Nelson, Lauryn | "Lift Every Voice" Legacy Award | Voice and Opera | Bienen | 2022-2023 |
Ribet, Stephanie | 3M Graduate Fellowship | Materials Science and Engineering | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Yeh, Chyi Huey Joshua | 3M Graduate Fellowship | | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Yuan, Wa | 3M Science and Technology Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Rangnekar, Sonal | 3M Science and Technology Graduate Fellowship | Materials Science and Engineering | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Yang, Jiayu | 7th Crystal Ruth Bell Residency | Documentary Media | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Grobelski, Jennifer | Abraham Lincoln Marovitz Public Interest Law Scholarship | Religious Studies | Weinberg College | 2006-2007 |
Trombly, Daniel | Achievement Rewards for College Scientists | Biological Sciences IBIS | The Graduate School | 2007-2008 |
Adamczyk, Andrew | Achievement Rewards for College Scientists | Chemical & Biological Engineering | The Graduate School | 2008-2009 |
Brown, Genevieve | Achievement Rewards for College Scientists | Engineering Science & Applied Mathematics | The Graduate School | 2008-2009 |
Giam , Louise | Achievement Rewards for College Scientists | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2008-2009 |
Hayes, Patrick | Achievement Rewards for College Scientists | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2008-2009 |
Kleinschmidt, Sara | Achievement Rewards for College Scientists | Neurobiology & Physiology | The Graduate School | 2008-2009 |
Kohlmeir, Ellen | Achievement Rewards for College Scientists | Biological Sciences IBIS | The Graduate School | 2008-2009 |
Marvin, Rebecca | Achievement Rewards for College Scientists | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2008-2009 |
Trombly, Daniel | Achievement Rewards for College Scientists | Biological Sciences | The Graduate School | 2008-2009 |
Chan, Clarence Wing-Chung | Achievement Rewards for College Scientists Scholarship | | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Diagne, Abdallah Bachir | Achievement Rewards for College Scientists Scholarship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Nichols, Michael | ACM Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship | Religious Studies | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Khoury, Rana B. | ACOR - CAORC Pre-Doctoral Fellowship | Political Science | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Jeang, William | Acta Materialia Inc. Undergraduate Scholarship | Materials Science and Engineering | McCormick | 2019-2020 |
Mercer, Elliot Gordon | Actors Fund Career Transition for Dancers | Theatre and Drama | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Cruz, Stefany | Ada Lovelace Fellowship | Chemical Engineering | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Rowe, Nina | Adelia A. Field Johnston Fellowship for Oberlin College Alumnae | Art History | The Graduate School | 1998-1999 |
Pittman, LaShawnda | Administration of Children & Family Services Grant | Sociology | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Sy, Hannah | Advanced Practice Healthcare Scholarship Program | Physical Therapy | Feinberg | 2021-2022 |
Soares, Leigh | AERA Minority Dissertation Fellowship in Education Research | History | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Anzelc, Meghan | AFCEA PhD Fellowship | Physics & Astronomy | The Graduate School | 2006-2007 |
Liu, Karen | AFCEA Ralph W. Shrader Diversity Scholarship | Biomedical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2007-2008 |
Van Waijenburg, Marlous | African Economic History Network Conference Travel Grant | History | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Murphy, Julianne | Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Grants for Health Services Research Dissertation Program (R36) | Health Sciences Integrated Program | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Yonek, Juliet | Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality R36 Dissertation Grant | Health Sciences Integrated Program | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Balbale, Salva Najib | Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality T32 | Health Sciences Integrated Program | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Kricke, Gayle Elisa | Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality T32 | Health Sciences Integrated Program | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Ward, Charlotte Emily | Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality T32 | Health Sciences Integrated Program | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Tey, Ming Sheng | Agency for Science, Technology and Research National Science Scholarship (PhD) | Materials Science and Engineering | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Ocampo, Aidan | AGILE (AAPI in Geosciences: Inclusivity, Leadership, and Experience) Research Internship | Earth and Planetary Sciences | Weinberg | 2022-2023 |
Merino, Miguel | AGI Minority Scholarship | Earth & Planetary Science | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Monroy-Ríos, Emiliano | AGI Minority Scholarship | Earth & Planetary Science | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Kleintop, Amanda | AHA's Littleton-Griswold Research Grant for U.S. Legal History | History | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Eatmon, Myisha | AHA's Littleton-Griswold Research Grant for U.S. Legal History | History | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Patel, Nicole | AIF Clinton Fellowship for Service in India | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2005-2006 |
Ahmad, Annelyse | AIF Clinton Fellowship for Service in India | Psychology | Weinberg College | 2008-2009 |
Chandrasekhar, Rajni | AIF Clinton Fellowship for Service in India | International Studies | Weinberg College | 2008-2009 |
Rostovtseva, Tatiana | AIF Clinton Fellowship for Service in India | Learning & Organizational Change | SESP | 2008-2009 |
Smith, Nikolai | AIF Clinton Fellowship for Service in India | Social Policy | SESP/Weinberg College | 2008-2009 |
Sooryakumar, Divya | AIF Clinton Fellowship for Service in India | Economics | Weinberg College | 2010-2011 |
Amin, Kushal Surendrakumar | AIF Clinton Fellowship for Service in India | | McCormick | 2014-2015 |
Murali, Priyanka | AIF Clinton Fellowship for Service in India | | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Ramanujam, Natasha Sathyan | AIF Clinton Fellowship for Service in India | | Bienen School | 2014-2015 |
Kennedy, Emma | Ailsa Mellon Bruce Predoctoral Fellowships for Historians of American Art to Travel Abroad | Art History | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Wang, Timothy Chiaan | Air Products Graduate Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Hou, Xisen | Air Products Graduate Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Christman, Abigail | AISC/Associated Steel Erectors Scholarship | Civil & Environmental Engineering | McCormick | 2013-2014 |
Doolan, Yuri | AKS Research Paper Contest for Korean Studies | History | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Posner, Eliza | Alaska Fellows Program | Political Science | Weinberg | 2019-2020 |
Akiboh, Alvita Ansa | Albert J. Beveridge Grant for Research in the History of the Western Hemisphere | History | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Lewontin, Max | Albert J. Beveridge Grant for Research in the History of the Western Hemisphere | History | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Nasta, Jesse | Albert J. Beveridge Grant for Research in the Western Hemisphere | History | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Chabot, Benjamin | Albert P. Sloan Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship | Economics | The Graduate School | 1998-1999 |
Korganbekova, Malika | Alden G. Clayton Doctoral Dissertation Proposal Competition | Marketing | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Shorter, Amanda | Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarships-Doctoral Program | Biomedical Engineering | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Naroditski, Yan Nick | Alfa Fellowship | History | Weinberg College | 2016-2017 |
Rosado Ramirez, Roberto | Alfonso Caso Best Doctoral Dissertation Award | Anthropology | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Woodruff, Lily | Alisa Mellon Bruce Predoctoral Fellowship for Travel Abroad | Art History | The Graduate School | 2005-2006 |
Chuyan, Wan | Alliance of Hazardous Materials Professionals Environmental Scholarship Program | Earth and Planetary Sciences | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Locci, Ricardo | Alpha Kappa Alpha Foundation Scholarship | Physical Therapy | Feinberg | 2021-2022 |
Tzou, Abraham | Alpha Lambda Delta Graduate Fellowship | Medical School | Feinberg | 2000-2001 |
Ratner, Julia | Alpha Lambda Delta Graduate Fellowship | Biological Sciences | Weinberg College | 2002-2003 |
Goh, Natalia | Alpha Lambda Delta Trow Undergraduate Scholarship | Economics | Weinberg College | 1999-2000 |
Srivastava, Ankur | Alpha Lambda Delta Trow Undergraduate Scholarship | Philosophy | Weinberg College | 2000-2001 |
Jaeckel, Lauren | Alpha Lambda Delta Trow Undergraduate Scholarship | American Studies | Weinberg College | 2001-2002 |
Handelsman, Alysa | Alpha Lambda Delta Trow Undergraduate Scholarship | Anthropology | Weinberg College | 2004-2005 |
Townsend, Akisha | Alpha Lambda Delta Trow Undergraduate Scholarship | Communication Studies | School of Communication | 2006-2007 |
Negaard, Madelyn | Altria College Scholarships | Physical Therapy | Feinberg | 2021-2022 |
Harbert, Elissa | Alvin H. Johnson AMS 50 Dissertation Fellowship | Musicology | Bienen School | 2011-2012 |
Murphy, Julianne | Alvin R. Tarlov and John E. Ware Jr. Doctoral Dissertation and Post-Doctoral Award in Patient Reported Outcomes | Health Sciences Integrated Program | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Cenoz-Olivares, Kassandra | AMBUCS Scholarship for Therapists | Speech, Language and Learning | Communication | 2021-2022 |
Ettinger, Jennifer | AMBUCS Scholarship for Therapists | Physical Therapy | Feinberg | 2021-2022 |
Todd, Marissa | AMBUCS Scholarship for Therapists | Audiology | Communication | 2021-2022 |
Wong, Eric | AMBUCS Scholarship for Therapists | Physical Therapy | Feinberg | 2021-2022 |
Mazur, Peter | American Academy in Rome: Exchange Fellowship at Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa | History | The Graduate School | 2005-2006 |
Dumont, Anna | American Academy in Rome: Rome Prize | Art History | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
Condie-Pugh, J. Beth | American Academy in Rome: Rome Prize | History | The Graduate School | 2004-2005 |
Mazur, Peter | American Academy in Rome: Rome Prize | History | The Graduate School | 2004-2005 |
Nadalo, Stephanie | American Academy in Rome: Rome Prize | History | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Dewey, James | American Academy of Audiologists Student Travel Award | Communication Sciences & Disorders | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Jagtiani, Nisheeta | American Academy of Religion International Dissertation Research Grants | Religious Studies | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Gerlin, Gerpha | American Anthropological Association Conference Student Travel Awards | Anthropology | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Mills, Robert Elliot | American Antiquarian Society Kate B. and Hall J. Peterson Fellowship | Communication Studies | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
McIntosh, Hugh | American Antiquarian Society Short Term Fellowship | English | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Wang, Max | American Association for Cancer Research Scholar-in-Training Award | Medical School | Feinberg/Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Wilson, Meghan | American Association for Netherlandic Studies Scholarship | Theatre | School of Communication | 2004-2005 |
White, Sarah Louise | American Association for the Advancement of Science Mass Media Science and Engineering Fellowship | Learning Sciences | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Dicorato, Allessandra Elizabeth | American Association for the Advancement of Science Mass Media Science and Engineering Fellowship | Materials Science and Engineering | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
Trang, Brittany | American Association for the Advancement of Science Mass Media Science and Engineering Fellowship | Chemistry | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Creery, Jessica Danielle | American Association for the Advancement of Science Science and Technology Policy Fellowships | Psychology | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Lasher, Gregory Everett | American Association of Geographers Marcus Fund Award | Earth & Planetary Science | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Wang, Max | American Association of Immunologists Trainee Abstract Award | Medical School | Feinberg/Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Spencer, Xavier | American Association of Marital and Family Therapy Minority Fellowship | Clinical Psychology | The Graduate School | 2007-2008 |
Qureshi, Maryah | American Association of Marital and Family Therapy Minority Fellowship | Marital & Family Therapy | The Graduate School | 2008-2009 |
Jones, Matt Madden | American Association of Petroleum Engineers Foundation Alexander and Geraldine Wanek Memorial Grant | Earth & Planetary Sciences | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Shrodes, Addie | American Association of University Women American Dissertation Fellowship | Learning Sciences | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Culyba, Rebecca | American Association of University Women American Fellowship | Sociology | The Graduate School | 2004-2005 |
Heitner, Devorah | American Association of University Women American Fellowship | Radio/TV/Film | School of Communication | 2004-2005 |
Ly, Anh | American Association of University Women American Fellowship | Comparative Literary Studies | The Graduate School | 2005-2006 |
Schmidt, Catherine | American Association of University Women American Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2005-2006 |
Singleton, Judith | American Association of University Women American Fellowship | Anthropology | The Graduate School | 2005-2006 |
Nyberg, Colleen | American Association of University Women American Fellowship | Anthropology | The Graduate School | 2007-2008 |
Jensen, Rebecca | American Association of University Women American Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2008-2009 |
Cox, Marie | American Association of University Women American Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Hunleth, Jean | American Association of University Women American Fellowship | Anthropology | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Nadalo, Stephanie | American Association of University Women American Fellowship | History | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Steinmetz, Emily | American Association of University Women American Fellowship | Anthropology | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Di Salvo, Gina | American Association of University Women American Fellowship | Theatre & Drama | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Howe, Justine | American Association of University Women American Fellowship | Religious Studies | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Hoyt, Lindsay | American Association of University Women American Fellowship | Human Development & Social Policy | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Kong, Betty | American Association of University Women American Fellowship | DGP in Life Sciences | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Jencks, Lynn | American Association of University Women American Fellowship | Religious Studies | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
McAllister, Jacqueline | American Association of University Women American Fellowship | Political Science | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Chin, Fiona | American Association of University Women American Fellowship | Sociology | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Lodewyck, Laura | American Association of University Women American Fellowship | Theatre & Drama | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Mangione, Gemma Monica | American Association of University Women American Fellowship | Sociology | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Malone, Katrina | American Association of University Women American Fellowship | Executive Master's | Kellogg School | 2015-2016 |
Sookar, Nicolette | American Association of University Women American Fellowship | Genetic Counseling | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Motlani, Aisha | American Association of University Women American Fellowships Dissertation Fellowships | Art History | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Moon, Nina | American Association of University Women American Fellowships Dissertation Fellowships | English | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Bohannon, Xiao (Angel) | American Association of University Women American Fellowships Dissertation Fellowships | Human Development and Social Policy | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Feng, Leyun | American Association of University Women American Fellowships Dissertation Fellowships | Mechanical Engineering | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Sajdak, Jillian | American Association of University Women Career Development Grant | Predictive Analytics | SCS | 2013-2014 |
Torres, Naeema Jamilah | American Association of University Women Career Development Grants | Documentary Media | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Fuentes, Anita Cisternas | American Association of University Women International Fellowship | Plant Biology and Conservation | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Cho, So-Hye | American Association of University Women International Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2004-2005 |
Zhao, Zhen | American Association of University Women International Fellowship | Biological Sciences IBIS | The Graduate School | 2006-2007 |
Elkalla, Nermin | American Association of University Women International Fellowship | Quality Assurance & Regulatory Science | SCS | 2009-2010 |
Alamuddin, Rayane | American Association of University Women International Fellowship | Human Development & Social Policy | SESP | 2011-2012 |
Goksel, Hayrunnisa | American Association of University Women International Fellowship | Sociology | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Rodriguez, Yara | American Association of University Women International Fellowships | Driskill Graduate Program in Life Sciences | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Kabaoglu, Seyma | American Association of University Women International Fellowships | Anthropology | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Sharma, Aditi | American Association of University Women International Fellowships | Biomedical Engineering | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Kabaoglu, Seyma | American Association of University Women International Fellowships Dissertation Fellowships | Anthropology | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Sharma, Aditi | American Association of University Women International Fellowships Dissertation Fellowships | Biomedical Engineering | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Pierre, Cynthia | American Association of University Women Selected Professions Dissertation Year Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2007-2008 |
Powell-Austin, Domonique Katrice | American Association of University Women Selected Professions Dissertation Year Fellowship | Marketing | Kellogg School | 2014-2015 |
Sebro, Carmen | American Association of University Women Selected Professions Fellowship | MBA | Kellogg School | 2014-2015 |
Ohiomoba, Ramael | American Association of University Women Selected Professions Fellowships | MD Program | Feinberg | 2021-2022 |
Ohiomoba, Ramael | American Association of University Women Selected Professions Fellowships | Medical School | Feinberg | 2021-2022 |
Craig, Maureen | American Bar Association Law and Social Science Dissertation Fellowship | Social Psychology | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Xiong, Jin | American Bar Foundation/AccessLex Postdoctoral Fellowship Program in Legal and Higher Education | Law | Pritzker/Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Tolman, Ari | American Bar Foundation/Northwestern University Doctoral Fellowship in Law and Social Science | Sociology/Law | Graduate School/Pritzker | 2018-2019 |
Ramanathan, Kumar | American Bar Foundation/Northwestern University Doctoral Fellowship in Law and Social Science | Political Science | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
Tolman, Arielle | American Bar Foundation/Northwestern University Doctoral Fellowship in Law and Social Science | Sociology | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
Alston, Brandon | American Bar Foundation/Northwestern University Doctoral Fellowship in Law and Social Science | Sociology | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Cornejo Casares, Oscar | American Bar Foundation/Northwestern University Doctoral Fellowship in Law and Social Science | Sociology | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Honoré, Brandon | American Bar Foundation/Northwestern University Doctoral Fellowship in Law and Social Science | Law | Pritzker/Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Peery, Destiny | American Bar Foundation Doctoral Fellowship | Psychology/Law | The Graduate School/The Law School | 2009-2010 |
Baer, Andrew | American Bar Foundation Law and Social Science Dissertation Fellowship and Mentoring Program | History | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Kaiser, Joshua | American Bar Foundation Law and Social Science Dissertation Fellowship and Mentoring Program | Law | The Law School/The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
McElhattan, David Reed | American Bar Foundation Northwestern University Fellow | Sociology | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Berrey, Ellen | American Bar Foundation Pre-Doctoral Fellowship | Sociology | The Graduate School | 2007-2008 |
Ferrales, Gabrielle | American Bar Foundation Pre-Doctoral Fellowship | Sociology | The Graduate School | 2007-2008 |
Mueller, Emily | American Board for Certification in Orthotics, Prosthetics, and Pedorthics Student Poster Prize (First Prize) | Prosthetics and Orthotics | Feinberg | 2021-2022 |
Sturgeon, Johnna | American Catholic Historical Association Graduate Student Summer Research Grant | History | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Cressler, Matthew | American Catholic Historical Association John Tracy Ellis Dissertation Award | Religious Studies | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Khoury, Rana B. | American Center for Oriental Research Pre-Doctorate Fellowship | Political Science | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Craig, Kyle | American Center of Oriental Research-Council of American Overseas Research Centers Predoctoral Fellowship | Anthropology | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Kathman, Stefan Grubow | American Chemical Society Division of Medicinal Chemistry Predoctoral Fellowship | | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Schwartzenberg, Kevin | American Chemical Society Graduate Student Award | Civil & Environmental Engineering | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Brown, Paul Timothy | American Chemical Society International Research Experience for Students Program | Materials Science and Engineering | McCormick | 2019-2020 |
Franke, Jenna | American Chemical Society Organic Chemistry Undergraduate Award | Chemistry | Weinberg College | 2013-2014 |
Evenson, Ryan | American Chemical Society Organic Division Undergraduate Awards | Chemistry | Weinberg | 2017-2018 |
Constante, Nicole | American Chemical Society Scholars Program | Biological Sciences | Weinberg | 2022-2023 |
Giesener, Marc | American Chemical Society Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) | Chemistry | Weinberg College | 2010-2011 |
Montgomery, Emma | American Comparative Literature Association Presidential Undergraduate Prize | Comparative Literary Studies | Weinberg | 2017-2018 |
Rowe, Max | American Comparative Literature Association Presidential Undergraduate Prize | Comparative Literary Studies | Weinberg | 2018-2019 |
Trigg, Christopher | American Council of Engineering Companies of Illinois Scholarship Program | Civil & Environmental Engineering | McCormick | 2007-2008 |
McAllister, Jacqueline | American Council of Learned Societies Eastern European Language Training Grant | Political Science | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Valles, Dario | American Council of Learned Societies Emerging Voices Fellowships | Anthropology | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
Dikcis, Maria | American Council of Learned Societies Emerging Voices Fellowships | English | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Abreu Leitão de Almeida, Marcos | American Council of Learned Societies Emerging Voices Fellowships | History | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Mercer, Elliot | American Council of Learned Societies Emerging Voices Fellowships | Interdisciplinary PhD in Theatre and Drama | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Mercer, Elliot | American Council of Learned Societies Emerging Voices Fellowships | Interdisciplinary Theatre and Drama | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Starr, Olivia | American Council of Learned Societies Southeast European Language Training Grant | History | Weinberg College | 2005-2006 |
Tahk, Kathleen Moir | American Councils for International Education Title VIII Combination Research and Language Training Fellowship | Art History | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Conwell, Jordan Andrew | American Educational Research Association Dissertation Grant | Sociology | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Lo, Abraham Sillan | American Educational Research Association Minority Fellowship | Learning Sciences | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Dabholkar, Sugat | American Educational Research Association Special Interest Groups Advanced Technologies for Learning and Learning Sciences Best Student Paper Award | Learning Sciences | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Ranney, Katherine | American Education Research Association Fellowship | Economics and Public Policy | Weinberg College | 2008-2009 |
Goble, Lisbeth | American Education Research Association Fellowship | Human Development & Social Policy | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Dyer, Elizabeth Brooks | American Education Research Association Fellowship | Learning Sciences | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Cheng, Jennifer | American Epilepsy Society Predoctoral Research Fellowships | Driskill Graduate Program in Life Sciences | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
Kolker, Daniel | American Federation for Aging Research Grant | Neuroscience | The Graduate School | 1998-1999 |
Gohar, Kian | American Friends of London School of Economics | History | Weinberg College | 1998-1999 |
Konopka, Joseph | American Friends of London School of Economics | Biological Sciences | Weinberg College | 2003-2004 |
Rosenholtz-Witt, Jason | American Friends of the Herzog August Bibliothek | Music | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Feinstein, Matthew Joel | American Heart Association Fellow-to-Faculty Transition Award | Clinical Investigation | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Anderson, Heidi Lynn | American Heart Association Predoctoral Fellowship | Interdisciplinary Biological Sciences | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Dumrongprechachan, Vasin | American Heart Association Predoctoral Fellowship | Interdisciplinary Biological Sciences | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Bui, Triet | American Heart Association Predoctoral Fellowship | Clinical Investigation | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
Fischer, Julie Anne | American Heart Association Predoctoral Fellowship | Driskill Graduate Program in Life Sciences | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
Pinheiro, Emily | American Heart Association Predoctoral Fellowship | Driskill Graduate Program in Life Sciences | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
Plaisier, Thomas Arend | American Heart Association Predoctoral Fellowship | Biomedical Engineering | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
Shi, Fandi | American Heart Association Predoctoral Fellowship | Biomedical Engineering | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
Hayashi, Vanessa | American Heart Association Predoctoral Fellowship | Driskill Graduate Program in Life Sciences | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Jacobs, Miranda | American Heart Association Predoctoral Fellowship | Interdisciplinary Biological Sciences | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Fan, Lexiaozi | American Heart Association Predoctoral Fellowship | Biomedical Engineering | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Goyal, Vatsala | American Heart Association Predoctoral Fellowship | Biomedical Engineering | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Ramakrishna-Holla, Meghana | American Heart Association Predoctoral Fellowship | Neuroscience | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Rivera, Adovich | American Heart Association Predoctoral Fellowship | Health Sciences Integrated Program | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Schroth, Samantha | American Heart Association Predoctoral Fellowship | MD Program | Feinberg/Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Tsai, Yung-hsu | American Heart Association Predoctoral Fellowship | Neuroscience | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Fan, Lexiaozi | American Heart Association Predoctoral Fellowship | Biomedical Engineering | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Goyal, Vatsala | American Heart Association Predoctoral Fellowship | Biomedical Engineering | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Li, Yikuan | American Heart Association Predoctoral Fellowship | Health Sciences Integrated Program | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Schroth, Samantha | American Heart Association Predoctoral Fellowship | Medical School | Feinberg/Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Tsai, Yung-hsu | American Heart Association Predoctoral Fellowship | Neuroscience | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Yang, Huili | American Heart Association Predoctoral Fellowship | Biomedical Engineering | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Allen, Josephine | American Heart Association Pre-doctoral Fellowship | Biological Sciences IBIS | The Graduate School | 2007-2008 |
Helenius, Iiro | American Heart Association Pre-doctoral Fellowship | Biological Sciences IBIS | The Graduate School | 2007-2008 |
Wu , Pei-Hsuan | American Heart Association Pre-doctoral Fellowship | Biological Sciences IBIS | The Graduate School | 2007-2008 |
Lander, Rachel | American Heart Association Pre-doctoral Fellowship | Biological Sciences IBIS | The Graduate School | 2008-2009 |
Bonney, Kevin | American Heart Association Pre-doctoral Fellowship | Life Sciences | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Burgess, Jamie | American Heart Association Pre-doctoral Fellowship | Biomedical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Daugherty, Rebecca | American Heart Association Pre-doctoral Fellowship | Life Sciences | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Ganeshan, Kirthana | American Heart Association Pre-doctoral Fellowship | Life Sciences | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Ge, Lan | American Heart Association Pre-doctoral Fellowship | Biomedical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Harmon, Robert | American Heart Association Pre-doctoral Fellowship | Life Sciences | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Hunter, Betsy | American Heart Association Pre-doctoral Fellowship | Biomedical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Krupinski, Tomasz | American Heart Association Pre-doctoral Fellowship | Biological Sciences | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Lander, Rachel | American Heart Association Pre-doctoral Fellowship | Biological Sciences | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Luc, Nancy | American Heart Association Pre-doctoral Fellowship | Life Sciences | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Maher, Meghan | American Heart Association Pre-doctoral Fellowship | Life Sciences | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Maric, Danijela | American Heart Association Pre-doctoral Fellowship | Life Sciences | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Perlmutter, Sam | American Heart Association Pre-doctoral Fellowship | Neuroscience | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Plate, Aileen | American Heart Association Pre-doctoral Fellowship | Life Sciences | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Rogel, Micah | American Heart Association Pre-doctoral Fellowship | Biomedical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Sabharwal, Simran | American Heart Association Pre-doctoral Fellowship | Life Sciences | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Saha, Devjani | American Heart Association Pre-doctoral Fellowship | Biomedical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Schriewer, Jacqueline | American Heart Association Pre-doctoral Fellowship | Life Sciences | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Sebeson, Amy | American Heart Association Pre-doctoral Fellowship | Biological Sciences | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Sun, Mingxuan | American Heart Association Pre-doctoral Fellowship | Biological Sciences | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Takawira, Desire | American Heart Association Pre-doctoral Fellowship | Life Sciences | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Ueda, Aki | American Heart Association Pre-doctoral Fellowship | Life Sciences | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Van Lith, Robert | American Heart Association Pre-doctoral Fellowship | Biomedical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Veesenmeyer, Jeffrey | American Heart Association Pre-doctoral Fellowship | Life Sciences | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Woolfrey, Kevin | American Heart Association Pre-doctoral Fellowship | Neuroscience | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Bayeva, Maryna | American Heart Association Pre-doctoral Fellowship | Life Sciences | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Liang, Jing-Nong | American Heart Association Pre-doctoral Fellowship | Neuroscience | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Mercer, Sarah | American Heart Association Pre-doctoral Fellowship | Life Sciences | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Mouannes, Jessy | American Heart Association Pre-doctoral Fellowship | Biomedical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Rines, Amy | American Heart Association Pre-doctoral Fellowship | Life Sciences | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Somasundaram, Agila | American Heart Association Pre-doctoral Fellowship | Neuroscience | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Cyrus, Bita | American Heart Association Pre-doctoral Fellowship | Life Sciences | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Hoxha, Eneda | American Heart Association Pre-doctoral Fellowship | Life Sciences | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Jen, Michele | American Heart Association Pre-doctoral Fellowship | Biomedical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Schuessler, Teresa | American Heart Association Pre-doctoral Fellowship | Life Sciences | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Tyson, Gregory | American Heart Association Pre-doctoral Fellowship | Life Sciences | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Weber, Evan | American Heart Association Pre-doctoral Fellowship | Life Sciences | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Kenney, Grace | American Heart Association Pre-doctoral Fellowship | | | 2012-2013 |
Sanchez Aldana, Natalia | American Heart Association Pre-doctoral Fellowship | Biomedical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Chang, Hsiang-Chun | American Heart Association Pre-doctoral Fellowship | Life Sciences | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Griffith, Theanne | American Heart Association Pre-doctoral Fellowship | Neuroscience | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Jarvis, Kelly | American Heart Association Pre-doctoral Fellowship | Biomedical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Miller, Derek | American Heart Association Pre-doctoral Fellowship | Neuroscience | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Mullens, Christopher | American Heart Association Pre-doctoral Fellowship | Neuroscience | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Nagpal, Varun | American Heart Association Pre-doctoral Fellowship | Life Sciences | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Sood, Varun | American Heart Association Pre-doctoral Fellowship | Biological Sciences | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Wu, Can | American Heart Association Pre-doctoral Fellowship | Biomedical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Albrecht, Lauren Veronica | American Heart Association Pre-doctoral Fellowship | Biological Sciences | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Cantrell, Charles Grady | American Heart Association Pre-doctoral Fellowship | Biomedical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Folmsbee, Stephen Sai | American Heart Association Pre-doctoral Fellowship | Life Sciences | Feinberg/The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Hawe, Rachel L. | American Heart Association Pre-doctoral Fellowship | | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Kenney, Grace Manoj | American Heart Association Pre-doctoral Fellowship | | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Nelson, Christa | American Heart Association Pre-doctoral Fellowship | Biomedical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Owen, Meriel | American Heart Association Pre-doctoral Fellowship | Neuroscience | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Shum, Andrew | American Heart Association Pre-doctoral Fellowship | Life Sciences | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Sood, Varun | American Heart Association Pre-doctoral Fellowship | | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Tsai, Fu-Nien | American Heart Association Pre-doctoral Fellowship | Life Sciences | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Winger, Ryan | American Heart Association Pre-doctoral Fellowship | Life Sciences | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Jeong, Yong | American Heart Association Pre-doctoral Fellowship | Biomedical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Marcum, Ryan | American Heart Association Pre-doctoral Fellowship | Biological Sciences | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Sharma, Aabha | American Heart Association Pre-doctoral Fellowship | Life Sciences | Feinberg/The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Binder-Markey, Benjamin Isaac | American Heart Association Pre-doctoral Fellowship | Biomedical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Shepherd, Maxwell | American Heart Association Pre-doctoral Fellowship | Biomedical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Wolff, Ian | American Heart Association Pre-doctoral Fellowship | Biological Sciences | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Yu, Kevin | American Heart Association Student Scholarships in Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke | Health Sciences Integrated Program | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Yi, Jiancheng | American Heart Association Student Scholarships in Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke | Health Sciences Integrated Program | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Fort, Gavin | American Historical Association Bernadotte E. Schmitt Grant | History | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Dugre, Neal | American Historical Association Krauss Grant | History | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Rosyada, Amrina | American Indonesian Cultural and Education Foundation Overseas Travel Grant | Anthropology | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Chubb, Emma | American Institute for Maghrib Studies Long Term Grant | Art History | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Ebrahimi, Sasha | American Institute of Chemical Engineers Student Competition in Bio-Sensors (First Place) | Chemical Engineering | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Bhat, Anisha | American Institute of Indian Studies Junior Fellowships | History | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Christman, Abigail | American Institute of Steel Construction Education Foundation Scholarship | Civil & Environmental Engineering | McCormick | 2013-2014 |
Milavitz, Rose | American Institute of Steel Construction Education Foundation Scholarship | Civil & Environmental Engineering | McCormick | 2013-2014 |
Eckhoff, Kathryn | American Institute of Steel Construction Education Foundation Scholarship | Civil & Environmental Engineering | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Aronson, Michael | American Institute of Steel Construction Steel Erector Association Scholarship | Engineering | McCormick | 2015-2016 |
Rosyada, Amrina | American Museum of Natural History Collection Study Grants | Anthropology | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Vento, Fernando | American Orchid Society Orchid Research Grant | Plant Biology and Conservation | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Burrell, Nia | American Physical Society Group on Precision Measurement and Fundamental Constants Student Poster Competition | Physics and Astronomy | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Wang, Max | American Physician Scientist Association Local Chapter Travel Award | Medical School | Feinberg/Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Bueno Vasquez, Michelle | American Political Science Association Diversity Fellowship Program | Political Science | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
D'Urso, Amanda | American Political Science Association Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grant | Political Science | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Noor, Salih | American Political Science Association Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grant | Political Science | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Al-Saeedi, Safa | American Political Science Association Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grants | Political Science | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Zimmerman, Justin | American Political Science Association First Generation Scholars in the Profession | Political Science | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Noor, Salih | American Political Science Association First Generation Scholar Travel and Accessibility Grant | Political Science | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Wright, Andrene | American Political Science Association Minority Fellowship Program | Political Science | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Ramanathan, Kumar | American Political Science Association Public Scholarship Program | Political Science | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
Johnson, Sarah | American Psychological Association Dissertation Research Award | Social Psychology | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Sanchez, Daniel | American Psychological Association Minority Fellowship Program Diversity Program in Neuroscience | Psychology | The Graduate School | 2008-2009 |
Powers, Chivon | American Psychological Association Minority Fellowship Summer Program in Neuroscience, Ethics, and Survival Skills | Psychology | The Graduate School | 2008-2009 |
Jacobs, Rachel | American Psychological Association Student Travel Award | Clinical Psychology | The Graduate School | 2005-2006 |
Zabelina, Darya | American Psychological Foundation/Council of Graduate Departments of Psychology Graduate Student Research Scholarship | Psychology | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
O'Dor, Sarah | American Psychological Foundation Elizabeth Munsterberg Koppitz Graduate Student Fellowship | Clinical Psychology | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Dwider, Sarah | American Research Center in Egypt-Council of American Overseas Research Centers Research Fellowships | Art History | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Hedrick, Tera Lee | American Research Center in Sofia | Art History | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Ozdemir, Hazal | American Research Institute in Turkey (ARIT) Friends of ARIT Fellow | History | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Ozbal, Rana Deniz | American Research Institute in Turkey Fellowship | Anthropology | The Graduate School | 2000-2001 |
Stoddard, Ryan | American Scandinavian Fellowship | Music Technology | McCormick/Bienen School | 2012-2013 |
Rashid, Reem | American-Scandinavian Fellowships | Biomedical Engineering | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Weidner, Lucy | American-Scandinavian Foundation Fellowships | Environmental Sciences | Weinberg | 2021-2022 |
Johnson, David Benjamin | American Society for Aesthetics Dissertation Completion Fellowship | Philosophy | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Elling, Eskil | American Society for Aesthetics Doctoral Dissertation Fellowships | Philosophy | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Bromann, Paul | American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Award | Neuroscience | The Graduate School | 1998-1999 |
