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Residential Services Email Archive

This page includes an archive of email communications sent to current and incoming students living in housing on Northwestern's Evanston campus.

Current Undergraduate Students

Are You Prepared for Winter Break?, December 2, 2024

We hope that you are doing well. Winter Break is right around the corner, so we wanted to ensure you are prepared for closing procedures. Included below is important information that you need to know in order to have a smooth departure for your well-earned time off! For complete information, please visit our Thanksgiving & Winter Break Closing page.


  • Undergraduate housing closes for Winter Break for all students not on a Continuous Housing contract. Students must complete a closing checklist, check out online, and depart by 12:00 p.m. on December 14, 2024, and can move back in starting at 8:00 a.m. on January 4, 2025.

Full Details
Quiet Hours
As a reminder, in order to create an atmosphere conducive to studying, 24-hour quiet hours are enforced from 5PM on Friday, December 6 until 5PM on Friday, December 13, 2024.

All Undergraduate Residence Halls, Residential Colleges, and Special Interest Communities Close at 12PM (noon) on Saturday, December 14, 2024 (with the exception of students contracted for Continuous Housing).

All residents not contracted for Continuous Housing must vacate their building/room and submit a Self-Check-Out form by 12PM on December 14, which will deactivate access.  Anyone remaining in their building/room after 12PM may be charged a late departure fee of $50.00. Please do not submit the self-check-out form until you are leaving the building. Students contracted for Continuous Housing will receive a separate email with additional information closer to Winter Break. 

Preparing for Winter Break
Your RA will post a closing checklist on your door. You are responsible for completing all tasks on the checklist before you leave for Winter Break and submitting your online Self-Check-Out form. Failure to complete the checklist items may result in a $50 improper checkout fee.  
Dispose of Perishable Items
If you have a mini fridge in your room, please dispose of any perishable items (fruit, meat, dairy, etc.) prior to leaving for break. 
Fire Safety & Policy Compliance Inspections
Resident Assistants will check all student rooms to verify compliance with University policies, completion of Winter Break Checklist items, and to ensure that halls are prepared for closing. The City of Evanston will also perform inspections in all sleeping rooms during break. Any and all policy violations will be documented and referred to the Community Standards process. 
Prohibited Items 
Any prohibited items discovered during the course of inspections may be confiscated. Any alcohol or empty alcohol containers found in rooms where all occupants are under 21 years of age will be disposed of. A list of commonly found prohibited items can be found on our closing website and a full list of prohibited items can be found in the Northwestern Student Handbook. 
City of Evanston Code
The Evanston housing code prohibits storage and/or use of cooking appliances in all sleeping rooms and suite lounges. Appliances may only be stored in kitchen areas. The only exception is coffee makers with self-contained heating elements and automatic shutoff, which are permitted in sleeping rooms.

All Undergraduate Residence Halls, Residential Colleges, and Special Interest Communities Open at 8AM on Saturday, January 4, 2025. You may not return to the building prior to 8AM. Returning residents will be able to reactivate access to their building/room by submitting an online Self-Check-In form beginning at 8AM. Additional details regarding the Self Check In process will be provided by email. 

Not returning in January?  
If you do not plan to return to your room for Winter Quarter and you have not already done so, please review our cancellation policy and submit a cancellation request form. After your request has been approved, please complete the Move Out Checklist and submit your Self-Check-Out form no later than 12PM (noon) on Saturday, December 14, 2024. 

We hope you have enjoyed Fall Quarter as much as we have. If you are graduating, congratulations! If you are returning to campus for Winter Quarter, we look forward to seeing you in January.

Please contact your Resident Assistant, Assistant Resident Director, Resident Director, or our office if you have any questions.

We hope you have a safe and enjoyable Winter Break.

Thanksgiving and Winter Break Information, November 12, 2024

Greetings - 

We hope that you are doing well. Winter Break will be here sooner than you think; included below is important information that you need to know in order to have a smooth departure for your well-earned Winter Break. For complete information, please visit our Thanksgiving & Winter Break Closing page.   


  • Undergraduate housing remains open during Thanksgiving Break with limited services, including dining 
  • Undergraduate housing closes for Winter Break for all students not on a Continuous Housing contract. Students must complete a closing checklist, check out online, and depart by 12:00 p.m. on December 14, 2024, and can move back in starting at 8:00 a.m. on January 4, 2025.  

Full Details 

Thanksgiving Break   

All undergraduate residential facilities will be open for the duration of the Thanksgiving Break (November 28-December 1, 2024).  Dining options will be open for limited hours during the Thanksgiving Break. Please visit the Northwestern Dining website for more information.    

Winter Break   

Quiet Hours   
As a reminder, in order to create an atmosphere conducive to studying, 24-hour quiet hours are enforced from 5PM on Friday, December 6 until 5PM on Friday, December 13, 2024.   
All Undergraduate Residence Halls, Residential Colleges, and Special Interest Communities Close at 12PM (noon) on Saturday, December 14, 2024 (with the exception of students contracted for Continuous Housing).   

All residents not contracted for Continuous Housing must vacate their building/room and submit a Self-Check-Out form by 12PM on December 14, which will deactivate access.  Anyone remaining in their building/room after 12PM may be charged a late departure fee of $50.00. Please do not submit the self-check-out form until you are leaving the building. Students contracted for Continuous Housing will receive a separate email with additional information closer to Winter Break.   

Preparing for Winter Break   
Your RA will post a closing checklist on your door. You are responsible for completing all tasks on the checklist before you leave for Winter Break and submitting your online Self-Check-Out form. Failure to complete the checklist items may result in a $50 improper checkout fee.    
Dispose of Perishable Items   
If you have a mini fridge in your room, please dispose of any perishable items (fruit, meat, dairy, etc.) prior to leaving for break.   
Fire Safety & Policy Compliance Inspections   
Resident Assistants will check all student rooms to verify compliance with University policies, completion of Winter Break Checklist items, and to ensure that halls are prepared for closing. The City of Evanston will also perform inspections in all sleeping rooms during break. Any and all policy violations will be documented and referred to the Community Standards process.   
Prohibited Items   
Any prohibited items discovered during the course of inspections may be confiscated. Any alcohol or empty alcohol containers found in rooms where all occupants are under 21 years of age will be disposed of. A list of commonly found prohibited items can be found on our closing website and a full list of prohibited items can be found in the Northwestern Student Handbook.   
City of Evanston Code   
The Evanston housing code prohibits storage and/or use of cooking appliances in all sleeping rooms and suite lounges. Appliances may only be stored in kitchen areas. The only exception is coffee makers with self-contained heating elements and automatic shutoff, which are permitted in sleeping rooms.  
All Undergraduate Residence Halls, Residential Colleges, and Special Interest Communities Open at 8AM on Saturday, January 4, 2025. You may not return to the building prior to 8AM. Returning residents will be able to reactivate access to their building/room by submitting an online Self-Check-In form beginning at 8AM. Additional details regarding the Self Check In process will be provided by email.   
Not returning in January?   
If you do not plan to return to your room for Winter Quarter and you have not already done so, please review our cancellation policy and submit a cancellation request form. After your request has been approved, please complete the Move Out Checklist and submit your Self-Check-Out form no later than 12PM (noon) on Saturday, December 14, 2024.   
We hope you have enjoyed Fall Quarter as much as we have. If you are graduating, congratulations! If you are returning to campus for Winter Quarter, we look forward to seeing you in January.   
Please contact your Resident Assistant, Assistant Resident Director, Resident Director, or our office if you have any questions.  

