a GLObal Guides logo that you can display in your office, if you choose, to signify to students that you are a resource for study abroad;
- Ask you to review an infographic that gives an overview of study abroad at Northwestern, and provides information about resources to help make study abroad accessible to all students; and
- Update you quarterly about the study abroad process at Northwestern, to ensure you are able to provide students with current information and resources.
We are grateful for the continued partnership of our colleagues across Northwestern in supporting students' global learning experiences.