Harvey, Sean | American Society for Environmental History's Equity Graduate Student Fellowship | History | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Shum, Melody | American Society for Legal History Small Grants for Legal History Research | History | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Ewaleifoh, Osfame | American Society for Microbiology Robert D. Watkins Graduate Research Fellowship | Life Sciences | Feinberg/The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Chen, Xiang | American Society for Nondestructive Testing Fellowship | Mechanical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Ferron, Raissa | American Society for Testing and Materials International Katherine and Bryant Mather Scholarship | Civil & Environmental Engineering | The Graduate School | 2006-2007 |
Coats-Thomas, Margaret | American Society of Biomechanics Graduate Student Grant-in-Aid Program | Biomedical Engineering | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Villamar, Zoe | American Society of Biomechanics Graduate Student Grant-In-Aid Program | Biomedical Engineering | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Zhang, Zitao | American Society of Civil Engineers Annual Scholarship | Civil & Environmental Engineering | The Graduate School | 2007-2008 |
Zhang, Zitao | American Society of Civil Engineers Annual Scholarship | Civil & Environmental Engineering | The Graduate School | 2008-2009 |
Zeng, Yue | American Society of Civil Engineers Annual Scholarship | Environmental Sciences | Weinberg College/McCormick | 2015-2016 |
Kucan, Gordan | American Society of Civil Engineers Annual Structural Engineering Scholarship | Engineering | McCormick | 2015-2016 |
Friedman, Brittany | American Society of Criminology Minority Graduate Fellowship | Sociology | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Curto, Justin Michael | American Society of Magazine Editors Magazine Internship Program | Journalism | Medill | 2018-2019 |
de Varona, Paola | American Society of Magazine Editors Magazine Internship Program | Journalism | Medill | 2018-2019 |
Schaefer, Joseph | American Society of Mechanical Engineers Graduate Teaching Fellowship | Mechanical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Gardner, Elliot | American Society of Plant Taxonomists Graduate Student Research Award | Plant Biology | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Dean, Susan Malia | American Society of Plant Taxonomists Graduate Student Research Grants | Plant Biology and Conservation | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Gavin-Smyth, Nora Scally | American Society of Plant Taxonomists Graduate Student Research Grants | Plant Biology and Conservation | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Galonnier, Juliette | American Sociological Association Dissertation Award | Sociology | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Robinson, Zandria | American Sociological Association Minority Fellowship | Sociology | The Graduate School | 2005-2006 |
Baiduc, Rachael | American Speech-Language-Hearing Foundation New Century Scholars Doctoral Program Scholarship | Communication Sciences & Disorders | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Dierksheide, Kathryn Julia | Amgen Scholars | Biological Sciences | Weinberg | 2018-2019 |
Kobotis, Maryarita | Anatolia College Postgraduate Fellowship | Political Science | Weinberg | 2022-2023 |
Tekriwal, Tanisha | Anatolia College Postgraduate Fellowship | Radio/Television/Film | Communication | 2022-2023 |
Hartman, Lydia Claire | Anatolia College Postgraduate Fellowship Program | Political Science | Communication | 2019-2020 |
Banuelos-Lozano, Naomi | Anatolia College Postgraduate Fellowship Program | Sociology | Weinberg | 2021-2022 |
Aldighieri Soares, Pedro | ANCINE National Agency of Cinema Fellowship | Economics | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Miller, Scott | Andrew W. Mellon Curatorial Research/Collections Specialist Fellowship | Art History | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Roberts, Wendy | Andrew W. Mellon Fellowship at the Huntington Library | English | The Graduate School | 2008-2009 |
Chowdhury, Zirwat | Andrew W. Mellon Fellowship at the Huntington Library | Art History | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Racek, Sandra | Andrew W. Mellon Fellowship for Research in Art and Cultural History | Art History | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Cheng, Joyce | Andrew W. Mellon Fellowship in Humanistic Studies | CIC Traveling Scholar | The Graduate School | 2001-2002 |
Allen, Andrea | Andrew W. Mellon Fellowship in Humanistic Studies | African American Studies | Weinberg College | 2003-2004 |
Gordon, Brandon | Andrew W. Mellon Fellowship in Humanistic Studies | English | Weinberg College | 2003-2004 |
Soodik, Nicholas | Andrew W. Mellon Fellowship in Humanistic Studies | English | Weinberg College | 2003-2004 |
Miglets, Julia | Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Distinguished Achievement Award | History | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Sullivan, Stephen | Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Fellowship in Latino Studies | Anthropology | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
De Berry, Misty | Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship Program (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) | Performance Studies | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
Goding-Doty, Christine | Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship Program (University Wisconsin-Madison) | African American Studies | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Zondi, Mlondolozi Bradley | Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship Program (Wesleyan University) | Performance Studies | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
McGeachy, Alicia | Andrew W. Mellon Scientific Research Fellowships | Chemistry | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
Ko, Isabella Chia-I | Andrew W. Mellon Summer Academy | Art History | Weinberg | 2018-2019 |
Huang, Coco Wenke | Andrew W. Mellon Summer Academy | Performance Studies | Communication | 2019-2020 |
Chusid, Abra | Ann Shaw Fellowship, Theatre For Young Audiences/USA | Theatre | School of Communication | 2008-2009 |
Browman, Alexander | APA Basic Psychological Science Research Grant | Psychology | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Miller, David | APA Basic Psychological Science Research Grant | Psychology | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Cheon, Bobby | APA Dissertation Research Award | Psychology | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Cooley, Victoria Mae | ARCS Scholars | Materials Science and Engineering | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Liu, Jenny Yongjia | ARCS Scholars | Mechanical Engineering/Medical Science Training | Graduate School/Feinberg | 2018-2019 |
Strutz, Jonathan | ARCS Scholars | Chemical and Biological Engineering | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Rangel, Esteban | Argonne Labs Fellowship | Computer Science | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Rosen, Charlotte | Arlen Specter Center for Public Service Research Fellowship | History | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Pavlish, Bogdan | Armenian Studies Scholarship | History | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Dubinsky, Igor | Army Congressional Fellowship | Integrated Science program | Weinberg College | 2011-2012 |
Utley, Ebony | Arnold L. Mitchem Fellowship | Communication Studies | The Graduate School | 2004-2005 |
Ramanathan, Kumar | Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr. Research Fellowship | Political Science | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Kinahan, Claudia | Arts and Humanities Association of Graduate Students Council Award | Interdisciplinary PhD in Theatre and Drama | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Ellison, Kirk | Arup Scholarship | Civil & Environmental Engineering | The Graduate School | 2007-2008 |
Cheng, Zhen | Asian American Psychological Association Undergraduate Research Award | Human Development & Psychological Services | SESP | 2010-2011 |
Lim, Nancy | Asian Art Fellowship at the Guggenheim | Art History | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Glaholt, Hayley Rose | ASI Human-Animal Studies Fellowship | Religious Studies | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Tan, Alvin | ASM Chicago Regional Chapter Award | Materials Science & Engineering | McCormick | 2010-2011 |
Jariwala, Deep Manoj | ASM Chicago Regional Chapter Graduate Student Award | | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Ballou, Jeffrey | Aspen Institute Nonprofit Sector Research Fund Grant | Economics | The Graduate School | 1998-1999 |
Eckhoff, Kathryn | Associated General Contractor Scholarship | Engineering | McCormick | 2015-2016 |
Lee, Stephanie | Association for Asian Studies Graduate Student Travel Award | Art History | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Markenson, Casey Tova | Association for Jewish Studies Dissertation Completion Fellowship | Theatre and Drama | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Dunckley, Kate | Association for Research in Otolaryngology Audiologist Travel Award | Communication Sciences & Disorders | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Xu, Yingyue | Association for Research In Otolaryngology Travel Award | Communication Sciences & Disorders | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Bell, Jessy | Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies Dissertation Research Grant | Art History | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Belsha, Kalyn | Association for Women Journalists Scholarships | Journalism | Medill | 2009-2010 |
Bohn, Lauren | Association for Women Journalists Scholarships | Journalism | Medill | 2009-2010 |
Eisenstein, Alyssa | Association for Women Journalists Scholarships | Journalism | Medill | 2009-2010 |
Harding, Whitney | Association for Women Journalists Scholarships | Journalism | Medill | 2009-2010 |
Lee, Joyce | Association for Women Journalists Scholarships | Journalism | Medill | 2009-2010 |
Martin, Annie | Association for Women Journalists Scholarships | Journalism | Medill | 2009-2010 |
Li, Youjia | Association of Asian Studies - China and Inner Asia Council Research Fellowship | History | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Chen, Evan | Association of Old Crows Scholarship | Electrical Engineering & Computer Science | McCormick | 2007-2008 |
Peien, Liu | Association of Old Crows Scholarship | Electrical Engineering & Computer Science | McCormick | 2009-2010 |
Hyde, Stefan | Association of Old Crows Scholarship | Mechanical Engineering | McCormick | 2012-2013 |
Jizba, Eric | Association of Old Crows Scholarship | Electrical Engineering & Computer Science | Weinberg College | 2012-2013 |
Serafin, Mitchell | Association of Old Crows Scholarship | Electrical Engineering & Computer Science | McCormick | 2013-2014 |
Park, Spencer Nicholas | Association of Old Crows Scholarship | Materials Science & Engineering & Trumpet Performance | McCormick/Bienen School | 2014-2015 |
Kim, Stephan | Association of Old Crows Scholarship | Electrical Engineering | McCormick | 2015-2016 |
Ray, Arianna | Association of Print Scholars Printmaking Workshop for Early-Career Curators and Scholars | Art History | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Tiefenbruck, Laura | AT&T Labs Fellowship | Electrical Engineering & Computer Science | The Graduate School | 1999-2000 |
Weingarten, Elizabeth | Atlantic Media Fellowship | Journalism | Medill | 2009-2010 |
Villarica, Hans | Atlantic Media Fellowship | Journalism | Medill | 2010-2011 |
Hogan-Brown, Abigail | Autism Speaks Dennis Weatherstone Predoctoral Fellowship | Communication Sciences & Disorders | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Tartaro, Andrea | Autism Speaks Fellowship | Technology & Social Behavior | The Graduate School | 2006-2007 |
Jariwala, Deep Manoj | AVS Nanometer-Scale Science and Technology Division Graduate Award | | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Crane, Liza | Bahlest Eeble Readings Fellowship | Composition and Music Technology | Bienen | 2022-2023 |
Nanduri, Lakshmi | Barbara Feurer Friese Memorial Scholarship | Audiology | Communication | 2021-2022 |
Ahmed, Jannat | Base Oils and Lubes Connect Women in Focus Award, Future Star | Mechanical Engineering | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Wang, Max | Baxter Young Investigator Awards | Medical School | Feinberg/Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Guillen, Milton | Bay Area Video Coalition MediaMaker Fellowship | Documentary Media | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
De La Rosa, Elsa | Beca Complemento de Apoyo al Posgrado Ciclo | History | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Lupu, Jennifer | Beckman Center for the History of Chemistry Short-Term Fellowships | Anthropology | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Jones, Emma Bennett | Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library Visiting Graduate Student Fellowship | History | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Collins, Jayme | Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library Visiting Graduate Student Fellowship | English | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Daily, Ruby | Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library Visiting Graduate Student Fellowship | History | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Sandige, Heidi | Beinecke Scholarship | English | Weinberg College | 1989-1990 |
Chang, Olivia | Beinecke Scholarship | Speech & Language Pathology | The Graduate School | 1992-1993 |
Horning, Stewart Russell | Beinecke Scholarship | Comparative Literary Studies | Weinberg College | 1995-1996 |
Tang, John | Beinecke Scholarship | Economics | Weinberg College | 1999-2000 |
Vieregge, Dale | Beinecke Scholarship | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2001-2002 |
North, Amber | Beinecke Scholarship | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2006-2007 |
Sockel, Harris | Beinecke Scholarship | English | Weinberg College | 2007-2008 |
Suckstorff, Hana | Beinecke Scholarship | History | Weinberg College | 2009-2010 |
VanderBeek, Conner | Beinecke Scholarship | Music Composition | Bienen School/Weinberg College | 2013-2014 |
Field, Sean | Belgian American Educational Foundation Fellowship | History | The Graduate School | 1998-1999 |
Koninckx, Elsa | Belgian American Educational Foundation Fellowships for Study or Research in Belgium | Chemical Engineering | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Koninckx, Elsa | Belgian American Educational Foundation Research Fellowships | Chemical Engineering | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Shaw, Michelle Elaine | Belmont University Fellows Program | Communication Studies | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
Ballew, Megan | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Radio/TV/Film | Communication | 2017-2018 |
Bustillos, Marcela | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Communication Studies | Communication | 2017-2018 |
Carter, Jessica | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Political Science | Weinberg | 2017-2018 |
D'Aprile, Joyce | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Manufacturing and Design Engineering | McCormick | 2017-2018 |
Davis, Heaven | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Political Science | Weinberg | 2017-2018 |
Ellis, Kahlil | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Journalism | Medill | 2017-2018 |
Espino, Esteban | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Radio/TV/Film | Communication | 2017-2018 |
Fimbianti, Rachel | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Radio/TV/Film | Communication | 2017-2018 |
Guirgis, David | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Social Policy | Education and Social Policy | 2017-2018 |
Ha, Monica | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Earth and Planetary Sciences | Weinberg | 2017-2018 |
Johnson, Sayeed Sanchez | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | African American Studies | Weinberg | 2017-2018 |
Jones, Kiana | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Anthropology | Weinberg | 2017-2018 |
Jose, Angelina | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Anthropology | Weinberg | 2017-2018 |
Kingsbury, Suzannah | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Human Development and Psychological Services | Education and Social Policy | 2017-2018 |
Lei, Charles | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Economics | Weinberg | 2017-2018 |
Lopez, Denise | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Environmental Sciences | Weinberg | 2017-2018 |
Matthews-Runner, Aleah | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Theatre | Communication | 2017-2018 |
Mei, Xin | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Undeclared | Weinberg | 2017-2018 |
Nelson, Montgomery | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Art History | Weinberg | 2017-2018 |
Nevarez, Mialejandra | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Theatre | Communication | 2017-2018 |
Ochoa, Jailene | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Human Development and Psychological Services | Education and Social Policy | 2017-2018 |
Rodriguez, Erika | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Radio/TV/Film | Communication | 2017-2018 |
Salgado, Sofia | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Psychology | Weinberg | 2017-2018 |
Sigal, Maxwell | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Integrated Science Program | Weinberg | 2017-2018 |
Summers, Jacob Richard | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Slavic Languages and Literatures | Weinberg | 2017-2018 |
Tran, Andy | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Neuroscience | Weinberg | 2017-2018 |
Buchaniec, Catherine | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Journalism | Medill | 2018-2019 |
Cheung, Ingrid | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Biomedical Engineering | McCormick | 2018-2019 |
Ellis, Kahlil | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Journalism | Medill | 2018-2019 |
Fernandez, Carmen M. | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Journalism | Medill | 2018-2019 |
Fimbianti, Rachel | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Radio/TV/Film/Psychology | Communication/Weinberg | 2018-2019 |
Flood, Samantha Margaret | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Psychology | Weinberg | 2018-2019 |
Gamalong, Giovanni | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Chemistry | Weinberg | 2018-2019 |
Garcia, Lizbeth | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Psychology | Weinberg | 2018-2019 |
Goodwin, Austin Lloyd | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Mathematics | Weinberg | 2018-2019 |
Guirgis, David | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Social Policy/Critical Theory | Education and Social Policy/Weinberg | 2018-2019 |
Human, Kelia | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Biomedical Engineering/Global Health Studies | McCormick/Weinberg | 2018-2019 |
Jiang, Sophie | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Radio/TV/Film/Asian Languages and Cultures | Communication/Weinberg | 2018-2019 |
Yuri, Jo | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Human Communication Sciences/Psychology | Communication/Weinberg | 2018-2019 |
Kim, Jana | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Economics | Weinberg | 2018-2019 |
Lindsay, Leana Janae | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Political Science | Weinberg | 2018-2019 |
Miller, Rowan | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Winds and Percussion | Bienen | 2018-2019 |
Narvasa, Antonette O. | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Industrial Engineering | McCormick | 2018-2019 |
Plotkin, Gabrielle | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | History | Weinberg | 2018-2019 |
Rodriguez, Erika | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Radio/TV/Film | Communication | 2018-2019 |
Rubinstein, Kaitlyn | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Spanish | Weinberg | 2018-2019 |
Seng, Panhaneath | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Neuroscience | Weinberg | 2018-2019 |
Suenaga, Tomomi | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Industrial Engineering | McCormick | 2018-2019 |
Vuong, Andrew | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Secondary Teaching | Education and Social Policy | 2018-2019 |
Carty, Christina | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Earth and Planetary Sciences | Weinberg | 2020-2021 |
Ershtein, Emily | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Integrated Science Program | Weinberg | 2020-2021 |
Kwan, Michelle | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Biological Sciences | Weinberg | 2020-2021 |
Moore, Catie | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Radio/Television/Film | Communication | 2020-2021 |
Wang, Christiana | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Communication Studies | Communication | 2020-2021 |
Yamamoto, Mako | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Theatre | Communication | 2020-2021 |
Castillo, Lilliana | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Learning and Organizational Change | Education and Social Policy | 2021-2022 |
Chen, Raymond | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Journalism | Medill | 2021-2022 |
Cho, Sia | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Neuroscience | Weinberg | 2021-2022 |
Engle, Anthony | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Human Development in Context | Education and Social Policy | 2021-2022 |
Erdman-Luntz, Sierra | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Sociology | Weinberg | 2021-2022 |
Ershtein, Emilya | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Mathematical Methods in the Social Sciences | Weinberg | 2021-2022 |
Espinoza, Evelyn | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Global Health Studies | Weinberg | 2021-2022 |
Foley, Kevin | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Gender and Sexuality Studies | Weinberg | 2021-2022 |
Hansen-Erraziqi, Mimi | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Environmental Sciences | Weinberg | 2021-2022 |
Hebert, Nicole | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Economics | Weinberg | 2021-2022 |
Jones, David | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Biological Sciences | Weinberg | 2021-2022 |
Kim, Andrew | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Journalism | Medill | 2021-2022 |
Lu, Layna | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Neuroscience | Weinberg | 2021-2022 |
Miller, Maia | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Economics | Weinberg | 2021-2022 |
Moh, Thomas | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Computer Science | McCormick | 2021-2022 |
Park, Gloria | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Political Science | Weinberg | 2021-2022 |
Pugalia, Shreya | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Economics | Weinberg | 2021-2022 |
Rhee, Gloria | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Political Science | Weinberg | 2021-2022 |
Short, NaKaya | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Psychology | Weinberg | 2021-2022 |
Ubadigbo, Esther | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Biological Sciences | Weinberg | 2021-2022 |
Unger-Levinson, Elah | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Psychology | Weinberg | 2021-2022 |
Vaidya, Shray | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Computer Science | Weinberg | 2021-2022 |
Vela, Jesse | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Latina and Latino Studies | Weinberg | 2021-2022 |
Whitten, Apollo | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Theatre | Communication | 2021-2022 |
Wong, Charlotte | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Social Policy | Education and Social Policy | 2021-2022 |
Zhang, Zoe | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Neuroscience | Weinberg | 2021-2022 |
Burnham, Emma | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Biological Sciences | Weinberg | 2022-2023 |
Ahn, Lynn | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Social Policy | Education and Social Policy | 2022-2023 |
Allen, Grant | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | History | Weinberg | 2022-2023 |
Bar-Meir, Shosana | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Neuroscience | Weinberg | 2022-2023 |
Barfield, Chas | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Psychology | Weinberg/Bienen | 2022-2023 |
Caeiro, Stacy | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Data Science | Weinberg | 2022-2023 |
Gordo-Churchill, Tomas | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Middle East and North African Studies | Weinberg | 2022-2023 |
Graziano, Savannah | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Psychology | Weinberg | 2022-2023 |
McKinzie, Angela | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | English | Weinberg | 2022-2023 |
Mittag, Kaytlyn | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Linguistics | Weinberg | 2022-2023 |
Reyna, Patrick | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Sociology | Weinberg | 2022-2023 |
Rodriguez, Dennise | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Latino and Latina Studies | Weinberg | 2022-2023 |
Thomas, Jade | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Journalism | Medill | 2022-2023 |
Wang, Christiana | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Communication Studies | Communication | 2022-2023 |
Marino, Jonathan | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Social Policy | SESP | 2004-2005 |
Hofmaier, Keenya | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Social Policy | SESP/Weinberg College | 2007-2008 |
Danks, Amy | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Integrated Science Program | Weinberg College | 2008-2009 |
Ajanee, Rozmin | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Communication Studies | Weinberg College | 2009-2010 |
Johnson, Marrion | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Communication Studies | School of Communication | 2009-2010 |
Krulewitz, Emily | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Voice & Opera Performance | Bienen School/Weinberg College | 2009-2010 |
Puldon, Karena | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Chemistry | Weinberg College | 2009-2010 |
Qureshi, Hannan | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Economics | Weinberg College | 2009-2010 |
Buffa, Sebastian | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | History | Weinberg College | 2010-2011 |
Kapadia, Zul | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2010-2011 |
Drummond, Joseph | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Classics | Weinberg College | 2011-2012 |
Francis, Benjamin | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Economics | Weinberg College | 2011-2012 |
Ghunim, Colette | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Communication Studies | School of Communication | 2011-2012 |
Godinez, Crystal | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Social Policy | SESP | 2011-2012 |
Han, Kathleen | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Biomedical Engineering | McCormick | 2011-2012 |
Malick, Rida | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | International Studies | Weinberg College | 2011-2012 |
Metivier, Krishni | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2011-2012 |
Natale, Caleb | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Chemistry | Weinberg College | 2011-2012 |
Navichoque, Tracy | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | History | Weinberg College | 2011-2012 |
Yang, Ho | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Journalism | Medill | 2011-2012 |
Yu, Jia Long | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Electrical Engineering & Computer Science | McCormick | 2011-2012 |
Zeng, Allen | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Electrical Engineering & Computer Science | McCormick | 2011-2012 |
Hernandez , Caleigh | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | International Studies | Weinberg College | 2012-2013 |
Holman, Natalie | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Anthropology | Weinberg College | 2012-2013 |
Iger , Jordyn | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Communication Studies | School of Communication | 2012-2013 |
Jafri , Sabih | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Environmental Sciences | Weinberg College | 2012-2013 |
James, Keisha | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | International Studies | Weinberg College | 2012-2013 |
Kim , Christina | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Electrical Engineering & Computer Science | McCormick | 2012-2013 |
Lee , Aliyah | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Electrical Engineering & Computer Science | McCormick | 2012-2013 |
Nowack , Maia | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Theatre & Drama | School of Communication | 2012-2013 |
Strait, Saron | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Journalism | Medill | 2012-2013 |
Wilber , Karen | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Human Development & Psychological Services | SESP | 2012-2013 |
Azhari, Luqman | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Materials Science & Engineering | McCormick | 2013-2014 |
Darko, Emmanuel | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | | Weinberg College | 2013-2014 |
Hou, Jeanne | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Learning & Organizational Change | SESP | 2013-2014 |
Hsieh, Joseph | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Biological Sciences | Weinberg College | 2013-2014 |
Wang, Sven | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Biological Sciences | Weinberg College | 2013-2014 |
Williams, Tralon | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Sociology | Weinberg College | 2013-2014 |
Xu, Huiqing | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | | McCormick | 2013-2014 |
Yang, Mercy | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Communications Studies | Weinberg College | 2013-2014 |
Azhari, Luqman | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | | McCormick | 2014-2015 |
Capella, Brian Robert | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | | McCormick | 2014-2015 |
Castellanos, Jessica H. | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | International Studies | Weinberg College | 2014-2015 |
Castillo, Katherine Castillo | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | | School of Communication | 2014-2015 |
Chen, Lisa L. | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Biological Sciences | Weinberg College | 2014-2015 |
Corkran, Kevin Scott | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Social Policy & Economics | SESP | 2014-2015 |
Deng, Yue Wen | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | | Weinberg College | 2014-2015 |
Edwards, London Renee | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | | Weinberg College | 2014-2015 |
Garcia, Stephanie | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Neurobiology | Weinberg College | 2014-2015 |
Gehant, Malika C. | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | | Weinberg College | 2014-2015 |
Goktan, Ayla Joyce | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Wind & Percussion | Bienen School/Weinberg College | 2014-2015 |
Gomez, Guadalupe Garcia | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Civil Engineering | McCormick | 2014-2015 |
Haider, Zahra | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | | Medill | 2014-2015 |
Hernandez, Mariana | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | | Weinberg College | 2014-2015 |
Kim, Jason | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | | Weinberg College | 2014-2015 |
Kim, Yea Ree Michelle | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | | Medill | 2014-2015 |
Klein-Mayer, Alexandra | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | | Weinberg College | 2014-2015 |
Ledford, Victoria Elizabeth | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Human Development & Psychological Services | SESP | 2014-2015 |
Liu, Victor Jiahua | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Economics | Weinberg College | 2014-2015 |
Mirabito, Yakira Imaris | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Materials Science & Engineering | McCormick | 2014-2015 |
Patino, Johnny Armando | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | | Weinberg College | 2014-2015 |
Popov, Nastasya Alexandra | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Radio/TV/Film | School of Communication | 2014-2015 |
Riverol, Bridgett | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Human Communication Sciences | School of Communication | 2014-2015 |
Royal, Bria Marie | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | | Weinberg College | 2014-2015 |
Trippy, Samantha Rae | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Computer Science | Weinberg College | 2014-2015 |
Valladares, Stephany | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | | Weinberg College | 2014-2015 |
Zhang, Luke | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Economics | Weinberg College/Bienen School | 2014-2015 |
Andrade, Tricia | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Sociology | Weinberg College | 2015-2016 |
Brooke, Beatrice | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2015-2016 |
Bughrara, Moneb | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Undeclared | Weinberg College | 2015-2016 |
Chang, Irene | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Economics | Weinberg College | 2015-2016 |
Li, Daniel | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Biological Sciences | Weinberg College | 2015-2016 |
Lopez, Karla Paola | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Civil Engineering | McCormick | 2015-2016 |
Mims, Cheron | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Anthropology | Weinberg College | 2015-2016 |
Sedeno, Nina | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2015-2016 |
Shi, Mary | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Undeclared | Weinberg College | 2015-2016 |
Shi, Mary Wu | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Economics | Weinberg College | 2015-2016 |
Weber, De'Sean | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Anthropology | Weinberg College | 2015-2016 |
Wood, Ashley | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2015-2016 |
Ahmad, Khaqan | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Social Policy | SESP | 2016-2017 |
Anderson, Nicholas | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | American Studies | Weinberg College | 2016-2017 |
Gurrola, Lucia | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Human Communication Sciences | School of Communication | 2016-2017 |
Kassam, Nabeel | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Chemistry | Weinberg College | 2016-2017 |
Maclean, Ashleigh | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Statistics | Weinberg College | 2016-2017 |
Orozco, Esai | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Biological Sciences | Weinberg College | 2016-2017 |
Owens, Brittany | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2016-2017 |
Ritz, Thomas | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Mathematics | Weinberg College | 2016-2017 |
Ng, Julia | Berlin Program Dissertation Fellowship | Comparative Literary Studies | The Graduate School | 2007-2008 |
Engelstein, Gil | Berlin Program for Advanced German and European Studies Fellowship | History | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Keener, Andrew Stephen | Bibliographical Society of American Short Term Fellowship | English | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Shabtay, Talia | Big Ten Academic Alliance Smithsonian Fellowship | Art History | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Porter-Lupu, Jennifer Anne | Big Ten Academic Alliance Smithsonian Fellowship | Anthropology | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
Greenberg, Andrew | Biosophical Institute Project Grant | Asian & Middle Eastern Culture & Civilization | Weinberg College | 2010-2011 |
Smierciak, Sarah | Biosophical Institute Project Grant | History | Weinberg College | 2010-2011 |
Wanless, Antony | Biotechnology Predoctoral Training Program | Biological Sciences IBIS | The Graduate School | 2008-2009 |
Dennis, Ashley Dominique | Black Metropolis Research Consortium Summer Short-Term Fellowship | African American Studies | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Floyd, Jessica Ashley | Bloomberg-University of North Carolina-Berkeley Business Journalism Diversity Program | Editorial Journalism | Medill | 2018-2019 |
Frumkin, Aaron | Blue Engine Fellowship | Physics & Astronomy | Weinberg College | 2011-2012 |
Laabs, Amanda | Blue Engine Fellowship | Social Policy | SESP | 2011-2012 |
Sanders, Sarah | Blue Engine Fellowship | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2011-2012 |
Littman, Danielle | Blue Engine Fellowship | Theatre | School of Communication/Weinberg College | 2012-2013 |
Moehrke, Danielle | Blue Engine Fellowship | Social Policy | SESP | 2012-2013 |
Patel, Savan | Blue Engine Fellowship | Communication Studies | School of Communication | 2012-2013 |
Henderson, Molly | Blue Engine Fellowship | American Studies | Weinberg College | 2015-2016 |
Reynolds, Ryan Dave | Blue Waters Graduate Fellowship | | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Gurvich, Alexander | Blue Waters Graduate Fellowships | Physics | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Bayram, Can | Boeing Engineering Student of the Year | Electrical Engineering & Computer Science | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Delaunay, Pierre-Yves | Boeing Engineering Student of the Year | Electrical Engineering & Computer Science | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Crippa, Federico | Bonaldo Stringher Scholarship | Economics | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Pizzimenti, Cristoforo | Bonaldo Stringher Scholarship | Economics | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Kling, Samuel | Bordin/Gillette Fellowship | History | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Akiboh, Alvita Ansa | Bordin/Gillette Fellowship from Bentley Library at University of Michigan | History | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Hackett, Justin | Boren Fellowship | Global Health | Professional Studies | 2018-2019 |
Semley, Lorelle Denise | Boren Fellowship | History | The Graduate School | 1997-1998 |
Hayden, Christopher | Boren Fellowship | History | The Graduate School | 1998-1999 |
Prestholdt, Jeremy | Boren Fellowship | History | The Graduate School | 1998-1999 |
Beltran, Jazmin | Boren Fellowship | Journalism | Medill | 2004-2005 |
Toth, Sara | Boren Fellowship | Journalism | Medill | 2004-2005 |
Thurston, Alexander | Boren Fellowship | Religious Studies | Weinberg College | 2010-2011 |
Peyton, David | Boren Fellowship | Political Science | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Summers, Jacob Richard | Boren Scholarship | Slavic Languages and Literatures | Weinberg | 2017-2018 |
Oppmann, Polly | Boren Scholarship | Comparative Literary Studies | Weinberg College | 1993-1994 |
Shereikis, Rebecca | Boren Scholarship | | | 1993-1994 |
Shortreed, Dori | Boren Scholarship | International Studies | Weinberg College | 1993-1994 |
Batchu, Hima | Boren Scholarship | Asian Studies | Weinberg College | 1994-1995 |
Rabinovitz, Joshua | Boren Scholarship | History | Weinberg College | 1994-1995 |
Whitcomb, Lynn | Boren Scholarship | Linguistics | The Graduate School | 1994-1995 |
Mann, Gregory | Boren Scholarship | History | | 1995-1996 |
Shadle, Brett | Boren Scholarship | History | The Graduate School | 1995-1996 |
Brennan, James | Boren Scholarship | History | The Graduate School | 1996-1997 |
Jacobs, Rachelle Marie | Boren Scholarship | Religious Studies | The Graduate School | 1997-1998 |
Paden, Earl William | Boren Scholarship | Sociology | Weinberg College | 1998-1999 |
Jacobius, Doron J. | Boren Scholarship | Economics | Weinberg College | 1999-2000 |
Garcia, Kateri | Boren Scholarship | Industrial Engineering & Management Sciences | McCormick | 2000-2001 |
Kodesh, Neil | Boren Scholarship | History | The Graduate School | 2000-2001 |
Yakhedts, Anya | Boren Scholarship | Anthropology | The Graduate School | 2000-2001 |
Brockhoff, Rachel | Boren Scholarship | Cognitive Sciences | Weinberg College | 2001-2002 |
Berndt, Jeremy | Boren Scholarship | History | The Graduate School | 2002-2003 |
Irwin, Matthew | Boren Scholarship | Philosophy | Weinberg College | 2002-2003 |
Friedmann, Chelsey | Boren Scholarship | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2004-2005 |
Redmon, Casey | Boren Scholarship | Religious Studies | Weinberg College | 2004-2005 |
Brown, Michael | Boren Scholarship | Asian & Middle Eastern Culture & Civilization | Weinberg College | 2005-2006 |
Russell, Alex | Boren Scholarship | Psychology | Weinberg College | 2007-2008 |
Reid, Laura | Boren Scholarship | Asian & Middle Eastern Culture & Civilization | Weinberg College | 2008-2009 |
Tekolste, Rebecca | Boren Scholarship | Comparative Literary Studies | Weinberg College | 2009-2010 |
Boeck, Elisabeth | Boren Scholarship | Middle Eastern Languages & Civilizations | Weinberg College | 2011-2012 |
Ide, Samuel | Boren Scholarship | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2011-2012 |
Arthur, Diane Kukuwa | Boren Scholarship | Human Development & Psychological Services | SESP | 2014-2015 |
Sabath, Craig Thomas | Boren Scholarship | | Weinberg College | 2014-2015 |
Castellanos, Jessica H. | Boren Scholarship | International Studies | Weinberg College | 2015-2016 |
Palamountain, Forrest | Boren Scholarship (National Defense Scholarship Program) | MENA | Weinberg College/Bienen School | 2016-2017 |
Melhem, Theresa | Botanical Society of America Graduate Student Research Award | Plant Biology | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Radosavljevic, Aleks | Botanical Society of America Graduate Student Research Award | Plant Biology | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Wang, Maria | Botanical Society of America Graduate Student Research Award | Plant Biology | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Finch, Jessamine Hope | Botanical Society of America Graduate Student Research Award | Plant Biology | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Gardner, Elliot Menachem | Botanical Society of America Graduate Student Research Award | Plant Biology | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Ksiazek , Kelly Marie | Botanical Society of America Graduate Student Research Award | Plant Biology | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Lewis, Emily Marie | Botanical Society of America Graduate Student Research Award | Plant Biology | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Li, Bing | Botanical Society of America Graduate Student Research Awards | Plant Biology and Conservation | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Loke, Elena | Botanical Society of America Graduate Student Research Awards | Plant Biology and Conservation | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Godtfredsen, Elsa | Botanical Society of America Graduate Student Research Awards | Plant Biology and Conservation | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Murrell, Olivia | Botanical Society of America Graduate Student Research Awards | Plant Biology and Conservation | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Johnson, Lynnaun | Botany in Action Fellowship | Plant Biology and Conservation | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
DeYoung, Justine | Bourse Jeanne Marandon Fellowship | Art History | The Graduate School | 2005-2006 |
Cazenave, Jennifer | Bourse Jeanne Marandon Fellowship | Comparative Literary Studies | The Graduate School | 2007-2008 |
Woodruff, Lily | Bourse Jeanne Marandon Fellowship | Art History | The Graduate School | 2008-2009 |
Benjamin, Elizabeth | Bourse Jeanne Marandon Fellowship | Art History | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Brehm, Brett | Bourse Jeanne Marandon Fellowship | Comparative Literary Studies | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Rudd, Holly | Bourse Jeanne Marandon Fellowship | Flute Performance | Bienen School | 2012-2013 |
Biddlestone, Jessica Lynn | Bourse Jeanne Marandon Fellowship | European History | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Christmas, Andrea Shannon | Bourse Jeanne Marandon Fellowship | History | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Rothbard, Jesse | Brazil Initiation Scholarship | Spanish and Portuguese | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
Lozoff, Samuel | Bridging Scholarship for Study Abroad in Japan, Association of Teachers of Japanese | Sociology | Weinberg College | 2011-2012 |
Fang, Raymond | BrightFocus Foundation Travel Grant | Medical School | Feinberg/Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Munoz, Jose | British Economic and Social Research Council | Anthropology | The Graduate School | 2003-2004 |
Hanif, Aalia | British Flute Society Competition (Best Performance of a Piece by an Underrepresented Composer) | Wind and Percussion Instruments | Bienen | 2021-2022 |
Owuor, Patrick Mbullo | British Institute in East Africa Thematic Research Grants | Anthropology | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Benson, Lars | British Marshall Scholarship | Political Science | Weinberg | 2017-2018 |
Brunel, Lucia | British Marshall Scholarship | Chemical Engineering | McCormick | 2017-2018 |
Liu, Patrick | British Marshall Scholarship | Psychology | Weinberg | 2018-2019 |
Petersen, Claire | British Marshall Scholarship | Economics/Environmental Engineering | Weinberg/McCormick | 2020-2021 |
Ahn, Kaylyn | British Marshall Scholarship | Social Policy | Education and Social Policy | 2024-2025 |
Hobbs, Lin | British Marshall Scholarship | | | 1966-1969 |
O'Connell, Mary Ellen | British Marshall Scholarship | History | Weinberg College | 1979-1980 |
Findlay, D. Cameron | British Marshall Scholarship | Political Science | Weinberg College | 1981-1982 |
Neapolitan, Denise | British Marshall Scholarship | Linguistics | Weinberg College | 1985-1986 |
