Green Movement Scavenger Hunt
Green Movement Scavenger Hunt
Get Outside and Explore Your Neighborhood
sustainNU and HR Well-being have partnered to bring you the Green Movement Scavenger Hunt June 15 - 19, 2020!
This scavenger hunt will get you out and moving, looking for sustainability features that make our neighborhoods greener and healthier for our communities. Get out for a walk or a bike ride and look for sustainability features around your neighborhood in the following categories - Water, Energy, Transportation, Materials & Waste, and Community & Nature.
Scavenger Hunt Daily Goals:
- Walk or bike at least 30 minutes each day
- Find at least one sustainability feature each day
Don’t want to miss anything? Register to receive a daily reminders, tips, and information about well-being and sustainability benefits.
Practicing sustainability contributes to clean air, energy efficiency and reduced waste within your community. Many sustainability practices also reduce the cost of living associated with your home and increase your overall well-being physically and mentally.
At the end of the week, please share your discoveries and movement practices!
How to participate
Each day, we encourage you to get outside and explore your neighborhood by bike or on foot. Aim to walk or bike 30 minutes each day and find at least one new sustainability feature while you are outside.
Before you head out
Cyclists: Check out these Smart Cycling videos from the League of American Bicyclists and take the bike safety quiz by Ride Illinois to brush up on the rules of the road.
Make time to stretch
- 3 Most Important Stretches For Cycling
- 8 Stretches to Improve Your Flexibility and Cycling Performance
Walkers: While it may not feel necessary, stretching before going for a walk helps to prepare your body for movement.
Explore why walking is the most popular form of exercise with this article.
Green Movement Scavenger Hunt Worksheet: Use this worksheet to track your progress throughout the week. You can download a fillable version or print if preferred.
Explore your neighborhood
While you are out, look for the sustainability features listed below. Please share what you find with sustainNU by posting on social media, tagging @sustainNU and #GreenMovementScavengerHunt. We can't wait to see what you find!
Sustainability Features
- Electric vehicle charging station
- Divvy or bike share station
- Bike lane
- Hybrid or clean fuel vehicle
- Pedestrian walkways
- Solar panels
- Wind turbine
- Open window
- Shaded windows or walls
- ENERGY STAR® or LEED certified building
Materials & Waste
- Little free library or public library
- Clothing donation box or thrift store
- Public recycling bin
- Recycling plant (drop off location or processing center)
Community & Nature
- Public park
- Waterway (river, creek, lake, etc.)
- Community or shared garden
- Farmers or outdoor market
- Protected habitat (e.g., bird sanctuary or Monarch waystation)
After you get back home
And when you're finished, don't forget to cool down:
- 5 Reasons You Shouldn't Skip Your Cool-down After Exercise
- 5 Stretches You Should Do After Every Walk
If you are interested in connecting with other cyclists, you can join the Bike Northwestern Facebook Group and the Bike Commuters Listserv.
Thank you for participating in the Green Movement Scavenger Hunt! Share your discoveries with us and movement practices. Please take this short 5 minute survey.