We hope you have a safe and enjoyable Winter Break.   

Housing Cancellation Process, October 31, 2024

Greetings Undergraduate Housing Residents!

We hope you are doing well! This is a reminder that students who will not be in Evanston for Winter Quarter 2025 need to submit a housing cancellation request. Students eligible to cancel their housing contract (one of the reasons listed below) can request to do so via the Housing Portal

  • Study Abroad  
  • Off-site Medill Programs  
  • McCormick Co-Op Program  
  • Off-site Internship (including CFS)
  • Leave of Absence  
  • Transferring Schools/Withdrawing  
  • Graduation
  • Approved Housing Accommodation or Housing Exemption

Submitting a cancellation request for reasons not outlined above is not an automatic release from your contract, nor does it guarantee a release.  

Students whose cancellation is approved will need to fully move out of their room no later than Saturday, December 14 at 12pm (noon) and complete the online self-check-out form, which will turn off access at that time.

The cancellation priority deadline is Friday, November 15, 2024. Please be sure to submit the form and appropriate documentation (if applicable) prior to that date.

Please contact our office if you have any questions.

Residential Services

Maintenance Staff & Resources, September 23, 2024

We hope that you are starting to settle in and are looking forward to the new routine of Fall Quarter!  

Residential Services has maintenance resources available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week including first, second, and third shift. Please expect that staff members could be present at all hours – the Maintenance Technicians wear uniforms to easily identify themselves as staff members and carry their Wildcards visibly. Our team is trained to be respectful of working in living spaces, and we want you to feel comfortable in your community at all hours. You can meet the custodial team on our website. Maintenance Technicians support building operations by cleaning common spaces and restrooms, removing trash from the building, and providing minor maintenance services. You can support our MTs by respecting shared spaces, taking trash directly to the trash room, and promptly reporting maintenance issues. 

For routine maintenance requests, please submit a ticket through the Housing Portal. Our team will dispatch the request to the appropriate expert and responses will be prioritized based on urgency and availability. On weekends and after 4:00pm on weekdays, you can visit or call your Area Desk or the RA on Duty (after 8:00pm) for urgent facilities needs like spills, broken glass, actively overflowing toilets, etc. 

Good luck with the start of classes! 

Mail & Package Center Updates, August 15, 2024

We hope you are having a great summer! As we prepare for the upcoming fall semester, we want to inform you about our package delivery policy. 

Package Delivery Start Date: 
We will not be able to accept deliveries for Fall 2024 undergraduates until September 3, 2024. Unfortunately, we do not have the capacity to house packages prior. Any packages received before this date will be either returned to the sender or forwarded to the address on file in CAESAR. 

Approved early arrival residents, including those in pre-fall programs, are allowed to receive shipments. 

New Format for Addressing Mail & Packages: 

To more accurately and expeditiously process Mail & Packages, please use the following address format (please note that this format has been tested and has shown to improve delivery accuracy and promptness of deliveries): 

Student Name 
Package Center Address 
Building Abbreviation-Room Number 
Evanston, IL 60201 


Willie Wildcat 
2420 Campus Dr 
Evanston, IL 60201 
Willie Wildcat 
1927 Orrington 
Evanston, IL 60201 

For additional information, please reference our Addressing Mail and Packages page or reach out to us via email, we are here to help you make your move-in experience as smooth as possible. 

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. 

Invitation to Participate in Housing Focus Groups and Workshop - May 22 & 23, 5/14/24

Northwestern is embarking on the creation of a Housing Master Plan (HMP) to help chart the course of on-campus housing for the next ten years. We invite you to participate in one or more of many upcoming opportunities to provide input on how you use spaces on campus, the types of experiences you value in your residential environment, and preferences for amenities and facility features.   


Last week you should have received an email with an individualized survey link. Students who complete the survey by May 22 will have the opportunity to be entered into a drawing to win a Nintendo Switch or 1 of 20 $20 Amazon gift cards.  


Please consider joining us on Wednesday, May 22 from 5:30 p.m. to 6:45 p.m. for a workshop facilitated by our partners at Workshop Architects. Several activities will allow you to provide input regarding life on campus. If you attended a workshop in April, this one will feature different activities. Food will be served. Any Northwestern undergraduate or graduate student can attend. It is okay if you need to arrive a little late or leave a little early. Sign up here.  

Informal Interviews and Vision Boards

On Thursday, May 23, you will see staff from Workshop Architects near dining halls and in other campus areas. The staff will offer you the opportunity to answer a few questions in passing and to contribute ideas through vision boards.  

Focus Groups

We are also looking for up to 8 students for small focus group discussions on Thursday, May 23 between 2:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. at Shepard Hall. Groups include: undergraduate residents, special interest community residents, Residential College residents, Residential College/RCB executive board members, residents who identify as BIPOC, and residents who identify as LGBTQIA+. Please click the links above or visit our HMP webpage for more details and to sign up.  

We look forward to capturing your thoughts that will help shape the future of the residential experience at Northwestern. Please contact if you have any questions.  

The Residential Services Staff Team  

Residence Hall, Residential College, and Special Interest Housing Closing for Summer Break, 5/3/24

Dear Residents,

The Residential Services team hopes that you are doing as well as you can be doing as we move toward the end of the quarter. Today we wanted to ensure that you had information about moving out and the closing of undergraduate housing for the summer.

The residence and board contract states that each student must vacate the building within 24 hours after their last scheduled final exam. All residence halls and residential colleges close at 12:00 p.m. on Saturday, June 8, 2024, for all students except for those approved for late stays.

Late stays will only be granted for graduating seniors, commencement volunteers, participants in University sponsored academic activities, siblings of graduating students, students engaged in residential summer programs, and students moving into a summer housing assignment. Students who were granted late stays will need to move out of their residence hall by 12:00 p.m. on Tuesday, June 11, 2024. Students engaged in residential summer programs or with a summer housing contract can stay through the start of their summer assignment. The cost from June 8 to 11 is $50 per night and will be charged to the Student Account except when a summer program has included the nights as part of their contract. Applications for both summer housing and late stay are available on the Housing Portal from May 1 to May 24, 2024.

Here are the steps to complete your check-out:

  • Complete the “Closing Checklist” list as detailed below (and posted on your room door)
  • Pack/remove your belongings
  • Clean your room/suite/apartment
  • This includes sweeping or vacuuming floors, dusting or wiping all surfaces clean, removing all tape, stickers, etc. from surfaces, and your bathroom and kitchen (where applicable)
  • Dispose of waste/recycling in proper receptacles
  • Ensure all furniture allocated to the room is present
  • Close/latch windows and close window coverings
  • Set your air conditioning unit to cool and low fan.  If you have a window A/C unit, please set the temperature to 70 degrees 
  • Double check room/suite for personal belongings
  • Turn out lights and lock the door
  • Complete the online Self Check-Out Form
​​​​​​​Each resident must submit an online Self-Check-Out Form to complete Move Out at

Failure to complete the checklist items and/or to complete the online Self-Check-Out Form may result in an improper check-out fee of $50.  Students who do not check out by the building closing time will be charged a $100 late check-out fee.

Residential Services staff will review the condition of your room and may assess charges to restore the room to its original condition, remove excessive trash or belongings, and/or cleaning. Charges will be equally split among residents as appropriate. If a student wishes to take full responsibility for a damage charge, they should email a short statement to their Resident Director from their Northwestern student email account. Public area damages, including trash or other items left in hallways, will be charged to the residents who live in the area. Students who receive damage charges will be notified by email. Belongings left in the room after checkout will be donated or disposed of 7 days after the student checks out or after the building closure date.

