
December 23, 2013
The new building for the Kellogg School of Management and the Department of Economics is one of the most ambitious and exciting facilities on Northwestern’s campuses.

December 20, 2013
Construction on campus seems to be the status quo these days, but did you know that most of these projects are helping green NU?

December 18, 2013
At the eight diverse and educational Green Cup events, there were over 446 attendees and more than 350 students took the Green Pledge.

December 16, 2013
The Graduate School (TGS) Admission Office has eliminated the practice of printing and mailing admissions letters and will be delivering decisions online only.

December 12, 2013
Northwestern University was recognized as a gold Campus Sustainability Compact award winner, due to its established and comprehensive sustainability program that enhances NU’s campuses and surrounding communities.

December 6, 2013
During this year’s football season, more than 85 schools across the nation took on the Gameday Challenge.

November 28, 2013
Green Cup, which has traditionally been held in February, takes place October 21 to November 17 this year.

November 27, 2013
In its first round of grant funding, the Northwestern Sustainability Fund (NSF) has allocated nearly $10,000 to six student projects involving energy and sustainability.

November 25, 2013
The 2013-2014 year has already seen a great deal of new activity at the intersection of sustainability and food.

November 19, 2013
At the NU vs. Minnesota football game on October 19, Northwestern participated in the EPA Game Day Challenge to increase Wildcat fan recycling and decrease the game's carbon footprint.

November 14, 2013
There are over 70 Eco-Reps to represent on-campus, Greek, and off-campus life this year.

November 7, 2013
The Sheil Catholic Center Green Team was formed three years ago following a voluntary audit from Engineers for a Sustainable World (ESW).

October 26, 2013
By winter 2017, Kellogg School of Management’s new building will be up and running with the potential of half of its heating and cooling needs provided by a geothermal energy field.

October 17, 2013
Over the coming academic year, the Northwestern Sustainability Fund (NSF) will provide $50,000 to “sustainability-related” student projects across campus.

October 15, 2013
Since 2010, NU has competed in the EPA Game Day Challenge, a national competition among colleges and universities to promote waste reduction at football games.

October 8, 2013
NU’s environmental student organizations are gearing up for an active quarter. Don’t miss out on their upcoming events and programs!

October 8, 2013
Residential Services, Facilities Management, and Norris University Center have been busy installing water-refilling stations to make it easy to fill up reusable water bottles.

October 7, 2013
If you need to pump up your bike tires, adjust your seat height, brake cables, or deraillers, change out a tire, put on a basket, or grease the chain, you can now do it yourself for free at bike repair stations.

August 12, 2013
SATech is an event organized and executed by Student Affairs professionals and is focused around collaborating and sharing knowledge in regards to technology within Student Affairs.

August 8, 2013
Move in Move Out (MIMO) is a nonprofit, Kellogg student-run initiative, which picked up unwanted, usable items from NU students last spring and is now ready to resell them back to students.

August 1, 2013
More than 400 high-functioning portable air conditioners were distributed to Evanston families and organizations.

July 29, 2013
The Feinberg School of Medicine, in partnership with NU’s Facilities Management and NORESCO, an energy services company, are working to minimize the medical school’s carbon footprint and operating costs.

July 25, 2013
Residential Services has installed more than 23 water filling stations and will continue to install stations when existing water fountains break.

July 18, 2013
Engineers for a Sustainable World’s (ESW) Clean Energy Project works to reduce NU’s energy consumption through renewable energy and energy reduction initiatives.

July 11, 2013
Northwestern University’s SiNode Systems is an early stage company that has developed commercially advanced lithium-ion battery anodes that significantly increase energy capacity and charging speed.

July 9, 2013
More than 9,000 lbs of reusable clothes, household items, and nonperishable food were collected, donated, and diverted from the landfill during this year’s Move Out program.

June 30, 2013
Northwestern University has a sizable energy appetite.

June 21, 2013
As of Fall 2012, Northwestern, in partnership with ARAMARK, adopted “green cleaning” practices.

June 12, 2013
Eco-Reps and the Associated Student Government’s (ASG) Sustainability Committee are teaming up to make off-campus life more sustainable next year.