Mobed, James | British Marshall Scholarship | Mechanical Engineering | McCormick | 1986-1987 |
Lewis, Elizabeth | British Marshall Scholarship | History | Weinberg College | 1991-1992 |
Rosheger, Sara | British Marshall Scholarship | Music Education | Bienen School | 1994-1995 |
Martinez, Leonardo | British Marshall Scholarship | Undeclared | | 1998-1999 |
DePristo, Mark A. | British Marshall Scholarship | Computing & Info Systems | Weinberg College | 1999-2000 |
McCarville, Megan | British Marshall Scholarship | Economics | Weinberg College | 1999-2000 |
Caldarone, Richard | British Marshall Scholarship | Music Theory | Bienen School | 2000-2001 |
Johnson, Robert | British Marshall Scholarship | Economics | Weinberg College | 2000-2001 |
Harsh, Matthew | British Marshall Scholarship | Materials Science & Engineering | McCormick | 2001-2002 |
Aktipis, Michael | British Marshall Scholarship | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2002-2003 |
Carson, Tracy | British Marshall Scholarship | History | Weinberg College | 2003-2004 |
Elswit, Katherine | British Marshall Scholarship | Dance | School of Communication | 2003-2004 |
Bahl, Ankur | British Marshall Scholarship | Journalism | Medill | 2004-2005 |
Kleiner, Sam | British Marshall Scholarship | American Studies | Weinberg College | 2008-2009 |
White, Jacob | British Marshall Scholarship | History | Weinberg College | 2010-2011 |
Mills, Jennifer | British Marshall Scholarship | Chemistry | Weinberg College | 2012-2013 |
Cohen, Rhaina | British Marshall Scholarship | American Studies | Weinberg College | 2013-2014 |
Glenn, Chelsea | British Marshall Scholarship | International Studies | Weinberg College | 2013-2014 |
Bickel-Barlow, Jessica Isabel | British Marshall Scholarship | English | School of Communication/Weinberg College | 2015-2016 |
Kinch, Daniel Christopher | British Marshall Scholarship | Applied Math | McCormick/Weinberg College | 2016-2017 |
Woodburn, Victoria | Brooke Owens Fellowship | Journalism | Medill | 2019-2020 |
Bhargava, Marisa | Buffet Institute Post Graduate Fellowship, One Acre Fund | Industrial Engineering | McCormick | 2016-2017 |
Wertz, Jacob | Building Excellent Schools Fellowship | Social Policy | SESP | 2012-2013 |
Wiley, Chloe | Building Excellent Schools Fellowship | Journalism | Medill | 2012-2013 |
Bahamon, Steffany | Burger King Scholarship | Industrial Engineering & Management Sciences | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Hubbard, Nisan Michael | Burroughs Wellcome Fund Postdoctoral Enrichment Program | Biological Sciences | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
Counsellor, Callie | Business Marketing Association Chicago mPower scholarship | Journalism | Medill | 2013-2014 |
Wright, Andrene | Byran Jackson Dissertation Research on Minority Politics Award | Political Science | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Rosen, Rachel | Byron Fellowship Leadership Program | Anthropology | Weinberg College | 2011-2012 |
Coyne, Kelly | CAITY Travel Award | Screen Cultures | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Kirkpatrick, Kelly | California Executive Fellowship Program | Social Policy | SESP | 2009-2010 |
Widener, Laney | California Native Plant Society | Plant Biology | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Wei, Anastasia | CalTech Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships | Physics and Astronomy | Weinberg | 2022-2023 |
Mann, Gregory | Camargo Foundation Fellowship | History | The Graduate School | 1998-1999 |
Vinegar, Aron | Camargo Foundation Fellowship | Art History | The Graduate School | 1998-1999 |
Lee, Min Kyung | Camargo Foundation Fellowship | Art History | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Chubb, Emma Imbrie | Camargo Foundation Fellowship | Art History | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Rostovtseva, Tatiana | Cambridge Assessment Scholarship | Learning & Organizational Change | SESP | 2012-2013 |
Green, Jonathan | Cambridge Overseas Trust Scholarship | German | Weinberg College | 2011-2012 |
Sladek, Michael | Cambridge Overseas Trust Scholarship | Psychology | Weinberg College | 2012-2013 |
Carp, Mary | CAMWS Manson A. Stewart Scholarship | Classics | Weinberg College | 2009-2010 |
Kovalchuk, Maria | CAMWS Manson A. Stewart Scholarship | Classics | Weinberg College | 2012-2013 |
Elder, Kate Lauren | Canada Graduate Scholarships-Doctoral Program | Materials Science and Engineering | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Gibb, James | Canadian Institute of Health Research Doctoral Foreign Study Award | Anthropology | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Ross, Kharah | Canadian Institute of Health Research Foreign Doctoral | Psychology | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Guillerm, Gabrielle | Carl J. Ekberg Research Grant | History | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Johnson, Robert | Carnegie Endowment for International Peace James C. Gaither Junior Fellows Program | Economics | Weinberg College | 1999-2000 |
Lyon, Merritt | Carnegie Endowment for International Peace James C. Gaither Junior Fellows Program | Economics | The Graduate School | 2000-2001 |
Barham, Elena Frances | Carnegie Endowment for International Peace James C. Gaither Junior Fellows Program | Philosophy | Weinberg College | 2015-2016 |
Berrizbeitia, Gustavo | Carnegie Endowment for International Peace James C. Gaither Junior Fellows Program | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2016-2017 |
Divine, Alli | Carnegie Endowment for International Peace James C. Gaither Junior Fellows Program | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2016-2017 |
Barry, Morgan | Carrie Chapman Catt Prize for Research on Women and Politics | History | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Kumavie, Francisca Delali Yawa | Carter G. Woodson Institute for African-American and African Studies Predoctoral Residential Research Fellowship | English | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
TeGrotenhuis, Meredith | CASVA Travel | Art History | The Graduate School | 2001-2002 |
Urena, Leslie | CASVA Travel | Art History | The Graduate School | 2004-2005 |
Rosen, Rachel | CDC Public Health Associate Program Fellowship | Anthropology | Weinberg College | 2011-2012 |
Forrat, Natalia | CDDRL Stanford Predoctoral Fellowship | Sociology | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Velasco, Julian | Cedille Records Emerging Artist Competition (Winner) | Wind and Percussion Instruments | Bienen | 2021-2022 |
Buggele, William | Cellular and Molecular Basis of Disease Training Grant | Biological Sciences IBIS | The Graduate School | 2008-2009 |
Cassidy, Justin | Cellular and Molecular Basis of Disease Training Grant | Biological Sciences IBIS | The Graduate School | 2008-2009 |
Bellion, Wendy | Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts Predoctoral Fellowship | Art History | The Graduate School | 1998-1999 |
Elleh, Nnamdi | Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts Predoctoral Fellowship | Art History | The Graduate School | 1998-1999 |
Wei, Yang | Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts Predoctoral Fellowship | Art History | The Graduate School | 2002-2003 |
Bueno Vasquez, Michelle | Center for American Women and Politics Research Grant | Political Science | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Wright, Andrene | Center for American Women and Politics Research Grant | Political Science | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Boxerman, Aaron | Center for Arabic Study Abroad Fellows | History | Weinberg | 2018-2019 |
Boeck, Elisabeth | Center for Arabic Study Abroad Fellowship | Middle Eastern Languages & Civilizations | Weinberg College | 2013-2014 |
Gibeily, Allison | Center for Arabic Study Abroad II Fellowship | English | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Ray, Arianna | Center for Curatorial Leadership/Mellon Foundation Seminar in Curatorial Practice | Art History | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Bamming, Darja | Center for Genetic Medicine Travel Award | Biological Sciences IBIS | The Graduate School | 2008-2009 |
Martoccio, Michael | Center for Historical Research Fellowship at Ohio State | History | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Moy, Hawnyea Abigail | Center for Strategic and International Studies Anne Armstrong Leadership Award | English | Weinberg College | 2000-2001 |
Czerniejewski, Anisa | Center for Strategic and International Studies Anne Armstrong Leadership Award | Ad Hoc | Weinberg College | 2004-2005 |
Reeves, Nathan | Center for the Art and Architectural History of Port Cities Research Residency | Musicology | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Abrams-Morley, Jesse | Center for the Study of the Presidency and Congress Fellowship | Journalism | Medill | 2004-2005 |
Breidenbach, Michael | Center for the Study of the Presidency and Congress Fellowship | History | Weinberg College | 2006-2007 |
Rubenstein, David | Center for the Study of the Presidency and Congress Fellowship | History | Weinberg College | 2006-2007 |
Kleiner, Sam | Center for the Study of the Presidency and Congress Fellowship | American Studies | Weinberg College | 2007-2008 |
Yalowitz, Adam | Center for the Study of the Presidency and Congress Fellowship | American Studies | Weinberg College | 2008-2009 |
Lee, John | Center for the Study of the Presidency and Congress Fellowship | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2009-2010 |
Green, Jonathan | Center for the Study of the Presidency and Congress Fellowship | American Studies | Weinberg College | 2010-2011 |
Beer, Alexander | Center for the Study of the Presidency and Congress Fellowship | American Studies | Weinberg College | 2012-2013 |
Hammerly, Qiddist | Center for the Study of the Presidency and Congress Fellowship | Social Policy | SESP | 2014-2015 |
Rizzo Reyes, Alma | Center for US–Mexican Studies Fellows Program | Performance Studies | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Clark, Keith | Center of Chinese Studies in the Republic of China Research Grant | History | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Vieregge, Dale | Century Institute Summer Program Sagner Fellow | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2001-2002 |
Miranda, Almita Abigayl | Cesar Chavez Dissertation Fellowship, Dartmouth College | Anthropology | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Marx, Lisa | CESRI/NSF Fellowship | Civil & Environmental Engineering | The Graduate School | 2006-2007 |
Freitag, Caroline | CESRI/NSF Fellowship | Molecular Pharmacology and Biological Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2007-2008 |
Rehemtulla, Nabeel | Chambliss Astronomy Achievement Student Awards | Physics and Astronomy | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Tate, Angela | Chancellor's Doctoral Incentive Program | History | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Thomas, Sarah | Chareaubriand Fellowship | Civil & Environmental Engineering | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Hong, Sarah | Charles B. Rangel International Affairs Summer Enrichment Program | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2010-2011 |
Sun, Victoria | Charles B. Rangel International Affairs Summer Enrichment Program | Art History | Weinberg College | 2010-2011 |
Turner, Darryl | Charles B. Rangel International Affairs Summer Enrichment Program | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2010-2011 |
Cazenave, Jennifer | Charles Revson Foundation Fellowship | Comparative Literary Studies | The Graduate School | 2007-2008 |
Yang, Guangshuo | Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship | History | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
Alnusf, Marzouq | Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship | Philosophy | Weinberg | 2020-2021 |
Cygan, Mary | Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship | History | The Graduate School | 1983-1984 |
Hall, Timothy | Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship | History | The Graduate School | 1989-1990 |
Klepper, Deeana | Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship | History | The Graduate School | 1989-1990 |
Bogad, Lawrence | Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship | Performance Studies | The Graduate School | 1999-2000 |
Field, Sean | Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship | History | The Graduate School | 2000-2001 |
Jurdjevic, Mark | Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship | History | The Graduate School | 2000-2001 |
Collins, David | Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship | History | The Graduate School | 2001-2002 |
Prestholdt, Jeremy | Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship | History | The Graduate School | 2001-2002 |
Kodesh, Neil | Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship | | | 2003-2004 |
Mushtaq, Faiza | Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship | | | 2004-2005 |
Berndt, Jeremy | Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship | History | The Graduate School | 2005-2006 |
Skeaff, Christopher | Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship | Political Science | The Graduate School | 2005-2006 |
Le Gall (Seshadri), Shalini | Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship | Art History | The Graduate School | 2006-2007 |
Roberts, Wendy | Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship | English | The Graduate School | 2008-2009 |
Jafri, Maha | Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship | English | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Keeley, Theresa | Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship | History | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Werner, Winter | Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship | English | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Lindgren-Gibson, Alex | Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship | History | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Vise, Melissa | Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship | History | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Morse, Jaimie Nicole | Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship | Sociology | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
High, Ean Christian | Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship | English | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Nzinga, Kalonji | Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship | Learning Sciences | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Tebbetts, Hannah Kay | Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship | Religious Studies | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Forman, Brian | Chateaubriand Fellowship | History | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Katz, Michael Louis | Chateaubriand Fellowship | Physics | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Seo, Dawa | Chateaubriand Fellowship | Civil and Environmental Engineering | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
Passos, Jessica | Chateaubriand Fellowship | French and Francophone Studies | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Warfel, Katherine | Chateaubriand Fellowship | Chemical and Biological Engineering | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Kaufman, Emma | Chateaubriand Fellowship | Astronomy | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Field, Sean | Chateaubriand Fellowship | History | The Graduate School | 1998-1999 |
Norris, Toby | Chateaubriand Fellowship | Art History | The Graduate School | 2001-2002 |
LaVere, Suzanne | Chateaubriand Fellowship | History | The Graduate School | 2004-2005 |
Seymour, Lee | Chateaubriand Fellowship | Political Science | The Graduate School | 2004-2005 |
Woodruff, Lily | Chateaubriand Fellowship | Art History | Weinberg College | 2009-2010 |
Oliver, Elizabeth | Chateaubriand Fellowship | Art History | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Rickert, Karl | Chateaubriand Fellowship | Inorganic Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Miller, Scott | Chateaubriand Fellowship | Art History | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Nasir, Bilal Mohammad | Chau Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship (Pomona College) | Anthropology | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
Qu, Wei | Chiang Chen Overseas Graduate Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2007-2008 |
Wu, Angela | Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation Dissertation Completion Fellowship | Media, Technology, & Society | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Fang, Jun Philip | Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation Doctoral Fellowship | Sociology | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
Nie, Phonshia | Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation Doctoral Fellowship | History | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Shum, Melody | Chiang Ching-Kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange Doctoral Fellowships | History | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Hwang, Austin | Chicago Area Schweitzer Fellows Program | Medical School | Feinberg | 2022-2023 |
Pedamallu, Havisha | Chicago Area Schweitzer Fellows Program | Medical Science Training Program | Feinberg/Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Chang, Diana | Chicago Artists Coalition LAUNCH Residency | Art Theory & Practice | Weinberg College | 2014-2015 |
Wendell, Darien Renee | Chicago Artists Coalition LAUNCH Residency | | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Cantave, Kenny | ChicagoCHEC Fellows Program | Biological Sciences | Weinberg | 2021-2022 |
Miller, Daniel Stephen | Chicago Consortium for Art in Society Fellow | | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Nowell, Emily Allison | Chicago Consortium for Art in Society Fellow | | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Vala, Rambod Norouzi | Chicago Consortium for Art in Society Fellow | Art Theory & Practice | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Al Rawas, Hassan | Chicago Drama League Endowed Retention Scholarship | Directing | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Jones, Tasia Alijia Bernard | Chicago Drama League Endowed Retention Scholarship | Directing | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Mallory, Alexandra Kate | Chicago Drama League Endowed Retention Scholarship | Directing | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Minax, Madsen | Chicago Filmmakers and the Chicago Instructional Technology Foundation Grant | Art Theory & Practice | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Hough, Jessica Anne | Chicago Objects Study Initiative Mellon Curatorial Internship | Art History | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Leveton, Jacob Henry | Chicago Objects Study Initiative Mellon Curatorial Internship | Art History | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Miller, Scott David | Chicago Objects Study Initiative Mellon Curatorial Research Fellowship | Art History | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Midura, Dana | Chicago Teaching Fellowship | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2012-2013 |
Hao, Lu | China and Inner Asia Council Grants | History | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Wallner, Rachel | China and Inner Asia Council Grants | History | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Li, Lantian | China Times Cultural Foundation Young Scholar Award | Sociology | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
Zheng, Yanqiu | China Times Cultural Foundation Young Scholarship Award | History | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Smith, Miranda | China–US Scholars Program | Religious Studies | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Zornosa, Laura Isabel | Chips Quinn Scholars Program for Diversity in Journalism | Journalism | Medill | 2018-2019 |
Chen, Shu-Man | Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Fellowship | Religious Studies | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Kaiser, Edward W. | Churchill Scholarship | | | 1964-1965 |
Gubisch, Roland W. | Churchill Scholarship | | | 1964-1966 |
Wong, Tsing Wai | CIC-Smithsonian Institute Predoctoral Fellowship | Physics & Astronomy | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Boone, Emilie | CIC-Smithsonian Institute Predoctoral Fellowship | Art History | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Gleisser, Faye Raquel | CIC-Smithsonian Institution Fellowship | Art History | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Raizada, Tara | CIEE International Relations, Political Science, History, Peace and Conflict-Resolution Merit Scholarship | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2015-2016 |
Levy, Janice | City Hall Fellowship | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2010-2011 |
Gonzales, Thomas | City Hall Fellowship | Civil & Environmental Engineering | McCormick | 2012-2013 |
Miller, David | Clara Mayo Grant from the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues | Psychology | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Stark, Jessica | Clare Boothe Luce Graduate Fellowship | Chemical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Baskar, Pranav | Clarendon Scholarship | Journalism | Medill | 2021-2022 |
Hsu, Hsiao-Tieh | Clarendon Scholarship | Chemistry | Weinberg College | 2012-2013 |
Nwokeyi, Stacey | Clark and Hinman Foundation Fellowship | Theatre | School of Communication | 2007-2008 |
Noble, Natalie | Clark and Hinman Foundation Fellowship | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2008-2009 |
Teng, Cindy | Clark and Hinman Foundation Fellowship | Psychology | Weinberg College | 2008-2009 |
Hsu, Kevin | Clark and Hinman Foundation Fellowship | Mechanical Engineering | McCormick | 2009-2010 |
O'Byrne, Rory | Clark and Hinman Foundation Fellowship | History | Weinberg College | 2009-2010 |
Melodick, Kylie Ormond | Clean Water Scholarship | Environmental Engineering | McCormick | 2018-2019 |
Bernstein, Sadie | Clearway Community Solar Essay Contest Scholarship (Second Place) | Computer Science | Weinberg | 2020-2021 |
Kim, Saetbyeol | Cleveland International Piano Competition (Armchair Jury Prize) | Piano | Bienen | 2021-2022 |
Kim, Saetbyeol | Cleveland International Piano Competition (Female Composer Prize) | Piano | Bienen | 2021-2022 |
Lam, Kevin | Cleveland Museum of Art Curatorial Fellowship | Art History | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Van Waijenburg, Marlous | Cliometrics Society Conference Travel Grant | History | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Tahk, Kathleen | CLIR Mellon Fellowship for Dissertation Research in Original Sources | Art History | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Byrd, Antawan I. | CLIR Mellon Fellowship for Dissertation Research in Original Sources | Art History | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Sykes, Rory Alison | CLIR Mellon Fellowship for Dissertation Research in Original Sources | Art History | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Rosenholtz-Witt, Jason | CLIR Mellon Fellowship for Dissertation Research in Original Sources | Music | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Miranda, Almita Abigayl | CMIA Minority Dissertation Fellowship, American Anthropological Association | Anthropology | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Goldman, Sarah | Cody Renard Richard Scholarship Program | Writing | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Marshall, Jessica | Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning Predoctoral Research Fellow | Learning Sciences | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Killion, Nikole | College Women of the Year | Journalism | Medill | 1998-1999 |
Lee, Jane | College Women of the Year | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2004-2005 |
North, Amber | College Women of the Year | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2006-2007 |
Keener, Andrew Stephen | Columbia University Libraries Research Award | | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Lampert, Nina | Come on Out Japan Internships | Human Development and Psychological Services | Education and Social Policy | 2020-2021 |
Veerina, Abhinav | Come on Out Japan Internships | Religious Studies | Weinberg | 2020-2021 |
Jang, Jessica | Come on Out Japan Internships | Psychology | Weinberg | 2021-2022 |
Polepeddi, Lalith | Computational and Systems Biology Summer Institute | Anthropology | Weinberg College | 2007-2008 |
Garibay, Francisco Lopez | CONACYT Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2006-2007 |
Breuer, Connie | Congress Bundestag Youth Exchange for Young Professionals | History | Weinberg College | 1999-2000 |
Conroy, Justin | Congress Bundestag Youth Exchange for Young Professionals | History | Weinberg College | 1999-2000 |
Falker, Eric | Congress Bundestag Youth Exchange for Young Professionals | Civil & Environmental Engineering | McCormick | 1999-2000 |
SOCons, Karen | Congress Bundestag Youth Exchange for Young Professionals | Mathematics | Weinberg College | 2000-2001 |
Cartmell, Sarah | Congress Bundestag Youth Exchange for Young Professionals | Journalism | Medill | 2002-2003 |
Johnston, Jamie | Congress Bundestag Youth Exchange for Young Professionals | Social Policy | SESP | 2002-2003 |
Conrad, Preston | Congress Bundestag Youth Exchange for Young Professionals | Industrial Engineering & Management Sciences | McCormick | 2003-2004 |
Cooper, Phillip | Congress Bundestag Youth Exchange for Young Professionals | Learning & Organizational Change | SESP | 2003-2004 |
Analitis, Philip | Congress Bundestag Youth Exchange for Young Professionals | Mathematics | Weinberg College | 2004-2005 |
Flechtner, Emily | Congress Bundestag Youth Exchange for Young Professionals | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2004-2005 |
Golobof, Alexandra | Congress Bundestag Youth Exchange for Young Professionals | Slavic Language & Literature | Weinberg College | 2004-2005 |
Pierce, Justine | Congress Bundestag Youth Exchange for Young Professionals | History | Weinberg College | 2004-2005 |
Gorochow, Erica | Congress Bundestag Youth Exchange for Young Professionals | Radio/TV/Film | School of Communication | 2005-2006 |
Specht, Kimberly | Congress Bundestag Youth Exchange for Young Professionals | String Instruments | Bienen School/Weinberg College | 2005-2006 |
Rog, Bartlomiej | Congress Bundestag Youth Exchange for Young Professionals | Biological Sciences | Weinberg College | 2007-2008 |
Vognar, David | Congress Bundestag Youth Exchange for Young Professionals | Journalism | Medill | 2007-2008 |
Bowen , Andrew | Congress Bundestag Youth Exchange for Young Professionals | Journalism | Medill | 2008-2009 |
Usova, Anastasia | Congress Bundestag Youth Exchange for Young Professionals | Sociology | Weinberg College | 2008-2009 |
Ison, Mark | Congress Bundestag Youth Exchange for Young Professionals | Electrical Engineering & Computer Science | McCormick | 2009-2010 |
Lee, Jesse | Congress Bundestag Youth Exchange for Young Professionals | Mechanical Engineering | McCormick | 2011-2012 |
Coomes, Joseph Lawrence | Congress Bundestag Youth Exchange for Young Professionals | | Weinberg College | 2014-2015 |
Montero, Steven Andrew | Congress Bundestag Youth Exchange for Young Professionals | | Medill | 2014-2015 |
Forsee, Andrea Frances | Congress Bundestag Youth Exchange for Young Professionals | Comparative Literature | Weinberg College | 2015-2016 |
Dago, Gabriela | Congress Bundestag Youth Exchange for Young Professionals | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2016-2017 |
Ruiz, Daniela | Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange for Young Professionals | Chemical Engineering | McCormick | 2019-2020 |
Belknap Fernandez, Bibiana | Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute Public Policy Fellowship Program | Biological Sciences | Weinberg | 2021-2022 |
Baker, Kevin | Consortium for History of Science, Technology, and Medicine Dissertation Fellowship | History | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Minax, Madsen | Core Program at the Museum of Fine Arts Houston | Art Theory & Practice | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Tenorio, Samantha | Cornell Summer School of Criticism and Theory Fellowship | African American Studies | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Crisafulli, James | Coro Fellowship | Political Science | Weinberg | 2019-2020 |
Gilburne, Jillian Hannah | Coro Fellowship | Communication Studies | Communication | 2019-2020 |
Carpenter, Seiji | Coro Fellows Program | Economics | Weinberg College | 2000-2001 |
Harahan, Brian | Coro Fellows Program | Biological Sciences | Weinberg College | 2000-2001 |
London, Sarah | Coro Fellows Program | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2001-2002 |
Parekh, Rupa | Coro Fellows Program | Social Policy | SESP | 2001-2002 |
Park, Rebekah | Coro Fellows Program | American Studies | Weinberg College | 2001-2002 |
Robinson, Regina | Coro Fellows Program | Journalism | Medill | 2001-2002 |
Udani, Adriano | Coro Fellows Program | Communication Sciences & Disorders | School of Communication | 2001-2002 |
Golombek, Benjamin | Coro Fellows Program | Journalism | Medill | 2002-2003 |
Rosenblit, Avi | Coro Fellows Program | American Studies | Weinberg College | 2002-2003 |
Frank, Jolene | Coro Fellows Program | Communication Studies | School of Communication | 2003-2004 |
Klivans, Laura | Coro Fellows Program | Communication Studies | School of Communication | 2003-2004 |
Rivera, Edith | Coro Fellows Program | Communication Studies | School of Communication | 2003-2004 |
Scott, Shalonda | Coro Fellows Program | Communication Studies | School of Communication | 2003-2004 |
Correia, Chelsea | Coro Fellows Program | Social Policy | SESP | 2004-2005 |
Hatton, Joef | Coro Fellows Program | Economics | Weinberg College | 2004-2005 |
Budow, Matthew | Coro Fellows Program | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2005-2006 |
Janik, Mariola | Coro Fellows Program | Social Policy | SESP | 2005-2006 |
Keenan-Devlin, Patrick | Coro Fellows Program | Voice & Opera | Bienen School | 2005-2006 |
Popolizio, Julie | Coro Fellows Program | English | Weinberg College | 2005-2006 |
Xiang, Sunny | Coro Fellows Program | English | Weinberg College | 2005-2006 |
Turk, Meredith | Coro Fellows Program | Anthropology | Weinberg College | 2006-2007 |
Appel, Christian | Coro Fellows Program | Anthropology | Weinberg College | 2007-2008 |
Torres, Remigio | Coro Fellows Program | History | Weinberg College | 2007-2008 |
Sonalkar, Neeta | Coro Fellows Program | Economics | Weinberg College | 2008-2009 |
Argueta, Carla | Coro Fellows Program | Social Policy | SESP | 2009-2010 |
Meyers, Ashley | Coro Fellows Program | History | Weinberg College | 2009-2010 |
Nayman, Samuel | Coro Fellows Program | Social Policy | SESP | 2009-2010 |
Royals, Erin | Coro Fellows Program | History | Weinberg College | 2009-2010 |
Sims, Alexandra | Coro Fellows Program | Social Policy | SESP | 2009-2010 |
Spector, Matthew | Coro Fellows Program | Communication Studies | School of Communication | 2009-2010 |
Bernstein, Corrine | Coro Fellows Program | Asian & Middle Eastern Culture & Civilization | Weinberg College | 2010-2011 |
Cunningham, Ana | Coro Fellows Program | English | Weinberg College | 2010-2011 |
Fein, Jordan | Coro Fellows Program | American Studies | Weinberg College | 2010-2011 |
Peterson, Erik | Coro Fellows Program | Political Science | School of Communication/Weinberg College | 2010-2011 |
Rahim, Sana | Coro Fellows Program | English | Weinberg College | 2010-2011 |
Garrett, Nathan | Coro Fellows Program | History | Weinberg College | 2011-2012 |
Pree, Leila | Coro Fellows Program | Philosophy | Weinberg College | 2011-2012 |
Cruise, Lafayette | Coro Fellows Program | Social Policy | SESP | 2012-2013 |
Flannery, Patrick | Coro Fellows Program | Environmental Sciences | Weinberg College | 2012-2013 |
Sanderson, Zachary | Coro Fellows Program | Psychology | Weinberg College | 2012-2013 |
Zieve, Joshua | Coro Fellows Program | Economics | Weinberg College | 2012-2013 |
Raiselis, Diana | Coro Fellows Program | Theatre | School of Communication | 2016-2017 |
Pecak, Michael | Corsi Internazionali di Lingua Cultura Italiana | Piano | Bienen School | 2006-2007 |
Xing, Jiayin | Council of Academic Programs in Communication Sciences and Disorders PhD Scholarships | Communication Sciences and Disorders | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Europa, Eduardo | Council of Academic Programs in CSD Leadership Scholarship | Communication Sciences & Disorders | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Hill, Evan | Council of American Ambassadors Fellowship | Journalism | Medill | 2005-2006 |
Finn, Allison | Council of American Ambassadors Walter and Leonore Annenberg Fellowship | International Studies | School of Communication/Weinberg College | 2011-2012 |
Pittman, LaShawnDa | CREST Dissertation Writing Fellowship | Sociology | The Graduate School | 2006-2007 |
Lee, Moses | Critical Language Scholarship | Middle East and North African Studies/Learning and Organizational Change | Weinberg/Education and Social Policy | 2017-2018 |
Everding, Abigail | Critical Language Scholarship | Linguistics | Weinberg | 2018-2019 |
Wu, Tara | Critical Language Scholarship | Journalism | Medill | 2018-2019 |
Zaycosky, Emily | Critical Language Scholarship | Public Policy and Administration | Professional Studies | 2018-2019 |
LaMountain, Christopher Hans | Critical Language Scholarship | Religious Studies | Bienen | 2019-2020 |
Pignataro, Jillian Grace | Critical Language Scholarship | Slavic Languages and Literatures | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
Bilter, Brianna | Critical Language Scholarship | Journalism | Medill | 2020-2021 |
Bobbitt, Joshua | Critical Language Scholarship | Undeclared | Weinberg | 2020-2021 |
Guo, Michelle | Critical Language Scholarship | Asian Languages and Cultures | Weinberg | 2020-2021 |
LaMountain, Christopher | Critical Language Scholarship | Music | Bienen | 2020-2021 |
Maskara, Savir | Critical Language Scholarship | Economics | Weinberg | 2020-2021 |
Myren, Natalie | Critical Language Scholarship | Middle East and North African Studies | Weinberg | 2020-2021 |
Pignataro, Jillian | Critical Language Scholarship | Slavic Languages and Literature | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Silber, Carol | Critical Language Scholarship | Political Science | Weinberg | 2020-2021 |
Walia, Aryan | Critical Language Scholarship | Manufacturing and Design Engineering | McCormick | 2020-2021 |
Franzese, Nicholas | Critical Language Scholarship | Computer Science | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Garberg, Lucy | Critical Language Scholarship | Biological Sciences | Weinberg | 2021-2022 |
Randolph, Adoria | Critical Language Scholarship | Political Science | Weinberg | 2021-2022 |
Ross, Alexander | Critical Language Scholarship | Biomedical Engineering | McCormick | 2021-2022 |
Smith, Sydney | Critical Language Scholarship | Asian Languages and Cultures | Weinberg | 2021-2022 |
Mohrs, Shelby | Critical Language Scholarship | Anthropology | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Quintero, Trevor | Critical Language Scholarship | Asian American Studies | Weinberg | 2022-2023 |
Yoon, David | Critical Language Scholarship | Political Science | Weinberg | 2022-2023 |
Ahern, Christopher | Critical Language Scholarship | Linguistics | Weinberg College | 2005-2006 |
Doran, Gerard | Critical Language Scholarship | German | Weinberg College | 2005-2006 |
MacDougall, Susan | Critical Language Scholarship | Social Policy | SESP | 2005-2006 |
Smith, Nikolai | Critical Language Scholarship | Social Policy | SESP/Weinberg College | 2005-2006 |
Sparapani, Jason | Critical Language Scholarship | Journalism | Medill | 2005-2006 |
Balhorn, Loren | Critical Language Scholarship | International Studies | Weinberg College | 2006-2007 |
Bolder, Hannah Marie | Critical Language Scholarship | Linguistics | Weinberg College | 2007-2008 |
Braun, Carol | Critical Language Scholarship | Physics & Astronomy | The Graduate School | 2007-2008 |
Gorin, Shlomit | Critical Language Scholarship | Slavic Languages & Literature | The Graduate School | 2007-2008 |
Marvel, Elizabeth | Critical Language Scholarship | History | Weinberg College | 2007-2008 |
Mazur, Peter | Critical Language Scholarship | History | The Graduate School | 2007-2008 |
Naroditski, Nicholas | Critical Language Scholarship | History | Weinberg College | 2007-2008 |
Rahman, Anisa | Critical Language Scholarship | Biological Sciences | Weinberg College | 2007-2008 |
Russell, Alex | Critical Language Scholarship | Psychology | Weinberg College | 2007-2008 |
Wendeln, Kathryn | Critical Language Scholarship | Spanish | Weinberg College | 2007-2008 |
Williford, Harold | Critical Language Scholarship | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2007-2008 |
Hill, Tyler | Critical Language Scholarship | Philosophy | Weinberg College | 2008-2009 |
Sumadi, Sarah | Critical Language Scholarship | Journalism | Medill | 2008-2009 |
Bowers, Katherine | Critical Language Scholarship | Slavic Languages & Literature | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Chen, Steven | Critical Language Scholarship | Mathematical Methods in the Social Sciences | Weinberg College | 2009-2010 |
Gellman, Mneesha | Critical Language Scholarship | Political Science | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Kelly, Laura | Critical Language Scholarship | East Asian Studies | Weinberg College | 2009-2010 |
Nelson, Daniel | Critical Language Scholarship | Asian & Middle Eastern Culture & Civilization | Bienen School/Weinberg College | 2009-2010 |
Nunlist, Thomas | Critical Language Scholarship | Journalism | Medill | 2009-2010 |
Sobczak, Blake | Critical Language Scholarship | Journalism | Medill | 2009-2010 |
Vohra, Adam | Critical Language Scholarship | Biological Sciences | Weinberg College | 2009-2010 |
Weinstein, Madeline | Critical Language Scholarship | English | School of Communication | 2009-2010 |
Williford, Harold | Critical Language Scholarship | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2009-2010 |
Blanche, Aubrey | Critical Language Scholarship | Journalism | Medill | 2010-2011 |
Hinds-Bond, Jessica | Critical Language Scholarship | Theatre & Drama | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
McLaughlin, William | Critical Language Scholarship | Undeclared | Weinberg College | 2010-2011 |
Smierciak, Sarah | Critical Language Scholarship | History | Weinberg College | 2010-2011 |
Sobczak, Blake | Critical Language Scholarship | Journalism | Medill | 2010-2011 |
Sykes, Rory | Critical Language Scholarship | Art History | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Tang, Sisi | Critical Language Scholarship | Asian & Middle Eastern Culture & Civilization | Medill | 2010-2011 |
Wolking, Jordyn | Critical Language Scholarship | Journalism | Medill | 2010-2011 |
Lee, Sean | Critical Language Scholarship | Political Science | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Harris, David | Critical Language Scholarship | Industrial Engineering & Management Sciences | McCormick | 2012-2013 |
Krivicich, Peter | Critical Language Scholarship | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2012-2013 |
Tayeb, Leila Oum Kulthoum | Critical Language Scholarship | Performance Studies | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Calistro, Michael Ralph | Critical Language Scholarship | Public Policy & Administration | SCS | 2013-2014 |
Kumar, Sunjay Daniel | Critical Language Scholarship | Asian Studies | Weinberg College | 2014-2015 |
Shah, Kshama Hiren | Critical Language Scholarship | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2014-2015 |
Thiel, Daniel Kevin | Critical Language Scholarship | | Weinberg College | 2014-2015 |
Cassingham, Colleen | Critical Language Scholarship | MENA | Weinberg College | 2015-2016 |
Davis, Michaela Danielle | Critical Language Scholarship | Asian Languages & Cultures | Weinberg College | 2015-2016 |
Ewbank, Madeline May | Critical Language Scholarship | Radio/TV/Film | School of Communication | 2015-2016 |
Grindon, Mia | Critical Language Scholarship | Communication Studies | School of Communication | 2015-2016 |
Sabath, Craig Thomas | Critical Language Scholarship | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2015-2016 |
Sawhney, Asha Mare | Critical Language Scholarship | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2015-2016 |
Castellanos, Jessica | Critical Language Scholarship | International Studies | Weinberg College | 2016-2017 |
Robinson, Kali | Critical Language Scholarship | Journalism | Medill | 2016-2017 |
Walker, Jackson | Critical Language Scholarship | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2016-2017 |
Obradovic, Filip | Crivelli Europe Scholarships | Economics | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
Obradovic, Jana | Crivelli Europe Scholarships | Economics | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Zanotti, Luca | Crivelli Europe Scholarships | Economics | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Pashman, Howard | Cromwell Fellowship from the American Society for Legal History | History | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Richter, Felix | Cullen Trust for Higher Education Fellowship Travel Award | Integrated Science program | Weinberg College | 2011-2012 |
Burt, Miracle | Cultivating Health and Aging Researchers by Integrating Science, Medicine, and Aging Fellowship | African American Studies | Weinberg | 2022-2023 |
Florczak, Asiah | Cultivating Underrepresented Students in Philosophy Summer Institute | Philosophy | Weinberg | 2022-2023 |
Glaholt, Hayley Rose | Culture and Animals Foundation Grant | Religious Studies | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Ureña, Leslie | Curatorial Research Fellowship | Art History | The Graduate School | 2007-2008 |
Shrodes, Addie | Curriculum Inquiry Writing Fellowship | Learning Sciences | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Cressler, Matthew | Cushwa Center for the Study of American Catholicism Research Travel Grant | Religious Studies | The Graduate School | 2010-2012 |
Guillerm, Gabrielle | Cushwa Center for the Study of American Catholicism Research Travel Grant | History | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Creason, Carl | Cushwa Center for the Study of American Catholicism Research Travel Grants | History | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Wallner, Rachel | D. Kim Foundation for the History of Science and Technology in East Asia Dissertation Fellowship | History | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Frapwell, Jennifer | DAAD High Tech in Old Munich | Chemical & Biological Engineering | McCormick | 2000-2001 |
Karavolos, Stefanos | DAAD High Tech in Old Munich | Electrical Engineering & Computer Science | McCormick | 2000-2001 |
Moravy, Lars | DAAD High Tech in Old Munich | Mechanical Engineering | McCormick | 2000-2001 |
Cherem, Max | DAAD Intensive Language Course Grant | Philosophy | The Graduate School | 2006-2007 |
Gilmore, Matthew | DAAD Intensive Language Course Grant | Music | Bienen School | 2008-2009 |
Gucler, Arda | DAAD Intensive Language Course Grant | Political Science | The Graduate School | 2008-2009 |
Amaral, Genevieve | DAAD Intensive Language Course Grant | Comparative Literary Studies | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Mertel, Kurt | DAAD Intensive Language Course Grant | Philosophy | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Di Salvo, Carlos | DAAD Intensive Language Course Grant | Philosophy | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Lambeth, Morganna | DAAD Intensive Language Course Grant | Philosophy | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Harrison, Joel David | DAAD Intensive Language Course Grant | Religious Studies | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Kellner, Alan Joseph | DAAD Intensive Language Course Grant | Political Science | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Liang, Hao | DAAD Intensive Language Course Grant | Philosophy | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Ricciardi, Benjamin Cleveland | DAAD Intensive Language Course Grant | Religious Studies | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Marpet, Blaze | DAAD Intensive Language Course Grant | Philosophy | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Scott, Kyle | DAAD Intensive Language Course Grant | Philosophy | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Sobel, Liza | DAAD Intensive Language Course Grant | Composition | Bienen School | 2016-2017 |
Twardowski, James | DAAD Intensive Language Course Grant | Theatre & Drama | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Boucher, David | DAAD InternXchange Scholarship | Journalism | Medill | 2007-2008 |
Crews, Veronica | DAAD InternXchange Scholarship | Journalism | Medill | 2007-2008 |
Tham, Dan | DAAD InternXchange Scholarship | Journalism | Medill | 2010-2011 |
Zaharoff, Charlie | DAAD InternXchange Scholarship | Journalism | Medill | 2012-2013 |
Garrison, Eliza | DAAD Research Grant | Art History | The Graduate School | 1998-1999 |
Glazova, Anna | DAAD Research Grant | Comparative Literary Studies | The Graduate School | 2004-2005 |
Padgett, Katie | DAAD Research Grant | Philosophy | The Graduate School | 2004-2005 |
DiBenedetto, Sara | DAAD Research Grant | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2006-2007 |
Kneupper, Francis Courtney | DAAD Research Grant | History | The Graduate School | 2006-2007 |
Lutjens, Richard | DAAD Research Grant | History | The Graduate School | 2006-2007 |
Anderson, Angela | DAAD Research Grant | Sociology | The Graduate School | 2007-2008 |
Brandt, Tyler | DAAD Research Grant | Computing & Info Systems | Weinberg College | 2007-2008 |
Carnwath, John | DAAD Research Grant | Theatre | The Graduate School | 2007-2008 |
Morris, Joel | DAAD Research Grant | Comparative Literary Studies | The Graduate School | 2007-2008 |
Patrawala, Sara | DAAD Research Grant | Medical School | Feinberg | 2007-2008 |
Prattico, Emilie | DAAD Research Grant | Philosophy | The Graduate School | 2007-2008 |
Prussing, Victoria | DAAD Research Grant | Religious Studies | The Graduate School | 2007-2008 |
Rousse, Scot | DAAD Research Grant | Philosophy | The Graduate School | 2007-2008 |