All garbage and recycling should be deposited in proper locations. Garbage and recycling materials are not to be left in hallways or lounges due to fire safety concerns. Items left in the hallway may result in fines split among the members of the community.

To assist with the expected increase in garbage, extra dumpsters will be placed in the following areas during Finals Week:
  • 726 University Place (in front of Chapin)
  • 655 University Place (across from South Mid Quad)
  • 626 University Place (east side of Shepard)
  • 2305 Sheridan Road (in parking spots at SE corner of the Goodrich parking lot)
  • 2407 Sheridan Road (at Patten Gym parking lot)
  • 2400 Sheridan Road (west side of Elder Hall, near loading dock)
  • 2315 Sheridan (north side of the building, along the woodchips/near bike racks)
  • 2420 Campus Drive (Between Kemper and 560 Lincoln)
  • 1915 Maple (Engelhart parking lot)
  • Alley between Jones and 1835 Hinman
  • Foster Walker North Parking Lot
  • 1927 Orrington (outside, next to Foster-Walker compactor bay)
  • 1835 Hinman/1820 Sheridan (along the wall south of the 1835 Hinman building) 
Please place heavy or sharp items into these dumpsters instead of in your trash room. Be sure to double bag trash that is heavy or may break through a trash bag.

Residential Services is working with SustainableNU to determine if we are able to offer a Take It or Leave it program to donate items this year.

The last day for mail delivery for the academic year is Thursday, June 6, 2024. Packages will continue to be accepted until you check out. All USPS First Class mail will be forwarded to your updated current address provided on your self-checkout form.

First class mail does not include bulk mail, periodicals (newspapers, magazines, etc.) or items from private carriers (UPS, FedEX, etc.). Make sure to update your address information with banks, periodicals, and online shipping orders to continue receiving mail over the summer. Normal mail service for new students and returning residents will resume in early September. 

For more information on summer forwarding, visit:

Please remember that NU parking policies remain in effect during move out periods. Observe all signage and regulations accordingly. All lots require permits from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on weekdays and some spaces are reserved 24 hours. Do not park in fire lanes or block traffic lanes while moving out. You are permitted to utilize any regular parking space in residential parking lots for two-hour parking as you are actively moving out. Once you are done loading your vehicle it must be moved to the North or South Campus Parking Garages. Daily permits are available to any student or parent for $9.00. Daily permits can be purchased at the Parking Office or by parking in either the North or South Parking Garage. Visit the Evanston campus parking website for more information.

Residential Services and USS have partnered to bring returning residential students discounted summer storage and shipping prices. Visit USS' website for discounted pricing and additional information.

24-hour quiet hours begin at 5:00 p.m. on Friday, May 31, 2024 and end at 5:00 p.m. on Friday, June 7, 2024.

Please watch your email, the residence hall TVs, bulletin boards, as well as attend final floor meetings for additional information about closing.

Information about meals during finals week will be available on the Northwestern Dining website

Please watch your email and bulletin boards for additional information about closing or contact your Resident Assistant (RA) or Resident Director (RD) with any additional questions. You may also visit our Undergraduate Move Out website.  

FSL & EVS Closing for Summer Break, 5/3/24

Dear FSL & EVS Housing Residents,

The end of the quarter is quickly approaching, and we wanted to take a few minutes to remind you about move out and the closing of fraternity, sorority, and Evans Scholars housing for the summer. Some of you may have already left campus, so please ensure you complete a self-checkout for safety and security purposes.

Most houses will close for students on Saturday, June 8, 2024. Certain houses may remain open past that date, so to ensure you have the appropriate move out date and time for your house, please consult with your House Director or house leadership team. 

If you are engaged in a residential summer program or have a summer housing contract, Residential Services or the summer program will be in touch with you about when you can move into your assigned summer building. Housing in the residence halls is not available between June 8 and your designated move-in date for your summer assignment. Please make other arrangements for housing during that time. 

Here are the steps to complete your check-out: 
  • Pack/remove your belongings 
  • Clean your room/suite/apartment 
  • This includes sweeping or vacuuming floors, dusting or wiping all surfaces clean, removing all tape, stickers, etc. from surfaces, and your bathroom and kitchen (where applicable)   
  • Dispose of waste/recycling in proper receptacles 
  • Ensure all furniture allocated to the room is present  
  • Close/latch windows and close window coverings 
  • Set thermostat to low or 72⁰F (22⁰C) 
  • Double check room/suite 
  • Turn off lights and lock the door. 
  • Return any temp cards you may have to your Area Desk. 
  • Complete the online Self-Check-Out Form 
Each resident must submit an online Self-Check-Out Form to complete the move-out process:

House Corporation staff may review the condition of your room and may assess fees to restore the room to its original condition, remove excessive trash or belongings, and/or for cleaning. Please consult with your House Director to learn more about damage fees.
Please remember that NU parking policies remain in effect during move out periods. Observe all signage and regulations accordingly. All lots require permits from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on weekdays and some spaces are reserved 24 hours. Do not park in fire lanes or block traffic lanes while moving out. You are permitted to utilize any regular parking space in residential parking lots for two-hour parking as you are actively moving out. Once you are done loading your vehicle it must be moved to the North or South Campus Parking Garages. Daily permits are available to any student or parent for $9.00. Daily permits can be purchased at the Parking Office or by parking in either the North or South Parking Garage. Visit the Evanston campus parking website for more information.

If you have a meal plan through NU Dining please watch the website for information about meals during finals week. 

If you have a meal plan through your house, please consult with your House Director about meals during finals week. 

Residential Services and USS have partnered to bring returning students discounted summer storage and shipping prices. Visit USS' website for pricing and additional information. 

Please contact your House Director with any additional questions. You may also visit our FSL Housing Move Out website

Spring Break Information, 2/28/24

Undergraduate residence halls, residential colleges, and special interest communities remain open and staff are available to assist you during the spring break period. Below you will find information about services available during the break as well as tips to prepare for departure should you be leaving during this time.

  • Area Desk Hours and RAs on Duty:
    • Services at Area Desks will be consolidated to two locations between 4:00 p.m. on Friday, March 15 and 8:00 a.m. on Monday, March 25. During this time, North Campus residents will utilize the North Area Desk at Schapiro (847) 467-5802 and South Campus residents will utilize the South Area Desk at Allison (847) 467-5800. Both desks are open 24/7.
    • Resident Assistants (RAs) will be on duty 24/7 on weekends and from 8:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m. on weekdays. Duty phone numbers will be posted at building entrances and at area desks. The RA on duty can also be contacted through the area desk.
    • NUPD is available at (847) 491-3456 or 911 if you have an emergency.
  • Dining hours during the break period are posted on the Northwestern Dining website.
  • Mail and Package Centers will remain open normal hours. 

You will be checked out of your Winter Quarter assignment around 12:00 p.m. on March 16. Shortly after, you will receive an email with a link to complete your self-check in for Spring Break. Be sure to complete this form, then tap your Wildcard on your door lock, wait 45 seconds, then tap again to activate your access.    

