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Qianhui Zhang, Ph.D.

Staff Psychologist

Staff Psychologist

张倩慧 博士



Everyone has innate capacity to transform their struggle into growth, and they don’t have to walk that path alone! Therapy provides a relational-experiential process that facilitates this journey of exploration, insight, and action. My approach to therapy is a personalized blend that balances support with skill coaching, and attends to one’s mind-body-spirit-community experiences that feel most salience to them. My framework is grounded in trauma-informed, anti-oppressive, and relational-cultural theories, and perspectives. I offer clinical services in English, Mandarin, and Cantonese. 

My professional interest in university student mental health was kindled first through personal experience navigating higher education as first-generation college student in mainland China, and later as an international student pursuing advanced degree in the US. Since joining CAPS, I have served as mental health liaison with the international student and Asian American students. Besides providing direct therapy services, I am passionate around providing community-based programming, training, and consultation that focus on breaking down barriers to access care among historically underserved communities and addressing mental health stigma. I am also drawn to the movement around the decolonization of mental health services and effort to elevating non-western holistic healing practices. 

My self-care routines involve yoga, bubble bath, walks in nature, connecting around food, and cuddling with my cats. When I am not working, I am an avid student on various occult topics and am fascinated by the mystery of Tarot and Astrology (ask me about it)!