Shinder, Evgeny | DAAD Research Grant | Mathematics | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Tester, Steven | DAAD Research Grant | German | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
WhiteLaw, Laureen | DAAD Research Grant | Musicology | Bienen School | 2009-2010 |
Flanders, Gregory | DAAD Research Grant | German | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Ralph, Jason | DAAD Research Grant | History | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Robinson, Matthew | DAAD Research Grant | Religious Studies | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Cacharani, John | DAAD Research Grant | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2012-2013 |
Mertel, Kurt | DAAD Research Grant | Philosophy | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Singletary, Kimberly | DAAD Research Grant | Communication Studies | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Jeon, Nari | DAAD Research Grant | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Robinson , Benjamin Lewis | DAAD Research Grant | Comparative Literary Studies | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Burdman, Javier Dario | DAAD Research Grant | Political Science | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Olien, Catherine Victoria | DAAD Research Grant | Art History | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Avruch, Nadav | DAAD Research Grant | Comparative Literary Studies | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Di Salvo, Carlos Javier Pereira | DAAD Research Grant | Philosophy | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Lambeth, Morganna | DAAD Research Grant | Philosophy | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Nepomuceno, Antonia | DAAD Research Grant | Biomedical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Braden, Sarah | DAAD Research Internship in Science and Engineering | Physics & Astronomy | Weinberg College | 2005-2006 |
Guist, David | DAAD Research Internship in Science and Engineering | German | Weinberg College | 2006-2007 |
Klobuchar, Ashley | DAAD Research Internship in Science and Engineering | Chemistry | Weinberg College | 2006-2007 |
Kramer, Eric | DAAD Research Internship in Science and Engineering | Integrated Science Program | Weinberg College | 2007-2008 |
Riegel, Laura | DAAD Research Internship in Science and Engineering | Industrial Engineering & Management Sciences | McCormick | 2007-2008 |
Brunner, Phillip | DAAD Research Internship in Science and Engineering | Chemical & Biological Engineering | McCormick | 2009-2010 |
Cheacharoen, Rongrong | DAAD Research Internship in Science and Engineering | Materials Science & Engineering | McCormick | 2009-2010 |
Emery, Carina | DAAD Research Internship in Science and Engineering | Neuroscience | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Felberg, Lisa | DAAD Research Internship in Science and Engineering | Chemical & Biological Engineering | McCormick | 2009-2010 |
Ginder, Ryan | DAAD Research Internship in Science and Engineering | Materials Science & Engineering | McCormick | 2009-2010 |
Coffel, Ethan | DAAD Research Internship in Science and Engineering | Integrated Science program | McCormick/Weinberg College | 2010-2011 |
Lawler, Timothy | DAAD Research Internship in Science and Engineering | Manufacturing & Design Engineering | McCormick | 2010-2011 |
Wu, Sail | DAAD Research Internship in Science and Engineering | Engineering Science & Applied Mathematics | McCormick | 2010-2011 |
Krulewitz, Emily | DAAD Research Internship in Science and Engineering | Voice & Opera Performance | Bienen School/Weinberg College | 2011-2012 |
Ringler, Ingrid | DAAD Research Internship in Science and Engineering | Physics & Astronomy | Weinberg College | 2011-2012 |
Tang, Lisa | DAAD Research Internship in Science and Engineering | Chemistry | Weinberg College | 2011-2012 |
Beck, Sarah | DAAD Research Internship in Science and Engineering | Biological Sciences | Weinberg College | 2012-2013 |
Levin, Emily | DAAD Research Internship in Science and Engineering | Materials Science & Engineering | McCormick | 2012-2013 |
Voss, Stephanie | DAAD Research Internship in Science and Engineering | Communication Studies | School of Communication | 2012-2013 |
Azhari, Luqman | DAAD Research Internship in Science and Engineering | Materials Science & Engineering | McCormick | 2013-2014 |
Conger, Elizabeth Piotrowski | DAAD Research Internship in Science and Engineering | Civil & Environmental Engineering | McCormick | 2013-2014 |
Jacobson, Christian Robert | DAAD Research Internship in Science and Engineering | Chemistry | Weinberg College | 2013-2014 |
Marks , Sean Michael | DAAD Research Internship in Science and Engineering | Chemical & Biological Engineering | McCormick | 2013-2014 |
Barmore, Lauren Margaret | DAAD Research Internship in Science and Engineering | | Weinberg College | 2014-2015 |
Lee, Katherine | DAAD Research Internship in Science and Engineering | Chemistry | Weinberg College | 2014-2015 |
Jain, Aditya Sanjay | DAAD Research Internship in Science and Engineering | Industrial Engineering | McCormick | 2015-2016 |
Ozsan, Ilayda | DAAD Research Internship in Science and Engineering | Biology | Weinberg College | 2015-2016 |
Lichtenberger, Taran | DAAD Research Internship in Science and Engineering | Biological Sciences | Weinberg College | 2016-2017 |
Polzin, Ava | DAAD Research Internship in Science and Engineering | Earth & Planetary Sciences | Weinberg College | 2016-2017 |
Lee, Jake | DAAD Research Internship in Science and Engineering Pro | Applied Mathematics & Engineering Sciences | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Saurel, Clifton | DAAD Research Internship in Science and Engineering Pro | Biomedical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Johnson, Blake | DAAD Research Internship in Science and Engineering Pro | Mechanical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Woodroofe, Carolyn C. | DAAD Study Scholarship | Integrated Science Program | Weinberg College | 1997-1998 |
Langenhorst, Amy Renee | DAAD Study Scholarship | Geological Sciences | Weinberg College | 1998-1999 |
Williams, Carol Lynn | DAAD Study Scholarship | Speech & Language Pathology | | 1998-1999 |
Mootry, Aisha | DAAD Study Scholarship | Sociology | The Graduate School | 1999-2000 |
Brown, David | DAAD Study Scholarship | German | Weinberg College | 2000-2001 |
Ganguli, Ina | DAAD Study Scholarship | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2000-2001 |
Jackson, Aria | DAAD Study Scholarship | Theatre | School of Communication | 2000-2001 |
Dawson, Julie | DAAD Study Scholarship | Ad Hoc | Bienen School | 2001-2002 |
Mills, Francis | DAAD Study Scholarship | Mechanical Engineering | McCormick | 2001-2002 |
Raja, Anjali | DAAD Study Scholarship | Psychology | Weinberg College | 2001-2002 |
Ferriman, Kimberley | DAAD Study Scholarship | Psychology | Weinberg College | 2002-2003 |
Johnson, Nicholas | DAAD Study Scholarship | Theatre | School of Communication | 2002-2003 |
Lovejoy, Katherine | DAAD Study Scholarship | Integrated Science Program | Weinberg College | 2002-2003 |
Zelljadt, Elizabeth | DAAD Study Scholarship | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2002-2003 |
Albert, Michael | DAAD Study Scholarship | Comparative Literary Studies | Weinberg College | 2003-2004 |
Greenwald, Scott | DAAD Study Scholarship | Mathematics | Weinberg College | 2004-2005 |
McGillen, Michael | DAAD Study Scholarship | Philosophy | Weinberg College | 2004-2005 |
Petrou, Marissa | DAAD Study Scholarship | History | Weinberg College | 2004-2005 |
Brothers, Alan | DAAD Study Scholarship | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2005-2006 |
Glick, Justin | DAAD Study Scholarship | English | Weinberg College | 2005-2006 |
Keating, Jessica | DAAD Study Scholarship | Art History | The Graduate School | 2005-2006 |
Mathys, Jonathan | DAAD Study Scholarship | Philosophy | The Graduate School | 2005-2006 |
Patrawala, Sara | DAAD Study Scholarship | Environmental Sciences | Weinberg College | 2005-2006 |
Rothe, Alexander | DAAD Study Scholarship | Music Cognition | Bienen School | 2005-2006 |
Weiss, Rachel | DAAD Study Scholarship | Radio/TV/Film | School of Communication | 2005-2006 |
Wertz, Louis | DAAD Study Scholarship | Journalism | Medill | 2005-2006 |
Dushman, Elliot | DAAD Study Scholarship | Wind & Percussion Instruments | Bienen School | 2006-2007 |
Ehlert, Steven | DAAD Study Scholarship | Mathematics | Weinberg College | 2006-2007 |
Thorn, Seth | DAAD Study Scholarship | Philosophy | Bienen School/Weinberg College | 2006-2007 |
Whiting, Grant | DAAD Study Scholarship | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2006-2007 |
Fielding-Singh, Priya | DAAD Study Scholarship | Social Policy | SESP/Weinberg College | 2007-2008 |
Hammervold, Mark | DAAD Study Scholarship | Philosophy | Weinberg College | 2007-2008 |
Lane, Brandon | DAAD Study Scholarship | Physics & Astronomy | Weinberg College | 2007-2008 |
Ackerman, John | DAAD Study Scholarship | Political Science | The Graduate School | 2008-2009 |
Hakes, Kevin | DAAD Study Scholarship | Brass | Bienen School | 2008-2009 |
Smierciak, Catherine | DAAD Study Scholarship | Radio/TV/Film | School of Communication | 2008-2009 |
Kogan, Irina | DAAD Study Scholarship | Comparative Literary Studies | Weinberg College | 2009-2010 |
Robin, William | DAAD Study Scholarship | Musicology | Bienen School | 2009-2010 |
Bodensteiner, Brian | DAAD Study Scholarship | German | Weinberg College | 2010-2011 |
Ginder, Ryan | DAAD Study Scholarship | Materials Science & Engineering | McCormick | 2010-2011 |
Green, Jonathan | DAAD Study Scholarship | German | Weinberg College | 2011-2012 |
Eck, Connor | DAAD Study Scholarship | Applied Mathematics & Engineering Sciences | Weinberg College | 2012-2013 |
Lenz, Felicitas | DAAD Study Scholarship | German | Weinberg College | 2012-2013 |
Mayer, Allegra | DAAD Study Scholarship | Environmental Sciences | Weinberg College | 2012-2013 |
Zeldin, Noah | DAAD Study Scholarship | Music Composition | Bienen School | 2012-2013 |
Davis , Lauren Elizabeth | DAAD Study Scholarship | German | Weinberg College | 2013-2014 |
Wei, Andrew Zu-Sem | DAAD Study Scholarship | Biological Sciences | Weinberg College | 2013-2014 |
Kazvini-Gore, Nicholas Rassoul | DAAD Study Scholarship | | SESP | 2014-2015 |
Rowberg, Andrew Joseph | DAAD Study Scholarship | Materials Science & Engineering | McCormick | 2014-2015 |
Zaharoff, Charlie Nasatir | DAAD Study Scholarship | Journalism | Medill | 2014-2015 |
Krinsman, William Edward | DAAD Study Scholarship | Mathematics | Weinberg College | 2015-2016 |
Nadig, Ajay | DAAD Study Scholarship | Neuroscience | Weinberg College | 2016-2017 |
Li, Rosa | DAAD Summer Course Grant | Economics | Weinberg College | 2006-2007 |
Philipp, Adam | DAAD Summer Course Grant | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2006-2007 |
Teitelbaum, Aaron | DAAD Summer Course Grant | Wind & Percussion Instruments | Bienen School | 2006-2007 |
Wolfson, Amanda | DAAD Summer Course Grant | History | Weinberg College | 2006-2007 |
Cherem, Max | DAAD Summer Course Grant | Philosophy | The Graduate School | 2007-2008 |
Liu, Jiaxi | DAAD Summer Course Grant | Piano Performance | Bienen School | 2008-2009 |
Wei, Andrew | DAAD Summer Course Grant | Biological Sciences | Weinberg College | 2012-2013 |
Svabek, Lawrence Joseph | DAAD Summer Course Grant | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2013-2014 |
Amesquita, Martin Samuel | DAAD Summer Course Grant | Education & Social Policy | SESP | 2014-2015 |
Zellner, Ken-Terika | DAAD Summer Course Grant | Philosophy | Weinberg College | 2014-2015 |
Carrabregu, Gent | DAAD Summer Language Grant | Political Science | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Kocak, Ayse | DAAD Summer Language Grant | Comparative Literary Studies | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Robinson, Matthew | DAAD Summer Language Grant | Religious Studies | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Kelly, Mark | DAAD Summer Language Grant | Product Development | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Tackett, Jessica | DAAD Summer Language Grant | English | Weinberg College | 2010-2011 |
Tapling, Alexander | DAAD Summer Language Grant | German | Weinberg College | 2010-2011 |
Bronnimann, Nicole | DAAD Summer Language Grant | Creative Writing | Weinberg College | 2011-2012 |
Cogan, Charles | DAAD Summer Language Grant | German | Weinberg College | 2012-2013 |
Birnbaum, Charles | DAAD Undergraduate Scholarship | German | Weinberg College | 2000-2001 |
Ellis, Jeffrey | DAAD Undergraduate Scholarship | German | Weinberg College | 2000-2001 |
Gibbs, Jonathan | DAAD Undergraduate Scholarship | German | Weinberg College | 2000-2001 |
Saunders, Carter | DAAD Undergraduate Scholarship | German | Weinberg College | 2000-2001 |
Eichner, Lillian | DAAD Undergraduate Scholarship | Chemistry | Weinberg College | 2001-2002 |
Harris, Amanda | DAAD Undergraduate Scholarship | Piano | Bienen School | 2001-2002 |
Hoover, Peter | DAAD Undergraduate Scholarship | Philosophy | Weinberg College | 2001-2002 |
House, Anne | DAAD Undergraduate Scholarship | Social Policy | SESP | 2001-2002 |
Patrawala, Sara | DAAD Undergraduate Scholarship | Environmental Sciences | Weinberg College | 2001-2002 |
Peabody, Seth | DAAD Undergraduate Scholarship | Wind & Percussion Instruments | Bienen School | 2001-2002 |
Schorfheide, Christine | DAAD Undergraduate Scholarship | German | Weinberg College | 2001-2002 |
Simpson, Jamesina | DAAD Undergraduate Scholarship | Electrical Engineering & Computer Science | The Graduate School | 2001-2002 |
Poe, Kathleen | DAAD Undergraduate Scholarship | Voice & Opera | Bienen School | 2002-2003 |
Siegmund, Mark | DAAD Undergraduate Scholarship | Philosophy | Weinberg College | 2002-2003 |
Thilo, Samuel | DAAD Undergraduate Scholarship | Communication Studies | School of Communication | 2002-2003 |
Vranas, Elena | DAAD Undergraduate Scholarship | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2002-2003 |
Wendling, Miriam | DAAD Undergraduate Scholarship | Musicology | Bienen School | 2002-2003 |
Boughton, Marla | DAAD Undergraduate Scholarship | Psychology | Weinberg College | 2003-2004 |
Whiting, Grant | DAAD Undergraduate Scholarship | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2003-2004 |
Rettew, Robert | DAAD Undergraduate Scholarship | Wind & Percussion Instruments | Bienen School | 2004-2005 |
Scharfe, Patrick | DAAD Undergraduate Scholarship | German | Weinberg College | 2004-2005 |
Doran, Gerard | DAAD Undergraduate Scholarship | German | Weinberg College | 2005-2006 |
Lawson, Katherine | DAAD Undergraduate Scholarship | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2005-2006 |
Small, James | DAAD Undergraduate Scholarship | History | Weinberg College | 2005-2006 |
Balhorn, Loren | DAAD Undergraduate Scholarship | German | Weinberg College | 2006-2007 |
Leib, David | DAAD Undergraduate Scholarship | Chemistry | Weinberg College | 2006-2007 |
Magary, Karin | DAAD Undergraduate Scholarship | Theatre | School of Communication | 2006-2007 |
Martell, Jeffery | DAAD Undergraduate Scholarship | Chemistry | Weinberg College | 2006-2007 |
Bodensteiner, Brian | DAAD Undergraduate Scholarship | Mathematics | Weinberg College | 2007-2008 |
Dolan, Emily | DAAD Undergraduate Scholarship | Undeclared | Weinberg College | 2007-2008 |
Hunstein, Alexandra | DAAD Undergraduate Scholarship | Communication Studies | School of Communication/Weinberg College | 2007-2008 |
Schmidt, Christopher | DAAD Undergraduate Scholarship | History | Weinberg College | 2007-2008 |
Davis, Lauren | DAAD Undergraduate Scholarship | European Studies | Weinberg College | 2008-2009 |
Schmidt, Christopher | DAAD Undergraduate Scholarship | History | Weinberg College | 2008-2009 |
Zeldin, Noah | DAAD Undergraduate Scholarship | Music Composition | Bienen School | 2008-2009 |
Wachs, Konstantin | DAAD Undergraduate Scholarship | Economics | Weinberg College | 2009-2010 |
Kahsay, Mahalia | DAAD Undergraduate Scholarship | Social Policy | SESP | 2011-2012 |
Montero, Steven | DAAD Undergraduate Scholarship | Journalism | Medill | 2011-2012 |
Stair, Neil | DAAD Undergraduate Scholarship | Biological Sciences | Weinberg College | 2011-2012 |
Tackett, Jessica | DAAD Undergraduate Scholarship | English | Weinberg College | 2011-2012 |
Smith, David | DAAD Undergraduate Scholarship | English | Weinberg College | 2012-2013 |
Krinsman, William Edward | DAAD Undergraduate Scholarship | Materials Science & Engineering | McCormick | 2013-2014 |
Zellner, Ken-Terika | DAAD Undergraduate Scholarship | Legal Studies | Weinberg College | 2014-2015 |
Anderson, Megan | DAAD Undergraduate Scholarship | Chemistry | Weinberg College | 2015-2016 |
Shang, Jiaqi | DAAD Undergraduate Scholarship | Mathematics | Weinberg College | 2015-2016 |
Blanchard, Ellen C. | DAAD University Summer Course Grant | Wind Performance | Bienen School | 1997-1998 |
Dunne, Rebecca R. | DAAD University Summer Course Grant | Wind & Percussion Instruments | Bienen School | 1997-1998 |
Dreye, Melanie | DAAD University Summer Course Grant | Theatre | The Graduate School | 1998-1999 |
Schaeffer, Anne Kathleen | DAAD University Summer Course Grant | Linguistics | Weinberg College | 1998-1999 |
Ganguli, Ina | DAAD University Summer Course Grant | Political Science | Weinberg College | 1999-2000 |
Allen, Damian | DAAD University Summer Course Grant | Integrated Science Program | Weinberg College | 2000-2001 |
Babik, Michael | DAAD University Summer Course Grant | Civil & Environmental Engineering | McCormick | 2000-2001 |
Turk, John | DAAD University Summer Course Grant | History | Weinberg College | 2000-2001 |
Vygantas, Marius | DAAD University Summer Course Grant | History | Weinberg College | 2001-2002 |
Lawhead, Nicholas | DAAD University Summer Course Grant | French | Weinberg College | 2002-2003 |
LeMahieu, Nathan | DAAD University Summer Course Grant | Music Performance: organ | Bienen School | 2002-2003 |
Morse, Christopher | DAAD University Summer Course Grant | Physics & Astronomy | Weinberg College | 2002-2003 |
O'Leary, Ryan | DAAD University Summer Course Grant | Mathematics | Weinberg College | 2002-2003 |
Analitis, Philip | DAAD University Summer Course Grant | Mathematics | Weinberg College | 2003-2004 |
Oh, Eugene | DAAD University Summer Course Grant | Biological Sciences | Weinberg College | 2003-2004 |
Smith, James | DAAD University Summer Course Grant | Wind & Percussion Instruments | Bienen School | 2003-2004 |
Ephraim, Laura | DAAD University Summer Course Grant | Political Science | The Graduate School | 2004-2005 |
Mathys, Jonathan | DAAD University Summer Course Grant | Philosophy | The Graduate School | 2004-2005 |
Richardson, Robert | DAAD University Summer Course Grant | English | Weinberg College | 2004-2005 |
Krell, Elena | DAAD University Summer Course Grant | Performance Studies | The Graduate School | 2008-2009 |
Keuhn, Kristi Lynn | DAAD University Summer Course Grant | Religious Studies | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Mayer, Seth | DAAD University Summer Course Grant | Philosophy | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Pollack, Jessica | DAAD University Summer Course Grant | History | Weinberg College | 2009-2010 |
Shi, Changxin | DAAD University Summer Course Grant | Electrical Engineering & Computer Science | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Jagtiani, Nisheeta | Dalai Lama Fellowships for Nalanda Studies | Religious Studies | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Tashi, Rekjong | Dalai Lama Graduate Scholarship | Religious Studies | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Abouzaglo, Maayan | Dallas Jewish Community Foundation College Scholarships | Social Policy | Education and Social Policy | 2021-2022 |
Goldsmith, Randall | Dan David Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2004-2005 |
Kaiser, Joshua | Dartmouth College Society of Fellows Postdoctoral Fellows | Sociology/Law | Graduate School/Pritzker | 2019-20 |
Barak, Rebecca Samantha | David H. Smith Conservation Research Fellowship | Plant Biology and Conservation | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Tonietto, Rebecca Katherine | David H. Smith Conservation Research Fellowship | Plant Biology | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Bohannon, Xiao | David L. Clark National Graduate Student Research Seminar | Human Development and Social Policy | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Cowhy, Jennifer | David L. Clark National Graduate Student Research Seminar | Human Development and Social Policy | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Mackevicius, Claire | David L. Clark National Graduate Student Research Seminar | Human Development and Social Policy | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Blaushild, Naomi | David L. Clark National Graduate Student Research Seminar in Educational Administration and Policy | Human Development and Social Policy | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
Johnson, Donald | David Library of the American Revolution Visiting Research Fellowship | History | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Sabunani, Chirag | Davis UWC Global Trade & Development Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | McCormick | 2008-2009 |
Niffenegger, Rachel | De Ateliers Residency Program | Art Theory & Practice | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Klingenberg, Annie | Deborah Orin Scholarship | Journalism | Medill | 2021-2022 |
Mueller, Julia | Deborah Orin Scholarship | Editorial Journalism | Medill | 2021-2022 |
Novelo, Allison | Deborah Orin Scholarship | Editorial Journalism | Medill | 2021-2022 |
Floyd, Jessica Ashley | Deborah Orin Scholarship | Editorial Journalism | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Leahy, Brian | Dedalus Foundation Dissertation Fellowship | Art History | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Tran, An | Department of Cultural Affairs and Special Events Cultural Grants Program | String Instruments | Bienen | 2021-2022 |
Zucker, Benjamin | Department of Cultural Affairs and Special Events Cultural Grants Program | Composition and Music Technology | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Kim, Jun Hyun | Department of Defense Breast Cancer Program | Biomedical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2008-2009 |
Schlitz, Ruth | Department of Defense Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2007-2008 |
Bui, Triet | Department of Defense Horizon Award | Driskill Graduate Program in Life Sciences | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
Byrne, Lindsey McKenna | Department of Energy Computational Science Graduate Fellowship | Astronomy | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Casabona, Gabriel | Department of Energy Computational Science Graduate Fellowship | Physics | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Toriyama, Michael | Department of Energy Computational Science Graduate Fellowship | Materials Science and Engineering | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Ghosh, Souradip | Department of Energy Computational Science Graduate Fellowship | Computer Science | Weinberg | 2021-2022 |
Dravid, Amil | Department of Energy Computational Science Graduate Fellowship | Computer Science | McCormick | 2022-2023 |
Kohlstedt, Kevin | Department of Energy Computational Science Graduate Fellowship | Chemical & Biological Engineering | The Graduate School | 2004-2005 |
Reuter, Matthew | Department of Energy Computational Science Graduate Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2006-2007 |
Mayes, Heather | Department of Energy Computational Science Graduate Fellowship | Chemical & Biological Engineering | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Horwitz, Noah | Department of Energy Computational Science Graduate Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Stine, Andrew | Department of Energy Computational Science Graduate Fellowship | Chemical & Biological Engineering | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Boffi, Nicholas | Department of Energy Computational Science Graduate Fellowship | Mathematics | Weinberg College | 2013-2014 |
Gibbs, John | Department of Energy National Nuclear Security Administration Stewardship Science Graduate Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Miller, Elizabeth | Department of Energy National Nuclear Security Administration Stewardship Science Graduate Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Koscielski, Lukasz | Department of Energy Nuclear Energy University Program | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Knowles, Kathryn | Department of Energy Office of Science Graduate Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Kobach, Andrew | Department of Energy Office of Science Graduate Fellowship | Physics & Astronomy | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Proffit, Danielle | Department of Energy Office of Science Graduate Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Stoerzinger, Kelsey | Department of Energy Office of Science Graduate Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | McCormick | 2009-2010 |
Caldwell, Timothy | Department of Energy Office of Science Graduate Fellowship | Mechanical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Parker, Shane | Department of Energy Office of Science Graduate Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Veldkamp, Brad | Department of Energy Office of Science Graduate Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Weinberg, David | Department of Energy Office of Science Graduate Fellowship | Biological Sciences | Weinberg College | 2011-2012 |
Cook, Rita | Department of Energy Office of Science Graduate Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Jones, Paul Ryan | Department of Energy Office of Science Graduate Student Research Award | Mechanical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Robison, Luke Austin | Department of Energy Office of Science Graduate Student Research Award | | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Baxter, Daniel Stephen | Department of Energy Office of Science Graduate Student Research Award | Physics & Astronomy | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Helweh, Waleed | Department of Energy Office of Science Graduate Student Research Awards | Chemistry | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
Goetjen, Timothy | Department of Energy Office of Science Graduate Student Research Program | Chemistry | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Knapp, Julia | Department of Energy Office of Science Graduate Student Research Program | Chemistry | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Mackenzie, Michael | Department of Energy Office of Science Graduate Student Research Program | Physics | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Shebek, Kevin | Department of Energy Office of Science Graduate Student Research Program | Chemical Engineering | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Zheng, Cindy | Department of Energy Office of Science Graduate Student Research Program | Chemistry | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Lopez, Lauren | Department of Energy Office of Science Graduate Student Research Program | Materials Science and Engineering | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Mason, Alexander | Department of Energy Office of Science Graduate Student Research Program | Chemistry | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Ribet, Stephanie | Department of Energy Office of Science Graduate Student Research Program | Materials Science and Engineering | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Lu, Xiao Kun | Department of Energy Office of Science Graduate Student Research Program | Chemical Engineering | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Pavao, Nicholas | Department of Energy Office of Science Graduate Student Research Program | Physics | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Chugh, Shailen | Department of Energy Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internships | Earth and Planetary Sciences | Weinberg | 2022-2023 |
Cleary, Aileen | Department of Energy Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internships | Mechanical Engineering | McCormick | 2022-2023 |
Dougherty, Sean | Department of Energy Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internships | Physics | Weinberg/Bienen | 2022-2023 |
Edmonds, Percy | Department of Energy Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internships | Mechanical Engineering | McCormick | 2022-2023 |
Goldenberg, Hannah | Department of Energy Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internships | Biomedical Engineering | McCormick | 2022-2023 |
Ji, Jesse | Department of Energy Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internships | Mechanical Engineering | McCormick | 2022-2023 |
Kalamaris, Nicholas | Department of Energy Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internships | Chemical Engineering | McCormick | 2022-2023 |
Kim, Kevin | Department of Energy Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internships | Chemistry | Weinberg/Bienen | 2020-2021 |
Lee, David | Department of Energy Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internships | Integrated Science Program | Weinberg | 2022-2023 |
Lu, Keene | Department of Energy Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internships | Computer Science | McCormick | 2022-2023 |
Nath, Moinak | Department of Energy Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internships | Physics | Weinberg | 2022-2023 |
Park, Joshua | Department of Energy Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internships | Integrated Science Program | McCormick | 2022-2023 |
Shen, Alex | Department of Energy Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internships | Computer Science | Weinberg | 2022-2023 |
Smari, Abdul-Rahman | Department of Energy Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internships | Chemical Engineering | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Song, Albert | Department of Energy Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internships | Industrial Engineering | McCormick | 2022-2023 |
Steuteville, Robin | Department of Energy Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internships | Music | Bienen/Weinberg | 2022-2023 |
Teitel, Kelly | Department of Energy Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internships | Biological Sciences | Weinberg | 2022-2023 |
Wang, Mark | Department of Energy Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internships | Chemical Engineering | McCormick | 2022-2023 |
Wang, Sherry | Department of Energy Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internships | Physics | Weinberg | 2022-2023 |
Yao, Kelsey | Department of Energy Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internships | Piano | Bienen/McCormick | 2022-2023 |
Greenfield, Megan | Department of Homeland Security Graduate Fellowship | Chemical & Biological Engineering | The Graduate School | 2004-2005 |
Hill, Haley | Department of Homeland Security Graduate Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2004-2005 |
Margolis, Jeffrey | Department of Homeland Security Graduate Fellowship | Biological Sciences | Weinberg College | 2004-2005 |
O'Sullivan, Thomas | Department of Homeland Security Graduate Fellowship | Electrical Engineering & Computer Science | The Graduate School | 2004-2005 |
Root, Brian | Department of Homeland Security Graduate Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2004-2005 |
Chou, Shihyao | Department of Homeland Security Graduate Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Bates, Amanda | Department of Homeland Security Undergraduate Fellowship | Religious Studies | Weinberg College | 2005-2006 |
Higashiyama, Miya | Des Moines Metro Opera Apprentice Artist | Voice and Opera | Bienen | 2021-2022 |
Klewan, Austin | Detroit Jazz Festival Collegiate Combo Competition (Winner) | Jazz Studies | Bienen | 2019-2020 |
Alnusf, Marzouq | Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Intensive Language Course Grant | Philosophy | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Elling, Eskil | Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Intensive Language Course Grant | Philosophy | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Artamonova, Sasha | Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Research Grant | Art History | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Masi, Mauricio | Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Research Grant | Philosophy | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Ng, Max | Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Research Grant | Civil and Environmental Engineering | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Weiner, Ariel | Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Research Grant | Comparative Literary Studies | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Love, Thomas | Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Research Grants | Art History | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Laport, Theodore | Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Research Grants | German | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Dunn, Sorrel | Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Research Grants | Comparative Literary Studies | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
Elling, Eskil | Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Research Grants | Philosophy | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Howell, Elizabeth | Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Research Grants | History | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Goncalves, Rebecca | Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Research Grants | Chemistry | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Elmasry, Yehya | Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Research Internship in Science and Engineering | Computer Engineering | McCormick | 2017-2018 |
Nobel, Shaam | Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Research Internship in Science and Engineering | Integrated Science Program | Weinberg | 2017-2018 |
Parikh, Biraj | Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Research Internship in Science and Engineering | Computer Science | McCormick | 2017-2018 |
Reyes, Taylor Anne | Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Research Internship in Science and Engineering | Biomedical Engineering | McCormick | 2017-2018 |
Williams, James | Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Research Internship in Science and Engineering | Computer Engineering | McCormick | 2017-2018 |
Zhang, Ted | Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Research Internship in Science and Engineering | MMSS | Weinberg | 2017-2018 |
Forowycz, Orion Matthew | Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Research Internship in Science and Engineering | Mathematics | Weinberg | 2018-2019 |
Orenstein, Rachel Claire | Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Research Internship in Science and Engineering | Materials Science and Engineering | McCormick | 2018-2019 |
Pieczulewski, Naomi A. | Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Research Internship in Science and Engineering | Materials Science and Engineering | McCormick | 2018-2019 |
Radaelli, Marco | Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Research Internship in Science and Engineering | Computer Science/Economics | McCormick/Weinberg | 2018-2019 |
Raeder, Henry Webster | Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Research Internship in Science and Engineering | Biological Sciences | Weinberg | 2018-2019 |
Richey, Julian Paul | Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Research Internship in Science and Engineering | Computer Engineering/Jazz Performance | McCormick/Bienen | 2018-2019 |
Sheehan, Thomas John | Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Research Internship in Science and Engineering | Mechanical Engineering | McCormick | 2018-2019 |
Su, Katherine | Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Research Internship in Science and Engineering | Materials Science and Engineering | McCormick | 2018-2019 |
Turetsky, Deborah | Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Research Internship in Science and Engineering | Biomedical Engineering/Dance | McCormick/Weinberg | 2018-2019 |
Ward, Brendan T. | Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Research Internship in Science and Engineering | Computer Science | McCormick | 2018-2019 |
Brady, Mari O'Toole | Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Research Internship in Science and Engineering | Biological Sciences | Weinberg | 2019-2020 |
Brown, Paul Timothy | Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Research Internship in Science and Engineering | Materials Science and Engineering | McCormick | 2019-2020 |
Chepuri, Ravi Tyler Chou | Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Research Internship in Science and Engineering | Integrated Science Program | Weinberg | 2019-2020 |
Georgopoulos, Leonidas | Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Research Internship in Science and Engineering | Materials Science and Engineering | McCormick | 2019-2020 |
Guadiana, Gilberto Manuel | Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Research Internship in Science and Engineering | Mechanical Engineering | McCormick | 2019-2020 |
Guzman, Camille | Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Research Internship in Science and Engineering | Biomedical Engineering | McCormick | 2019-2020 |
Ha, Trung | Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Research Internship in Science and Engineering | Materials Science and Engineering | McCormick | 2019-2020 |
Liu, Molly | Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Research Internship in Science and Engineering | German | Weinberg | 2019-2020 |
Petersen, Gabriel | Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Research Internship in Science and Engineering | Integrated Science Program | Weinberg | 2019-2020 |
Roach, Caroline Marie | Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Research Internship in Science and Engineering | Chemistry | Weinberg | 2019-2020 |
Wang, Kenneth | Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Research Internship in Science and Engineering | Neuroscience | Weinberg | 2019-2020 |
Alexander, Kenya | Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Research Internship in Science and Engineering | Mechanical Engineering | McCormick | 2020-2021 |
Bland, Matthew | Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Research Internship in Science and Engineering | Materials Science and Engineering | McCormick | 2020-2021 |
Council, Raymonde | Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Research Internship in Science and Engineering | Materials Science and Engineering | McCormick | 2020-2021 |
Fine, Simona | Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Research Internship in Science and Engineering | Materials Science and Engineering | McCormick | 2020-2021 |
Goes, Eleanor | Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Research Internship in Science and Engineering | String Instruments | Bienen | 2020-2021 |
Kann, Johanna | Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Research Internship in Science and Engineering | Chemical Engineering | McCormick | 2020-2021 |
Williams, Christian | Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Research Internship in Science and Engineering | Materials Science and Engineering | McCormick | 2020-2021 |
Berse, Griffin | Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Research Internship in Science and Engineering | Civil Engineering | McCormick | 2021-2022 |
Biar, Carina | Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Research Internship in Science and Engineering | Neuroscience | Weinberg | 2021-2022 |
Bondoc, Delaney | Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Research Internship in Science and Engineering | Chemistry | Weinberg | 2021-2022 |
Colligan, Eleanor | Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Research Internship in Science and Engineering | Statistics | Weinberg | 2021-2022 |
Farr, Madeline | Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Research Internship in Science and Engineering | Chemical Engineering | McCormick | 2021-2022 |
Glassner, Delaney | Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Research Internship in Science and Engineering | Radio/Television/Film | Communication | 2021-2022 |
Guo, Daniel | Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Research Internship in Science and Engineering | Materials Science and Engineering | McCormick | 2021-2022 |
Harms, Caroline | Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Research Internship in Science and Engineering | Materials Science and Engineering | McCormick | 2021-2022 |
Hoffmann, William | Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Research Internship in Science and Engineering | Computer Science | Weinberg | 2021-2022 |
Hung, Kaitlyn | Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Research Internship in Science and Engineering | Neuroscience | Weinberg | 2021-2022 |
Jirousek, Lillian | Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Research Internship in Science and Engineering | Integrated Science Program | Weinberg | 2021-2022 |
Kawaguchi, Tomomi | Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Research Internship in Science and Engineering | Chemical Engineering | McCormick | 2021-2022 |
Kelley, Kade | Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Research Internship in Science and Engineering | Biological Sciences | Weinberg | 2021-2022 |
Lubben, Owen | Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Research Internship in Science and Engineering | Mechanical Engineering | McCormick | 2021-2022 |
Lucas de Carvalho, Gustavo Adolpho | Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Research Internship in Science and Engineering | Computer Science | Weinberg | 2021-2022 |
Osmani, Arta | Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Research Internship in Science and Engineering | Materials Science and Engineering | McCormick | 2021-2022 |
Pardoe, Robert | Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Research Internship in Science and Engineering | Mechanical Engineering | McCormick | 2021-2022 |
Qiao, Yike | Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Research Internship in Science and Engineering | Mathematics | Weinberg | 2021-2022 |
Svintitskyy, Roman | Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Research Internship in Science and Engineering | Computer Science | McCormick | 2021-2022 |
Tam, Kelly | Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Research Internship in Science and Engineering | Integrated Science Program | Weinberg | 2021-2022 |
Wong, Louis | Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Research Internship in Science and Engineering | Electrical Engineering | McCormick | 2021-2022 |
Zou, Jay | Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Research Internship in Science and Engineering | Integrated Science Program | Weinberg | 2021-2022 |
Aluru, Likhita | Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Research Internship in Science and Engineering | Neuroscience | Weinberg | 2022-2023 |
Bilder, Leo | Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Research Internship in Science and Engineering | Integrated Science Program | Weinberg | 2022-2023 |
Dahnke, Ava | Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Research Internship in Science and Engineering | Chemical Engineering | McCormick | 2022-2023 |
Davoglio Estradioto, Juliana | Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Research Internship in Science and Engineering | Communication Studies | Communication/McCormick | 2022-2023 |
Fisher, Chloe | Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Research Internship in Science and Engineering | Physics | Weinberg | 2022-2023 |
Hedin, Simon | Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Research Internship in Science and Engineering | Chemical Engineering | McCormick | 2022-2023 |
Hoogendoorn, Levi | Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Research Internship in Science and Engineering | Integrated Science Program | Weinberg | 2022-2023 |
Ray, Shilin | Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Research Internship in Science and Engineering | Physics | Weinberg | 2022-2023 |
Saha, Siddharth | Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Research Internship in Science and Engineering | Computer Science | McCormick | 2022-2023 |
Senvardarli, Ekin | Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Research Internship in Science and Engineering | Materials Science and Engineering | McCormick | 2022-2023 |
Sliwinski, Emma | Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Research Internship in Science and Engineering | Chemical Engineering | McCormick | 2022-2023 |
Sokolenko, Inna | Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Research Internship in Science and Engineering | Chemistry | Weinberg | 2022-2023 |
Sullivan, Simone | Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Research Internship in Science and Engineering | Chemical Engineering | McCormick | 2022-2023 |
Xie, Janice | Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Research Internship in Science and Engineering | Materials Science and Engineering | McCormick | 2022-2023 |
Forowycz, Orion Matthew | Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Research Internship in Science and Engineering Professional | Integrated Science Program | Weinberg | 2019-2020 |
Ward, Brendan | Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Research Internship in Science and Engineering Professional | Engineering | McCormick | 2019-2020 |
Ramos-Yataco, Jordy | Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Research Internship in Science and Engineering Professional | Chemical Engineering | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Zhou, Charles | Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Research Internship in Science and Engineering Professional | Computer Science | McCormick | 2022-2023 |
Alnusf, Marzouq | Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Short-Term Research Grants | Philosophy | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Lemaitre, Corretta | Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Study Scholarship | Political Science | Weinberg | 2017-2018 |
Cole, Samuel | Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Study Scholarship | Political Science | Weinberg | 2020-2021 |