Leaving for Spring Break?If you are leaving over the break and returning for spring quarter, we encourage you to do the following to ensure the health and safety of the facility:

  • Turn off lights
  • Unplug all items
  • Take out your trash and recycling
  • Remove perishable food items from your fridge and throughout your room
  • Remove perishable food items from common area kitchens – they will be cleaned and food that is not labeled will be discarded
  • Close and latch your window
  • Close your curtains/blinds
  • Turn the heat to low
  • Dust or wipe clean all surfaces
  • Sweep or vacuum your floor
  • Clean your bathroom (where applicable)
  • Ensure that the door is locked securely as you leave 

Room Re-inspectionThe City of Evanston and Environmental Health & Safety will be conducting annual re-inspections in select rooms across all undergraduate residence halls, residential colleges, and special interest communities. These inspections will begin Monday, March 18th and will continue through March 19th. EHS and CoE staff will always knock and announce themselves before entering rooms, but please be alerted to their presence in the building during the dates provided. 

Not Returning for Spring Quarter?If you are moving out and not returning for spring quarter, remove all your belongings from the room and complete the online self-check-out by 12:00 p.m. on Saturday, March 16, 2024. Please also turn in any temp cards that may be in your possession. If you are not returning for Spring Quarter, be sure to complete a cancellation form in the Housing Portal if you have not yet done so. If you do not complete this step, billing for room and your meal plan will continue.   

Quiet Hours As a reminder, 24-hour quiet hours are in effect from 5:00 p.m. on Friday, March 8 through 5:00 p.m. on Friday, March 15. We wish you the best as you wrap up finals, as well as a safe and relaxing break period. Please contact your Resident Assistant or Resident Director if you have any questions.  

Sincerely, Residential Services 


Please reply directly to this email if you have any questions.

Housing Cancellation Process, 2/19/24

Greetings Undergraduate Housing Residents!

We hope you are doing well! This is a reminder that students who will not be in Evanston for Spring Quarter need to submit a housing cancellation request. Students eligible to cancel their housing contract (one of the reasons listed below) can request to do so via the Housing Portal

  • Study Abroad  
  • Off-site Medill Programs  
  • McCormick Co-Op Program  
  • Off-site Internship (including CFS)
  • Leave of Absence  
  • Transferring Schools/Withdrawing  
  • Graduation 

Submitting a cancellation request for reasons not outlined above is not an automatic release from your contract, nor does it guarantee a release.  

Students whose cancellation is approved will need to fully move out of their room no later than Saturday, March 16 at 12pm (noon) and complete the online self-check-out form, which will turn off access at that time.

The cancellation deadline is Thursday, February 29, 2024 by 5pm. Please be sure to submit the form and appropriate documentation (if applicable) prior to that date.

Please contact our office if you have any questions.

Fall 24 Returning Room Selection for Current 1st Years, 2/14/24

Returning Student Room Selection for 2024-2025-information is now available on the Residential Services website.      Living on campus is more than just a place to live; it is a vibrant social space that supports your academic and personal goals.  By continuing your experience in on-campus housing, you will remain close to important university resources like academic buildings and dining halls, as well as experience all that Northwestern has to offer through on-campus events.      Rising Second Year students are required to live on campus for the 2024-2025 academic year.  During Returning Student Room Selection, you will be able to choose from a variety of living spaces across campus.  Please visit the Returning Student Room Selection website for more information about your options.      All current first year students must complete the contract and process in order to fulfill the two-year residency requirement, even if you intend to study abroad or participate in an internship away from Evanston.  All students who intend to live in their Fraternity or Sorority house must complete the contract.  To prepare to complete the contract, please view the contract flowchart and videos.   The 2024-2025 contracting process will begin via the Housing Portal  at 9:00 a.m. on March 1, 2024, and will continue through March 15, 2024, at 5 pm. Important dates include:  

  • March 15 – Priority Deadline for Accommodation Request 
  • April 12 – Priority Numbers distributed  
  • April 16-19 – Room Selection  

If you have any questions about the 2024-2025 Returning Student Room Selection process, please contact Residential Services at or by calling (847) 467-4663 (HOME).      Sincerely,     Residential Services   

Fall 24 Returning Room Selection for 3rd and 4th Years, 2/14/24

Residential Services is excited to announce the opening of the 2024-25 Returning Student Room Selection process. As a rising 3rd or 4th year student, you are invited to continue living on campus though your residency requirement is considered fulfilled at the conclusion of your second year. A limited number of rooms in each building are available for 3rd and 4th year students.  All students who intend to live in their Fraternity or Sorority house must complete the contract. To prepare to complete the contract, please view the contract flow chart and a video walk through. 

As you weigh your options for next year, it is important to note that 3rd and 4th year students can cancel upon request and without penalty until March 15, 2024. Starting on March 16, 2024, cancellation requests will be reviewed and, if approved, are subject to the $300 cancellation fee. More information about cancellation requests is available on our website.   

Please check the website for more details about the Returning Student Room Selection process.  

Sincerely,  Residential Services 

Housing Cancellation Process, 2/6/24

We hope you are doing well! Students who will not be in Evanston for Spring Quarter will need to submit a housing cancellation request. Students eligible to cancel their housing contract (one of the reasons listed below) can request to do so via the Housing Portal.  

  • Study Abroad  
  • Off-site Medill Programs  
  • McCormick Co-Op Program  
  • Off-site Internship (including CFS)
  • Leave of Absence  
  • Transferring Schools/Withdrawing  
  • Graduation 

Submitting a cancellation request for reasons not outlined above is not an automatic release from your contract, nor does it guarantee a release.  

Students whose cancellation is approved will need to fully move out of their room no later than Saturday, March 16 at 12pm (noon) and complete the online self-check-out form, which will turn off access at that time.

The cancellation deadline is Thursday, February 29, 2024 by 5pm. Please be sure to submit the form and appropriate documentation (if applicable) prior to that date.

Please contact our office if you have any questions. 

Keep Windows Closed in Cold Weather, 1/12/24

Open Windows Cause Damage in Winter

We hope that you are doing well and staying warm. We are sending this email to remind you of the extra care and precaution that must be taken in cold weather to protect yourself by dressing warmly, and to protect our facilities by keeping windows closed. After this storm and early next week, temperatures are expected to be in the single digits.

As a resident, you serve a key role in maintaining our facilities. During the winter months (and especially during subzero temperatures), we ask that you keep your windows closed and do not use air conditioning units. During the winter, pipes and fan coil units could freeze in as little as five minutes if exposed to outdoor air.

Please also take a moment to ensure the heating units in your living area are working properly.

If you are having trouble closing your window or if a heating unit in your living area is not working, please submit a Maintenance Request through the Housing Portal immediately. If an urgent issue should arise after business hours, please contact our Facilities team at 847-491-5101.

Submit a Maintenance Request

Thank you for your cooperation as we work to maintain your building.

Please contact our office if you have any questions.

Thanksgiving and Winter Break Notice, 11/13/23

Are you prepared for Thanksgiving and Winter Break?


We hope that you are doing well. Winter Break will be here sooner than you think; included below is important information that you need to know in order to have a smooth departure for your well-earned Winter Break. For complete information, please visit our Winter Break Closing page.  

Thanksgiving Break  

All undergraduate residential facilities will be open for the duration of the Thanksgiving break (November 23-26, 2023).  Dining options will be open for limited hours during the Thanksgiving break. Please visit the Northwestern Dining website for more information.   

Winter Break  

Quiet Hours  
As a reminder, in order to create an atmosphere conducive to studying, 24-hour quiet hours are enforced from 5PM on Friday, December 1 until 5PM on Friday, December 8, 2023.  
All Undergraduate Residence Halls and Residential Colleges Close at 12PM (noon) on Saturday, December 9, 2023 (with the exception of students contracted for Continuous Housing).  

