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Programs & Trainings

Programs are available for all students and groups (Resident Assistants, fraternity and sorority leaders and chapters, Peer Advisers) and faculty and staff. These sessions are led by the professional HPaW staff, graduate interns, and/or trained peers. We have programs that focus heavily on alcohol and other drug use as well as overall health and wellness. Other specific wellness related topics can be programmed around but may require additional planning time.

If your group would benefit from training or a workshop, below are descriptions of several readily available programs which may meet your group’s needs. Questions can be directed to HPaW at


Drinking (or Drugging) Culture Close-Up

60-90 minutes, minimum of 15 Participants

Fill out this Google Form to request and schedule this training.

This program is designed for closer, intact student groups (Greek organization, athletic team, a student organization, a tightknit residence hall floor, etc.) and can help your group safely identify and discuss positive and negative perspectives, attitudes and impacts of drinking or other drug use. It will open the door for peer conversation about whether – and if so, how – to make adjustments in your drinking/drugging culture for the benefit of all. The discussion is facilitated with the use of an anonymous survey that is completed by members of the group prior to the program. You might be surprised at what your peers have to say! 


Alcohol 'NU

90 minutes

Through a variety of interactive components including live polling, standard drink pouring, and virtual BAC calculation, Alcohol ‘NU takes participants on an exploration of alcohol’s effects on the individual culminating with a discussion around harm reducing drinking practices. Normative data is shared in order to help individuals better understand how and where they fit into the larger culture and correct any misconceptions they may have about drinking norms amongst their peers. Overall, Alcohol ‘NU provides the necessary information for participants to make more informed choices if and when they choose to engage with alcohol.

To schedule this training, email HPaW at 

Eight Dimensions of Wellness Workshop

75 minutes, minimum of 10 participants

This multidimensional, interactive workshop allows students to explore the Eight Dimensions of Wellness, resources available to support each dimension, and begin thinking about ways in which they can make positive changes to their overall wellness.

To schedule this training, email HPaW at 

Red Watch Band Bystander Intervention Training

90 minutes, minimum of 10 participants

Originally developed by Stony Brook University and implemented at NU in 2010, this peer-led bystander intervention training provides students with the knowledge and skills necessary to identify and intervene effectively in an alcohol-related medical emergency. Join the over 4,000 Northwestern students who have completed Red Watch Band training to date. Trainings are available for both individual students and organizations/groups.

To sign up for an existing available training, fill out the Red Watch Band registration form.

To request a new training for your student organization, complete the Red Watch Band request form.


5-week workshop, one 75-minute session each week

ResilientNU hosts small group cohorts for 5 weeks each quarter. Cohorts address mindfulness, personal values, thinking patterns, de-stressing techniques, and anti-perfectionism. 

Week 1: Wellness WYA? Reflect on how your day-to-day actions align (or don’t) with your personal values. 

Week 2: All the Feels! Acknowledge different models of emotion and unhealthy yet totally normal thinking patterns. 

Week 3: Keep Calm and Stay Calm. Since mindfulness can seem vague and intimidating, we focus on alternative and realistic applications of mindfulness at Northwestern. 

Week 4: Being Resilient. You are already resilient. Learn how to tell your own story and connect with others’ hardships, failures, and survival. 

Week 5: Bounce Back! Let’s strengthen our coping toolkits and reflect on our 5 weeks together. 

Most quarters, we run one or more cohorts that are open to all students. Additionally, we offer some identity-based cohorts which vary quarter to quarter.

Interested in signing up for one of our cohorts or learning more about us?  Fill out our interest form at or email us at

Follow us on social media for updates:
FB: @ResilientNU
Instagram: @resilient_nu

This one-hour training is for students who are interested in being trained to administer Narcan (naloxone). Attendees will learn how to recognize signs of an opioid overdose, identify when it is appropriate to use Narcan, learn how to administer Narcan to an individual they believe is experiencing an overdose, and identify additional emergency steps to take. All attendees will receive a two-pack of Narcan upon completion of the training. 

Trainings will be offered at least twice a quarter. More trainings may be scheduled if there is increased demand. 

Follow this link to Register for an available training.

Follow this link to Request an Opioid/Narcan training for your group.

mindfulNU | Fall Cohort 2024

mindfulNU is an evidence based approach to explore mediation and mindfulness in a environment of relational, experiential and reflective learning. Group practices include sitting, walking, loving kindness meditation, writing, and group sharing. The curriculum, developed by staff and students, is based on Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) which is widely received as the gold standard for creating a personal mindfulness/meditation practice. Graduates of the program will be eligible to apply for the MindfulNU Student Facilitator program. 

  •  Fall Quarter Cohort
    • Mondays | October 7 - November 11 | 5:30pm-7:00pm in Parkes 204
    • 1/2 Day Retreat | Sunday, November 10 | 10:30am-3:30pm in Parkes Hall
    • Fill out an interest form here (class size is limited)

The program is led by Eric Budzynski, Associate Director for Religious & Spiritual Life and Certified Teacher of MBSR and our Mindfulness Student Leaders, Maggie Munday Odom & Sai Thirunagari. 

Weekly Drop-In Meditation Communities 

  • Start a new meditation practice and be supported in a group setting with your peers! Led by students and staff. Each guided meditation or mindfulness practice is about 15-20 minutes long followed by some group discussion and time for questions. Open to all students, staff and faculty. 
  • Wednesdays (during the academic term) in Parkes 204 | 12:15-12:45 pm
  • Fridays (during the academic term) in Parkes 204 
    • Mindful Movement | 3:30-4pm (accessible to all levels and abilities) 
    • Guided Meditation/Mindfulness Practice | 4-4:30 pm (followed by snacks and community time)