Larsen, Victoria | Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Study Scholarship | Anthropology | Weinberg | 2020-2021 |
Liu, Chuyue | Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Study Scholarship | Statistics | Weinberg | 2020-2021 |
Crawford, Sydney | Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Study Scholarship | Cognitive Science | Weinberg | 2021-2022 |
Gentz, Mackenzie | Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Study Scholarship | German | Weinberg | 2021-2022 |
Rosner, Samuel | Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Study Scholarship | History | Weinberg | 2022-2023 |
Luczak, Amber Marie | Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Undergraduate Scholarship | Biological Sciences | Weinberg | 2017-2018 |
Cole, Stella Katherine | Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst University Summer Course Grant | Theatre/International Studies | Communication/Weinberg | 2018-2019 |
Vasquez Toral, Enzo | Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst University Summer Course Grant | Performance Studies | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Billman, Malaysia | Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst University Summer Course Grant | Wind and Percussion Instruments | Bienen | 2022-2023 |
Khin, Jasmine | Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst University Summer Course Grant | Philosophy | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Earley, Anthony | Deutscher Bundestag Internationale Parlaments-Praktika | English | Weinberg College | 2000-2001 |
Ganguli, Ina | Deutscher Bundestag Internationale Parlaments-Praktika | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2000-2001 |
Maier, Michael | Deutscher Bundestag Internationale Parlaments-Praktika | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2001-2002 |
Turk, John | Deutscher Bundestag Internationale Parlaments-Praktika | History | Weinberg College | 2001-2002 |
Lynch, Daniel | DEVCOM Army Research Laboratory Research Associateship Program | Mechanical Engineering | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Martin, Tobias | DEVCOM Army Research Laboratory Research Associateship Program | Mechanical Engineering | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Soewardiman, Henry | DEVCOM Army Research Laboratory Research Associateship Program | Mechanical Engineering | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Dill, Olivia | Diamonstein Spielvogel Fellowship Program | Art History | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Willis, Brianna Alexis-Marie | Dianne M. Pinderhughes Mentorship Legacy Award | Political Science | Weinberg | 2018-2019 |
Schwalbe, Emily | Digital Archaeological Archive of Comparative Slavery National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship Program | Anthropology | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
Barrows, Frank | Director's Postdoctoral Fellows (Los Alamos National Laboratory) | Medical School/Applied Physics | Feinberg/Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Cohn-Postar, Gideon | Dirksen Congressional Center Congressional Research Grants | History | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Agrawal, Nayana | Disney ABC Comedy Writer’s Fellowship | Writing | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Renta, Priscilla | Dissertation Fellowship from the Center of Puerto Rican Studies, Hunter College (CUNY), New York | Performance Studies | The Graduate School | 2007-2008 |
Jones-Torregrosa, Paulina | Dissertation Fellowship in Women's Studies | English | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Gabrielova, Eugenia | Distributed Research Experiences for Undergraduates | Electrical Engineering & Computer Science | McCormick | 2009-2010 |
Bendana, Milton Ernesto Guillen | Diverse Voices in Docs | Documentary Media | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Silva, Sebastian Pinzon | Diverse Voices in Docs | Documentary Media | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Campos, Karla | Diversifying Higher Education Faculty in Illinois Fellows | Clinical Mental Health Counseling | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Millner, Marlon | Diversifying Higher Education Faculty in Illinois Fellows | Religious Studies | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Bowman, Janaka | Diversifying Higher Education Faculty in Illinois Fellowship | English | The Graduate School | 2005-2006 |
Pittman, LaShawnDa | Diversifying Higher Education Faculty in Illinois Fellowship | Sociology | The Graduate School | 2006-2007 |
Romero, Wanalee | Diversifying Higher Education Faculty in Illinois Fellowship | English | The Graduate School | 2007-2008 |
Collier, Azurii | Diversifying Higher Education Faculty in Illinois Fellowship | Psychology | The Graduate School | 2008-2009 |
Goens, Dawna | Diversifying Higher Education Faculty in Illinois Fellowship | Sociology | The Graduate School | 2008-2009 |
Levy, Latasha | Diversifying Higher Education Faculty in Illinois Fellowship | African American Studies | The Graduate School | 2008-2009 |
Johnson, Nina | Diversifying Higher Education Faculty in Illinois Fellowship | Sociology | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Daniels, Melissa | Diversifying Higher Education Faculty in Illinois Fellowship | English | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Malikow, Jason | Diversifying Higher Education Faculty in Illinois Fellowship | English | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Biggs, Lisa | Diversifying Higher Education Faculty in Illinois Fellowship | Performance Studies | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Brewster, Kiyona | Diversifying Higher Education Faculty in Illinois Fellowship | Sociology | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Lott, Patricia | Diversifying Higher Education Faculty in Illinois Fellowship | African American Studies | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Vena, Natalie Bump | Diversifying Higher Education Faculty in Illinois Fellowship | Law | The Graduate School/The Law School | 2011-2012 |
Williams, Latanya | Diversifying Higher Education Faculty in Illinois Fellowship | Life Sciences | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Biggs, Lisa | Diversifying Higher Education Faculty in Illinois Fellowship | Visual and Performing Arts | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Brewster, Kiyona | Diversifying Higher Education Faculty in Illinois Fellowship | Sociology | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Lott, Patricia | Diversifying Higher Education Faculty in Illinois Fellowship | African American Studies | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Malikow, Jason | Diversifying Higher Education Faculty in Illinois Fellowship | English | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Ngoei, Wen-Qing | Diversity and International Grant Society of Historians of American Foreign Relations (SHAFR) | History | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Levy, Dorianne | Diversity Fund Graduate Travel Award | Psychology | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Manzo, Vida | Diversity Fund Graduate Travel Award | Psychology | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Ndip-Agbor, Ebot Etchu | DOE AMO Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Research Participation Program | Mechanical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Ren, Huaqing | DOE AMO Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Research Participation Program | Mechanical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Zhang, Zixuan | DOE AMO Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Research Participation Program | Mechanical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Sales, Joy | Dolores Zohrab Liebmann Fund Fellowship | History | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Creekmore III, Andy | Dolores Zohrab Liebmann Fund Fellowship | Anthropology | The Graduate School | 2004-2005 |
Davidson, David | Dolores Zohrab Liebmann Fund Fellowship | Psychology | Weinberg College | 2006-2007 |
Jaros, Peter | Dolores Zohrab Liebmann Fund Fellowship | English | The Graduate School | 2006-2007 |
Maxson, Brian | Dolores Zohrab Liebmann Fund Fellowship | History | The Graduate School | 2006-2007 |
Knight, Jeffrey | Dolores Zohrab Liebmann Fund Fellowship | English | The Graduate School | 2007-2008 |
Smith, David Sellers | Dolores Zohrab Liebmann Fund Fellowship | History | The Graduate School | 2007-2008 |
Strother, Roberts | Dolores Zohrab Liebmann Fund Fellowship | History | The Graduate School | 2007-2008 |
Koenig, Anne | Dolores Zohrab Liebmann Fund Fellowship | Psychology | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Karpouzian, Tatiana Marie | Dolores Zohrab Liebmann Fund Fellowship | Clinical Psychology | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Green, Jonathan | Donald B. Marron Award: Center for the Study of the Presidency | American Studies | Weinberg College | 2011-2012 |
Kang, Susan | Donald Peck International Flute Competition 2015 | Wind & Percussion Instruments | Bienen School | 2015-2016 |
Banks, Aaron | Don Lavoie Fellowship | Economics | Weinberg | 2021-2022 |
Loebell, Daniel | Dor Bahadur Bista Prize | Political Science | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Bezark, Michelle Irene | Doris Duke Fellowship of the Promotion of Child Well-Being | History | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Leung, Claudia Lok | Doris Duke International Clinical Research Fellowship | | Feinberg | 2014-2015 |
Leffler, Elliot | Dorot Fellowship to Israel | Theatre | School of Communication | 2007-2008 |
Trugman, Dena | Dorot Fellowship to Israel | History | Weinberg College | 2007-2008 |
Stone, Emily | Dorothy E. Morris Memorial Award (First Prize) | String Instruments | Bienen | 2021-2022 |
Robertson, Jane | Dorothy Lincoln-Smith Classical Voice Award | Voice and Opera | Bienen | 2021-2022 |
Swenson, Holly | Dorothy W. Collin Fellowship in the History of the Book | History | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Koenig, Oliver | DownBeat Student Music Awards (Undergraduate College Outstanding Performance Award) | Jazz Studies | Bienen/Weinberg | 2022-2023 |
Swaroop Bellie, Darsan | DownBeat Student Music Awards Undergraduate College Original Composition Awards (Large Ensemble Winner) | Jazz Studies/Physics | Bienen/Weinberg | 2021-2022 |
Kuo, Albert | DownBeat Student Music Awards Undergraduate College Original Composition Awards (Small Ensemble Winner) | Jazz Studies | Bienen | 2021-2022 |
Bayram, Can | Dow Sustainability Innovation Challenge | Electrical Engineering & Computer Science | The Graduate School | 2008-2009 |
Lindemann , Zachary | Dow Sustainability Innovation Challenge | Manufacturing & Design Engineering | McCormick | 2008-2009 |
Manibog, Yann | Dow Sustainability Innovation Challenge | Mechanical Engineering | McCormick | 2008-2009 |
Pierre, Cynthia | Dow Sustainability Innovation Challenge | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2008-2009 |
West, Eric | Dow Sustainability Innovation Challenge | Mechanical Engineering | McCormick | 2008-2009 |
Yu, Suelyn | Dow Sustainability Innovation Challenge | Mechanical Engineering | McCormick | 2008-2009 |
Goldberg, Michael | Dow Sustainability Innovation Student Challenge Award | Civil & Environmental Engineering | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Hawley, Abigail | Dow Sustainability Innovation Student Challenge Award | Civil & Environmental Engineering | McCormick | 2013-2014 |
Humecki, Paige | Dow Sustainability Innovation Student Challenge Award | Civil & Environmental Engineering | McCormick | 2013-2014 |
Rosenholtz-Witt, Jason | Dr. Gudrun Busch Musicology Fellowship | Music | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Hunt, Michelle | Dr. Meyer Rassin Foundation Scholarships | Physical Therapy/Public Health | Feinberg/Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Knapp, Alex | Drama Review Student Essay Contest | Interdisciplinary PhD in Theatre and Drama | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Mok, Kenneth D | Dunn Memorial Fellowship | Economics | Weinberg College | 2015-2016 |
Van Riper, Katharine Patricia | Durham University Elite Athlete Scholarship | History | Weinberg | 2017-2018 |
Roberts, Wendy | E. Rhodes and Leona B. Carpenter Fellowship in Early American Religious Studies | English | The Graduate School | 2008-2009 |
Wu, Joanna Grace | Eastern Connecticut Symphony Orchestra Instrumental Competition | Wind & Percussion Instruments & Ad Hoc | Bienen School | 2015-2016 |
Shah, Purvi | Echoing Green Fellowship | Political Science/Social Policy | Weinberg/Education and Social Policy | 2017-2018 |
Luckow, Peter | Echoing Green Fellowship | Anthropology | Weinberg College | 2010-2011 |
Oberlander, Brian | Ecole Nationale des Chartes Fellowship | Musicology | Bienen School | 2010-2011 |
Oliver, Elizabeth | Ecole Normale Superieure Academic Year Exchange Fellowship | Art History | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Mann-O'Donnell, Sarah | Ecole Normale Supérieure Academic Year Exchange Fellowship | Comparative Literary Studies | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Olien, Catherine Victoria | Ecole Normale Supérieure Academic Year Exchange Fellowship | | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Van Waijenburg, Marlous | Economic History Association Conference Travel Grant | History | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Van Waijenburg, Marlous | Economic History Association Dissertation Fellowship | History | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Zimran, Ariell Elan | Economic History Association Dissertation Fellowship | | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
van Waijenburg, Marlous | Economic History Association Exploratory Travel and Data Award | History | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Zimran, Ariell | Economic History Association Exploratory Travel and Data Award | Economics | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Xiong, Heyu | Economic History Association Exploratory Travel and Data Grant | Economics | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Naumenko, Natalya | Economic History Association Sokoloff Dissertation Fellowship | Economics | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Muncy, Ryan | Edes Prize for Emerging Artist | Saxophone | Bienen School | 2009-2010 |
Crawford, Cameron | Edes Prize for Emerging Artist | Art Theory & Practice | Bienen School | 2010-2011 |
Pearson, Nolan | Edes Prize for Emerging Artist | Piano | Bienen School | 2011-2012 |
Jaeger, Shawn | Edes Prize for Emerging Artist | Music Composition | Bienen School | 2012-2013 |
Hughes, Aaron | Edes Prize for Emerging Artist | Art Theories & Practice | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Kennedy, Sophia | Edith Dillon Decker Award Fund Scholarship | Neuroscience | Weinberg | 2022-2023 |
Wiebe, Alexandra | Edith Newfield Award | Voice and Opera | Bienen | 2021-2022 |
Zardetto-Smith, Kaitlin Elizabeth | Edith Newfield Scholarship | Voice & Opera | Bienen School | 2015-2016 |
Bennis, Meghan | Education Pioneers Fellow | Learning & Organizational Change | The Graduate School | 2006-2007 |
Leung, Christina | Education Pioneers Fellows | Learning & Organizational Change | EDGG | 2007-2008 |
Labovitz, Erica | Education Pioneers Fellows | Learning & Organizational Change | SESP | 2007-2008 |
Tallent-Bennis, Meghan | Education Pioneers Fellows | Learning & Organizational Change | SESP | 2007-2008 |
Kimball, Robert | Education Pioneers Fellows | Learning Sciences | SESP | 2009-2010 |
Bowman, April | Education Pioneers Fellows | Learning & Organizational Change | SESP | 2010-2011 |
Wong, William | Education Pioneers Fellows | Learning & Organizational Change | SESP | 2010-2011 |
Chugani, Sugandhi | Education Pioneers Fellows | Secondary Teaching | SESP | 2011-2012 |
Randall, Nathan | Education Pioneers Fellows | Higher Education Administration & Policy | SESP | 2011-2012 |
Turner, Mary Clair | Education Pioneers Graduate Fellowship | Human Development & Social Policy | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Nguyen, Scott | Edward Kleinhammer Orchestral Bass Trombone Competition | Wind & Percussion Instruments | Bienen School | 2015-2016 |
Mullins, Alexander | Edward Kleinhammer Orchestral Bass Trombone Competition (Finalist) | Wind and Percussion Instruments | Bienen | 2021-2022 |
Leonard, Madison | Eleanor McCollum Competition for Young Singers | Voice & Opera | Bienen School | 2015-2016 |
Lang, Alexandra | Elie Wiesel Foundation Prize in Ethics Essay Contest (First Prize) | Philosophy | Weinberg | 2020-2021 |
Haile, Katherine Anne | Ella Jean Morgan Memorial Dive Training Grant for Young Women | Earth and Planetary Sciences | Weinberg | 2018-2019 |
Cottongim, Maya Lin | Elmer Baker Student Fellowship | Civic Engagement | McCormick | 2019-2020 |
Shea, Casey | El Pomar Fellowship | Social Policy | SESP | 2007-2008 |
Goodman, Zoe | El Pomar Fellowship | Social Policy | SESP | 2012-2013 |
Ceja, Cristina | Elsevier/Vision Research Travel Awards | Psychology | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Brown, Rashayla Marie | Embassy of Foreign Artists | Performance Studies | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
Misra, Sucheta | Emerson National Hunger Fellows Program | Psychology | Weinberg College | 2001-2002 |
Park, Rebekah | Emerson National Hunger Fellows Program | American Studies | Weinberg College | 2001-2002 |
Golombek, Benjamin | Emerson National Hunger Fellows Program | Journalism | Medill | 2002-2003 |
Jaeckel, Lauren | Emerson National Hunger Fellows Program | American Studies | Weinberg College | 2002-2003 |
Lopez, Rachel | Emerson National Hunger Fellows Program | Sociology | Weinberg College | 2002-2003 |
Sadler, Nicole | Emerson National Hunger Fellows Program | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2002-2003 |
Ghosh, Priyanka | Emerson National Hunger Fellows Program | Communication Studies | School of Communication | 2003-2004 |
Anderson, Kevin | Emerson National Hunger Fellows Program | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2004-2005 |
Kane , David | Emerson National Hunger Fellows Program | Economics | Weinberg College | 2006-2007 |
Romulo, Irene | Emerson National Hunger Fellows Program | Social Policy | SESP | 2011-2012 |
Adamu, Maryam | Emerson National Hunger Fellows Program | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2012-2013 |
Mengesha, Tadelech | Emerson National Hunger Fellows Program | Social Policy | SESP | 2013-2014 |
Weber, De'Sean | Emerson National Hunger Fellows Program | Anthropology | Weinberg College | 2016-2017 |
Bongers, Quinn | EMIGRE Internship | German | Weinberg College | 2009-2010 |
Burg, Natalie | Emile Boutmy Scholarship | Economics | Weinberg | 2017-2018 |
Polk, Milan Taylor | Emma Bowen Foundation Fellowship | Journalism | Medill | 2018-2019 |
Rivera, Elly Esperanza | Emma Bowen Foundation Fellowship | Journalism | Medill | 2018-2019 |
Zornosa, Laura Isabel | Emma Bowen Foundation Fellowship | Journalism | Medill | 2018-2019 |
Lee, Elliot R | Endocrine Society Fellowship | Biological Sciences | Weinberg College | 1999-2000 |
Lo, Denise | Endocrine Society Fellowship | Biological Sciences | Weinberg College | 2000-2001 |
Srinivasan, Ramesh | Endocrine Society Fellowship | Biological Sciences | Weinberg College | 2000-2001 |
Judy, Tsai | Endocrine Society Fellowship | Biological Sciences | Weinberg College | 2002-2003 |
Kurup, Sudhi | Endocrine Society Fellowship | Integrated Science Program | Weinberg College | 2002-2003 |
Tsai, Eugene | Endocrine Society Fellowship | Economics | Weinberg College | 2004-2005 |
Sakamoto, Yusuke | Endocrine Society Fellowship | Integrated Science Program | Weinberg College | 2006-2007 |
Thomas, Cristina | Endocrine Society Fellowship | Biological Sciences | Weinberg College | 2009-2010 |
Levy, Eliza Nora | English Open Doors Program | Gender and Sexuality Studies | Communication | 2019-2020 |
Hajkowski, Thomas | English Speaking Union Scholarship | History | The Graduate School | 1998-1999 |
Scott, Dale Benjamin | English Speaking Union Scholarship | Communication Studies | School of Communication | 1998-1999 |
Konopka, Joseph | English Speaking Union Scholarship | Biological Sciences | Weinberg College | 2003-2004 |
Klaus, David | English Speaking Union Scholarship | Mechanical Engineering | McCormick | 2004-2005 |
Knight, Jeffrey | English Speaking Union Scholarship | English | The Graduate School | 2005-2006 |
Seshadri, Shalini | English Speaking Union Travel Grant | Art History | The Graduate School | 2005-2006 |
Wolff, Sarah | Enrico Fermi Fellowship | Mechanical Engineering | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Russell, Tess Margaret | Environmental and Water Resources Institute Scholarship | Environmental Engineering | McCormick | 2018-2019 |
Ahmed, Khadjia | Environmental Justice Summer Scholars Program | Journalism | Medill | 2022-2023 |
Yen, Sara | Environmental Justice Summer Scholars Program | Chemistry | Weinberg | 2022-2023 |
Bush, Rosemary | Environmental Protection Agency Graduate STAR Fellowship | Plant Biology & Conservation | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Lehn, Gregory | Environmental Protection Agency Graduate STAR Fellowship | Earth & Planetary Science | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Younger, Andrew Kristofer | Environmental Protection Agency Graduate STAR Fellowship | Interdisciplinary Biological Sciences | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Mifflin, Amanda | EPA Science to Achieve Results Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2005-2006 |
Heuermann, Robert | Epilepsy Foundation Pre-Doctoral Research Training Fellowship | Medical Scientist Training Program | Feinberg | 2012-2013 |
Gabriel, Douglas Colin | Equality Development and Globalization Studies Graduate Summer Research Grant | | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Guo, Xinran | Equality Development and Globalization Studies Graduate Summer Research Grant | | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Levy, Rachel Quinn | Equality Development and Globalization Studies Graduate Summer Research Grant | | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Belcore, Todd | Equal Justice Works Fellowship | Law | The Law School | 2009-2010 |
Carter, Meghan | Equal Justice Works Fellowship | Law | The Law School | 2009-2010 |
Coccoli, Caroline Anne | Erasmus Mundus Fellowship (MEREMMC) | | Weinberg College | 2014-2015 |
Gomez, Laura | Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees | English | Weinberg | 2018-2019 |
Young, Margaret Luce | Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees | Neuroscience | Weinberg | 2019-2020 |
Forowycz, Orion | Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees | Integrated Science Program | Weinberg | 2020-2021 |
Paik, Max | Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters | Computer Science | Weinberg | 2022-2023 |
Carty, Christina | Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters Scholarships | Earth and Planetary Sciences | Weinberg | 2021-2022 |
Spring, Allison | Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters Scholarships | Environmental Engineering | McCormick | 2021-2022 |
Parrott, Michael | Erasmus Mundus Scholarship | Biomedical Engineering | McCormick | 2008-2009 |
Sachathep, Karampreet | Erasmus Mundus Scholarship | Business Institutions | Weinberg College | 2009-2010 |
Weinberg, Michael | Erasmus Mundus Scholarship | Economics | Weinberg College | 2009-2010 |
Ahern, Christopher | Erasmus Mundus Scholarship | Linguistics | Weinberg College | 2009-2010 |
Ison, Mark | Erasmus Mundus Scholarship | Electrical Engineering & Computer Science | McCormick | 2009-2010 |
Cycyota, Timothy | Erasmus Mundus Scholarship | Communication Studies | School of Communication | 2011-2012 |
Herberg, Erik | Erasmus Mundus Scholarship | Civil & Environmental Engineering | McCormick | 2011-2012 |
Drehobl, Ariel | Erasmus Mundus Scholarship | International Studies | Weinberg College | 2011-2012 |
Gits, Hunter | Erasmus Mundus Scholarship | Chemistry | Weinberg College | 2011-2012 |
Cavanaugh, Kate | Erasmus Mundus Scholarship | Evolutionary and Developmental Biology | Weinberg College | 2012-2013 |
Saurel, Clifton | Erasmus Mundus Scholarship | Biomedical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Shin, Heiwon | Erasmus Mundus Scholarship | Journalism | Medill/Weinberg College | 2016-2017 |
So, Rachel | Ernest F. Hollings Undergraduate Scholarship | Environmental Sciences | Weinberg | 2017-2018 |
Howell, Elizabeth | Ernst Mach Grant | History | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Beaman, Jean | Erskine A. Peters Dissertation Fellowship | Sociology | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Goldman, Adina | Ertegun Scholarship | Religious Studies | Weinberg | 2017-2018 |
Chu, MingHsi | Esherick-Ye Family Foundation Grants | History | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Zarsadiaz, James | Ethnic Minority Dissertation Fellowship | History | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Fang, Jun Philip | Ethnography Incubator Fellowship | Sociology | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
Feller-Simmons, Paul | Eugene K. Wolf Travel Grant | Musicology | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Robertson, Jane | Evanston Music Club and North Shore Musicians Club Scholarship Competition | Voice and Opera | Bienen | 2021-2022 |
Stockwell, Josephine | Evanston Music Club and North Shore Musicians Club Scholarship Competition | String Instruments | Bienen | 2021-2022 |
Wong, Shing Yan | Evanston Music Club and North Shore Musicians Club Scholarship Competition | Wind and Percussion Instruments | Bienen | 2021-2022 |
Galvez, Saul | Expanding Diversity in Economics Summer Institute | Economics | Weinberg | 2020-2021 |
Lee, Ginny | Expanding Diversity in Economics Summer Institute | Radio/Television/Film | Communication | 2020-2021 |
Smith, Tyra | Expanding Diversity in Economics Summer Institute | Theatre | Communication | 2020-2021 |
Pazin, Marina | Experimental Biology Travel Award | Biological Sciences IBIS | The Graduate School | 2008-2009 |
Kharatishvili, Tamar | Experimental Humanities Collaborative Network Project Development and Materials Grants | Art History | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Marcolin, Giacomo | Fabrizio Saccomanni Scholarships | Economics | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Litt, Eden | Facebook Fellowship | Media, Technology, & Society | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Rahim, Sana | Faith Act Fellowship from Tony Blair Foundation | English | Weinberg College | 2010-2011 |
Salgado, Serena Lisette | FAO Schwarz Fellowship | Anthropology | Weinberg | 2019-2020 |
Chee, Stephanie | Farwell Trust Award | Voice and Opera | Bienen | 2021-2022 |
Mariposa, Michelle | Farwell Trust Award | Voice and Opera | Bienen | 2021-2022 |
Kossovich, Olga | Farwell Trust Award | String Instruments | Bienen | 2022-2023 |
Nelson, Lauryn | Farwell Trust Award | Voice and Opera | Bienen | 2022-2023 |
Kang, Susan | Farwell Trust Award - Flute | Wind & Percussion Instruments | Bienen School | 2015-2016 |
Middleman, Quinn Kathryn | Farwell Trust Award - Mezzo-Soprano | Voice & Opera | Bienen School | 2015-2016 |
Rucinski, Helen Wilczak | Farwell Trust Award - Viola | String Instruments | Weinberg College/Bienen School | 2015-2016 |
Clark, Kathleen | Federal Employee Education & Assistance Fund Scholarship | Biological Sciences | Weinberg College | 2016-2017 |
Last Name, First Name | Fellowship | | School | YYYY |
Lantz, Connor | FellowshipAmerican Heart Association Predoctoral Fellowship | Biomedical Engineering | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Israelov, Adam | Fellowship at Auschwitz for the Study of Professional Ethics | Law | The Law School | 2011-2012 |
Cooper, James | FellowshipDownBeat Student Music Awards Undergraduate College Original Composition Awards (Small Ensemble Winner) | String Instruments | Bienen | 2021-2022 |
Sung, Sarah | FellowshipMusicians Club of Women Nerenburg Award (Senior Division - First Prize) | String Instruments | Bienen | 2022-2023 |
Cohen, Rhaina | Fellowships at Auschwitz for the Study of Professional Ethics | American Studies | Weinberg | 2017-2018 |
Skurie, Jaclyn | Fellowships at Auschwitz for the Study of Professional Ethics | Journalism | Medill | 2018-2019 |
Tate, Angela | Field Foundation of Illinois Fellowship | History | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Coleman, Robin | Field Museum Women in Science Graduate Fellowship | Anthropology | The Graduate School | 2004-2005 |
Pan, Ruiqi | Fields Undergraduate Summer Research Program | Computer Science | McCormick | 2019-2020 |
Almendarez-Jiménez, Valeria | Five College Fellowship | History | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Vento, Fernando | Florida Native Plant Society Research Grants | Plant Biology and Conservation | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Holcomb, Alyssa Victoria | Floyd Mayweather Jr. Foundation for the Advancement of Women in Sports and Entertainment Scholarship | Leadership for Creative Enterprises | Communication | 2018-2019 |
Patel , Amisha | Fogarty Global Health Studies Program Fellowship | Cardiology Fellow | Feinberg/The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Phenix, Cindy | Fonds de recherche Société et culture Master's Research Scholarships | Art Theory and Practice | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Henripin, Olivier | Fonds quebecois de recherche sur la societe et la culture | Political Science | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Sales, Joy | Ford Foundation Dissertation Fellowship | History | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Sandoval, Ashlie Andrea | Ford Foundation Dissertation Fellowship | Performance Studies | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Owens, Golden | Ford Foundation Dissertation Fellowship | Screen Cultures | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Vásquez, Michelle | Ford Foundation Dissertation Fellowship | Political Science | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Sanders, Crystal | Ford Foundation Dissertation Fellowship | History | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Levy, Latasha | Ford Foundation Dissertation Fellowship | African American Studies | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Taylor, Keeanga | Ford Foundation Dissertation Fellowship | African American Studies | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Miranda, Almita Abigayl | Ford Foundation Dissertation Fellowship | Anthropology | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Hughes, Bethany | Ford Foundation Dissertation Fellowship | Theatre & Drama | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Valles, Dario | Ford Foundation Dissertation Fellowship | Anthropology | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Perez, Gina M. | Ford Foundation Dissertation Year Fellowship | Anthropology | The Graduate School | 1998-1999 |
Robinson, Zandria | Ford Foundation Diversity Fellowship | Sociology | The Graduate School | 2005-2006 |
Williams, Rhaisa | Ford Foundation Diversity Fellowship | Performance Studies | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Harris, Carissa | Ford Foundation Fellowship | History | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Alston, Brandon | Ford Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship | Sociology | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Avila, Raudel Oswaldo | Ford Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship | Mechanical Engineering | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Rapport, Kaelin Marcel | Ford Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship | Anthropology | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Garcia, Monica Paulina Gallegos | Ford Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship | Astronomy | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Vargas, Teresa | Ford Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship | Psychology | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Alvarado-Patlan, Teresa | Ford Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship | History | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Giron, Miguel | Ford Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship | History | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Lee, Kristina | Ford Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship | Sociology | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Alvarez-Hernandez, Krystal | Ford Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship | Communication Sciences and Disorders | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Levy, Dorainne | Ford Foundation Pre-doctoral Fellowship | Psychology | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Robinson, John | Ford Foundation Pre-doctoral Fellowship | Sociology | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Manzo, Vida | Ford Foundation Pre-doctoral Fellowship | Psychology | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Martin, Rey | Ford Foundation Pre-doctoral Fellowship | Chemical & Biological Engineering | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Rodriguez, Arianne | Ford Foundation Pre-doctoral Fellowship | Biological Sciences | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Adediran, Atinuke (Tinu) Opeyemi | Ford Foundation Pre-doctoral Fellowship | Sociology | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Trewn, Amrit | Ford Foundation Pre-doctoral Fellowship | Statistics | Weinberg College | 2015-2016 |
Pass, Kenneth | Ford Foundation Pre-doctoral Fellowship | Sociology | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Lee, Sean | Foreign Language and Area Studies Academic Year Scholarship | | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Tayeb, Leila Oum Kulthoum | Foreign Language and Area Studies Academic Year Scholarship | Performance Studies | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
McNabb, Stephen Delaney | Foreign Language and Area Studies Fellowships | Spanish and Portuguese | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Buckner, Ray | Foreign Language and Area Studies Fellowships Program | Religious Studies | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Howell, Elizabeth | Foreign Language and Area Studies Fellowships Program | History | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Hobson, Alex | Foreign Language and Area Studies Summer Scholarship | History | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Hobson, Alex | Foreign Language and Area Studies Summer Scholarship | History | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Denby, Thomas | Foreign Language and Area Studies Summer Scholarship | Linguistics | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Sales, Joy | Foreign Language and Area Studies Summer Scholarship | History | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Caldwell, William Eugene | Foreign Language and Area Studies Summer Scholarship | Religious Studies | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Ewbank, Madeline May | Foreign Language and Area Studies Summer Scholarship | | School of Communication | 2014-2015 |
Guzman, Matthew Joseph | Foreign Language and Area Studies Summer Scholarship | MENA | Weinberg College | 2014-2015 |
Jiang, Irene M. | Foreign Language and Area Studies Summer Scholarship | Radio/TV/Film | School of Communication | 2014-2015 |
Lee, Sean | Foreign Language and Area Studies Summer Scholarship | Political Science | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Sacks, Susanna Lauren | Foreign Language and Area Studies Summer Scholarship | English | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Singh, Dilpreet | Foreign Language and Area Studies Summer Scholarship | | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Waters, Anna Elizabeth | Foreign Language and Area Studies Summer Scholarship | Political Science & Journalism | Medill | 2014-2015 |
Brooks, Mayfield | Foreign Language and Area Studies Summer Scholarship | Performance Studies | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Nganga, Kathleen | Foreign Language and Area Studies Summer Scholarship | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2015-2016 |
Palamountain, Forrest | Foreign Language and Area Studies Summer Scholarship | MENA | Weinberg College/Bienen School | 2015-2016 |
Rosengarten, Andrea | Foreign Language and Area Studies Summer Scholarship | History | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Schmidt, Samantha | Foreign Language and Area Studies Summer Scholarship | History | Weinberg College | 2015-2016 |
Thomas, Treyvon | Foreign Language and Area Studies Summer Scholarship | Journalism | Medill | 2015-2016 |
Watters, Vanessa | Foreign Language and Area Studies Summer Scholarship | Anthropology | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Barnes, Jonathan | Foresight Institute Distinguished Student Award | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Johnson, Lynnaun | Forest Fungal Ecology Research Award | Plant Biology and Conservation | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Lee, Stephanie | Forsyth Visiting Student Graduate Fellowship | Art History | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Johnson, Donald | Fort Dearborn Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution American History Scholarship | History | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Evangelopoulos, Michael | Fotios Litsas Scholarship | Biomedical Engineering | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Quiroz, Cristina | Foundations of East Chicago Scholarship | Sociology | Weinberg College | 2013-2014 |
Fernandez-Duque, Matias | Fourth International Symposium on Bilingual and L2 Processing in Adults and Children Best Student Presentation Award | Communication Sciences and Disorders | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Browman, Alexander | FQRSC of Quebec | Psychology | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Tevebring, Frederika | Frances A. Yates Long-Term Fellowships | Comparative Literary Studies | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Busby, Andrea Kinghorn | Frances Degen Horowitz Millennium Scholars Program | Human Development and Social Policy | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Ngoei, Wen-Qing | Frank Gibney award in American-East Asian Relations | History | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Shiran, Tamuz | Frank Huntington Beebe Fellowship | Voice & Opera | Bienen School | 2002-2003 |
Loeffert, Jeffrey | Frank Huntington Beebe Fellowship | Wind & Percussion Instruments | Bienen School | 2004-2005 |
Becker, David | Frank Huntington Beebe Fellowship | Wind & Percussion Performance | Bienen School | 2010-2011 |
Slovin, Anne | Frank Huntington Beebe Fellowship | Voice & Opera | Bienen School | 2010-2011 |
Clinton, Tyrone | Frank Huntington Beebe Fellowship | Conducting | Bienen School | 2015-2016 |
Johnson, Lynnaun | Fred Case Grant | Plant Biology and Conservation | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Vento, Fernando | Fred Case Grant | Plant Biology and Conservation | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Byrd, Antawan | Frederick Douglas Institute for African and African-American Studies Predoctoral Fellowship at the University of Rochester | Art History | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Nash, Shira | Frederick Douglass Global Fellowship | Sociology | Weinberg | 2021-2022 |
Narroway, Richard | Freedman Classical Fellows | String Instruments | Bienen | 2020-2021 |
Ho, Kathleen | Freeman-Asia Award | Comparative Literary Studies | Weinberg College | 2003-2004 |
Downey, Kara | Freeman-Asia Award | Theatre | School of Communication | 2005-2006 |
Adamson, Grace | Freeman-Asia Award | Mathematical Methods in the Social Sciences | Weinberg College | 2006-2007 |
Banc, Anna | Freeman-Asia Award | Biological Sciences | Weinberg College | 2006-2007 |
Coleman, Katherine | Freeman-Asia Award | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2006-2007 |
Infusino, Nicholas | Freeman-Asia Award | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2006-2007 |
North, Amber | Freeman-Asia Award | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2006-2007 |
Smith, Caroline | Freeman-Asia Award | Journalism | Medill | 2006-2007 |
Son, Deborah | Freeman-Asia Award | Psychology | Weinberg College | 2006-2007 |
Kent, Jonathan | Freeman-Asia Award | History | Weinberg College | 2007-2008 |
Zimowski, Krystian | Freeman-Asia Award | Mechanical Engineering | McCormick | 2009-2010 |
Kapadia, Zul | Freeman-Asia Award | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2010-2011 |
Shi, Mary Wu | Freeman-Asia Award | Economics | Weinberg College | 2015-2016 |
Ahmad, Khaqan | Freeman-Asia Scholarship | Social Policy | SESP | 2016-2017 |
McCullough, Chazz | Freeman-Asia Scholarship | Undeclared | Weinberg College | 2016-2017 |
Zhao, Sharon | Freeman-Asia Scholarship | Undeclared | Weinberg College | 2016-2017 |
Sigal, Maxwell | Freeman Awards for Study in Asia | Integrated Science Program | Weinberg | 2017-2018 |
Ginestet, Esther | French Institute for Research in Africa–Nairobi Field Fellowships | History | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
Ferrant, Coline | French Ministry of Higher Education and Research PhD Fellowship | Sociology | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Leavens, Emma | Friends of Nachusa Grasslands Scientific Research Grant | Plant Biology and Conservation | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Wenzell, Katherine | Friends of Nachusa Grasslands Scientific Research Grant | Plant Biology and Conservation | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Wilson, Meghan | Friends of the Mauritshuis Fellowship | Theatre | School of Communication | 2002-2003 |
Cohen, Richard | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Conducting | Bienen School | 1993-1994 |
Flynn, Donna | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Anthropology | The Graduate School | 1993-1994 |
Holmes, Olivia | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Comparative Literary Studies | The Graduate School | 1993-1994 |
Levin, Elise | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Anthropology | The Graduate School | 1994-1995 |
Tetelman, Michael | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | History | The Graduate School | 1994-1995 |
Thweatt, Tamara | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Wind & Percussion Instruments | Bienen School | 1994-1995 |
Babb, Sarah | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Sociology | The Graduate School | 1995-1996 |
Carrelli, Steven | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Art Theory & Practice | The Graduate School | 1995-1996 |
Cenzer, Matthew | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | History | The Graduate School | 1995-1996 |
Fischer, Christina | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Theatre | School of Communication | 1995-1996 |
Inkelas, Daniel | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | History | The Graduate School | 1995-1996 |
May, Laura | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Medieval & Renaissance Studies | | 1995-1996 |
Miller-Rieder, Anita | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Wind & Percussion Instruments | Bienen School | 1995-1996 |
Smith, Alyce | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Political Science | The Graduate School | 1995-1996 |
Anderson, Patrick | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Anthropology | Weinberg College | 1996-1997 |
Aral, Sinan | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Political Science | Weinberg College | 1996-1997 |
Bailey, Michael | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | History | The Graduate School | 1996-1997 |
Batterman, Michael | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Art History | The Graduate School | 1996-1997 |
Burnham, Louisa | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | History | The Graduate School | 1996-1997 |
Dean, Jane | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Economics | Weinberg College | 1996-1997 |
Jackson, Carrie | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | American Culture | Weinberg College | 1996-1997 |
Maruna, Shadd | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Human Development & Social Policy | The Graduate School | 1996-1997 |
Parker, Rebecca | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Art History | | 1996-1997 |
Ryan, Andrew | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Communication Studies | School of Communication | 1996-1997 |
Settergren, Amy | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | History | The Graduate School | 1996-1997 |
Appuhn, Karl | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | History | The Graduate School | 1997-1998 |
Berg, Arianna | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | English | Weinberg College | 1997-1998 |
Brennan, James | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | History | The Graduate School | 1997-1998 |
Carr, Stephanie | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Wind & Percussion Instruments | Bienen School | 1997-1998 |
Cook, John | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | History, Cultural & Intellectual | | 1997-1998 |
Dunne, Rebecca R. | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Wind & Percussion Instruments | Bienen School | 1997-1998 |
Ibata, Kathryn | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Political Science | The Graduate School | 1997-1998 |
Areford, David S. | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Art History | The Graduate School | 1998-1999 |
Bensdorf, Naomi | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Wind Performance | Bienen School | 1998-1999 |
Blanchard, Ellen C. | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Wind Performance | Bienen School | 1998-1999 |
Bloom, Susan K. | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Political Science | The Graduate School | 1998-1999 |
Caraway, Teri L. | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Political Science | The Graduate School | 1998-1999 |
Hayden, Christopher | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | History | The Graduate School | 1998-1999 |
Mann, Gregory | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | History | The Graduate School | 1998-1999 |
Mason, Jeffrey William | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Journalism | Medill | 1998-1999 |
Platis, Eleftheria | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Political Science | Weinberg College | 1998-1999 |