All residents not contracted for Continuous Housing must vacate their building/room and submit a Self-Check-Out form by 12PM, which will deactivate access. Anyone remaining in their building/room after 12PM may be charged a late departure fee of $50.00. Please do not submit the self-check-out form until you are leaving the building. Students contracted for Continuous Housing will receive a separate email with additional information closer to Winter Break.  

Preparing for Winter Break  

Your RA will post a closing checklist on your door. You are responsible for completing all tasks on the checklist before you leave for Winter Break and submitting your online Self-Check-Out form. Failure to complete the checklist items may result in a $50 improper checkout fee.   

Dispose of Perishable Items  

If you have a mini fridge in your room, please dispose of any perishable items (fruit, meat, dairy, etc.) prior to leaving for break.  

Health and Safety Inspections  
Resident Assistants will check all student rooms to verify compliance with University policies, completion of Winter Break Checklist items, and to ensure that halls are prepared for closing. The City of Evanston will also perform health and safety inspections in all sleeping rooms during break. Any/all policy violations will be documented and referred to the Community Standards process.  
Prohibited Items  
Any prohibited items discovered during the course of inspections may be confiscated. Any alcohol or empty alcohol containers found in rooms where all occupants are under 21 years of age will be disposed of. A list of commonly found prohibited items can be found on our closing website and a full list of prohibited items can be found in the Northwestern Student Handbook.  
City of Evanston Code  
The Evanston housing code prohibits storage and/or use of cooking appliances in all sleeping rooms and suite lounges. Appliances may only be stored in kitchen areas. The only exception is Keurig coffee makers with automatic shutoff, which are permitted in sleeping rooms. 
All Undergraduate Residence Halls and Residential Colleges Open at 12PM on Monday, January 1, 2024. You may not return to the building prior to 12PM. Returning residents will be able to reactivate access to their building/room by submitting an online Self-Check-In form beginning at 12PM. Additional details regarding the Self Check In process will be provided by email.  
Not returning in January?  
If you do not plan to return to your room for Winter Quarter and you have not already done so, please review our cancellation policy and submit a cancellation request form. After your request has been approved, please complete the Move Out Checklist and submit your Self-Check-Out form no later than 12PM (noon) on Saturday, December 9, 2023.  
We hope you have enjoyed Fall Quarter as much as we have. If you are graduating, congratulations! If you are returning to campus for Winter Quarter, we look forward to seeing you in January.  

Please contact your Resident Assistant, Assistant Resident Director, Resident Director, or our office if you have any questions. 

We hope you have a safe and enjoyable Winter Break. 

Housing Cancellation Process, 11/13/23


We hope you are doing well! Students who will not be in Evanston for the winter quarter will need to submit a housing cancellation request. Students eligible to cancel their housing contract (one of the reasons listed below) can request to do so via the housing portal.  

Study Abroad  

Off-site Medill Programs  

McCormick Co-Op Program  

Off-site Internship  

Leave of Absence  

Transferring Schools/Withdrawing  


Submitting a cancellation request for reasons not outlined above is not an automatic release from your contract, nor does it guarantee a release.  

Students whose cancellation is approved will need to fully move out of their room no later than Saturday, December 9th at 12pm and complete the online self-check-out form, which will deactivate your Wildcard.  

The cancellation deadline is Monday, November 27th by 5pm. Please be sure to submit the form and appropriate documentation prior to then.

Please contact our office if you have any questions.

Weather Changes and Residence Hall Heating, 10/10/23


We hope that you are doing well. As the weather gets colder outside, we wanted to write to you to share some information about heating/cooling in the residence halls.

At Northwestern University, we use building automation to help regulate various systems in our facilities. In most residence halls, our HVAC systems automatically switch from cooling to heating when outdoor air temperatures drop below 55°F (16°C) for more than a few hours. When heating first becomes available, it may take some time for you to feel the change in temperature. When a building transitions to heat, that means that you will no longer have cooling in your room if that applies. To see more details and information on the specific heating and cooling system in your residence hall please browse our heating and cooling web page.

If you have questions about how to adjust the temperature of your room, please contact your RA/GRA for assistance. If you are feeling hot or cold, there are a few steps you can take to help maintain the temperature in your room/suite/apartment.


Fall/Winter Tips
  • Ensure your windows are securely closed (being open a crack can let in a lot of cold air). If you are in an apartment or suite, please be aware that any open window in the unit may affect others. Sometimes you may feel too cold while your roommate feels too hot, so it is important to communicate and compromise with your roommate(s).
  • Ensure that heat vents/HVAC units are clear and allow air circulation. Check that furniture and belongings are not blocking vents/units.
  • In buildings with window air conditioners, the AC units do not provide heat and should be turned off to prevent damage during cold weather. If you experience an extreme draft through or around your AC unit, please submit a Maintenance Request.
  • If your room has a thermostat, make sure there are no electrical heat sources (computer, lamps, refrigerator, etc.) nearby. The thermostat can mistake heat generated by appliances for the overall temperature of the room.
  • Dress for the cold: while shorts and t-shirts might be comfortable, chances are the residence halls won't feel warm enough. Wear a long sleeve shirt, long pants, and socks (you lose a lot of heat through your feet).

If the outdoor air temperature has been below 60°F (18°C) for more than a few hours, you've followed the tips above, and your room/suite/apartment still feels too hot/cold, there may be a problem with your heating/cooling system. If this is the case, please submit a Maintenance Request and describe the issue you are experiencing.

Please contact our office if you have any questions.

Evacuation Exercise Feedback, 10/6/23

We Want Your Feedback!


Thank you for participating in the residential emergency evacuation exercises last week and this week. In an effort to identify strengths, opportunities for improvement, and overall effectiveness of the exercises, we kindly ask that you take a few moments to complete the anonymous survey linked below.
Please contact Environmental Health & Safety if you have any questions.

Emergency Evacuation Video & Fire Drill Assembly Area Maps, 9/23/23


We hope you are doing well today. We are writing to share that Environmental Health & Safety will be conducting fire drills for residence halls and residential colleges Tuesday, Sept. 26 through Friday, Sept. 29 between 6:00pm-9:30pm each evening. Bad weather or unforeseen circumstances may cause the dates to change.

During the evacuation drills
ALL students are required to evacuate the building. Please click this link to view assembly areas for your building.

Ahead of the fire drills, we suggest reviewing this 7-minute fire evacuation video which provides an awareness of evacuation exits, assembly areas, responsibilities, and procedures.

Graduate Students

Housing Cancellation Process, October 31, 2024

Greetings Graduate Housing Residents!

We hope you are doing well! This is a reminder that students who will not be in Evanston for Winter Quarter 2025 (excluding MSSEP students) need to submit a housing cancellation request. Students eligible to cancel their housing contract (one of the reasons listed below) can request to do so via the Housing Portal

  • Study Abroad 
  • Off-site Medill Programs 
  • McCormick Co-Op Program 
  • Off-site Internship (including CFS)
  • Leave of Absence 
  • Transferring Schools/Withdrawing
  • Graduation (except MSSEP students)
  • Approved Housing Accommodation

Submitting a cancellation request for reasons not outlined above is not an automatic release from your contract, nor does it guarantee a release. 

Students whose cancellation is approved will need to fully move out of their apartment no later than Monday, December 16 at 12pm (noon). You will need to return your key and/or access cards to your building's front desk and complete a check-out. Garrett Place residents will return keys to the Engelhart Front Desk.

