Sigma Psi Zeta Sorority, Inc.
Alpha Beta Chapter
- Installed: May 10, 2008
- Located: Norris Center, 1999 Campus Drive, Evanston
For the current chapter president, click here: Chapter Presidents
Organization Facts
- National Founding Date: March 23, 1994
- Colors: Red and Gold
The fundamental goal of Sigma Psi Zeta Sorority is to promote awareness of the myriad Asian/Asian-American cultures. Our sorority addresses this issue through leadership, outreach, individual, community interaction, and most importantly, the bonds of sisterhood. The sorority also promotes development among its members, the students and the faculty at each of the campuses we represent. In order to achieve this goal, we partake in political, social, educational, and cultural activities. Each effort improves our environment, and instills within our sisters experiences that will follow them long after they've graduated. Through a network of like-minded yet highly individualistic women, the sorority lends structure and support to sorors that share this Sigma vision. We believe the strength of our foundation derives from the unity of sisterhood, one that was proudly established years ago. In addition, we work in collaboration with other Greek and non-Greek organizations to provide services for the local communities and the community at large. It is through our various participation in these cultural events, educational workshops, and philanthropic support that we make a difference. Nationally, regionally, and individually, we strive to embody the ideals of Sigma Psi Zeta.
You may visit the national website at
Social Media
- Outstanding Neophyte
- Undergraduate Service
- Outstanding Advisor or Alumnus
- Outstanding Achievement in Enriching Scholarship
- Outstanding Achievement in Promoting Wellness
- Outstanding Achievement in Cultivating Member Accountability
- Omega Society of Outstanding Seniors
- MGC Member of the Year
- MGC Chapter of the Year
- Outstanding Undergraduate Student Organization
NU Greek Awards 2011-2012
- Outstanding Chapter Advisor/Alumnus, Teresa Chung
- Outstanding Philanthropic Efforts/Initiatives
Simga Psi Zeta Sorority, Inc. has an intake process unique to the organization. For more information, please visit our MGC Recruitment page.