Sherman, Tamah | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Linguistics | Weinberg College | 1998-1999 |
Soursos, Harry | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Psychology | Weinberg College | 1998-1999 |
Strom-Olsen, Rolf | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | History | The Graduate School | 1998-1999 |
Andrews, Christine | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Art History | The Graduate School | 1999-2000 |
Crane, Kristine | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Undeclared | Weinberg College | 1999-2000 |
Crutcher, Evan | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Environmental Sciences | Weinberg College | 1999-2000 |
Field, Sean | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | History | The Graduate School | 1999-2000 |
Fielder, Adrian | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Comparative Literary Studies | The Graduate School | 1999-2000 |
Jolly, Jennifer | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Art History | The Graduate School | 1999-2000 |
Jurdjevic, Mark | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | History | The Graduate School | 1999-2000 |
Nichols, Don | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Wind & Percussion Instruments | Bienen School | 1999-2000 |
Nichols III, Clinton | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Anthropology | The Graduate School | 1999-2000 |
Prestholdt, Jeremy | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | History | The Graduate School | 1999-2000 |
Adamczyk, Sarah | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | History | Weinberg College | 2000-2001 |
Bosia, Michael | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Political Science | The Graduate School | 2000-2001 |
Ortolani, Alexander | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | English | Weinberg College | 2000-2001 |
Ozbal, Rana Deniz | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Anthropology | The Graduate School | 2000-2001 |
Rani, Monica | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Social Policy | SESP | 2000-2001 |
Aktipis, Michael | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2001-2002 |
Bolender, Douglas | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Anthropology | The Graduate School | 2001-2002 |
Borovilos, Georgia | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Civil & Environmental Engineering | McCormick | 2001-2002 |
Dawson, Julie | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Ad Hoc | Bienen School | 2001-2002 |
Dossani, Zain | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Integrated Science Program | Weinberg College | 2001-2002 |
Kasdin, Matthew | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Law | The Law School | 2001-2002 |
Kodesh, Neil | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | History | The Graduate School | 2001-2002 |
Luckham, Andrew | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | English | Weinberg College | 2001-2002 |
Metz (McDonnell), Erin | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Learning & Organizational Change | SESP | 2001-2002 |
Mills, Francis | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Mechanical Engineering | McCormick | 2001-2002 |
Misra, Sucheta | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Psychology | Weinberg College | 2001-2002 |
Park, Rebekah | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | American Studies | Weinberg College | 2001-2002 |
Raja, Anjali | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Psychology | Weinberg College | 2001-2002 |
Rosenberg, Stanislav | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | History | Weinberg College | 2001-2002 |
Tower, Craig | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Anthropology | The Graduate School | 2001-2002 |
Vainik, Jennifer | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2001-2002 |
Alexander, Renee | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Performance Studies | The Graduate School | 2002-2003 |
Alimohamed, Saira | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Social Policy | SESP | 2002-2003 |
Boston, Leah | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Art History | The Graduate School | 2002-2003 |
Creekmore III, Andrew | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Anthropology | The Graduate School | 2002-2003 |
Dabbouseh, Noura | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Electrical Engineering & Computer Science | The Graduate School | 2002-2003 |
Ellis, Jeffrey | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | German | Weinberg College | 2002-2003 |
Fojtik, Christine | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | English | Weinberg College | 2002-2003 |
Hobi, Paul | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | History | Weinberg College | 2002-2003 |
Jaeckel, Lauren | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | American Studies | Weinberg College | 2002-2003 |
Lovejoy, Katherine | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Integrated Science Program | Weinberg College | 2002-2003 |
McNeal, Meida | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Performance Studies | The Graduate School | 2002-2003 |
Rozenski, Steven | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | English | Weinberg College | 2002-2003 |
Saunders, Carter | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | German | Weinberg College | 2002-2003 |
Sims, Kimberly | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Political Science | The Graduate School | 2002-2003 |
Smith, Karen | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Political Science | The Graduate School | 2002-2003 |
Zelljadt, Elizabeth | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2002-2003 |
Bahl, Ankur | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Journalism | Medill | 2003-2004 |
Green, Andrew | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Journalism | Medill | 2003-2004 |
Gurry, Mary Bridget | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | English | Weinberg College | 2003-2004 |
Hong, Grace | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Human Development & Psychological Services | SESP | 2003-2004 |
Hoyle, Daniel | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Performance Studies | School of Communication | 2003-2004 |
Konopka, Joseph | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Biological Sciences | Weinberg College | 2003-2004 |
Moy, Hawnyea Abigail | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | English | Weinberg College | 2003-2004 |
Shah, Seema | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Anthropology | Weinberg College | 2003-2004 |
Sternweis, Thomas | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Economics | Weinberg College | 2003-2004 |
Wilson, Meghan | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Theatre | School of Communication | 2003-2004 |
Andrews, Jane | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2004-2005 |
Bartholomew, Raphael | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Journalism | Medill | 2004-2005 |
Bhalla, Panah | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Environmental Sciences | Weinberg College | 2004-2005 |
De Luna, Kathryn | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | History | The Graduate School | 2004-2005 |
Jozwik, Anna | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2004-2005 |
Kimmet, Clara | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Ad Hoc | Bienen School | 2004-2005 |
Lin, Tony | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Piano | Bienen School | 2004-2005 |
Manne, Jennifer | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | American Studies | Weinberg College | 2004-2005 |
Maxson, Brian | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | History | The Graduate School | 2004-2005 |
Price, Lisa | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Education & Social Policy | SESP | 2004-2005 |
Schmidt, Andrew | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Music Education | Bienen School | 2004-2005 |
Sivashanker, Kavitha | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Sociology | Weinberg College | 2004-2005 |
Smith, James | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Wind & Percussion Instruments | Bienen School | 2004-2005 |
Sumner, Jaclyn | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | History | Weinberg College | 2004-2005 |
Towey, Maureen | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Theatre | School of Communication | 2004-2005 |
Weissman, Jeremy | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Mathematics | Weinberg College | 2004-2005 |
Ziebell, Tiffany | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Materials Science & Engineering | McCormick | 2004-2005 |
Buysse, Caitlin | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Religious Studies | Weinberg College | 2005-2006 |
Casteen, Elizabeth | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | History | The Graduate School | 2005-2006 |
Clybor, Shawn | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | History | The Graduate School | 2005-2006 |
Ghosh, Priyanka | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Communication Studies | School of Communication | 2005-2006 |
Grobelski, Tiffany | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Environmental Sciences | Weinberg College | 2005-2006 |
Handelsman, Alysa | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Anthropology | Weinberg College | 2005-2006 |
Johnston, Jamie | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Social Policy | SESP | 2005-2006 |
Keating, Jessica | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Art History | The Graduate School | 2005-2006 |
Kim, David | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2005-2006 |
Kronick, Dorothy | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Ad Hoc | Weinberg College | 2005-2006 |
Lauder, Alexander | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Biological Sciences | Weinberg College | 2005-2006 |
Mathys, Jonathan | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Philosophy | The Graduate School | 2005-2006 |
Matuska, Nicole | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Journalism | Medill | 2005-2006 |
Pytka, Meghann | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | History | The Graduate School | 2005-2006 |
Ripley, Nicole | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Theatre | School of Communication | 2005-2006 |
Robinson, Chandler | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Mathematics | Weinberg College | 2005-2006 |
Rothe, Alexander | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Music Cognition | Bienen School | 2005-2006 |
Sriram, Veena | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | History | Weinberg College | 2005-2006 |
Thurston, Alexander | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Religious Studies | Weinberg College | 2005-2006 |
Weiss, Rachel | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Radio/TV/Film | School of Communication | 2005-2006 |
Atkins , Don | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Piano | Bienen School | 2006-2007 |
Bejan, Cristina | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Philosophy | School of Communication/Weinberg College | 2006-2007 |
Bowles, Henry | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Journalism | Medill/Weinberg College | 2006-2007 |
Carson, Tracy | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | History | Weinberg College | 2006-2007 |
Chusid, Abra | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Theatre | School of Communication | 2006-2007 |
Dixon, Osato | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Radio/TV/Film | School of Communication | 2006-2007 |
Fredrich, Jeffrey | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Voice & Opera | Bienen School/Weinberg College | 2006-2007 |
Futterer, Erin | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Wind & Percussion Instruments | Bienen School/Weinberg College | 2006-2007 |
Hagel, Christopher | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Economics | Weinberg College | 2006-2007 |
Huang, Louie | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | History | Weinberg College | 2006-2007 |
Hunleth, Jean | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Anthropology | The Graduate School | 2006-2007 |
Klosowiak, Julian | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Biomedical Engineering | McCormick | 2006-2007 |
Kneupper, Francis Courtney | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | History | The Graduate School | 2006-2007 |
Lee, Min Kyung | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Art History | The Graduate School | 2006-2007 |
Li, Ang | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Biological Sciences | Weinberg College | 2006-2007 |
Li, Rosa | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Economics | Weinberg College | 2006-2007 |
Liddell, Devon | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Anthropology | Weinberg College | 2006-2007 |
Marino, Jonathan | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Social Policy | SESP | 2006-2007 |
Pezanoski-Browne, Alison | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Radio/TV/Film | School of Communication/Weinberg College | 2006-2007 |
Romankiewicz, John | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Materials Science & Engineering | McCormick | 2006-2007 |
Sivashanker, Karthik | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Philosophy | Weinberg College | 2006-2007 |
Stickler, Mercedes | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Environmental Sciences | Bienen School/Weinberg College | 2006-2007 |
Stol, Talia | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2006-2007 |
Switzer, Veronica | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Sociology | Weinberg College | 2006-2007 |
Thorn, Seth | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Philosophy | Bienen School/Weinberg College | 2006-2007 |
Weinstein, Lauren | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | History | Weinberg College | 2006-2007 |
Crockett, Emily | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | English | Weinberg College | 2006-2007 |
Whiting, Grant | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2006-2007 |
Attiah, Karen | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Communication Studies | School of Communication | 2007-2008 |
Barnes, Catherine | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Wind & Percussion Instruments | Bienen School | 2007-2008 |
Bouchard, David | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | History | Weinberg College | 2007-2008 |
Delaney, John Rob | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2007-2008 |
Djalali, Alex | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Linguistics | Weinberg College | 2007-2008 |
Gadient, Edward | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | History | Weinberg College | 2007-2008 |
Hertel-Fernandez, Alexander | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2007-2008 |
Holderness, Peter | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Journalism | Medill | 2007-2008 |
Johnson, Jason | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | History | The Graduate School | 2007-2008 |
Kemp, Caroline | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | English | Weinberg College | 2007-2008 |
Klobuchar, Ashley | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Chemistry | Weinberg College | 2007-2008 |
Lane, Brandon | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Chemistry | Weinberg College | 2007-2008 |
Lawson, Katherine | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2007-2008 |
Leshin, Jonah | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Mathematics | Weinberg College | 2007-2008 |
Leung, Vivian | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Integrated Science Program | Weinberg College | 2007-2008 |
McIntyre, Caley | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Biological Sciences | Feinberg | 2007-2008 |
Merchant, Amina | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Social Policy | SESP | 2007-2008 |
Morris, Joel | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Comparative Literary Studies | The Graduate School | 2007-2008 |
Nadalo, Stephanie | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | History | The Graduate School | 2007-2008 |
Pecak, Michael | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Piano | Bienen School | 2007-2008 |
Pfau, Zachary | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Wind & Percussion Instruments | Bienen School/Weinberg College | 2007-2008 |
Pickerill, Sam | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Biomedical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2007-2008 |
Prussing, Victoria | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Religious Studies | The Graduate School | 2007-2008 |
Tester, Steven | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | German | The Graduate School | 2007-2008 |
Yamazaki, Diane | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Journalism | Medill/Weinberg College | 2007-2008 |
Yountchi, Lisa | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Slavic Languages & Literature | The Graduate School | 2007-2008 |
Zukowski, Barbara | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Slavic Languages & Literature | Weinberg College | 2007-2008 |
Argade, Jyoti | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Performance Studies | The Graduate School | 2007-2008 |
Downey, Kara | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2007-2008 |
Muth, Karen | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | International Studies | Weinberg College | 2007-2008 |
Al-Shami, Salma | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2008-2009 |
Burack, Victoria | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | History | Weinberg College | 2008-2009 |
Carlson, Alexandra | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | History | Weinberg College | 2008-2009 |
Cheadle, Nicholas | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | History | Weinberg College | 2008-2009 |
Ciryam, Prajwal | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Biological Sciences | Weinberg College | 2008-2009 |
DeMarco, Amanda | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | English | Weinberg College | 2008-2009 |
Doll, Kristin | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Religious Studies | The Graduate School | 2008-2009 |
Garcia, Monica | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2008-2009 |
Gomez, Karinna | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Art Theory & Practice | Weinberg College | 2008-2009 |
Heitz, Joseph | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Journalism | Medill | 2008-2009 |
Hill, Tyler | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2008-2009 |
Jung, Ena | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Comparative Literary Studies | The Graduate School | 2008-2009 |
Kaplan, Sarah | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | English | Weinberg College | 2008-2009 |
Knowles, Jessica | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Journalism | Medill | 2008-2009 |
Koenig, Anne | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Psychology | The Graduate School | 2008-2009 |
Komisar, Alexandra | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2008-2009 |
Kredell, Brendan | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Screen Culture | The Graduate School | 2008-2009 |
Mallampati, Divya | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Anthropology | Weinberg College | 2008-2009 |
Mesler, Katelyn | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Religious Studies | The Graduate School | 2008-2009 |
Ounanian, Kristen | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Social Policy | SESP | 2008-2009 |
Pancratz, Stacy | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Social Policy | SESP | 2008-2009 |
Patel, Swati | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Integrated Science Program | Weinberg College | 2008-2009 |
Porter, Caroline | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Philosophy | Weinberg College | 2008-2009 |
Ranganathan, Manjari | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Economics | Weinberg College | 2008-2009 |
Raucher, Michal | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Religious Studies | The Graduate School | 2008-2009 |
Robins, Alex | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Philosophy | Weinberg College | 2008-2009 |
Sakai, Toku | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | History | Weinberg College | 2008-2009 |
Scher, Victoria | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | English | Weinberg College | 2008-2009 |
Streib, Matthew | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Journalism | Medill | 2008-2009 |
Summers, Elisabeth | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Bassoon | Bienen School | 2008-2009 |
Woodworth, Donald | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | History | Weinberg College | 2008-2009 |
Zien, Katie | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Theatre | The Graduate School | 2008-2009 |
Hollenbeck, Alison | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Journalism | Medill | 2008-2009 |
Tomczyk, Eva | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Cognitive Sciences | Weinberg College | 2008-2009 |
Arents, Adam | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Religious Studies | Weinberg College | 2009-2010 |
Ashbaugh, Laura | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Journalism | Medill | 2009-2010 |
Bohn, Lauren | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Journalism | Medill | 2009-2010 |
Bolder, Hannah Marie | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Linguistics | Weinberg College | 2009-2010 |
Brookes, Marissa | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Political Science | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Dixit, Shalini | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Biological Sciences | Weinberg College | 2009-2010 |
Donaldson, Rebecca | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Communication Studies | School of Communication | 2009-2010 |
Fortuna, Victoria | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Performance Studies | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Granger, Elizabeth | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | English | Medill | 2009-2010 |
Lindner, Rachel | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Law | The Law School | 2009-2010 |
Lucento, Angelina | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Art History | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Moser, Joseph | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Religious Studies | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Moser, Sarah | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Social Policy | SESP | 2009-2010 |
Rauf, Mokaram | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Religious Studies | Weinberg College | 2009-2010 |
Russell, Alex | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Psychology | Weinberg College | 2009-2010 |
Smith, Rachel | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Biological Sciences | Weinberg College | 2009-2010 |
Sommers, Christine | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | International Studies | Weinberg College | 2009-2010 |
Vernon, Kaitlin | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Social Policy | SESP | 2009-2010 |
Weinstein, Madeline | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | English | School of Communication | 2009-2010 |
Welch, Christine | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Asian & Middle Eastern Culture & Civilization | Weinberg College | 2009-2010 |
Wille, David | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Communication Studies | School of Communication | 2009-2010 |
Bajalia, George | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Communication Studies | School of Communication | 2010-2011 |
Balestreri, Kathryn | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Social Policy | SESP | 2010-2011 |
Barbosa, Christina | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Mechanical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Becker, David | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Wind & Percussion Performance | Bienen School | 2010-2011 |
Bristow, Daniel | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Journalism | Medill | 2010-2011 |
Calder, David | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Theatre | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Elam, Daniel | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Rhetoric & Public Culture | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Engstrom, Liza | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Religious Studies | Weinberg College | 2010-2011 |
Gagliano, Cara | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Linguistics | Weinberg College | 2010-2011 |
Gilbert, Thomas | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Philosophy | Weinberg College | 2010-2011 |
Hsu, Lydia | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | African Studies | Weinberg College | 2010-2011 |
Kalema, William | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | History | Weinberg College | 2010-2011 |
Koh, Rachel | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Cultural Anthropology | Weinberg College | 2010-2011 |
Lange, Ryan | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Biological Sciences | Weinberg College | 2010-2011 |
Langowski, Lawrence | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Economics | Weinberg College | 2010-2011 |
Lovasik, Brendan | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Biological Sciences | Weinberg College | 2010-2011 |
Lovecchio, Francis | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Spanish | Weinberg College | 2010-2011 |
McBriarty, Martin | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Monteverde, Jay | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Religious Studies | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Oh, Hyesung | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Psychology | Weinberg College | 2010-2011 |
Parks, Austin | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | History | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Ragavan, Maya | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Public Health | Feinberg | 2010-2011 |
Seelinger, Ilana | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | English | Weinberg College | 2010-2011 |
Shea, Claire | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Biological Sciences | Weinberg College | 2010-2011 |
Shirley, Christopher | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | English | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Simonson, Kyle | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Civil & Environmental Engineering | McCormick | 2010-2011 |
Turk, Meredith | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Anthropology | Weinberg College | 2010-2011 |
Wilbert, Kelli | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2010-2011 |
Adamski, Katherine | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Psychology | Weinberg College | 2011-2012 |
Alber, Anna | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Music Performance | Bienen School/Weinberg College | 2011-2012 |
Carey, William | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Journalism | Medill | 2011-2012 |
D'Antonio, David | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Elementary Education | SESP | 2011-2012 |
Haag, Jennifer | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Biomedical Engineering | McCormick | 2011-2012 |
Hong, Sarah | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2011-2012 |
Hoversen, Jamie | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Higher Education Administration & Policy | SESP | 2011-2012 |
Israelov, Adam | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Law | The Law School | 2011-2012 |
Kola, Azeta | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | History | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Ksiazek, Kelly | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Ecology | | 2011-2012 |
Kulkarni, Chiraag | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Biological Sciences | Weinberg College | 2011-2012 |
Levine, Todd | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | English | Weinberg College | 2011-2012 |
Mathews, Nathaniel | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | History | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Orenstein, Madeleine | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Social Policy | SESP | 2011-2012 |
Radkowski, Patricia | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2011-2012 |
Rostovtseva, Tatiana | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Learning & Organizational Change | SESP | 2011-2012 |
Sims, Anna | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Philosophy | Weinberg College | 2011-2012 |
Sun, Victoria | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2011-2012 |
Thilly, Peter | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | History | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Trop, Justin | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Biological Sciences | Weinberg College | 2011-2012 |
Yang, Christine | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Learning Sciences | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Zhou, Minna | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Linguistics | Weinberg College | 2011-2012 |
Barstow, Molly | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Psychology | Weinberg College | 2012-2013 |
Bose, Priyanka | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | English | Weinberg College | 2012-2013 |
Chung, Jinsoo | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Economics | Weinberg College | 2012-2013 |
Croy, Payson | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | History | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Davis, Jack | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Sociology | Weinberg College | 2012-2013 |
Doerfler, Matthew | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Biomedical Engineering | McCormick | 2012-2013 |
Drummond, Jennifer | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Chemical & Biological Engineering | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Dwivedi, Anamika | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Biological Sciences | Weinberg College | 2012-2013 |
Fiat, Aria | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Human Development & Psychological Services | SESP | 2012-2013 |
Glenn, Chelsea | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Economics | Weinberg College | 2012-2013 |
Graber, Sarah | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Theatre | School of Communication | 2012-2013 |
Mitrakos, Vasiliki | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2012-2013 |
Oberlander, Brian | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Musicology | Bienen School | 2012-2013 |
Pijls, Patrick | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Economics | Weinberg College | 2012-2013 |
Prorok, Christine | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | German | Weinberg College | 2012-2013 |
Przybylski, Elizabeth | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Musicology | Bienen School | 2012-2013 |
Rayala, Harika | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Anthropology | Weinberg College | 2012-2013 |
Rinehart, Ian | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | German | Weinberg College | 2012-2013 |
Rodman, Tara | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Theatre Studies | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Scheufele, Michael | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | English | Weinberg College | 2012-2013 |
Shaw, Ari | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Political Science | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Shorofsky, Benjamin | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Civil & Environmental Engineering | McCormick | 2012-2013 |
Warren, Mia | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | English | Weinberg College | 2012-2013 |
Battle, Anthony | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | English | Weinberg College | 2013-2014 |
Boffi, Nicholas | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Mathematics | Weinberg College | 2013-2014 |
Bronnimann, Nicole | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2013-2014 |
Childs, Iman | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Radio/TV/Film | School of Communication | 2013-2014 |
Coughlin, Scott | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Mathematics | Weinberg College | 2013-2014 |
Falzoni, Sofia | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Sociology | Weinberg College | 2013-2014 |
Green, Hannah | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Asian & Middle Eastern Language & Civilization | Weinberg College | 2013-2014 |
Halpern, Jeremy | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Civil & Environmental Engineering | McCormick | 2013-2014 |
Hlebowitsh, Nadia Catherine | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | English | Weinberg College | 2013-2014 |
Hoffman, Christopher | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | History | Weinberg College | 2013-2014 |
Kahsay, Mahalia | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Social Policy | SESP/Weinberg College | 2013-2014 |
Klosowiak, Emil | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Biomedical Engineering | McCormick | 2013-2014 |
Kohli, Candace | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Religious Studies | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Lalkiya, Neel | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Chemistry | Weinberg College | 2013-2014 |
Navichoque, Tracy Alejandra | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | History | Weinberg College | 2013-2014 |
Patel , Amisha | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Cardiology Fellow | Feinberg/The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Penning, Joel | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | History | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Rahlan, Janesh | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Economics | Weinberg College | 2013-2014 |
Richter, Nora | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Integrated Science Program | Weinberg College | 2013-2014 |
Santella, Julie | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2013-2014 |
Scholes, Rachel | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Chemical & Biological Engineering | McCormick | 2013-2014 |
Sosa, Kia | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Secondary Education | SESP/Weinberg College | 2013-2014 |
Specht, Mark | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Integrated Science Program | Weinberg College | 2013-2014 |
Walker, Christina | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2013-2014 |
Witek, Michael | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Earth & Planetary Sciences | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Wunsh, Jacob | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | English | Weinberg College | 2013-2014 |
Zhou, Kali | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Medicine | Feinberg | 2013-2014 |
Aleman, Michael Adrian | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Mechanical Engineering | McCormick | 2014-2015 |
Atwater, Evelyn Schuyler | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Political Science & Legal Studies | Weinberg College | 2014-2015 |
Baltys, Izora Heller | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | | SESP | 2014-2015 |
Burgess, Eleanor Rae | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Communication Studies | School of Communication | 2014-2015 |
Coccoli, Caroline Anne | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Environmental Science | Weinberg College | 2014-2015 |
Derderian, Elizabeth Ann | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Anthropology | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Doolan, Yuri William | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | History | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Dugan, Phyllis Monic-Symone | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | | School of Communication | 2014-2015 |
Dunbar, Blair Ellyn | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | | Weinberg College | 2014-2015 |
Gary, Abigail Claire | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | | Weinberg College | 2014-2015 |
Itskowitz, Jesse Matthew | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | | Medill | 2014-2015 |
Karas, Panagiota Tania | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Journalism | Medill | 2014-2015 |
Kelly, Vivian Linnea | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | | Weinberg College | 2014-2015 |
Kozlowska, Iga | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Sociology | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Krause, Lena | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | | School of Communication | 2014-2015 |
Kukushliev, Todor Valeriev | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | | McCormick | 2014-2015 |
Lazare, Sophia Simon | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | French | Weinberg College | 2014-2015 |
Ledvora, Brenna Mary | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | | SESP | 2014-2015 |
Leung, Kingsley | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Biological Sciences | Weinberg College | 2014-2015 |
Mallick, Rabeya Tanweer | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Human Development & Psychological Services | SESP | 2014-2015 |
Mehta, Monica Paresh | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Environmental Sciences | Weinberg College | 2014-2015 |
Olien, Catherine Victoria | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Art History | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Oswald, Julia Marie | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Art History | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Ramanujam, Natasha | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | French Horn Performance | Bienen School | 2014-2015 |
Rowberg, Andrew Joseph | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Materials Sciences & Engineering | McCormick | 2014-2015 |
Spinelli, Teresa Marie | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | History and BSOM | Weinberg College | 2014-2015 |
Sykes, Rory Alison | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Art History | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Wall, Maeve Kathleen | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | English Literature | Weinberg College | 2014-2015 |
Wilber, Karen Meredith | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Human Development & Psychological Services | SESP | 2014-2015 |
Catlin, Kathryn Anne | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Anthropology | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Clark, Keith | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | History | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Couch, Savannah Caitlin | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Theatre | School of Communication | 2015-2016 |
Di Salvo, Carlos Javier Pereira | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Philosophy | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Hansen, Ary | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2015-2016 |
Harmon, Jenna | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Musicology | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Krinsman, William Edward | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Mathematics | Weinberg College | 2015-2016 |
McCarter, Catherine Cavanaugh | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Linguistics | Weinberg College | 2015-2016 |
Mueller, Bethany | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | English | Weinberg College | 2015-2016 |
Noboa, Laura | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | History | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Pak, Adelina | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2015-2016 |
Rajcan, Vanda | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | History | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Reddy, Neha | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Anthropology | Weinberg College | 2015-2016 |
Sales, Joy Nicholas | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | History | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Smierciak, Sarah Nicole | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | History | Weinberg College | 2015-2016 |
Wasilewski, Weronika | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Learning & Organizational Change | SESP | 2015-2016 |
York, Alexander | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Voice & Opera | Bienen School | 2015-2016 |
Zellner, Ken-Terika | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Legal Studies | Weinberg College | 2015-2016 |
Spicer, Scott Raymond | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Linguistics | Weinberg College | 2015-2016 |
Buffa, Sebastian | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | History | Weinberg College | 2016-2017 |
Burlingame, Delaney | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Theatre | School of Communication/Weinberg College | 2016-2017 |
Burton, Megan | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Biomedical Engineering | McCormick | 2016-2017 |
Crook, Rebecca | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Human Development & Psychological Services | SESP | 2016-2017 |
Douglas, Gabriel | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Art History | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Eisen, Tamar | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Social Policy | SESP | 2016-2017 |
Eisenstein, Amy | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | History | Weinberg College | 2016-2017 |
Elliott, Danielle | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Journalism | Medill/Weinberg College | 2016-2017 |
Garigipati, Priyanka | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Biological Sciences | Weinberg College | 2016-2017 |
Hollo, James | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Journalism, Media & Integrated Marketing | Northwestern University in Qatar | 2016-2017 |
Jagla, Lindsay | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | History | Weinberg College | 2016-2017 |
Jiang, Irene | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | MENA | School of Communication/Weinberg College | 2016-2017 |
Jordan, Alexander Britt | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Economics | Weinberg College | 2016-2017 |
Mittelberg, Tara | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Environmental Sciences | Weinberg College | 2016-2017 |
Montgomery, Emma | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Psychology | Weinberg College | 2016-2017 |
Neely-Streit, Gabriel | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Journalism | Medill | 2016-2017 |
Nodjimbadem, Katie-Meelel | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Journalism | Medill | 2016-2017 |
Price-Wallace, Darcie Marylin | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Religious Studies | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Reddy, Paavani | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Anthropology | Weinberg College | 2016-2017 |
Roth, Adam | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | American Studies | Weinberg College | 2016-2017 |
Silverman, Kalina | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Journalism | Medill | 2016-2017 |
Ticho, Arielle | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Social Policy | SESP | 2016-2017 |
Wood, Emily | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Art History | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Conroy, Justin | Fulbright Austrian Teaching Assistantship Program | History | Weinberg College | 1999-2000 |
Falk, Noah | Fulbright Austrian Teaching Assistantship Program | Philosophy | Weinberg College | 1999-2000 |
Lilly, Kristin | Fulbright Austrian Teaching Assistantship Program | French | Weinberg College | 1999-2000 |
Zelenski, Paul | Fulbright Austrian Teaching Assistantship Program | German | Weinberg College | 1999-2000 |
Agule, Rebecca | Fulbright Austrian Teaching Assistantship Program | German | Weinberg College | 2000-2001 |
Feder, David | Fulbright Austrian Teaching Assistantship Program | History | Weinberg College | 2000-2001 |
Morse, Sean | Fulbright Austrian Teaching Assistantship Program | Voice & Opera | Bienen School | 2000-2001 |
Eber, Hailey | Fulbright Austrian Teaching Assistantship Program | Radio/TV/Film | School of Communication | 2001-2002 |
Biermann, Mary | Fulbright Austrian Teaching Assistantship Program | Theatre | School of Communication | 2001-2002 |
Schaeffer, Anne Kathleen | Fulbright Austrian Teaching Assistantship Program | Linguistics | Weinberg College | 2001-2002 |
Cartmell, Sarah | Fulbright Austrian Teaching Assistantship Program | Journalism | Medill | 2002-2003 |
Seward, Julie | Fulbright Austrian Teaching Assistantship Program | Business Institutions | Weinberg College | 2002-2003 |
Peabody, Seth | Fulbright Austrian Teaching Assistantship Program | Wind & Percussion Instruments | Bienen School | 2003-2004 |
Schorfheide, Christine | Fulbright Austrian Teaching Assistantship Program | German | Weinberg College | 2003-2004 |
Rowse, Karen | Fulbright Austrian Teaching Assistantship Program | Sociology | Weinberg College | 2004-2005 |
Spindler, Eric | Fulbright Austrian Teaching Assistantship Program | Economics | Weinberg College | 2004-2005 |
Cooper, Phillip | Fulbright Austrian Teaching Assistantship Program | Learning & Organizational Change | SESP | 2005-2006 |
Hanke, Emma | Fulbright Austrian Teaching Assistantship Program | European Studies | Weinberg College | 2005-2006 |
Muschal, Mathias | Fulbright Austrian Teaching Assistantship Program | English | Weinberg College | 2005-2006 |
Richardson, Robert | Fulbright Austrian Teaching Assistantship Program | English | Weinberg College | 2005-2006 |
Gadient, Edward | Fulbright Austrian Teaching Assistantship Program | History | Weinberg College | 2007-2008 |
