Testing Services
Testing Services provides proctoring support to students on the Evanston campus who have ANU test accommodations. Whenever possible, instructors are asked to proctor their students’ accommodated exams. Students should communicate with their instructors at the beginning of the quarter about using their testing accommodations and at least two weeks prior to any upcoming exams about their proctoring plan. The
ANU Testing Services Student Communication Guide provides a timeline for communication and an email template for contacting your instructors.
Due to our office’s limited space and staffing resources, Testing Services asks instructors to proctor accommodated exams when there are more than 20 students with test accommodations in their course. Testing Services proctors the following accommodations regardless of the number of students with test accommodations in the course: 1.75x and 2.0x extended time, computer use for short answer and essay questions, assistive technology on exams, private testing room, and special furniture arrangements. Please note that exams for Chicago campus courses are proctored by their academic departments.
Regular Hours of Operation:
- Monday – Friday 9:00am – 4:30pm
Finals Week Hours of Operation:
- Monday – Thursday 9:00am – 7:00pm
- Friday 9:00am – 4:30pm
- Testing Services Check-In Desk; 2122 Sheridan Rd., 2nd Floor, Evanston, IL 60208
Contact Information:
Exams Proctored by Instructor
Before scheduling exams with Testing Services, students should reach out to their instructors to determine whether their instructor and/or TA will be proctoring their accommodated exams.
If the instructor and/or TA is proctoring the exam, students should not schedule their exam at Testing Services through the ANU Student Portal. Only exams proctored by Testing Services should be scheduled in the ANU Student Portal. Instructors should coordinate and communicate exam proctoring logistics to their students if they are proctoring their exams.
Exams Proctored by Testing Services: Process Overview
If your instructor has indicated that your exam will be proctored by Testing Services, schedule your exam through the ANU Student Portal at least one week in advance of when the exam takes place. This video tutorial shows you how to submit exam requests through your ANU Student Portal. See the below processes for additional information about taking exams at Testing Services:
- Instructors complete the Testing Services Proctoring Agreement for their course if they will not be proctoring their course’s exam themselves.
- The student submits an exam request through the ANU Student Portal at least one week prior to when the exam is scheduled to take place or emails testing@northwestern.edu to submit a late exam request.
- The ANU Student Portal will not process exam requests scheduled less than one week in advance of when the exam is scheduled to take place. These requests are considered late requests and are approved on a case-by-case basis depending on space and staffing availability. To submit a late request, students should email testing@northwestern.edu the following information:
- Student’s name
- Course number or name
- Requested exam date and time
- Alternative date/time approval from instructor if the student is rescheduling the original exam request
- Testing Services staff approves the exam request at least 3 days prior to the scheduled exam date or staff will schedule late exam requests if there are the resources to proctor the exam.
- Testing Services staff might follow-up with the student if the submitted date and time of the pending request do not match the information provided by the instructor on the Testing Services Proctoring Agreement.
- If there is no Testing Services Proctoring Agreement in place at the time the student submits the exam request, Testing Services staff will coordinate the completion of the Proctoring Agreement with the instructor.
- Once the request is scheduled and approved, Testing Services staff will coordinate exam file submission to our office and prepare the exam packet for the student’s exam.
- Students should arrive a few minutes before their exam start time to secure their belongings in one of the Testing Services lockers and to check in for their exam.
- If the student cannot make it to the exam, they should notify their instructor and Testing Services that they will not be taking the exam and discuss rescheduling options.
- If the student does not check in for their exam and does not provide notice that they will not be taking the exam, the exam will be marked as a No Show in the system and a notification email will be sent to the student, instructor, and the student’s ANU Advisor.
- Testing Services staff proctor exams through camera monitoring and live proctoring.
- Once the student has completed their exam, Testing Services staff will close out the student’s exam and return the completed exam to the instructor.
Testing Services Policies
All students proctored by Testing Services are expected to follow the below policies:
- Students are responsible for scheduling their exams being proctored by Testing Services through the ANU Student Portal at least one week prior to when their exam is scheduled to take place.
- Exams should be scheduled during the class exam time and within Testing Services’ operating hours.
- If you are unable to schedule your exam during the class time due to a class scheduling conflict or during Testing Services’ operating hours, students should agree upon an alternative date/time with their instructor and email that agreement to Testing Services for verification.
- Late exam requests are proctoring requests for exams that are less than one week away from when the request is submitted. Late exam requests are considered on a case-by-case basis depending on space and staffing availability. Submit late exam requests to Testing Services via email.
- Students should arrive on time for their exam. Testing Services allows students a 10-minute grace period for starting their exam. After the 10-minute grace period ends, students have until their scheduled accommodated exam end time to complete their exam.
- Cell phones, smart watches, tablets, computers, and other personal items are not allowed in the testing rooms. Students are encouraged to leave these items at home. If the student brings these items with them, they should arrive a few minutes early to secure their belongings in a Testing Services locker.
- Students are expected to abide by Northwestern’s academic integrity policy and code of conduct found in the Student Handbook.