The cancellation priority deadline is Friday, November 15, 2024. Please be sure to submit the form and appropriate documentation (if applicable) prior to that date. 

Please contact our office if you have any questions.

Residential Services

Graduate Housing Move In Information, 8/2/24

As we prepare to welcome you to campus, the Northwestern community and Residential Services have been working to create a move-in process that is safe and efficient.

You are eligible to move in anytime on or after Sunday, September 1, 2024.

To check in, go to the following locations:

  • Engelhart Hall residents will check in at the Engelhart Desk (1915 Maple Ave.)
  • Garrett Place residents will check in at the Engelhart Desk (1915 Maple Ave.)
  • McManus residents will check in at the McManus Desk (1725 Orrington Ave.)

If you arrive outside of standard desk hours, please call the GRA on duty to complete your check-in. Their contact number will be posted on the front doors of Engelhart and McManus. Moving carts may be checked out at the Engelhart and McManus desks. Please note that Garrett Place does not have elevators or moving carts.

To help better plan for your arrival, please complete our short move-in survey to gauge the volume of arrivals during September: Complete Move-In Survey

Unloading and Parking  
If you are unloading or moving in on September 1, 2024, a parking permit is not required when actively unloading items from your vehicle. If you are unloading from a fire lane, a driver must remain with the vehicle at all times, or a parking ticket may be issued. We ask that you move your vehicle away from your building once you have finished unloading. Additionally, please avoid parking in a spot that is designated as "Reserved-24hr enforcement". These signs are purple and are posted in the front of the parking stall.

If you are unloading or moving in on or after September 2, 2024, please note that permits are required in all lots Monday through Friday, 8am to 4pm. Additionally, please avoid parking in a spot that is designated as "Reserved-24hr enforcement". These signs are purple and are posted in the front of the parking stall. Visitor permits may be purchased in-person at the Parking Office located at 1841 Sheridan Rd.

Graduate Underground Parking 
For a quarterly fee underground parking is available to Engelhart & McManus residents. To request an underground space at Engelhart or McManus, please visit our Graduate Parking Space Request page. To guarantee that graduate residents are assigned an underground parking space for summer and fall all requests need to be submitted by 8:00 a.m. on August 23, 2024.

Additionally, the underground parking garages are not available for general unloading during move-in. They are only available to residents who request and pay for an assigned parking space. 

Residents of Garrett Place Apartments are eligible to purchase a parking permit for the surface lot adjacent to the buildings. Please visit the Evanston campus parking website for information about Northwestern parking permits.  

Mail & Packages 
We will begin accepting mail and packages for new graduate residents on August 18, 2024. Any items that arrive prior to this date will be refused/returned to the sender. Please ensure that any items you send ahead of your arrival to campus arrive to campus after August 18.

Additional information, including mailing addresses, can be found on the Graduate Housing Services website under Mail & Packages.  

Graduate Housing Policies & Procedures 
Ahead of your arrival to campus, please familiarize yourself with policies and procedures in graduate housing. You can see a list of policies and procedures on the Graduate Housing Policies & Procedures website.

Additionally, graduate housing residents should review the Student Handbook which includes more detailed information regarding university housing policies.  

We can be reached at (847) 467-HOME or with any questions. We look forward to having you on campus this Fall!

Residential Services

Invitation to Participate in Housing Focus Groups and Workshop - May 22 & 23, 5/14/24

Northwestern is embarking on the creation of a Housing Master Plan (HMP) to help chart the course of on-campus housing for the next ten years. We invite you to participate in one or more of many upcoming opportunities to provide input on how you use spaces on campus, the types of experiences you value in your residential environment, and preferences for amenities and facility features.   


Last week you should have received an email with an individualized survey link. Students who complete the survey by May 22 will have the opportunity to be entered into a drawing to win a Nintendo Switch or 1 of 20 $20 Amazon gift cards.  


Please consider joining us on Wednesday, May 22 from 5:30 p.m. to 6:45 p.m. for a workshop facilitated by our partners at Workshop Architects. Several activities will allow you to provide input regarding life on campus. If you attended a workshop in April, this one will feature different activities. Food will be served. Any Northwestern undergraduate or graduate student can attend. It is okay if you need to arrive a little late or leave a little early. Sign up here.  

Informal Interviews and Vision Boards

On Thursday, May 23, you will see staff from Workshop Architects near dining halls and in other campus areas. The staff will offer you the opportunity to answer a few questions in passing and to contribute ideas through vision boards.  

Focus Groups

We are also looking for up to 8 students for small focus group discussions on Thursday, May 23 between 2:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. at Shepard Hall. Groups include: undergraduate residents, special interest community residents, Residential College residents, Residential College/RCB executive board members, residents who identify as BIPOC, and residents who identify as LGBTQIA+. Please click the links above or visit our HMP webpage for more details and to sign up.  

We look forward to capturing your thoughts that will help shape the future of the residential experience at Northwestern. Please contact if you have any questions.  

The Residential Services Staff Team  

Graduate Housing Move Out - June 16, 5/10/24

The Residential Services team hopes that you are doing as well as you can be doing as we move toward the end of the quarter. Today, we wanted to ensure that you had information about moving out of graduate housing.

Here is your current Spring Quarter assignment:


Bed Space

Booking Start

Booking End

Your Spring 2024 Graduate Housing contract currently expires on Sunday, June 16, 2024, at 12:00 p.m. Residents must vacate by this date or face improper check-out fees. You are eligible to submit a Late Stay Booking in the Housing Portal between 9:00 a.m on May 1 and 5:00 p.m. on May 24. The Late Stay Booking will extend your Spring Quarter booking from June 16-June 30, and you will be charged the per unit rate for those two weeks regardless of your actual length of stay. Please be sure to only submit the Late Stay Booking if you are okay with those charges. Folks who book for Late Stay will move out by 12:00 p.m. (noon) on June 30, 2024. Please visit our Graduate Housing Move Out website for late stay booking unit rates.

The check-out process has three steps: 

  1. Complete the move out checklist 
  2. Vacate your unit 
  3. Check out online and turn in your key(s) and any issued access cards to the Engelhart or McManus Front Desks.

When you are ready to move out, please do the following: 

  • Pack/remove your belongings 
  • Clean your room/suite/apartment 
  • Dispose of waste/recycling in proper receptacles 
  • Ensure all furniture allocated to the room is present 
  • Close/latch windows and close window coverings 
  • Set thermostat to low  
  • Double check your apartment for personal belongings  
  • Turn out lights and lock the door 
  • Return your assigned keys and any issued access cards to your desk. Secure keys in the key drop box at the desk if the desk is closed. Garrett Place residents should brings keys to the Engelhart Desk - do not leave in the apartment or in the mailbox!
  • Pick up any remaining mail/packages 
  • Submit-Self Check-Out Form Check-out after you remove your belongings, and clean your space  
  • Each contract holder must submit this form to complete their check-out. 

What to Expect as you Check-Out / Damages 

  • Students must completely clean and empty apartments, including storage units where applicable, before they return their keys to the area desk. 
  • Students/other occupants who fail to return keys/cards at the time of check-out will be charged $106 for a lock change and $25 per card. 
  • Residential Services staff will review the condition of your room and may assess charges to restore the room to its original condition, remove excessive trash or belongings, and/or cleaning. Charges will be equally split among apartment residents as appropriate. If a student wishes to take full responsibility for a damage charge, they should email a short statement to their Resident Director from their Northwestern student email account. Public area damages, including trash or other items left in hallways, will be charged to the residents who live in the area. Students who receive damage charges will be notified by email. An appeal process will be outlined in that email.
    • As a reminder, in twin studios and 2BR shared apartments, our staff will enter to inspect and clean vacated bedrooms during business hours. They will also conduct light cleaning of the shared kitchen and bathroom areas.
  • Students who do not check out may be charged a $50 improper check-out fee. 
  • Students who do not check out by June 16, 2024, and do not have an approved late stay, will be assessed a $100 late check-out fee. 
  • Belongings left in the room after checkout will be donated or disposed of 7 days after the student checks out.  

