The 2021-2026 Student Affairs Strategic Plan is the guiding document for our work with students, and provides strong direction for the Division. Our foundational statements both map to the current Northwestern priorities and address current and future needs of our students. The Northwestern University Division of Student Affairs Strategic Plan framework was developed through an inclusive six-month process that incorporated input from:
- Staff and leadership throughout the Division
- Undergraduate and Graduate Students
- Campus Partners
- Members of the Board of Trustees
- Senior University Leaders
That process included virtual strategic planning retreat sessions lead by NASPA Advisory Services during which members of the Division reviewed assessment results, and themes uncovered by the external reviewers. Members met in small and large groups to draft vision and mission statements, develop divisional values and behaviors, and define high-priority strategic areas and themes for the planning period. The division is currently developing overall divisional objectives and connecting these to assessment measures important for determining progress. All divisional units will connect to the objectives and the strategic framework to ensure the collective impact of our work.