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Northwestern Corporate Card

Northwestern’s Corporate Credit Card (known formerly as the Procurement Card) offers our University community members greater purchasing flexibility and a more efficient and streamlined experience for small dollar, low risk transactions, including travel and entertainment when approved. The card features enhanced security and seamless expense monitoring and approval via My Wallet.

The Corporate Card is a MasterCard issued and branded by JPMorgan Chase as the ‘One Card.’ Featuring built in chip and pin technology, the card helps deter data theft and counterfeiting. The card is not tied to the cardholder’s personal credit as it is a corporate liability card.

This dynamic corporate card is part of our continued efforts to improve your purchasing experience. The card is a key component of the overall procurement strategy at Northwestern, which features a portfolio of tools that schools and departments can use for purchasing and payment.


Corporate Card Office
2020 Ridge Avenue, Room 111
Evanston, IL 60208

Mary Kay Hallissey

Melitza Nieves
Corporate Card Analyst