Hammervold, Mark | Fulbright Austrian Teaching Assistantship Program | Philosophy | Weinberg College | 2007-2008 |
Welch, Timothy | Fulbright Austrian Teaching Assistantship Program | German | Weinberg College | 2007-2008 |
Wolfson, Amanda | Fulbright Austrian Teaching Assistantship Program | History | Weinberg College | 2007-2008 |
Balhorn, Loren | Fulbright Austrian Teaching Assistantship Program | German | Weinberg College | 2008-2009 |
Burack, Cristina | Fulbright Austrian Teaching Assistantship Program | Voice & Opera | Bienen School | 2008-2009 |
DeMarco, Amanda | Fulbright Austrian Teaching Assistantship Program | English | Weinberg College | 2008-2009 |
Kogan, Irina | Fulbright Austrian Teaching Assistantship Program | Comparative Literary Studies | Weinberg College | 2008-2009 |
Morris, Hannah Marie | Fulbright Austrian Teaching Assistantship Program | History | Weinberg College | 2008-2009 |
Hunstein, Alexandra | Fulbright Austrian Teaching Assistantship Program | German | School of Communication | 2009-2010 |
Wunsh, Jacob | Fulbright Austrian Teaching Assistantship Program | English | Weinberg College | 2013-2014 |
Bay , Susan Caroline | Fulbright Austrian Teaching Assistantship Program | Musicology | Bienen School | 2015-2016 |
Powell, Hilary | Fulbright Berlin Capital Program | Editorial Journalism | Medill | 2013-2014 |
Yountchi, Lisa | Fulbright Critical Language Enhancement Award (IIE) | Slavic Languages & Literature | The Graduate School | 2007-2008 |
Hong, Sarah | Fulbright Critical Language Enhancement Award (IIE) | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2011-2012 |
Ryan, Claire | Fulbright French Government Teaching Assistantship | Social Policy | SESP | 2007-2008 |
Ozbal, Rana Deniz | Fulbright-Hays Dissertation Grant | Anthropology | The Graduate School | 2000-2001 |
Butler, Noah | Fulbright-Hays Dissertation Grant | Anthropology | The Graduate School | 2003-2004 |
Singleton, Judith | Fulbright-Hays Dissertation Grant | Anthropology | The Graduate School | 2003-2004 |
De Luna, Kathryn | Fulbright-Hays Dissertation Grant | History | The Graduate School | 2004-2005 |
Ly, Anh | Fulbright-Hays Dissertation Grant | Comparative Literary Studies | The Graduate School | 2004-2005 |
Clybor, Shawn | Fulbright-Hays Dissertation Grant | History | The Graduate School | 2005-2006 |
Fabricant, Nicole | Fulbright-Hays Dissertation Grant | Anthropology | The Graduate School | 2005-2006 |
McMahon, Christina | Fulbright-Hays Dissertation Grant | Theatre | The Graduate School | 2005-2006 |
Morehart, Christopher | Fulbright-Hays Dissertation Grant | Anthropology | The Graduate School | 2006-2007 |
Prichard, Andreana | Fulbright-Hays Dissertation Grant | History | The Graduate School | 2006-2007 |
Callaci, Emily | Fulbright-Hays Dissertation Grant | History | The Graduate School | 2007-2008 |
Wright, Zachary | Fulbright-Hays Dissertation Grant | History | The Graduate School | 2007-2008 |
Yountchi, Lisa | Fulbright-Hays Dissertation Grant | Slavic Languages & Literature | The Graduate School | 2007-2008 |
Adrover, Lauren | Fulbright-Hays Dissertation Grant | Anthropology | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Seligman, Andrea | Fulbright-Hays Dissertation Grant | History | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Abidine, Karima | Fulbright-Hays Dissertation Grant | Anthropology | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Vanderpoel, Rachel | Fulbright-Hays Dissertation Grant | Political Science | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Hoke, Morgan | Fulbright-Hays Dissertation Grant | Anthropology | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Pouchet, Jessica | Fulbright-Hays Dissertation Grant | Anthropology | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Peyton, David Michael | Fulbright-Hays Dissertation Grant | Political Science | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Pouchet, Jessica | Fulbright-Hays Dissertation Grant | Anthropology | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Lee, Sean | Fulbright-Hays Dissertation Grant | Political Science | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Swanson, Amy | Fulbright-Hays Dissertation Grant | Theatre and Drama | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Rosengarten, Andrea | Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad | History | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Davis, Emma | Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad | Political Science | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Angwenyi, Chelsea | Fulbright-Hays Swahili Group Project Abroad in Kenya | Social Policy | Education and Social Policy | 2022-2023 |
Bucciarelli, Nicholas | Fulbright-Hays Swahili Group Project Abroad in Kenya | Undeclared | Weinberg | 2022-2023 |
Chun, Alexander | Fulbright-MITACS Globalink Program | Journalism | Medill | 2021-2022 |
Collinson, David William | Fulbright Science and Innovation Fellowship | Mechanical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Borchetta, Michael | Fulbright UK Summer Institute | Economics | Weinberg College | 2010-2011 |
Peters, Jacob | Fulbright UK Summer Institute | Economics | Weinberg College | 2010-2011 |
Benduski, Veronica | Fulbright UK Summer Institute | English Literature | Weinberg College | 2012-2013 |
Corcoran, Callahan Ann | Fulbright UK Summer Institute | Economics and History | Weinberg College | 2014-2015 |
Angell, Megan | Fulbright UK Summer Institute | Economics | Weinberg College | 2015-2016 |
Gay, Grace | Fulbright UK Summer Institutes | English | Weinberg | 2018-2019 |
Gray, Zoryah | Fulbright UK Summer Institutes | Computer Science | Weinberg | 2022-2023 |
Bess, Natalie | Fulbright US Student Program | Sociology | Weinberg | 2017-2018 |
Bheem, Rishika | Fulbright US Student Program | Economics | Weinberg | 2017-2018 |
Chen, Henry | Fulbright US Student Program | History/Composition | Weinberg/Bienen | 2017-2018 |
Chen, Tsu-Ann | Fulbright US Student Program | Learning Sciences | Education and Social Policy | 2017-2018 |
Cianciotto, Adina | Fulbright US Student Program | Cognitive Science | Weinberg | 2017-2018 |
Danner, Payton | Fulbright US Student Program | English/Wind and Percussion Instruments | Weinberg/Bienen | 2017-2018 |
Gotschall, Jeromy | Fulbright US Student Program | Neuroscience | Weinberg | 2017-2018 |
Griffith, Kayla | Fulbright US Student Program | Theatre | Communication | 2017-2018 |
Holl, Nina Gabriel | Fulbright US Student Program | German | Weinberg | 2017-2018 |
Holubecki, Anna | Fulbright US Student Program | Neuroscience | Weinberg | 2017-2018 |
Kajmakoski, Aleksandar | Fulbright US Student Program | Neuroscience | Weinberg | 2017-2018 |
Koltun, Fannie | Fulbright US Student Program | Human Development and Psychological Services | Education and Social Policy | 2017-2018 |
Ling, Clare | Fulbright US Student Program | Spanish | Weinberg | 2017-2018 |
Liu, Patrick | Fulbright US Student Program | Psychology | Weinberg | 2017-2018 |
Love, Thomas | Fulbright US Student Program | Art History | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Monroe, Caitlin | Fulbright US Student Program | History | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Moravek, Jessie | Fulbright US Student Program | Environmental Sciences | Weinberg | 2017-2018 |
Moss, Rachel | Fulbright US Student Program | Theatre and Drama | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Pokorski, Robin Kathryn | Fulbright US Student Program | History | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Sennott, Tara Morgan | Fulbright US Student Program | Radio/TV/Film | Communication | 2017-2018 |
Singh, Dilpreet | Fulbright US Student Program | Anthropology | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Strohbach, Angelina | Fulbright US Student Program | Anthropology | Weinberg | 2017-2018 |
Suckstorff, Hana | Fulbright US Student Program | History | Weinberg | 2017-2018 |
Todes, Jordan | Fulbright US Student Program | Earth and Planetary Sciences | Weinberg | 2017-2018 |
Wallner, Rachel | Fulbright US Student Program | History | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Wong, Tiffany | Fulbright US Student Program | Learning and Organizational Change | Education and Social Policy | 2017-2018 |
Almeida, Cesar | Fulbright US Student Program | Learning Sciences | Education and Social Policy | 2018-2019 |
Anderson, Megan | Fulbright US Student Program | German | Weinberg | 2018-2019 |
Craig, Kyle | Fulbright US Student Program | Anthropology | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Dougherty, Aine | Fulbright US Student Program | Journalism | Medill | 2018-2019 |
Dravid, Avi | Fulbright US Student Program | Political Science | Weinberg | 2018-2019 |
Ellis, Bailey | Fulbright US Student Program | Political Science | Weinberg | 2018-2019 |
Ettinger, Catherine | Fulbright US Student Program | Social Policy | Education and Social Policy | 2018-2019 |
Falk, Meredith | Fulbright US Student Program | Secondary Teaching | Education and Social Policy | 2018-2019 |
Furgis, Ellen | Fulbright US Student Program | Human Development and Psychological Services | Education and Social Policy | 2018-2019 |
Hennenfent, Zachary | Fulbright US Student Program | Economics | Weinberg | 2018-2019 |
Laguna, Carolina | Fulbright US Student Program | International Studies | Weinberg | 2018-2019 |
Laport, Theodore | Fulbright US Student Program | German | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Porter, Jayson Maurice | Fulbright US Student Program | History | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Reyes, Darlene | Fulbright US Student Program | International Studies | Weinberg | 2018-2019 |
Rosenzweig, Sofie | Fulbright US Student Program | History | Weinberg | 2018-2019 |
Schneidman, Alon | Fulbright US Student Program | Industrial Engineering | McCormick | 2018-2019 |
Schwalb, Jessica | Fulbright US Student Program | History | Weinberg | 2018-2019 |
Sincavage, John | Fulbright US Student Program | Medical Science Training | Feinberg | 2018-2019 |
Smith, Miranda | Fulbright US Student Program | Religious Studies | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Svoboda, Emma Jane | Fulbright US Student Program | History | Weinberg | 2018-2019 |
Thomas, Lauren Catherine | Fulbright US Student Program | Economics | Weinberg | 2018-2019 |
Topoleski, Anthony | Fulbright US Student Program | Slavic Languages and Literatures | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Wu, Daniel | Fulbright US Student Program | Neuroscience | Weinberg | 2018-2019 |
Andrey, Emily | Fulbright US Student Program | Art History | Weinberg | 2019-2020 |
Balestrieri-Fox, Dominic | Fulbright US Student Program | Political Science | Weinberg | 2019-2020 |
Bhat, Anisha | Fulbright US Student Program | History | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
Biggs, Lois | Fulbright US Student Program | Art History | Weinberg | 2019-2020 |
Burg, Natalie | Fulbright US Student Program | Economics | Weinberg | 2019-2020 |
Burt, Reena | Fulbright US Student Program | Social Policy | Education and Social Policy | 2019-2020 |
Cornman, Elizabeth Susan | Fulbright US Student Program | Learning Sciences | Education and Social Policy | 2019-2020 |
Cronin, Hallie | Fulbright US Student Program | Social Policy | Education and Social Policy | 2019-2020 |
Davis, Ayana | Fulbright US Student Program | Human Development and Psychological Services | Education and Social Policy | 2019-2020 |
Gamalong, Giovanni | Fulbright US Student Program | Chemistry | Weinberg | 2019-2020 |
Guo, Lillian | Fulbright US Student Program | Social Policy | Education and Social Policy | 2019-2020 |
Gyamfi, Bright | Fulbright US Student Program | History | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
Krolik, Hayley Jacqueline | Fulbright US Student Program | Learning Sciences | Education and Social Policy | 2019-20 |
LaMountain, Christopher Hans | Fulbright US Student Program | Religious Studies | Bienen | 2019-2020 |
Macias Nuño, Hector | Fulbright US Student Program | German | Weinberg | 2019-2020 |
McGreal, Dara | Fulbright US Student Program | Social Policy | Education and Social Policy | 2019-2020 |
Ochoa, Jailene | Fulbright US Student Program | Human Development and Psychological Services | Education and Social Policy | 2019-2020 |
Ruiz, Daniela | Fulbright US Student Program | Chemical Engineering | McCormick | 2019-2020 |
Sadoun, Meriem | Fulbright US Student Program | Writing | Professional Studies | 2019-2020 |
Sanchez, Sayeed | Fulbright US Student Program | African American Studies | Weinberg | 2019-2020 |
Shuffield, Daniel | Fulbright US Student Program | Theatre | Communication | 2019-2020 |
Sigal, Maxwell | Fulbright US Student Program | Biological Sciences | Weinberg | 2019-2020 |
Singh, Arzu | Fulbright US Student Program | Social Policy | Education and Social Policy | 2019-2020 |
Williamson, Carlos | Fulbright US Student Program | Editorial Journalism | Medill | 2019-2020 |
Akanyirige, Precious | Fulbright US Student Program | Medical Scientist Training Program | Feinberg | 2020-2021 |
Balestrieri-Fox, Dominic | Fulbright US Student Program | Political Science | Weinberg | 2020-2021 |
Brandt, Emma | Fulbright US Student Program | Sociology | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Downing, Adam | Fulbright US Student Program | Political Science | Weinberg | 2020-2021 |
Gopal, Keerti | Fulbright US Student Program | American Studies | Weinberg | 2020-2021 |
Gopalka, Mahika | Fulbright US Student Program | Cognitive Science | Weinberg | 2020-2021 |
Haller, Liam | Fulbright US Student Program | Mathematics | Weinberg | 2020-2021 |
Henschen, Erica | Fulbright US Student Program | Neuroscience | Weinberg | 2020-2021 |
LaMountain, Christopher | Fulbright US Student Program | Music | Bienen | 2020-2021 |
Mann, Julia | Fulbright US Student Program | Theatre | Communication | 2020-2021 |
Rashid, Reem | Fulbright US Student Program | Biomedical Engineering | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Rosengarten, Andrea | Fulbright US Student Program | History | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Rosenzweig-Ziff, Daniel | Fulbright US Student Program | Journalism | Medill | 2020-2021 |
Sierra, Claudia | Fulbright US Student Program | Political Science | Weinberg | 2020-2021 |
Skurie, Jaclyn | Fulbright US Student Program | Journalism | Medill | 2020-2021 |
Smith, Rebecca | Fulbright US Student Program | Communication Studies | Communication | 2020-2021 |
Williams, Titobioluwa | Fulbright US Student Program | Legal Studies | Weinberg | 2020-2021 |
Wu, Tara | Fulbright US Student Program | Journalism | Medill | 2020-2021 |
Aguilar, Laura | Fulbright US Student Program | Sociology | Weinberg | 2021-2022 |
Bhadriraju, Shreya | Fulbright US Student Program | Communication Studies | Communication | 2021-2022 |
Chorley, Hannah | Fulbright US Student Program | Journalism | Medill | 2021-2022 |
Cisneros, Alonso | Fulbright US Student Program | Social Policy | Education and Social Policy | 2021-2022 |
Cohen, Olivia | Fulbright US Student Program | Social Policy | Education and Social Policy | 2021-2022 |
Gans, Ariel | Fulbright US Student Program | Editorial Journalism | Medill | 2021-2022 |
Guo, Emily | Fulbright US Student Program | Anthropology | Weinberg | 2021-2022 |
Juhn, Christopher | Fulbright US Student Program | Music | Bienen | 2021-2022 |
Junejo, Alina | Fulbright US Student Program | Psychology | Weinberg | 2021–2022 |
LaMountain, Christopher | Fulbright US Student Program | Music | Bienen | 2021-2022 |
McGruder, Leah | Fulbright US Student Program | Social Policy | Education and Social Policy | 2021-2022 |
Paik, William | Fulbright US Student Program | American Studies | Weinberg | 2021-2022 |
Sadoun, Meriem | Fulbright US Student Program | Writing | Professional Studies | 2021-2022 |
Sarcevic-Tesanovic, Rachel | Fulbright US Student Program | History | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Senko, Charles | Fulbright US Student Program | Linguistics | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Shortridge, Jessamine | Fulbright US Student Program | Theatre | Communication | 2021-2022 |
Smith, Sydney | Fulbright US Student Program | Asian Languages and Cultures | Weinberg | 2021-2022 |
Sommers, Christine | Fulbright US Student Program | Political Science | Weinberg | 2021-2022 |
Sonnefeldt, Lindsey | Fulbright US Student Program | Chemical Engineering | McCormick | 2021-2022 |
Williams, Camille | Fulbright US Student Program | Journalism | Medill | 2021-2022 |
Abouzaglo, Maayan | Fulbright US Student Program | Social Policy | Education and Social Policy | 2022-23 |
Andringa-Seed, Regan | Fulbright US Student Program | Neuroscience | Weinberg | 2022-2023 |
Barnes, Cameron | Fulbright US Student Program | Radio/Television/Film | Communication | 2022-2023 |
Bartolomei, Natalie | Fulbright US Student Program | Economics | Weinberg | 2022-2023 |
Bartt, Ella | Fulbright US Student Program | Spanish | Weinberg | 2022-2023 |
Chen, Nuo | Fulbright US Student Program | Psychology | Weinberg | 2022-2023 |
Choi, Ji Hye | Fulbright US Student Program | Political Science | Weinberg | 2022-2023 |
Cohen, Anna | Fulbright US Student Program | Art History | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Corvino, Nicholas | Fulbright US Student Program | Philosophy | Weinberg | 2022-2023 |
Denniston , Anna | Fulbright US Student Program | Political Science | Weinberg | 2022-2023 |
Elmasry, Amina | Fulbright US Student Program | Biological Sciences | Weinberg | 2022-2023 |
Gomez, Laura | Fulbright US Student Program | English | Weinberg | 2022-2023 |
Kemp, Susanna | Fulbright US Student Program | Journalism | Medill | 2022-2023 |
Mahakala, Nithya | Fulbright US Student Program | Anthropology | Weinberg | 2022-2023 |
Markus, Robinson | Fulbright US Student Program | Radio/Television/Film | Communication | 2022-2023 |
Mei, Cindy | Fulbright US Student Program | Journalism | Medill | 2022-2023 |
Mendoza, Julianna | Fulbright US Student Program | Psychology | Weinberg | 2022-2023 |
Nash, Shira | Fulbright US Student Program | Sociology | Weinberg | 2022-2023 |
Otero, Malena | Fulbright US Student Program | Psychology | Weinberg | 2022-2023 |
Palaskas, Michael | Fulbright US Student Program | Economics | Weinberg | 2022-2023 |
Peters, Sonia | Fulbright US Student Program | English | Weinberg | 2022-2023 |
Quaranta, Cadence | Fulbright US Student Program | Journalism | Medill | 2022-2023 |
Rosner, Samuel | Fulbright US Student Program | History | Weinberg | 2022-2023 |
Rothbard, Jesse | Fulbright US Student Program | Spanish and Portuguese | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Sanchez, Sofia | Fulbright US Student Program | Journalism | Medill | 2022-2023 |
Shelton, Joshua | Fulbright US Student Program | Religious Studies | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Wang, Max | Fulbright US Student Program | Biomedical Engineering | McCormick | 2022-2023 |
Wu, Cameron | Fulbright US Student Program | Anthropology | Weinberg | 2022-2023 |
Zuckernik, Eliana | Fulbright US Student Program | Neuroscience | Weinberg | 2022-2023 |
Chang, Arturo | Gaius Charles Bolin Dissertation Fellowships | Political Science | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
Locci, Ricardo | Gamma Mu Foundation Scholarships | Physical Therapy | Feinberg | 2021-2022 |
Gardner, Elliot | Garden Club of America Board of Associates Centennial Pollinator Fellowship | Plant Biology | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Hua, Maria | Garden Club of America Clara Carter Higgins Summer Environmental Study Scholarship | Biological Sciences | Weinberg College | 2011-2012 |
Gardner, Elliot | Garden Club of America Fellowship in Ecological Restoration | Plant Biology & Conservation | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Palmer, Corey | Garden Club of America Fellowship in Ecological Restoration | Plant Biology & Conservation | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Talkington, Nora Elizabeth | Garden Club of America Research Award | | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Fetterly, Emma | Garden Club of America Summer Scholarship in Field Botany | Plant Biology and Conservation | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Sinclair, Romain | Gardner/Exum Scholarship | Management Studies | Kellogg School | 2014-2015 |
Ginzburg, Daniel | Gates Cambridge Scholarship | Earth and Planetary Sciences | Weinberg | 2021-2022 |
Sastoque, Laurissa | Gates Cambridge Scholarship | History | Weinberg | 2022-2023 |
Grahn, Jessica | Gates Cambridge Scholarship | Piano Performance | Bienen School | 2000-2001 |
Choate, Daniel | Gates Cambridge Scholarship | Integrated Science Program | Weinberg College | 2001-2002 |
Blecha, Laura | Gates Cambridge Scholarship | Integrated Science Program | Weinberg College | 2004-2005 |
Gross, Benjamin | Gates Cambridge Scholarship | Philosophy | Weinberg College | 2005-2006 |
Hughes, Laura | Gates Cambridge Scholarship | Chemistry | Weinberg College | 2005-2006 |
Johnson, Thomas | Gates Cambridge Scholarship | Biological Sciences | Weinberg College | 2005-2006 |
Pike, Rachel | Gates Cambridge Scholarship | Chemistry | Weinberg College | 2005-2006 |
Gruen, Andrew | Gates Cambridge Scholarship | Journalism | Medill/Weinberg College | 2007-2008 |
North, Amber | Gates Cambridge Scholarship | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2007-2008 |
Boren, Braxton | Gates Cambridge Scholarship | Music | Bienen School/Weinberg College | 2008-2009 |
Buterbaugh, Kristin | Gates Cambridge Scholarship | American Studies | Weinberg College | 2008-2009 |
Dillon, David | Gates Cambridge Scholarship | Chemistry | Weinberg College | 2008-2009 |
Robinson, Chandler | Gates Cambridge Scholarship | Mathematics | Weinberg College | 2008-2009 |
Roy, Victor | Gates Cambridge Scholarship | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2008-2009 |
Anderson, Donde | Gates Millennium Scholarship | Integrated Science Program | Weinberg College | 2000-2001 |
Harvey, Natasha | Gates Millennium Scholarship | Applied Mathematics & Engineering Sciences | McCormick | 2000-2001 |
White, Terrenda | Gates Millennium Scholarship | Human Development & Psychological Services | SESP | 2000-2001 |
Quiney, Khara | GE Foundation Diversity Fellowship | Biomedical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Da Silva, Israel | GEM Associate Fellow | Chemistry | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Dyer, Isaac | GEM Associate Fellow | Materials Science and Engineering | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Lin, Millicent | GEM Associate Fellow | Biomedical Engineering | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Pape, Marie | GEM Associate Fellow | Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Pujadas, Emily | GEM Associate Fellow | Interdisciplinary Biological Sciences | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Williams, Brittney | GEM Associate Fellow | Chemistry | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Duplessis, Isaiah | GEM Associate Fellow | Materials Science and Engineering | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Hernandez, Adrian | GEM Associate Fellow | Civil and Environmental Engineering | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Otseidu, Kofi Emmanuel | GEM Associate Fellow PhD Engineering/Science Fellowship | Computer Engineering | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Ramirez, Carolyn E. | GEM Associate Fellow PhD Engineering/Science Fellowship | Chemical Engineering | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Downing, Julia Roclo | GEM Associate Fellow PhD Engineering/Science Fellowship | Materials Science and Engineering | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Aguirre, Nathan | GEM Associate Fellowship | | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Barona, Melissa | GEM Associate Fellowship | | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Calzada, Raul | GEM Associate Fellowship | | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Martinez, Andres | GEM Associate Fellowship | Chemical and Biological Engineering | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Medina, Michael Karl | GEM Associate Fellowship | | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Nwanna, Obinna | GEM Associate Fellowship | | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Pickens, David | GEM Associate Fellowship | Mechanical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Su , Jimmy | GEM Associate Fellowship | Biomedical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Warrior, Marc A. | GEM Associate Fellowship | | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Wren, Lisa | GEM Associate Fellowship | Clinical Investigation | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Castro, Fernando Cuauntli | GEM Associate Fellowship | | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Cavanaugh, Kate | GEM Associate Fellowship | Biological Sciences | Weinberg College | 2014-2015 |
Serrano, Christopher Manuel | GEM Associate Fellowship | | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Angelone, Mauricio | GEM Employer Fellows | Applied Physics | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Brown, Jesse | GEM Employer Fellows | Engineering Design Innovation | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Caldeira, Felipe | GEM Employer Fellows | Computer Science | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Cox, Akylah | GEM Employer Fellows | Civil and Environmental Engineering | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Diaz-Arauzo, Santiago | GEM Employer Fellows | Chemical Engineering | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Ferrarer, Joseph | GEM Employer Fellows | Engineering Design Innovation | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Gutierrez, Laura | GEM Employer Fellows | Civil and Environmental Engineering | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Kurian, Jacob | GEM Employer Fellows | Mechanical Engineering | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Loza, Robert | GEM Employer Fellows | Computer Science | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Mendez-Santos, Maria | GEM Employer Fellows | Biomedical Engineering | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Montoya, Ryne | GEM Employer Fellows | Chemical Engineering | McCormick | 2021-2022 |
Obiefuna, Sharon | GEM Employer Fellows | Computer Engineering | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Pereyra, Alessandro | GEM Employer Fellows | Materials Science and Engineering | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Quince, Lauwanzer | GEM Employer Fellows | Computer Science | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Thuis, Michael | GEM Employer Fellows | Materials Science and Engineering | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Watts, Maya | GEM Employer Fellows | Physics | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Ahmed, Yaasir | GEM Employer Fellows | Analytics | McCormick | 2022-2023 |
Alarape, Shalom | GEM Employer Fellows | Computer Science | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Delgado, Julian | GEM Employer Fellows | Mechanical Engineering | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Green, Tianna | GEM Employer Fellows | Materials Science and Engineering | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Lenker, Chloe | GEM Employer Fellows | Biomedical Engineering | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Matute Diaz, Celeo | GEM Employer Fellows | Materials Science and Engineering | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Ndayikengurukiye, Junior | GEM Employer Fellows | Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Grillo, Doris | GEM Fellowship | Chemical & Biological Engineering | The Graduate School | 2006-2007 |
Downing, Timothy | GEM Fellowship | Chemical & Biological Engineering | McCormick | 2007-2008 |
Alvarez, Carlos | GEM Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Miranda, Jose | GEM Fellowship | Computer Engineering | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Wallace, Izaiah | GEM Fellowship | Computer Science | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Gaviria Rojas, William Andres | GEM Fellowship | Electrical Engineering: PhD | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Dorizan, Schnaude | GEM Fellowship | Neuroscience | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Floeder, Bernard | GEM Fellowship | Electrical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Gant, Phylindia | GEM Fellowship | Earth & Planetary Sciences | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Ikwuagwu, Bon Chinaka | GEM Fellowship | Chemical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Mendonca, Matthew Lee | GEM Fellowship | Chemical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Olwal, Ismael | GEM Fellowship | Computer Science | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Thompson, JaCoya | GEM Fellowship | Earth & Planetary Sciences | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Wallace, Izaiah | GEM Fellowship | Computer Science | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Anderson, Khalil | GEM Full Fellow | Computer Science | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Jones, Stephanie | GEM Full Fellow | Computer Science and Learning Sciences | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Lewis, Haley | GEM Full Fellow | Civil and Environmental Engineering | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Smith, Michael Shane | GEM Full Fellow | Computer Science | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Human, Kelia | GEM Full Fellow | Biomedical Engineering | McCormick | 2019-2020 |
Servantez, Sergio | GEM Full Fellow | Computer Science | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
Alvarez, Carolina | GEM Full Fellow | Mechanical Engineering | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Dominguez, Annmarie | GEM Full Fellow | Interdisciplinary Biological Sciences | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Goncalves, Rebecca | GEM Full Fellow | Chemistry | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Misiaszek, John | GEM Full Fellow | Mechanical Engineering | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Smith, Michael | GEM Full Fellow | Computer Science and Learning Sciences | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Thompson, JaCoya | GEM Full Fellow | Computer Science | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Wallace, Izaiah | GEM Ph.D. Engineering Full Fellowship | Computer Science | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Bogert, Brian | GEM University/Associate Fellows | Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Lohman-Meza, Patricia | GEM University/Associate Fellows | Materials Science and Engineering | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Salgado, Itzel | GEM University/Associate Fellows | Mechanical Engineering | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Suazo, Matthew | GEM University/Associate Fellows | Materials Science and Engineering | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Gomez, Annie | GEM University/Associate Fellows | Materials Science and Engineering | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Hall, Saarah | GEM University/Associate Fellows | Astronomy | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Nsaam, Eunice | GEM University/Associate Fellows | Biomedical Engineering | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Taddese, Eden | GEM University/Associate Fellows | Materials Science and Engineering | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Alvarado, Ursula | General Electric Faculty of the Future Program | Marketing | The Graduate School | 1998-1999 |
Dezengotita, Vivian | General Electric Faculty of the Future Program | Chemical & Biological Engineering | The Graduate School | 1998-1999 |
Gillespie, James | General Electric Faculty of the Future Program | Management & Organization | The Graduate School | 1998-1999 |
Naquin, Charles | General Electric Faculty of the Future Program | Management & Organization | The Graduate School | 1998-1999 |
Rechenmacher, Amy | General Electric Faculty of the Future Program | Civil & Environmental Engineering | The Graduate School | 1998-1999 |
Washington, Marvin | General Electric Faculty of the Future Program | Management & Organization | The Graduate School | 1998-1999 |
Jin, Zhefei | Geo-Institute Scholarship | Civil and Environmental Engineering | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
Shen, Pang | Geo-Institute Scholarship | Civil Engineering | McCormick | 2019-2020 |
Landivar Macias, Andony | Geo-Institute Scholarship | Civil and Environmental Engineering | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Seo, Dawa | Geo-Institute Scholarship | Civil and Environmental Engineering | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
McFarlin, Jamie Marie | Geological Society of America Graduate Student Research Grant | Earth & Planetary Sciences | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Pfalzgraf, Hadley | George J. Mitchell Scholarship | Neuroscience | Weinberg | 2017-2018 |
Mahoney, Alison | George J. Mitchell Scholarship | Theatre/Gender and Sexuality Studies | Communication/Weinberg | 2018-2019 |
Dillon, Claire | George Mitchell Scholar | Art History | Weinberg College | 2015-2016 |
Kirkpatrick, Kelly | George Mitchell Scholarship | Social Policy | SESP | 2011-2012 |
Cole, Felipe Ford | George Sharswood Fellowship | History/Law | Graduate School/Pritzker | 2019-2020 |
Perrin, Ayodeji | George Sharswood Fellowship | Political Science | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Nichols, Clinton | George Washington Henderson Dissertation Fellowship | Anthropology | The Graduate School | 2001-2002 |
Idzik, Sarah | Gerald A. Hauser Award | Communication Studies | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Stutz, Carolina | Gerd Bucerius History Scholarship | History | Weinberg | 2022-2023 |
Raiselis, Diana | German Chancellor Fellowship | Theatre | Communication | 2018-2019 |
Ksiazek, Kelly | Germanistic Society of America Award | Plant Biology & Conservation | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Mayekar, Samir | German Marshall Memorial Fellowship | Management | Kellogg School | 2015-2016 |
Glaholt, Hayley Rose | Gest Fellowship | Religious Studies | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
High, Ean Christian | Gest Fellowship | English | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Gabriel, Douglas | Getty/American Council of Learned Societies Postdoctoral Fellowships in the History of Art | Art History | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Xiao, Yang | Getty Foundation Connecting Art Histories Research Fellowship | Art History | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Kacsor, Adrienn | Getty Library Research Grants | Art History | Graduate School | 2018-19 |
Golec, Michael | Getty Research Institute Library Research Grant | Art History | The Graduate School | 1999-2000 |
Bugajski, Jill | Getty Research Institute Library Research Grant | Art History | The Graduate School | 2008-2009 |
Crosby, Vanessa | Getty Research Institute Predoctoral Fellowship | Art History | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Fisher, Alison | Gilbert Chinard Research Fellowship | Art History | The Graduate School | 2008-2009 |
Nestler, Kathryn | Gilder Lehrman History Scholars Program | History | Weinberg College | 2005-2006 |
Johnson, Maxwell | Gilder Lehrman History Scholars Program | History | Weinberg College | 2008-2009 |
Gannon, Nora | Gilder Lehrman History Scholars Program | American Studies | Weinberg College | 2009-2010 |
Cohn-Postar, Gideon | Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History Scholarly Fellowships | History | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Fergie, Dexter | Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History Scholarly Fellowships | History | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Di Tommaso, Valerio | Giorgio Mortara Scholarship | Economics | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Kola, Azeta | Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation Grant | History | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Cover, Charlotte | Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation Grant | History | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Penning, Joel | Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation Grant | History | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Rosenholtz-Witt, Jason | Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation Grant | Music | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
O'Connell, Monique | Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation Grant for Independent Research on Venetian History and Culture | History | The Graduate School | 1998-1999 |
Dumont, Anna Aline Mehlman | Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation Grants | Art History | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Weil, Ben | Gladys Krieble Delmas Venetian Research Program | Art History | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Rothrauff, Benjamin | Glasgow/American Scholarship | Psychology | Weinberg College | 2007-2008 |
Kim, Andrew Wooyoung | Global Health Program for Fellows and Scholars | Anthropology | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Zero, Odette | Global Health Studies Corps | Anthropology | Weinberg College | 2016-2017 |
Callahan, Caitlin | Global Health Studies Corps Fellowship | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2011-2012 |
MacMillen, Hayley | Global Health Studies Corps Fellowship | Philosophy | Weinberg College | 2011-2012 |
Opalo, Vanessa Kathleen Watters | Global Religion Doctoral Dissertation Fellowships | Anthropology | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Boneham, Nora Schmidt | Goldie Scholars | General Management | Kellogg | 2018-2019 |
French, Hannah McMinn | Goldie Scholars | General Management | Kellogg | 2018-2019 |
Kanoski, Linda Anne | Goldie Scholars | Executive Management for Design and Construction | McCormick | 2018-2019 |
May, Megan Lynn | Goldie Scholars | General Management | Kellogg | 2018-2019 |
Mitrakos, Vasiliki | Goldie Scholars | Law | Pritzker | 2018-2019 |
Gillen, Anastasia | Goldie Scholars | General Management | Kellogg | 2021-2022 |
Kilgallon, Michelle | Goldie Scholars | General Management | Kellogg | 2021-2022 |
Chen, Nicholas J. | Goldwater Scholarship | Chemistry | Weinberg | 2018-2019 |
Dierksheide, Kathryn Julia | Goldwater Scholarship | Biological Sciences | Weinberg | 2018-2019 |
Dravid, Amil | Goldwater Scholarship | Computer Science | McCormick | 2020-2021 |
Laeuger, Andrew | Goldwater Scholarship | Integrated Science Program | Weinberg | 2020-2021 |
Moy, Madelyn | Goldwater Scholarship | Integrated Science Program | Weinberg | 2020-2021 |
Biar, Carina | Goldwater Scholarship | Neuroscience | Weinberg | 2021-2022 |
Douglas, Thomas | Goldwater Scholarship | Electrical Engineering | McCormick | 2021-2022 |
Sobol, Sarah | Goldwater Scholarship | Chemical Engineering | McCormick | 2021-2022 |
Tam, Anthony | Goldwater Scholarship | Integrated Science Program | Weinberg | 2021-2022 |
Hoogendoorn, Levi | Goldwater Scholarship | Integrated Science Program | Weinberg | 2022-2023 |
Hung, Kaitlyn | Goldwater Scholarship | Biological Sciences | Weinberg | 2022-2023 |
Magalhaes, Carol | Goldwater Scholarship | Integrated Science Program | Weinberg | 2022-2023 |
Ioffe, Serge | Goldwater Scholarship | Physics & Astronomy | Weinberg College | 1989-1990 |
Burdi, Michael | Goldwater Scholarship | Chemistry | Weinberg College | 1990-1991 |
Haffner, Lawrence | Goldwater Scholarship | Physics & Astronomy | Weinberg College | 1990-1991 |
Sangoram, Ashvin | Goldwater Scholarship | Neuroscience | The Graduate School | 1990-1991 |
Trapa, Peter | Goldwater Scholarship | Integrated Science Program | Weinberg College | 1990-1991 |
Anvin, Hans | Goldwater Scholarship | Electrical Engineering & Computer Science | The Graduate School | 1991-1992 |
Chen, Alex | Goldwater Scholarship | Integrated Science Program | Weinberg College | 1991-1992 |
Hagness, Susan | Goldwater Scholarship | Electrical Engineering & Computer Science | McCormick | 1991-1992 |
Palaniappan, Meena | Goldwater Scholarship | Civil & Environmental Engineering | McCormick | 1991-1992 |
McCallum, Matthew | Goldwater Scholarship | Applied Mathematics & Engineering Sciences | The Graduate School | 1992-1993 |
Schroeder, Peter C. | Goldwater Scholarship | Integrated Science Program | Weinberg College | 1992-1993 |
James, Carwil R. | Goldwater Scholarship | Mathematics | Weinberg College | 1993-1994 |
McMahon, Joseph B. | Goldwater Scholarship | Integrated Science Program | Weinberg College | 1993-1994 |
Toomajian, Christopher M. | Goldwater Scholarship | Integrated Science Program | Weinberg College | 1993-1994 |
Hagler, Donald J. | Goldwater Scholarship | Integrated Science Program | Weinberg College | 1994-1995 |
Chisholm, James R. | Goldwater Scholarship | Integrated Science Program | Weinberg College | 1995-1996 |
Lockwood, Nathan A. | Goldwater Scholarship | Materials Science & Engineering | McCormick | 1995-1996 |
Shu, I-Wei | Goldwater Scholarship | Biological Sciences | Weinberg College | 1995-1996 |
Bedi, Asheesh | Goldwater Scholarship | Biological Sciences | Weinberg College | 1996-1997 |
DePristo, Mark A. | Goldwater Scholarship | Computing & Info Systems | McCormick | 1997-1998 |
Hou, Melody Y. | Goldwater Scholarship | Biological Sciences | Weinberg College | 1997-1998 |
Endelman, Jeffrey | Goldwater Scholarship | Chemical & Biological Engineering | McCormick | 1998-1999 |
Grande, William | Goldwater Scholarship | Integrated Science Program | Weinberg College | 1998-1999 |
Krodel, David | Goldwater Scholarship | Chemistry | Weinberg College | 1998-1999 |
Tzou, Abraham | Goldwater Scholarship | Biological Sciences | Weinberg College | 1998-1999 |
Calder, Edward | Goldwater Scholarship | Physics & Astronomy | Weinberg College | 1999-2000 |
Veatch, Joshua | Goldwater Scholarship | Chemistry | Weinberg College | 1999-2000 |
Anderson, Donde | Goldwater Scholarship | Integrated Science Program | Weinberg College | 2000-2001 |
Cantrell, Donald | Goldwater Scholarship | Chemistry | Weinberg College | 2000-2001 |
Greer, Christopher | Goldwater Scholarship | Physics & Astronomy | Weinberg College | 2000-2001 |
Gouwens, Nathan | Goldwater Scholarship | Integrated Science Program | Weinberg College | 2001-2002 |
VanOverbeke, Jennifer | Goldwater Scholarship | Chemistry | Weinberg College | 2001-2002 |
Anthony, Shawn | Goldwater Scholarship | Biomedical Engineering | McCormick | 2002-2003 |
Liu, Wenhao | Goldwater Scholarship | Integrated Science Program | Weinberg College | 2002-2003 |
Patel, Silpa | Goldwater Scholarship | | | 2002-2003 |
Chung, Peter | Goldwater Scholarship | Biomedical Engineering | McCormick | 2003-2004 |
Ionita, Justin | Goldwater Scholarship | Chemical & Biological Engineering | McCormick | 2003-2004 |
Miller, Rebecca | Goldwater Scholarship | Integrated Science Program | Weinberg College | 2003-2004 |
Hughes, Laura | Goldwater Scholarship | Chemistry | Weinberg College | 2004-2005 |
Kaplan, Jeff | Goldwater Scholarship | Integrated Science Program | Weinberg College | 2004-2005 |
Lee, Andrew | Goldwater Scholarship | Integrated Science Program | Weinberg College | 2005-2006 |
Kahn, Yonatan | Goldwater Scholarship | Wind & Percussion Instruments | Bienen School/Weinberg College | 2006-2007 |
Kath, James | Goldwater Scholarship | Integrated Science Program | Weinberg College | 2006-2007 |
Pradhan, Suraj | Goldwater Scholarship | Biological Sciences | Weinberg College | 2006-2007 |
Boiteau, Rene | Goldwater Scholarship | Integrated Science Program | Weinberg College | 2007-2008 |
Kita, Ryosuke | Goldwater Scholarship | Integrated Science program | Weinberg College | 2007-2008 |
Lieberman, Tami | Goldwater Scholarship | Biological Sciences | Weinberg College | 2007-2008 |
Nicolaou, Zachary | Goldwater Scholarship | Mathematics | Weinberg College | 2008-2009 |
Sheppard, John | Goldwater Scholarship | Biomedical Engineering | McCormick | 2008-2009 |
Zhukhovitskiy, Aleksandr | Goldwater Scholarship | Physics & Astronomy | Weinberg College | 2008-2009 |
Giesener, Marc | Goldwater Scholarship | Chemistry | Weinberg College | 2009-2010 |
Groves, Andrew | Goldwater Scholarship | Integrated Science program | Weinberg College | 2009-2010 |
Hu, Dennis | Goldwater Scholarship | Chemistry | Weinberg College | 2009-2010 |
Strasser, Samantha | Goldwater Scholarship | Biomedical Engineering | Weinberg College | 2009-2010 |
Herrmann, Sascha | Goldwater Scholarship | Physics & Astronomy | Weinberg College | 2010-2011 |
Kremer, Kyle | Goldwater Scholarship | Trumpet Performance | Bienen School | 2010-2011 |
Gwynne, Ewain | Goldwater Scholarship | Mathematics | Weinberg College | 2011-2012 |
Mills, Jennifer | Goldwater Scholarship | Chemistry | Weinberg College | 2011-2012 |
Park, Jonathan | Goldwater Scholarship | Biological Sciences | Weinberg College | 2011-2012 |
Pang, Edward | Goldwater Scholarship | Materials Science & Engineering | McCormick | 2013-2014 |
Clinch, Kimberly Anne | Goldwater Scholarship | | Weinberg College | 2014-2015 |
Rinaolo, Vince Joseph | Goldwater Scholarship | | Weinberg College | 2014-2015 |
Brunel, Lucia | Goldwater Scholarship | Chemical Engineering | McCormick | 2016-2017 |
Lewis, Sheena | Google Anita Borg Scholarship | Technology & Social Behavior | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
D'Angelo, Sarah | Google PhD Fellowship in Human Computer Interaction | Technology & Social Behavior | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Jun, Byungjin | Google PhD Fellowship Program | Computer Science | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Louie, Ryan | Google PhD Fellowship Program | Technology and Social Behavior | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Thornburg, Nicholas | Gore Fellow Award | Chemical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Wang, Mary | Gore Fellow Award | Chemical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Gilburne, Jillian Hannah | Govern for America Fellowship | Communication Studies | Communication | 2019-2020 |
Kaplan, Kyle | Government of Ireland Postdoctoral Fellowship Programme | Music | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Mubarak, Hannah | Government of Saudi Arabia Scholarship | Driskill Graduate Program in Life Sciences | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Benson, Lars | Government Performance Lab Fellows | Political Science | Weinberg | 2019-2020 |
