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Faculty Senate

Northwestern faculty’s elected and representative body

Role and Responsibilities

The Faculty Senate is a primary vehicle for shared governance at the University. As such, it makes recommendations and passes resolutions concerning matters of general university interest, including policies governing educational and research endeavors, hiring, diversity and inclusion and campus life.

Senate News

Stay up-to-date on upcoming agenda items and recent resolutions and motions.

A Representative and Elected Body

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Current faculty members

Who is in the Faculty Senate?

Faculty Senate members represent each department or tenure-home unit within Northwestern’s schools in Evanston, Chicago, and Qatar. It also has non-tenure faculty representatives from each of the schools, along with representatives from the University Libraries and the Northwestern Emeriti Organization.

See the current members

Faculty Senate President Jill Wilson

Jill Wilson is a Professor of Instruction of Industrial Engineering & Management Sciences at McCormick School of Engineering. 

Faculty Senate leaders include Professor Wilson, the immediate Past President and the President-Elect. 

More on these leaders

Jill Wilson photo
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Senate Standing Committees

How does the Senate address issues?

The work of the Faculty Senate is conducted through its 12 standing committees which review, deliberate, and draft proposals for consideration by the full Senate. The proposals may result in recommendations or resolutions on critical University matters, including policies governing educational and research endeavors, hiring, diversity and inclusion and campus life. 

Learn About the Committees

Upcoming Meetings

During the academic year, Faculty Senate meets on a monthly basis, and Faculty Assembly meets twice. Senate committees and subgroups also meet throughout the year.

Faculty Senate Meetings


Faculty Senate meeting

5:00 PM Scott Hall, 601 University Place
Standing monthly meeting of the Faculty Senate. 

Faculty Senate meeting

5:00 PM Scott Hall, 601 University Place
Standing monthly meeting of the Faculty Senate. 

Faculty Senate meeting

5:00 PM Scott Hall, 601 University Place
Standing monthly meeting of the Faculty Senate. 

Faculty Assembly Meetings

There are no upcoming events at this time.

Contact Us

Your input is important to us.

Contact Faculty Senate with questions, feedback or concerns.