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Sexual Health

Healthy Sexuality

Whether or not you are currently or ever sexually active, you deserve to access to accurate and shame-free information and resources that help you make informed sexual decisions that are right for you!

Many models of sexuality focus on what sex should not be without giving us support in identifying what a healthy role for sex does look like in our lives. CARE believes that all sex is good sex if it is consensual, risk-aware, and pleasurable for all parties involved. Healthy sexuality is more than just the absence of disease, dysfunction, or violence. Sexuality can be a positive force that enhances and enriches our lives and relationships in and outside of the bedroom, including our relationship with ourselves and our bodies.

Sexuality is also about much more than the individual act of sex. It also involves social, emotional, mental, and cultural forces that shape our values, attitudes, feelings, and behaviors around bodies, intimate relationships, sexual identities, and sexual practices. The circles of sexuality model highlights how sexuality impacts all of us throughout our lives, regardless of whether we are having sex.

CARE believes that all Northwestern students have the following sexual rights, and that with these rights come the following responsibilities.

You have the right to...
You have the responsibility to...

If you have questions about healthy sexuality, you can talk to a CARE advocate or a member of SHAPE (Sexual Health and Assault Peer Educators) through email at The Gender and Sexuality Resource Center is another great campus resource around sexuality and identity. If you have specific medical questions or are seeking medical treatment for a sexual health concern, consider reaching out to NM's Student Health Service. 

Resources for additional information:

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