June 3, 2013
Associated Student Government’s Sustainability Committee has now been in operation for a year, and what a year it’s been!

May 29, 2013
The Surplus Property Exchange, is an opportunity for Northwestern departments to buy, sell, or give away supplies, furniture, and other items they no longer need.

May 29, 2013
Composting food scraps creates nutrient rich soil which can help nourish our farmlands.

May 27, 2013
Starting June 7, the Office of Sustainability will begin the “Take it or Leave it” program.

May 24, 2013
Taking a proactive approach, the Office of Sustainability established an “Earth Week Committee” comprised of student organizations and departments interested in contributing to Earth Week.

May 22, 2013
Spring is finally here, be sure to take advantage of Wild Roots and Plant it Purple Workdays!

May 13, 2013
Northwestern University’s Engineers for a Sustainable World (ESW), the student group which already made a big impact on campus.

May 2, 2013
Chicagoland Bike-to-Work week is June 8-14. Active Transportation Alliance and drivelessbikemore.com is hosting a Bike Commuter Challenge.

April 12, 2013
The annual Vendor Expo allows the NU community to meet the vendors that sell office supplies, software, and other products.

April 12, 2013
For the fourth year, the Library Environmental Committee encourages the NU community to "Think Before You Print" during the month of April for the annual library-wide PaperLESS Month initiative.

April 5, 2013
Northwestern University, along with University of Wisconsin, the University of Iowa, and The Ohio State University contributed to making the Big 10 this year’s champion in the College and University Green Power Challenge.

April 3, 2013
Join us for Earth Week 2013 to learn about environmental challenges and opportunities at NU and throughout the world.

April 1, 2013
On April 28, the Brady Program Senior Project will be planting 70 plum and pear trees to create a "food forest," in Eggleston Park in Evanston.

March 27, 2013
In 2012, the Dow Jones Sustainability Index honored Sodexo as a global sustainability leader in the food services industry for the eighth consecutive year.

March 21, 2013
Over the past forty years, NU’s Dance Marathon has established itself as one of the nation’s premier University fundraising events.

March 15, 2013
The City of Evanston and the Office of Sustainability has partnered with the Nicor Gas Energy Efficiency Community Challenge to reduce community energy usage in homes and small businesses.

March 13, 2013
Schools across the country and Canada compete against each other, tracking recycling and waste generation weekly.

March 4, 2013
The third annual Northwestern University Summit on Sustainability (NUSOS) will take place on Friday, April 5.

March 1, 2013
Northwestern University is continuing its participation in Earth Hour, a global initiative to raise awareness about climate change and to demonstrate that in working together, we can make a difference.

February 25, 2013
Kellogg School of Management’s Student-run Energy Club hosted their inaugural Energy Conference last Wednesday.

February 15, 2013
More than 1,200 individuals have signed the petition urging the University to divest from coal investments.

February 12, 2013
During this year’s Green Cup, Eco-Reps are putting on their first campus-wide program, NU Earth Hour.

February 7, 2013
The annual Green Cup competition is heating up, and students across campus are making efforts to turn off and engage in sustainable living.

February 1, 2013
Northwestern University is fully committed to leadership in addressing the global challenges around energy and climate change.

January 28, 2013
Pura Playa is exploring solutions for plastic reduction across the three stages of the plastic life cycle: production,consumption, and disposal.

January 17, 2013
The ASG sustainability committee has been working on dozens of projects across campus to facilitate a culture shift towards environmental awareness.

January 15, 2013
Northwestern University’s student chapter of The American Chemical Society (ACS) was awarded a Green Chemistry Award for its leadership during the 2011-2012 academic year.

January 11, 2013
The sustainNU Working Action Group (SWAG) began in 2007 after the former Vice President of Student Affairs was approached by several students interested in making NU more sustainable.

January 8, 2013
Every February, students living on campus participate in Green Cup, an annual competition aimed at reducing electricity and water usage in residence halls & Greek houses.

January 7, 2013
NU’s facilities and operations team makes sustainability a priority in every project, from improving the energy efficiency of our existing spaces to diverting and recycling construction waste whenever possible.