Year | Event |
1970 | The activism characteristic of the 1960's is supplanted by fraternity and sorority resurgence. (Archives).
A housing crunch is felt throughout campus. Many students look toward Greek organizations as a guaranteed place to live with added benefits of brother/sisterhood. Housing serves as an effective recruitment tool, which adds to the slow build of membership of the 1980's. (Archives). |
1971 | Delta Sigma Theta (Theta Alpha Chapter) founded at NU.
Zeta Phi Beta (City Chapter) founded at NU. |
1974 | 70% of freshmen participate in Rush Week activities. Over 33% of the class pledges; a 7% increase from 1973. (Archives). |
1978 | Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. (Iota Nu Chapter) |
1980 | Alpha Phi Alpha holds its first Alpha Ball. |
1989 | Sigma Phi Epsilon (Illinois Alpha Chapter) founded at NU. |
1990 | Acacia Fraternity closes at NU. |
1991 | Alpha Delta Phi secedes from its national organization. It briefly becomes "Alpha Delt" then settles on the name "Chi Delta Chi".
The fraternities donate $750 to be used for a portrait of Dr. Scott for Scott Hall. They were attempting to commission the same artist who did the portrait of Mrs. Scott. (Archives). |
1994 | Beta Theta Pi is closed by its national due to risk management violations.
IFC and Panhellenic draft a joint Risk Management Policy. Prior to this, each council had their own policy, which were often not compatible with each other. |
1996 | Alpha Tau Omega fraternity closes due to low membership.
Delta Chi recolonizes at NU as the University's first Substance-Free fraternity. The fraternity receives its charter in 1998. |
1997 | Beta Theta Pi re-colonizes at Northwestern. The fraternity receives its charter in 2000.
Lambda Phi Epsilon colonizes at NU and becomes the first Asian fraternity on campus. |
1998 | Lambda Chi Alpha re-colonizes at NU. The fraternity receives its charter in 2001.
Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity closes due to low membership. |
1999 | Greek leaders draft and approve the "Mission of the Northwestern University Greek Community" during their annual Greek Leadership Retreat at Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. The mission statement reads: We commit to cultivating a unified Greek community of diverse individuals that fosters personal excellence, scholastic achievement, social enrichment, and civic responsibility. We strive to be an exemplar of sisterhood and brotherhood for the Northwestern University community and beyond.
The Panhellenic Association is one of the first Panhellenic in the country to pass a resolution stating that its member chapters will not co-sponsor or participate in on-campus events involving alcohol in fraternity houses. The resolution will goes into effect in fall, 2000. The Greek community receives nationwide media coverage for the resolution. Fraternity presidents approve a policy prohibiting alcohol at fraternity tailgates at home football games in order to be in compliance with their national risk management policies. The policy comes after years of policy violations and behavioral problems in the fraternity tailgate areas and the University's mandate that the fraternities get in compliance with their policies or lose the privilege of tailgating. Psi Upsilon Fraternity is closed by the national organization for multiple risk management violations and lack of standards. |