Garbage & Recycling 

Northwestern is committed to taking appropriate steps to minimize our impact on the natural environment. To help in this effort, learn more about recycling options. Extra dumpsters will also be placed throughout campus near the end of the quarter. View the Move Out Dumpster map to see where extra dumpsters will be located during move-out. 


When you move out of the building, please empty your mailbox and update your current address in CAESAR in order to assure that your first-class mail gets to you in a timely manner. 

  • If a mail forwarding address is not provided, all USPS first class mail will be returned to sender. Any mail received one month after your move-out date will be automatically returned to sender. 
  • First class mail does not include bulk mail, periodicals (newspapers, magazines, etc.) or items from private carriers (UPS, FedEx, etc.). Make sure to update your address information with banks, periodicals, and online shipping orders to continue receiving mail after you move.  
  • USPS also provides a forwarding service when you file for a change of address on the USPS websiteGarrett Place residents should complete this to ensure mail is forwarded.

Other Information 

  • Please remember that NU parking policies remain in effect during move out periods. Please observe all signage and policies. Most lots require permits from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on weekdays. Some spaces are reserved 24 hours, and others have parking meters. Do not park in fire lanes while moving out.  
  • Please watch your email and postings in public areas for additional information about closing. 

Please contact your front desk or visit our Graduate Housing Move Out website.   

Engelhart Desk Spring Break Hours, 3/15/24

We hope that you are doing well. With students preparing for spring break we wanted to provide you with updated hours for the front desk during that time.  We have done our best to provide as much service and assistance at the front desk throughout that period.  Please see the updated hours below for the Engelhart Desk.
  • 3/15: 8AM-4PM
  • 3/16: 12PM-8PM
  • 3/17-3/23: 8AM-8PM
  • 3/24: 12PM-8PM
  • 3/25: 8AM-8PM

Please contact a GRA or NUPD if you require assistance while the desk is closed.We apologize for any inconvenience and thank you for your patience and flexibility.Please contact the front desk if you have any questions.

Engelhart Front 491-3015Learn more about Desk Services

McManus Desk Spring Break Hours, 3/15/24

We hope that you are doing well. With many students preparing for spring break we wanted to provide you with updated hours for the front desk during that time.  We have done our best to provide as much service and assistance at the front desk throughout that period.  Please see the updated hours below for the McManus Desk.
  • 3/16 & 3/17: 8AM-4PM
  • 3/18-3/22: 8AM-8PM
  • 3/23 & 3/24: 10AM-2PM
  • 3/25: 8AM-8PM

Please contact a GRA or NUPD if you require assistance while the desk is closed.We apologize for any inconvenience and thank you for your patience and flexibility.Please contact the front desk if you have any questions.

McManus Front 491-5354Learn more about Desk Services

Housing Cancellation Process, 2/19/24

Greetings Graduate Housing Residents!

We hope you are doing well! This is a reminder that students who will not be in Evanston for Spring Quarter need to submit a housing cancellation request. Students eligible to cancel their housing contract (one of the reasons listed below) can request to do so via the Housing Portal

  • Study Abroad 
  • Off-site Medill Programs 
  • McCormick Co-Op Program 
  • Off-site Internship (including CFS)
  • Leave of Absence 
  • Transferring Schools/Withdrawing 

Submitting a cancellation request for reasons not outlined above is not an automatic release from your contract, nor does it guarantee a release. 

Students whose cancellation is approved will need to fully move out of their apartment no later than Saturday, March 16 at 12pm (noon). You will need to return your key and/or access cards to your building's front desk and complete a check-out. Garrett Place residents will return keys to the Engelhart Front Desk.

The cancellation deadline is Thursday, February 29, 2024 by 5pm. Please be sure to submit the form and appropriate documentation (if applicable) prior to that date. 

Please contact our office if you have any questions.

2024-2025 Graduate Housing Re-contracting, 2/14/24

Residential Services is excited to share the steps for living in Graduate Housing for 2024-25.  Students not interested in continuing to live in Graduate Housing for the next academic year:  Your contract ends on June 16, 2024.  No action is needed from you if you plan to check out by 12:00pm (noon) on June 16. Building access will terminate at that time. 

Students interested in continuing to live in Graduate Housing for the next academic year:  You need to participate in re-contracting from Friday, March 1, 2024 through Friday, March 15, 2024. If you do not participate in this process, your current (2023-2024) housing contract ends on June 16, 2024 at 12:00pm (noon) and your current apartment will not be available for the summer or the 2024-2025 academic year.  

Through the graduate re-contracting process, you have five options: 

  1. Contract for summer only in your current apartment from June 16, 2024, until August 25, 2024. Charges will not be pro-rated based on leaving early. All students will be charged the full rate. You must be enrolled in summer classes for this option. 
  2. Contract for Summer and the 2024-25 Academic Year in your same apartment. 
  3. Contract for Summer and the 2024-25 Academic Year requesting a different apartment. 
  4. Contract for 2024-25 Academic Year (with no summer booking) in your same apartment. In this case you would move out by June 16, 2024, and will move back in on or after September 1, 2024. This requires you remove all personal possessions from the apartment during the Summer. 
  5. Contract for 2024-25 Academic Year (with no summer booking) requesting a different apartment. In this case you would move out by June 16, 2024, and will move back in on or after September 1, 2024. This requires you remove all personal possessions from the apartment during the Summer. 

We will have a late stay process in the spring. Through this process you can request to be booked and billed from June 16 to June 30, 2024. Action Steps:  To participate in re-contracting and/or summer contracting process (March 1-15), you will log in to the Housing Portal to indicate which of the above options best meets your needs. 

Important Dates: 

  • Friday, March 1 – Friday, March 15 | Student action item: Re-contracting and/or Summer Contracting 
  • Monday, March 18 | Returning Student Room Changes Processed 
  • Sunday, June 16 | End of contract for students without a summer contract and those who do not take action March 1-15 

Re-contracting Process Flowchart, Video Tutorial, & Webinar 

We suggest taking some time to review our graduate housing options. We have virtual tours of most unit types across all three graduate housing buildings. Please visit our website to view those tours. Note that graduate housing rates will be updated for 2024-2025 in June 2024.  Questions? More information is available on our website. Please don’t hesitate to contact Residential Services by phone at 847-467-HOME (4663) or by email at Our office is open Monday-Friday from 8:30am-5:00pm CST.  Sincerely, Residential Services 

Housing Cancellation Process, 2/6/24

We hope you are doing well! Students who will not be in Evanston for Spring Quarter will need to submit a housing cancellation request. Students eligible to cancel their housing contract (one of the reasons listed below) can request to do so via the Housing Portal

  • Study Abroad 
  • Off-site Medill Programs 
  • McCormick Co-Op Program 
  • Off-site Internship (including CFS)
  • Leave of Absence 
  • Transferring Schools/Withdrawing 

Submitting a cancellation request for reasons not outlined above is not an automatic release from your contract, nor does it guarantee a release. 

