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Faculty Handbook and Governance

Learn about the faculty governance structure, find links to the faculty handbook as well as other supports for Northwestern faculty.

Faculty Governance

campus seal on building

Faculty Senate

The Faculty Senate is the elected and representative body of the faculty. It considers, makes recommendations, and passes resolutions concerning matters of general university interest.

Learn more

The Faculty Appeals Panel governs faculty appeals of a denial of tenure, promotion or reappointment.

Key Resources

Faculty Handbook

The Faculty Handbook describes the rights and responsibilities of membership in the faculty of Northwestern University. The most recent version was published August 5, 2021. 

Faculty Handbook

Program Review

Program review is the systematic review of every academic department at the university to assess each unit’s quality and effectiveness, as well as drive continuous improvement across the University. Units are reviewed approximately once every ten years.

Academic Program Review Website

Ethics and Compliance

"Standards for Business Conduct" provides a framework for administering University resources and establishes guidelines for acceptable standards of behavior. If you have concerns about compliance, please speak to your department chair, dean, or central administration personnel, contact the Office of Compliance, or submit a confidential report through EthicsPoint.

University Compliance Website

Office of Civil Rights and Title IX Compliance

The Office of Civil Rights and Title IX Compliance provides support for students, faculty, staff and applicants impacted by discrimination or harassment. This includes implementing policies, providing reasonable accommodations to faculty and staff with disabilities, and responding to reports of discrimination and harassment, including sexual misconduct. Learn more