Think before you print
For the fourth year, the Library Environmental Committee encourages the NU community to "Think Before You Print" during the month of April for the annual library-wide PaperLESS Month initiative. In 2012 the library reduced printing by nearly 13 percent over the previous year's PaperLESS month. The goal for April 2013 is to reduce printing by another 10 percent. The PaperLESS initiative will focus on reducing printing in the Public Computing Areas, where nearly 90 percent of printing within the library takes place. The LEC also encourages staff to consider their daily printing and reduce when possible.
Here are a few tips to keep in mind when you "Think before you print":
• Use "Print Preview" and print only what you need.
• "Print" to PDF using CutePDF or Adobe Acrobat Writer.
• Save to a flash drive or email documents to yourself.
• Print on both sides of the paper and use narrower margins.
For more information on PaperLESS Month, email Elizabeth Adamczyk.