Students whose cancellation is approved will need to fully move out of their apartment no later than Saturday, March 16 at 12pm (noon). You will need to return your key and/or access cards to your building's front desk and complete a check-out. Garrett Place residents will return keys to the Engelhart Front Desk.

The cancellation deadline is Thursday, February 29, 2024 by 5pm. Please be sure to submit the form and appropriate documentation (if applicable) prior to that date. 

Please contact our office if you have any questions. 

Keep Windows Closed in Cold Weather, 1/12/24

Open Windows Cause Damage in Winter

We hope that you are doing well and staying warm. We are sending this email to remind you of the extra care and precaution that must be taken in cold weather to protect yourself by dressing warmly, and to protect our facilities by keeping windows closed. After this storm and early next week, temperatures are expected to be in the single digits.

As a resident, you serve a key role in maintaining our facilities. During the winter months (and especially during subzero temperatures), we ask that you keep your windows closed and do not use air conditioning units. During the winter, pipes and fan coil units could freeze in as little as five minutes if exposed to outdoor air.

Please also take a moment to ensure the heating units in your living area are working properly.

If you are having trouble closing your window or if a heating unit in your living area is not working, please submit a Maintenance Request through the Housing Portal immediately. If an urgent issue should arise after business hours, please contact our Facilities team at 847-491-5101.

Submit a Maintenance Request

Thank you for your cooperation as we work to maintain your building.

Please contact our office if you have any questions.

Engelhart Desk Winter Recess Hours, 12/15/23


We hope that you are doing well. With winter recess (12/22-1/1) right around the corner we wanted to provide you with updated hours for the front desk for the upcoming week and into winter recess.  Please note that most offices are on campus including the main Residential Services office will be closed throughout all of winter recess.  We have done our best to provide as much service and assistance at the front desk throughout that period.  Please see the updated hours below for the Engelhart Desk.

12/18-12/20: 8AM-8PM

12/21: 8AM-4PM

12/22: 12PM-8PM

12/23: 8AM-8PM

12/24 & 12/25: CLOSED

12/26-12/29: 12PM-8PM

12/30: 8AM-8PM

12/31 & 1/1/24: CLOSED

Please contact a GRA or NUPD if you require assistance while the desk is closed.

Please reply to this email if you have any questions.

Engelhart Desk Operating Hours - Thanksgiving 2023, 11/19/23


We hope that you are doing well. We are writing to inform you that the Engelhart Desk will have adjusted operating hours this week due to Thanksgiving (US) holiday. Please see hours below.

Monday, November 20: 9AM-8PM

Tuesday, November 21: 11AM-8PM

Wednesday, November 22: 9AM-8PM

Thursday, November 23: Closed

Friday, November 24: 10AM-2PM

Saturday, November 25: 8AM-8PM

Sunday, November 26: 8AM-8PM

Since the desk may be closed periodically during normal business hours (7:30am-4pm) throughout the week, you may consider the following resources:

Facilities & Maintenance Issues: 847-491-5101 or submit requests on the Housing Portal.

Occupancy questions including billing, room changes, etc.: 847-467-4663 or email

We apologize for any inconvenience and thank you for your patience and flexibility.

Please reply to this email if you have any questions.

Housing Cancellation Process, 11/3/23


We hope you are doing well! Students who will not be in Evanston for the winter quarter will need to submit a housing cancellation request. Students eligible to cancel their housing contract (one of the reasons listed below) can request to do so via the housing portal

Study Abroad 

Off-site Medill Programs 

McCormick Co-Op Program 

Off-site Internship 

Leave of Absence 

Transferring Schools/Withdrawing 


Submitting a cancellation request for reasons not outlined above is not an automatic release from your contract, nor does it guarantee a release. 

Students whose cancellation is approved will need to fully move out of their room no later than Friday, December 16th at 12pm and complete the online self-check-out form, which will deactivate your Wildcard. You will need to return your key to the Graduate Front Desk (those living in Garrett Place Apartments will turn in their key at Engelhart Hall).

The cancellation deadline is Monday, November 21st by 5pm. Please be sure to submit the form and appropriate documentation prior to then.

Please contact our office if you have any questions.

Emergency Evacuation Video & Fire Drill Assembly Area Maps, 10/1/23


We hope you are doing well today. We are writing to share that Environmental Health & Safety will be conducting fire drills for graduate residence halls tomorrow, October 2 between 6:00pm-9pm each evening. Bad weather or unforeseen circumstances may cause the dates to change.

During the evacuation drills
ALL students are required to evacuate the building. Please click this link to view assembly areas for your building.

Ahead of the fire drills, we suggest reviewing this
7-minute fire evacuation video which provides an awareness of evacuation exits, assembly areas, responsibilities, and procedures.

For families, the drills will not begin after 9:00 pm.  As a reminder, elevators cannot be used during a fire emergency (which this will simulate) please locate and use your nearest emergency exit. If you have ability concerns with the stairs, the evacuation training will provide you guidance.

After the drill is completed we will be sending out a survey to gain your perspective about the drill and any problems you may have encountered. Each completed survey is reviewed by our team and will address actionable concerns.  If you have any immediate concerns during the drill, please inform the Evacuation Drill Monitors of your concern.

Please reply to this email if you have any questions.

Weather Changes and Residence Hall Heating, 10/10/23


We hope that you are doing well. As the weather gets colder outside, we wanted to write to you to share some information about heating/cooling in the residence halls.

At Northwestern University, we use building automation to help regulate various systems in our facilities. In most residence halls, our HVAC systems automatically switch from cooling to heating when outdoor air temperatures drop below 55°F (16°C) for more than a few hours. When heating first becomes available, it may take some time for you to feel the change in temperature. When a building transitions to heat, that means that you will no longer have cooling in your room if that applies. To see more details and information on the specific heating and cooling system in your residence hall please browse our heating and cooling web page.

If you have questions about how to adjust the temperature of your room, please contact your RA/GRA for assistance. If you are feeling hot or cold, there are a few steps you can take to help maintain the temperature in your room/suite/apartment.

Fall/Winter Tips

Ensure your windows are securely closed (being open a crack can let in a lot of cold air). If you are in an apartment or suite, please be aware that any open window in the unit may affect others. Sometimes you may feel too cold while your roommate feels too hot, so it is important to communicate and compromise with your roommate(s).

Ensure that heat vents/HVAC units are clear and allow air circulation. Check that furniture and belongings are not blocking vents/units.

In buildings with window air conditioners, the AC units do not provide heat and should be turned off to prevent damage during cold weather. If you experience an extreme draft through or around your AC unit, please submit a Maintenance Request.

If your room has a thermostat, make sure there are no electrical heat sources (computer, lamps, refrigerator, etc.) nearby. The thermostat can mistake heat generated by appliances for the overall temperature of the room.

Dress for the cold: while shorts and t-shirts might be comfortable, chances are the residence halls won't feel warm enough. Wear a long sleeve shirt, long pants, and socks (you lose a lot of heat through your feet).

Residential Services | Operations & Services

Northwestern University

(847) 491-5101

Future Undergraduate Students

Housing Contract Information for Early Decision Students, 3/5/24

We are excited to welcome you to campus in September! Today we are writing to share that the 2024-2025 housing contract is now live on the Housing Portal. Between March 1 and June 1, you can go into the portal to submit your contract with your housing preferences and any roommate requests. If you need to make changes to your preferences after you have submitted your contract, please email few reminders: 

Please contact our office if you have any questions. 

Sincerely,Residential Services