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Provost's Advisory Council on Women Faculty

The Provost’s Advisory Council on Women Faculty, a group of approximately 50 women and men faculty from across the schools, convened from 2016-2020 to identify ways to strengthen our supports for women and women-identified faculty.

The Council focused its work on developing recommendations in five key areas that are of particular importance in supporting our women and women-identified faculty. These areas are: mentoring, retention, pipeline advancement, work-life resources, and development and leadership opportunities for women and women-identified faculty.

The excellent work of the Council has been instrumental in:

  1. Developing a set of guidelines and resources to support Faculty Searches,
  2. Establishing the Provost Faculty Mentoring Program,
  3. The hire of Northwestern University’s first Ombudsperson,
  4. Enhancing the suite of training available through leadership programs,
  5. Revising the Policy on Faculty Family Leave and Extending the Probationary Period for Tenure-Track Faculty, and
  6. Creating the Faculty Work/Life and Family Resources brochure.

We continue to work on finding ways to make incremental progress on recommendations developed by the Council.