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Trip Planning Checklist

Trip Planning Checklist

Watch our new video and follow these essential steps to promote a healthy and safe trip abroad. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Northwestern’s Office of Global Safety and Security.

Before You Travel

  • Health Insurance:
    • For Northwestern-affiliated trips, most students and employees are covered by GeoBlue's blanket plan for international travel.
    • Check eligibility and learn how to activate coverage at GeoBlue for Students or GeoBlue for Employees.
    • Review the GeoBlue Student or Employee Member Guide for comprehensive information about your plan.
    • If you have a chronic physical or mental health condition, complete the questionnaire linked to the GeoBlue Pre-departure flyer to arrange a confidential conversation with a GeoBlue medical professional about your health care needs abroad.
    • Download the GeoBlue mobile app and save your destination’s emergency contact equivalent of 911.
  • Travel Registry:
    • At least 2 weeks before travel, register your trip in the Northwestern International Travel Registry (ITR); follow the instructions for solo or group travel.
  • High-risk Destinations:
    • If traveling to a high risk or remote destination, be prepared for emergencies with a comprehensive first aid kit, dual communication plans, and backup power sources.
    • Disclose planned travel to certain high-risk destinations to determine whether or not political, security and natural disaster Evacuation (PEND) services will be covered in the case of a serious, non-medical emergency.

While Abroad

  • Health Appointments:
  • Emergency Procedures:
    • In a medical emergency abroad, go directly to the nearest hospital. Once there, you or a companion should contact GeoBlue and notify your on-site contact, trip leader, or the NUPD 24/7 at (847) 491-3456. 
  • Safety Precautions:
    • Stay vigilant against pickpockets, especially at transit points.
    • If you become the victim of a crime, seek safety, report the incident and cancel lost or stolen cards.
    • If your passport is lost or stolen, contact your citizenship’s nearest consulate or embassy. US citizens can refer to Lost or Stolen Passports Abroad.

After Your Trip

  • Healthcare Claims:
    • Submit any healthcare claims to GeoBlue and continue necessary preventative medications.
  • Health Monitoring:
    • Inform your doctor about your travel history if you feel unwell.