Providing equal access for students with disabilities is a shared university responsibility. AccessibleNU is committed to collaborating with you to ensure that students' accommodations needs are met in the classroom. AccessibleNU supports faculty and instructors with resources, consultations, and trainings.
Please email AccessibleNU or call us directly at 847-467-5530 if you have any questions or concerns about accommodation notifications or problem solving accommodation implementation in your course.
Accessibility Syllabus Statement
To encourage an inclusive environment for students with disabilities, please include the following statement on your syllabus:
Northwestern University is committed to providing the most accessible learning environment as possible for students with disabilities. Should you anticipate or experience disability-related barriers in the academic setting, please contact AccessibleNU to move forward with the university’s established accommodation process (e: accessiblenu@northwestern.edu; p: 847-467-5530). If you already have established accommodations with AccessibleNU, please let me know as soon as possible, preferably within the first two weeks of the term, so we can work together to implement your disability accommodations. Disability information, including academic accommodations as part of a student’s educational record, is confidential under FERPA regulations.