Kleintop, Amanda | Governor Thomas McLeod and First Lady Elizabeth Alford McLeod Research Fellowship to University of South Carolina's Special Collections Library | History | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Scheiner, Aaron | Graduate-Level Research in Industrial Projects for Students (G-RIPS) | Engineering and Applied Mathematics | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Yan, Daikang | Graduate Study Fellowship in Applied Superconductivity | Applied Physics | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Ng, Julia | Graham Foundation Carter Manny Award | Comparative Literary Studies | The Graduate School | 2007-2008 |
Bagshaw, Lauren | Great Composers Competition Best Rachmaninoff Performance (First Prize) | Music Education | Bienen | 2019-2020 |
Wu, Audrianna | Great Composers Competition Music of America (First Prize) | Piano | Bienen/Weinberg | 2022-2023 |
Bagshaw, Lauren | Great Composers Competition Music of the Nineteenth Century (First Prize) | Music Education | Bienen | 2019-2020 |
Abbott, Isabel | Great Minds in STEM: HENAAC Scholars Program | Chemistry | Weinberg College | 2010-2011 |
Kocher, Acadia Anne | Gruber Science Fellowship from Yale | | Weinberg College | 2014-2015 |
Maruna, Shadd | Guggenheim Dissertation Fellowship | Human Development & Social Policy | The Graduate School | 1997-1998 |
McCaffrey, Hope | Gunther Barth Fellowship | History | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Lee, Sydney | Gurrena Fellowship | String Instruments | Bienen | 2021-2022 |
Stadel, Luke | Hagley Center for the History of Business, Technology, and Society Exploratory Grant | Screen Cultures | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Laprise, John | Hagley Museum and Library Grant-in-Aid | Media, Technology & Society | The Graduate School | 2007-2008 |
Feldmeyer, Laura Jeanne Ferdinand | Hargrett Library Signature Research Stipend | Theatre and Drama | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Smith, Blake | Harper-Schmidt Fellows | History | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Paggett, Anthony | Harriet Hale Woolley Scholarship | Wind & Percussion Instruments | Bienen School | 2009-2010 |
Slovin, Anne | Harriet Hale Woolley Scholarship | Voice & Opera | Bienen School | 2010-2011 |
Klyachkina, Alexandra Sasha | Harriman Research Grant | Political Science | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Vanderpoel, Rachel Sweet | Harry Frank Guggenheim Dissertation Fellowship | Political Science: PhD | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Joshua, Norman | Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation Emerging Scholar Awards | History | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Noor, Salih | Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation Emerging Scholar Awards | Political Science | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Cahill, Charlotte | Harry Middleton Fellowship in Presidential Studies | History | The Graduate School | 2005-2006 |
Bugajski, Jill | Harry Ransom Center Dissertation Fellowship | Art History | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Walters, Emily Curtis | Harry Ransom Center Fellowship | | | 2014-2015 |
Daily, Ruby | Harry Ransom Center Research Fellowship in the Humanities | History | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Mann, Anastasia | Harry S. Truman Library Institute Dissertation Fellowship | History | The Graduate School | 1998-1999 |
Takayama, Emilie | Harvard-Newcomen Postdoctoral Fellowship in Business History | History | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Lin, Jennifer | Hayek Fund for Scholars | Political Science | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Fuller, Sheridan | Health Policy Research Scholars | Human Development and Social Policy | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Barzon, Carlton | Hearst Journalism Award | Journalism | Medill/Weinberg College | 2009-2010 |
Gartner, Lisa | Hearst Journalism Award | Journalism | Medill | 2009-2010 |
Gartner, Lisa | Hearst Journalism Award | Journalism | Medill | 2009-2010 |
Gartner, Lisa | Hearst Journalism Award | Journalism | Medill | 2009-2010 |
Gimbel, Cristina | Hearst Journalism Award | Journalism | Medill | 2009-2010 |
Rosenthal, Brian | Hearst Journalism Award | Journalism | Medill | 2009-2010 |
Schrodt, Paul | Hearst Journalism Award | Journalism | Medill | 2009-2010 |
Trammel, Jennifer | Hearst Journalism Award | Journalism | Medill | 2009-2010 |
Janik, Rachel | Hearst Journalism Award | Journalism | Medill | 2012-2013 |
Caruba, Lauren | Hearst Journalism Award | Journalism | Medill | 2013-2014 |
Neilson, Susie | Hearst Journalism Award | Journalism | Medill | 2013-2014 |
Zakrzewski, Cat Quinn | Hearst Journalism Award | | Medill | 2014-2015 |
Dempsey, Katherine Alyssa | Hearst Journalism Award | Editorial Journalism | Medill | 2014-2015 |
Goldstein, Steven Louis | Hearst Journalism Award | Journalism | Medill | 2014-2015 |
Jimenez, Omar Fernando | Hearst Journalism Award | Integrated Marketing | Medill | 2014-2015 |
Oreskes, Benjamin Baum | Hearst Journalism Award | Journalism | Medill | 2014-2015 |
Okumura, Kyohei | Heiwa Nakajima Foundation Overseas Scholarship | Economics | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Olien, Catherine Victoria | Helena Wylde Swiny and Stuart Swiny Fellowship | Art History | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Al Hajj Hassan, Lama | Helene M. Overly Memorial Graduate Scholarship | Civil and Environmental Engineering | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Markenson, Casey Tova | Helen Krich Chinoy Dissertation Fellowship | Theatre and Drama | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Karnaze, Anna Nicole | Hellenic Bar Association Foundation Scholarship | Law | Pritzker | 2018-2019 |
Karras, Maria Fay | Hellenic Bar Association Foundation Scholarship | Law | Pritzker | 2018-2019 |
Mitrakos, Vasiliki | Hellenic Bar Association Foundation Scholarship | Law | Pritzker | 2018-2019 |
Brothers, Alan | Helmholtz - DAAD Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2005-2006 |
Forchielli, Anthony Michael | Hemsley Lighting Internship Program | Design | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Kleiner, Sam | Henry Clay Student Congress Scholarship | American Studies | Weinberg College | 2007-2008 |
Leahy, Brian | Henry Luce Foundation/American Council of Learned Societies Dissertation Fellowships in American Art | Art History | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Motlani, Aisha | Henry Luce Foundation/American Council of Learned Societies Leading Edge Fellowship | Art History | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
Yang, Guangshuo | Henry Luce Foundation/American Council of Learned Societies Predissertation Travel Grants to China | History | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Shum, Melody | Henry Luce Foundation/American Council of Learned Societies Predissertation Travel Grants to China | History | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Foster-Rice, Gregory | Henry Luce Foundation American Council of Learned Societies Dissertation Fellowship in American Art | Art History | The Graduate School | 1999-2000 |
TeGrotenhuis, Meredith | Henry Luce Foundation American Council of Learned Societies Dissertation Fellowship in American Art | Art History | The Graduate School | 2004-2005 |
Boyd, Alison | Henry Luce Foundation American Council of Learned Societies Dissertation Fellowship in American Art | Art History | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Bugajski, Jill | Henry Luce Foundation American Council of Learned Societies Dissertation Fellowship in American Art | Art History | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Murphy, John Paul | Henry Luce Foundation American Council of Learned Societies Dissertation Fellowship in American Art | Art History | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Wu, Angela | Henry Luce Foundation American Council of Learned Societies Pre-Dissertation Grant in China Studies | Media, Technology & Society | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Li, Teng | Henry Luce Foundation American Council of Learned Societies Pre-Dissertation Grant in China Studies | History | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Gleisser, Faye | Henry Luce Foundation American Council of Learned Societies Pre-Dissertation Research Grant | Art History | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Getsy, David | Henry Moore Institute Research Fellowship | Art History | The Graduate School | 1998-1999 |
Watson, Julia Katherine | Herbert Scoville Jr. Peace Fellowship | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2015-2016 |
Own, Christopher | Hertz Foundation Graduate Fellowship Award | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2000-2001 |
Waitzman, Joshua | Hertz Foundation Graduate Fellowship Award | Cell & Molecular Biology | Feinberg/The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Renta, Priscilla | Hispanic Scholarship Fund | Performance Studies | The Graduate School | 2006-2007 |
Locci, Ricardo | Hispanic Scholarship Fund Scholar Program | Physical Therapy | Feinberg | 2021-2022 |
Montane, Veronica | Hispanic Scholarship Fund Scholar Program | Physical Therapy | Feinberg | 2021-2022 |
Tate, Angela | HistoryMakers Digital Humanities Fellowship | History | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Oswald, Julia Marie | History of Art Institutional Fellowships | Art History | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Adeniran, Adebola | HMMI Gilliam Fellowship | Chemical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Kunke, Jessica | Hollings Scholarship | Earth & Planetary Science | Weinberg College | 2007-2008 |
Coffel, Ethan | Hollings Scholarship | Integrated Science program | McCormick/Weinberg College | 2010-2011 |
Mayer, Allegra | Hollings Scholarship | Integrated Science program | Weinberg College | 2010-2011 |
Mills, Jennifer | Hollings Scholarship | Chemistry | Weinberg College | 2010-2011 |
Scholes, Rachel | Hollings Scholarship | Chemical & Biological Engineering | McCormick | 2011-2012 |
Specht, Mark | Hollings Scholarship | Integrated Science program | Weinberg College | 2011-2012 |
Chen, Rui | Hollings Scholarship | Earth & Planetary Science | Weinberg College | 2013-2014 |
Moravek, Jessie | Hollings Scholarship | Environmental Science | Weinberg College | 2013-2014 |
Clinch, Kimberly Anne | Hollings Scholarship | | Weinberg College | 2014-2015 |
Daugherty, Michael | Hollings Scholarship | Chemistry | Weinberg College | 2015-2016 |
Gilbert, Thomas | Hong Kierkegaard Library Summer Fellows | Philosophy | Weinberg College | 2010-2011 |
Katz, Katrin Fraser | Horowitz Foundation for Social Policy Grant | Political Science | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Rayzberg, Margarita | Horowitz Foundation for Social Policy Grant | Sociology | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Shiff, Talia | Horowitz Foundation for Social Policy Grant | Law | The Law School | 2016-2017 |
Keener, Andrew Stephen | Houghton Library - Katherine F. Pantzer Jr. Fellowship in Descriptive Bibliography | English | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Gouwens, Nathan | Howard Hughes Fellowship in the Biological Sciences | Integrated Science Program | Weinberg College | 2002-2003 |
Cheng, Huanyu | Howard Hughes Medical Institute | Mechanical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Liu, Wenzhong | Howard Hughes Medical Institute | Biomedical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Ahrens, Sebastian | Howard Hughes Medical Institute International Student Research Fellowship | Integrated Graduate Program in the Life Sciences | Feinberg/The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Restrepo, Nicolas | Howard Hughes Medical Institute International Student Research Fellowship | Biological Sciences IBIS | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Hao, Liangliang | Howard Hughes Medical Institute International Student Research Fellowship | Biological Sciences IBIS | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Zhao, Tianmeng | Howard Hughes Medical Institute Research Grant | Chemistry | Weinberg College | 2012-2013 |
Huo, Jeffrey Sean | Howard Hughes Research Training Fellowship for Medical Students | Biomedical Engineering | McCormick | 1998-1999 |
Cullen, Samuel | Huayu Enrichment Scholarship | MMSS | Weinberg | 2017-2018 |
Akinade, Morenikeji | Huayu Enrichment Scholarship | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2012-2013 |
Clark, Keith | Huayu Enrichment Scholarship | | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Wallner, Rachel | Huayu Enrichment Scholarship | History | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Sanders, Crystal | Huggins-Quarles Award from the Organization of American Historians | History | The Graduate School | 2007-2008 |
Harvey, Sean | Huggins-Quarles Award from the Organization of American Historians | History | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Cox, Resita | Hulu/Kartemquin Accelerator | Documentary Media | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Peyton, David | Humane Studies Fellowship | Political Science | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Al-Saeedi, Safa | Humane Studies Fellowship | Political Science | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
Breidenbach, Michael | Humane Studies Fellowship, Institute for Humane Studies | History | Weinberg College | 2008-2009 |
Cherki, Tomer | Humanities at Hertog Fellows | Philosophy | Weinberg | 2022-2023 |
Cohn-Postar, Gideon | Humanities Without Walls National Predoctoral Career Diversity Residential Summer Workshop | History | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Dikcis, Maria | Humanities Without Walls National Predoctoral Career Diversity Residential Summer Workshop | English | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Tate, Angela | Humanities Without Walls National Predoctoral Career Diversity Residential Summer Workshop | History | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Murfin, Ira Samuel | Humanities Without Walls Pre-doctoral Workshop Fellowship | | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Souffrant, Kantara Eva | Humanities Without Walls Pre-doctoral Workshop Fellowship | | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Grimm, Rachel | Humanities Without Walls Pre-doctoral Workshop Fellowship | French & Italian | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Crisafulli, James | Humanity in Action Fellowship | Political Science | Weinberg | 2019-2020 |
Clark, William | Humanity in Action Fellowship | Journalism | Medill | 2022-2023 |
Kemper, Gwendolyn M. | Humanity in Action Fellowship | Sociology | Weinberg College | 2000-2001 |
Moy, Hawnyea Abigail | Humanity in Action Fellowship | English | Weinberg College | 2000-2001 |
Meints, Laura | Humanity in Action Fellowship | Biological Sciences | Weinberg College | 2002-2003 |
North, Amber | Humanity in Action Fellowship | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2006-2007 |
Smith, Nikolai | Humanity in Action Fellowship | Social Policy | SESP/Weinberg College | 2008-2009 |
Soma, Gauthami | Humanity in Action Fellowship | Anthropology | Weinberg College | 2008-2009 |
Fielding-Singh, Priya | Humanity in Action Fellowship | Social Policy | SESP | 2010-2011 |
Garrison, Eliza | Humboldt Foundation German Chancellor Research Fellowship | Art History | The Graduate School | 1998-1999 |
Cederquist, George | Humboldt Foundation German Chancellor Research Fellowship | Theatre | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Lupieri, Sigrid | Humboldt Foundation German Chancellor Research Fellowship | Journalism | Medill | 2011-2012 |
Lee , Min Kyung | Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Research Fellowship | Art History | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Keener, Andrew Stephen | Huntington Library Francis Bacon Foundation Fellowship | English | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Getsy, David | Huntington Library Mayers Fellowship | Art History | The Graduate School | 1999-2000 |
Rogers, Gayle | Huntington Library Mayers Fellowship | English | The Graduate School | 2005-2006 |
Oliver, Elizabeth | Huntington Library Predoctoral Fellowship | Art History | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Seshadri, Shalini | Huntington Library Robert R. Wark Fellowship | Art History | The Graduate School | 2005-2006 |
Glickman, Stephanie Leigh | Huntington Library Short-term Award | Art History | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Diaz, Joanne | Huntington Library Short-Term Fellowship | English | The Graduate School | 2005-2006 |
Pashman, Howard | Hurst Summer Institute Fellowship in Legal History | History | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Pashman, Howard | Hurst Summer Institute Fellowship in Legal History | History | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Cortes, Norma | IBM Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2007-2008 |
Bayram, Can | IBM PhD Fellowship | Electrical Engineering & Computer Science | The Graduate School | 2008-2009 |
Adusumilli, Praneet | IBM PhD Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Alaboson, Justice | IBM PhD Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Callahan, Caitlin | IDEX Fellowship in Social Enterprise | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2011-2012 |
MacMillen, Hayley | IDEX Fellowship in Social Enterprise | Philosophy | Weinberg College | 2011-2012 |
Jariwala, Deep Manoj | IEEE DEIS Graduate Fellowship | Materials Science and Engineering | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Zachariadis, Konstantinos | IEEE Life Members Graduate Study Fellowship in Electrical Engineering | Electrical Engineering & Computer Science | The Graduate School | 2002-2003 |
Popovic, Milica | IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society Graduate Fellowship | Electrical Engineering & Computer Science | The Graduate School | 1998-1999 |
Bayram, Can | IEEE Photonics Society Graduate Student Fellowship | Electrical Engineering & Computer Science | The Graduate School | 2008-2009 |
Cajigas, Michelle | IES Abroad Merit Scholarship | Secondary Teaching | SESP | 2009-2010 |
Yan, Albert | IES Abroad Merit Scholarship | Political Science | Bienen School/Weinberg College | 2009-2010 |
Adegbenle, Semiu | IFRA-Nigeria-French Institute for Research in Africa Research Grants | History | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Castaneda, Dulce | IFSA-Butler First Generation College Student Scholarship | Communication Studies | School of Communication/Weinberg College | 2013-2014 |
Ross, Sarah | IHR Mellon Fellowship in the Humanities | History | The Graduate School | 2003-2004 |
Heuring, Darcy | IHR Mellon Fellowship in the Humanities | History | The Graduate School | 2005-2006 |
Robbins, Lonnie | IHR Mellon Fellowship in the Humanities | History | The Graduate School | 2007-2008 |
Smith, Joshua | IHR Mellon Fellowship in the Humanities | English | The Graduate School | 2007-2008 |
Chowdhury, Zirwat | IHR Mellon Fellowship in the Humanities | Art History | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Thilly, Peter | IHR Mellon Pre-dissertation Fellowship | History | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Lucento, Angelina | IIE Graduate Fellowship for International Study | Art History | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Fitzpatrick, Mina | Ikusmira Berriak Residencies | Documentary Media | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Tong, Tiezheng | IL ASCE Environmental & Water Resources Institute Scholarship | Civil & Environmental Engineering | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Cheah, Derek | IL ASCE Transportation & Development Institute Bob Camillone Memorial Scholarship | Civil & Environmental Engineering | McCormick | 2012-2013 |
Umek, Lauren | IL Association of Environmental Professionals Student Research Grant Program | Plant Biology | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Kim, Deborah | ILJU Academy and Culture Foundation Scholarship | Economics | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Flowers, Sean | Illinois Academy of Audiology Clinical Doctoral Fellowship | Communication Sciences & Disorders | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Arrellin, Mathew | Illinois Arts Council Agency Grants Individual Artist Support | Music Composition | Bienen | 2021-2022 |
Kushto, Emily | Illinois Chapter of the Institute of Transportation Engineers Scholarship | Civil & Environmental Engineering | The Graduate School | 2007-2008 |
Nolan, Paul | Illinois Chemical Education Undergraduate Scholarship | Chemistry | Weinberg College | 2008-2009 |
Onyezia, Nneka | Illinois Consortium for Educational Opportunity Program | Clinical Psychology | The Graduate School | 2004-2005 |
Lovejoy, Brian | Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant | Plant Biology and Conservation | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Wenzell, Katherine | Illinois Native Plant Society Research Grants | Plant Biology and Conservation | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Evans, Matthew D. | Illinois Native Plant Society Research Grants | Plant Biology and Conservation | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Crawford, Christine | Illinois Physical Therapy Foundation Student to Student Scholarship | Physical Therapy | Feinberg | 2021-2022 |
Christman, Abigail | Illinois Section American Society of Civil Engineers (IL ASCE) Structural Engineering Institute Scholarship | Civil & Environmental Engineering | McCormick | 2012-2013 |
Rehemtulla, Nabeel | Illinois Space Grant Consortium Graduate Fellowship Program | Physics and Astronomy | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Zhang, Rachel | Illinois Space Grant Consortium Graduate Fellowship Program | Physics and Astronomy | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Andrews, Jeffrey | Illinois Space Grant Consortium Scholarship | Mathematics | Weinberg College | 2008-2009 |
Perri, Leah | Illinois Space Grant Consortium Scholarship | Physics | Weinberg College | 2015-2016 |
Katz, Michael Louis | Illinois Space Grant Consortium Scholarship | Physics | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Lowell, Beverly | Illinois Space Grant Consortium Scholarships | Physics | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
Danguilan, Samantha | Illinois State Academy of Science Botanical Division Travel Grants | Plant Biology and Conservation | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Ksiazek, Kelly | Illinois State Academy of Science Student Research Grant | Plant Biology & Conservation | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Finch, Jessamine Hope | Illinois State Academy of Science Student Research Grant | | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Kucera, Katie | Illinois State Academy of Science Student Research Grant | Plant Biology and Conservation | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Wenzell, Katherine Elizabeth | Illinois State Academy of Science Student Research Grant | Plant Biology and Conservation | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Borisov, Nikola | Illinois Technology Foundation Fifty for the Future | Electrical Engineering & Computer Science | McCormick | 2009-2010 |
Gopal, Ritu | Illinois Technology Foundation Fifty for the Future | Chemical & Biological Engineering | McCormick | 2009-2010 |
McNally, Patrick | Illinois Technology Foundation Fifty for the Future | Electrical Engineering & Computer Science | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Stoerzinger, Kelsey | Illinois Technology Foundation Fifty for the Future | Materials Science & Engineering | McCormick | 2009-2010 |
Cheong, Tee Jin | Illinois Technology Foundation Fifty for the Future | Civil & Environmental Engineering | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Sokolowski, Joanna | Illinois Technology Foundation Fifty for the Future | Civil & Environmental Engineering | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Chen, Lawrence | Illinois Technology Foundation Fifty for the Future | Chemical & Biological Engineering | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
El Tecle, Najib | Illinois Technology Foundation Fifty for the Future | Biomedical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Geib, Steven | Illinois Technology Foundation Fifty for the Future | Information Systems | SCS | 2013-2014 |
Johnson, Reva | Illinois Technology Foundation Fifty for the Future | Biomedical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Kim, Soo | Illinois Technology Foundation Fifty for the Future | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Oliver, Scott | Illinois Technology Foundation Fifty for the Future | Information Systems | SCS | 2013-2014 |
Tao, Jin | Illinois Technology Foundation Fifty for the Future | Biomedical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Tromboukis, Spiro | Illinois Technology Foundation Fifty for the Future | Organization Behavior | SCS | 2013-2014 |
Wang, Chen | Illinois Technology Foundation Fifty for the Future | Mechanical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Wang, Jiang | Illinois Technology Foundation Fifty for the Future | Electrical Engineering & Computer Science | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Wu, Jung | Illinois Technology Foundation Fifty for the Future | Biomedical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Yenko, Christian | Illinois Technology Foundation Fifty for the Future | Computer Engineering | McCormick | 2013-2014 |
Ibarra, Sarah | IL Section American Society of Civil Engineers Geo-Institute Scholarship | Civil & Environmental Engineering | McCormick | 2013-2014 |
Brandis, Nicholas | IL Section American Society of Civil Engineers Structural Engineering Institute Bob Camillone Memorial Scholarship | Civil & Environmental Engineering | McCormick | 2013-2014 |
Cheah, Derek | IL Section American Society of Civil Engineers Transportation & Development Institute Graduate Scholarship | Civil & Environmental Engineering | McCormick | 2013-2014 |
Cheah, Derek | IL Section Institute of Transportation Engineers Bob Camillone Memorial Scholarship | Civil & Environmental Engineering | McCormick | 2012-2013 |
Hsu, Iris | Immigrant Justice Core Fellowship | Dance | School of Communication/Weinberg College | 2016-2017 |
Baer, Andrew | Indiana University School of Law Postdoctoral Fellowship | History | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Ramachandra, Komala | Indicorps Fellowship | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2003-2004 |
Shah, Shital | Indicorps Fellowship | International Studies | Weinberg College | 2005-2006 |
Alloo, Fatima | Indicorps Fellowship | Asian & Middle Eastern Culture & Civilization | Weinberg College | 2007-2008 |
Krishnan, Nithya | Indicorps Fellowship | Anthropology | Weinberg College | 2009-2010 |
Singh , Kamardip | Indicorps Fellowship | Philosophy | Weinberg College | 2010-2011 |
Sooryakumar, Divya | Indicorps Fellowship | Economics | Weinberg College | 2010-2011 |
Otis, Julian | Individual Artists Program Grant | Voice and Opera | Bienen | 2018-2019 |
Banerjee, Dipayan | INFORMS Scholarship | Industrial Engineering | McCormick | 2018-2019 |
Dempster, Joshua | Insight Data Science Fellowship | Physics & Astronomy | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Keenan, Charles Richard | Institute for Advanced Jesuit Studies Post-Doctoral Fellowship | | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Kaldjian, Alexander | Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) Post-Bachelor Fellowship | French | Weinberg College | 2016-2017 |
Gillespie, James | Institute for Humane Studies Fellowship | Management & Organization | The Graduate School | 1998-1999 |
Gutterman, Lauren | Institute for Humane Studies Fellowship | American Studies | Weinberg College | 2001-2002 |
Andreeff, Daniel | Institute for Social and Economic Research and Policy Undergraduate Fellowship | History | Weinberg College | 2008-2009 |
Gaviria, William | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Charles LeGeyt Fortescue Graduate Scholarship | Electrical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
McCray, Arthur | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Magnetics Society and Nanotechnology Council Chicago Section Best Poster | Applied Physics | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
Ceja, Cristina | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers VIS 2020 Inclusivity and Diversity Scholarship | Psychology | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Dabrowski, Matthew | Institute of Industrial Engineers C.B. Gambrell Scholarship | Industrial Engineering & Management Sciences | McCormick | 2006-2007 |
Lau, Tsz-kit | Institute of Mathematical Statistics Hannan Graduate Student Travel Award | Statistics | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Zhang, Zitao | Institute of Transportation Engineers 2008 Scholarship Award | Civil & Environmental Engineering | The Graduate School | 2008-2009 |
Detar, Matthew | Institute of Turkish Studies Award | Communication Studies | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Mok, Michelle | Intel Foundation Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2007-2008 |
Zajdela, Emma | Intelligence Community Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Program | Engineering and Applied Mathematics | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Weil, Jael | Inter-American Foundation Grassroots Development Fellowship Program | Political Science | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Wilhoit, Ella | Inter-American Foundation Grassroots Development Fellowship Program | Anthropology | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Sullivan, John | InterAmericas Fellowship | History | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Breidenbach, Michael | Intercollegiate Studies Institute Honors Program | History | Weinberg College | 2004-2005 |
Ladson-Gary, Skylar | Interdisciplinary Research in Korea on Applied Smart Systems for Undergraduate Students | Chemical Engineering | McCormick | 2018-2019 |
Thurston, Alexander | International Affairs Fellowship from the Council on Foreign Relations | Religious Studies | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Lindgren-Gibson, Alexandra | International Association for the Study of Sexuality, Culture and Society Research Travel Grant | History | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Gavin-Smyth, Nora Scally | International Association of Plant Taxonomists Graduate Student Research Grant | Plant Biology and Conservation | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Doolan, Yuri | International Conference of NextGen Korean Studies Scholars Travel Grant | History | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Burack, Cristina | Internationales Parlaments-Stipendium Bundestag Internship Program | History | Bienen School/Weinberg College | 2013-2014 |
Kazvini-Gore , Nicholas Rassoul | Internationales Parlaments-Stipendium Bundestag Internship Program | Education & Social Policy | SESP | 2014-2015 |
Wahl, Carolin | International Precious Metals Institute Ames Goldsmith Colonial Metals Student Award Recognizing Achievement in Precious Metals Research | Materials Science and Engineering | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Xu, David | International Precious Metals Institute Outstanding Student Recognition | Chemistry | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Williford, Harold | International Relations Merit Based Scholarship | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2007-2008 |
Sarutipand , Pattharin | International Road Federation Executive Fellowship | Civil & Environmental Engineering | The Graduate School | 2007-2008 |
Zhang, Zitao | International Road Federation Executive Fellowship | Civil & Environmental Engineering | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Collier, Sarah | International Society of Psychoneuroendocrinology Travel Awards | Human Development and Social Policy | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Brown, Owen | International Studies Association Dissertation Completion Fellowship | Political Science | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Doerfler, Matthew | Internship Program at the Institute of Science and Technology | Biomedical Engineering | McCormick | 2012-2013 |
Clybor, Shawn | IREX Board Individual Advanced Research Opportunity Fellowship | History | The Graduate School | 2005-2006 |
Pytka, Meghann | IREX Board Individual Advanced Research Opportunity Fellowship | History | The Graduate School | 2005-2006 |
Teeling, Anne | Italian American Executives of Transportation Scholarship | Voice and Opera | Bienen | 2021-2022 |
Schecter, Aaron | J. Richard Hackman Award for the Dissertation that Most Significantly Advances the Study of Groups | Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Lam, Ka Ming Kevin | J.S. Lee Curatorial Fellowship in Chinese Art at The Cleveland Museum of Art | Art History | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Schapiro, Alissa Elias | Jack, Joseph, and Morton Mandel Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies Visiting Fellowship | Art History | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Healey, Beth Ann | Jack, Joseph, and Morton Mandel Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies Visiting Fellowship | | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Liu, Jiaxi | Jack Kent Cooke Graduate Arts Fellowship | Piano | Bienen School | 2008-2009 |
Yun, Nina | Jack Kent Cooke Graduate Arts Fellowship | Journalism | Medill/Weinberg College | 2012-2013 |
Skaruppa, Matthew | Jack Kent Cooke Graduate Fellowship | Chemical & Biological Engineering | McCormick | 2002-2003 |
Miller, Jeffrey | Jack Kent Cooke Graduate Fellowship | Economics | Weinberg College | 2005-2006 |
Pflepsen, Alison | Jack Kent Cooke Graduate Fellowship | Journalism | Medill | 2005-2006 |
Herasimovich, Natassia | Jack Kent Cooke Graduate Fellowship | Law | The Law School | 2007-2008 |
discenza, leo | JACK Studio Artists (Workshops) | Music Composition | Bienen | 2021-2022 |
Jenn, Brian Hunter | Jacob K. Javits Fellowship | Economics | The Graduate School | 1998-1999 |
Enenbach, Elisabeth | Jacob K. Javits Fellowship | String Instruments | Bienen School | 1999-2000 |
Mootry, Aisha | Jacob K. Javits Fellowship | Sociology | The Graduate School | 1999-2000 |
Sheffer, Jolie | Jacob K. Javits Fellowship | English | Weinberg College | 1999-2000 |
Shumate, Sarah | Jacob K. Javits Fellowship | Sociology | The Graduate School | 1999-2000 |
Akalis, Scott | Jacob K. Javits Fellowship | Psychology | Weinberg College | 2001-2002 |
Clark, Jamie | Jacob K. Javits Fellowship | Anthropology | Weinberg College | 2001-2002 |
Slauter, William | Jacob K. Javits Fellowship | History | Weinberg College | 2001-2002 |
Taylor, Robert | Jacob K. Javits Fellowship | Music | Bienen School | 2001-2002 |
Billone, Nina | Jacob K. Javits Fellowship | Performance Studies | School of Communication | 2002-2003 |
Kim, Heidi | Jacob K. Javits Fellowship | English | The Graduate School | 2003-2004 |
Geoghegan, Bernhard | Jacob K. Javits Fellowship | Media, Technology & Society | The Graduate School | 2004-2005 |
Laprise, John | Jacob K. Javits Fellowship | Media, Technology & Society | The Graduate School | 2004-2005 |
Park, Rebekah | Jacob K. Javits Fellowship | American Studies | Weinberg College | 2004-2005 |
Smith, Alexi | Jacob K. Javits Fellowship | Anthropology | Weinberg College | 2004-2005 |
Callaci, Emily | Jacob K. Javits Fellowship | History | The Graduate School | 2005-2006 |
Cunningham, Meghan | Jacob K. Javits Fellowship | History | The Graduate School | 2005-2006 |
Luckham, Andrew | Jacob K. Javits Fellowship | English | Weinberg College | 2005-2006 |
Dobby, Jennifer | Jacob K. Javits Fellowship | Writing | The Graduate School | 2006-2007 |
O'Donnell, Eoghan | Jacob K. Javits Fellowship | Writing | The Graduate School | 2006-2007 |
Kares, Faith | Jacob K. Javits Fellowship | Anthropology | The Graduate School | 2007-2008 |
McNamara, Celeste | Jacob K. Javits Fellowship | History | The Graduate School | 2007-2008 |
Wilhoit, Ella | Jacob K. Javits Fellowship | Anthropology | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Fielding-Singh, Jonathan | Jacob K. Javits Fellowship | American Studies | Weinberg College | 2010-2011 |
Ralph, Jason | Jacob K. Javits Fellowship | History | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Hoecker, Robin | Jacob K. Javits Fellowship | Communication Studies | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Weinmeyer, Richard | Jaharis Faculty Fellow in Health Law and Intellectual Property | Health Sciences Integrated Program | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Nganga, Kathleen | James C. Gaither Junior Fellows | Political Science | Weinberg | 2017-2018 |
Eisen, Mackenzie Taylor | James Dunn Fellowship | Philosophy | Weinberg | 2017-2018 |
Deneroff, Michael | James Dunn Fellowship | Social Policy/Legal Studies | Education and Social Policy/Weinberg | 2018-2019 |
Daniel, Beverly | James Dunn Fellowship | Social Policy | Education and Social Policy | 2019-2020 |
Guo, Lillian | James Dunn Fellowship | Social Policy | Education and Social Policy | 2019-2020 |
Chen, Anor | James Dunn Fellowship | Psychology | Weinberg | 2021-2022 |
Richman, Sarah | James Dunn Fellowship | Political Science | Weinberg | 2021-2022 |
Marquez, Anahi | James Dunn Fellowship | Social Policy | Education and Social Policy | 2022-2023 |
Shou, Cindy | James Dunn Fellowship | History | Weinberg | 2022-2023 |
Pihos, Deanna | James H. Dunn, Jr. Memorial Fellowship | Social Policy | SESP | 2000-2001 |
Bergstein, Shira | James H. Dunn, Jr. Memorial Fellowship | Social Policy | SESP | 2005-2006 |
Agha, Mavara | James H. Dunn, Jr. Memorial Fellowship | Biological Sciences | Weinberg College | 2011-2012 |
Segal, Eden | James Madison Foundation Fellowship | Economics | Weinberg College | 2002-2003 |
Stephensen, Kate | James Madison Foundation Fellowship | History | Weinberg College | 2011-2012 |
Scott, Karin Therese | James Madison Graduate Fellowships | History | Weinberg | 2017-2018 |
Hao, Lois | James T. and Ella Rather Kirk Fellowship in History | History | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Merritt, Candice | James Weldon Johnson Institute for the Study of Race and Difference Dissertation Fellowship for Predoctoral Scholars | African American Studies | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Lupu, Jennifer | Jamie Chad Brandon Student Paper Prize | Anthropology | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
DeYoung, Justine | Jane and Morgan Whitney Art History Fellowship | Art History | The Graduate School | 2005-2006 |
Guo, Emily | Japan Exchange and Teaching Program | Anthropology | Weinberg | 2021-2022 |
Mere, Ubakum | Japan Exchange and Teaching Program | Sociology | Weinberg | 2022-2023 |
Hirano, Yu | Japan Foundation Doctoral Fellowship | History | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Parks, Austin | Japan Foundation Doctoral Fellowship | History | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Katayama, Yoshimasa | Japan-International Monetary Fund Scholarship Program for Advanced Studies | Economics | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Matsuura, Ryunosuke | Japan-International Monetary Fund Scholarship Program for Advanced Studies | Economics | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Sagawa, Takaaki | Japan-International Monetary Fund Scholarship Program for Advanced Studies | Economics | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Parks, Austin | Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Short-term Research Grant | History | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Matsuura, Ryunosuke | Japan Student Services Organization Scholarship | Economics | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
Maeba, Kensuke | Japan Student Services Organization Scholarship | Economics | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Toyama, Yuta | Japan Student Services Organization Student Exchange Support Program | Economics | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Sarcevic-Tesanovic, Rachel | Jeanne Marandon Scholarship | History | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Guzman, Gabriel | Jean Paul Ohadi Scholarship | Performance Studies | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
Lacombe, Matthew | Jefferson Scholars Foundation National Fellowship | Political Science | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Bailey, Sandra Renee | Jerome and Elaine Nerenberg Foundation Scholarship - Basoon | Wind & Percussion Instruments | Bienen School | 2015-2016 |
Levitsky-Weitz, Sofya | Jerome Hill Artist Fellowship | Writing | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Nieberg, Patty Vassar | Jerusalem Reporting Club Reporting Fellowship | Editorial Journalism | Medill | 2018-2019 |
Zimmerman, Justin | Jewel L. Prestage and Richard F. Fenno Endowment for Minority Opportunities | Political Science | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Stein, Amanda Claire | Jewish BSOM Research Forum Conference Travel Grant | Musicology | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Haskel, Jennifer | Jim McKay Graduate Scholarship | Journalism | Medill | 2018-2019 |
Wolfe, Stephanie Lynn | John C. Danforth Center on Religion and Politics Dissertation Completion Fellowship | | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Glisson, James | John H. Daniels Fellowships | Art History | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Fraser, Zinger | John H Ware Jr Fellowship | African American Studies | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Menefee, Heather Shaw | John Lewis Fellowship | | Weinberg College | 2014-2015 |
Daily, Ruby | John Money Fellowship for Scholars of Sexology | History | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Weigal, Courtney | John S. McCain Strategic Defense Fellowship Program | Public Policy and Administration | Professional Studies | 2022-2023 |
Minax, Angelo | John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation Fellows | Art Theory and Practice | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Ocampo, Aidan | JOIDES Resolution Academy for Undegraduate Students | Earth and Planetary Sciences | Weinberg | 2022-2023 |
Walsh, Lora | Joseph H. Fichter Research Grant | Religious Studies | The Graduate School | 2008-2009 |
Vinegar, Aron | Josephine De Kármán Fellowship | Art History | The Graduate School | 1999-2000 |
Ortolano, Guy | Josephine De Kármán Fellowship | History | The Graduate School | 2001-2002 |
Kahn, Yonatan | Josephine De Kármán Fellowship | Physics & Astronomy | Bienen School/Weinberg College | 2007-2008 |
Mak, Stephen | Josephine De Kármán Fellowship | History | The Graduate School | 2007-2008 |
Ng, Julia | Josephine De Kármán Fellowship | Comparative Literary Studies | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Cote, Laura | Josephine De Kármán Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Werner, Winter | Josephine De Kármán Fellowship | Philosophy | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Shiff, Talia | Josephine De Kármán Fellowship | Law | The Law School | 2016-2017 |
Bisram, Marisa Ravena | Journeyman Fellowship | Mechanical Engineering | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Jones, Kevontrez | Journeyman Fellowship | Theoretical and Applied Mechanics | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
Soewardiman, Henry | Journeyman Fellowship | Mechanical Engineering | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
Martin, Tobias | Journeyman Fellowship | Mechanical Engineering | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Porter, Conor | Journeyman Fellowship | Mechanical Engineering | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Fillinger, Selina Reifer | Judith Barlow Prize | Theatre | School of Communication | 2014-2015 |
Hickey, Jordan | Judith Ehm Foundation Fellowship | Journalism | Medill | 2022-2023 |
Tropp, Jr., Thomas Joseph | Julius Herford Dissertation Award 2014 | Choral Conducting | Bienen School | 2015-2016 |
Chowdhury, Zirwat | Junior Fellowship at the Mellon Centre | Art History | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Moon, Nina | Kate B. and Hall J. Peterson Fellowships | English | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Sharkey, Brianne | Kate Neal Kinley Memorial Fellowship | Wind & Percussion Instruments | Bienen School | 2001-2002 |
Pearson, Nolan | Kate Neal Kinley Memorial Fellowship | Piano | Bienen School | 2007-2008 |
Francisco, Cassandra | Kathleen Feeney Hiemstra Scholarship | Learning and Organizational Change | Education and Social Policy | 2022-2023 |
Kennedy, Sophia | Kathleen Roy Cummings Memorial Scholarship | Neuroscience | Weinberg | 2022-2023 |
Ramachandran, Aparna | Katten Muchin Travel Award | Biological Sciences IBIS | The Graduate School | 2008-2009 |
Johnson, Stephanie Georgina | Kauffman Dissertation Fellowship | Economics | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Chiara, Maggi | Kauffman Dissertation Fellowship | Economics | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
O'Connor, Jason | Kauffman Dissertation Fellowship | Economics | The Graduate School | 2008-2009 |
Hermosillo, Manuel | Kauffman Dissertation Fellowship | Marketing | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Demetry, Daphne | Kauffman Foundation Dissertation Fellowship Grant | Sociology | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Guzman, Gabriel | Kendall Family Memorial Scholarship | Performance Studies | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
Sullivan, John | Kenneth Karmiole Endowed Graduate Research Fellowship | History | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Caley, Michelle | King's College Study Abroad Excellence Award | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2010-2011 |
Lugli, Madelyn | Kissinger Visiting Scholars Predoctoral Fellows | History | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Burnam, Sehmon | Kleiner Perkins Caufield and Byers Fellows | Computer Science | McCormick | 2016-2017 |
Cohen, Eli | Kleiner Perkins Caufield and Byers Fellows | Computer Science | McCormick | 2016-2017 |
Issa, Yousef Ismail | Kleiner Perkins Fellows | Computer Science | McCormick | 2017-2018 |
Bagasrawala, Abizar | Kleiner Perkins Fellows | Computer Science | Weinberg | 2019-2020 |
Voskoff, Ethan | Knapp Campus Leadership Award | History | Weinberg | 2022-2023 |
Kim, Garam | Knight-Hennessy Scholars | Biostatistics | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Nelson, Jacob Lewis | Knight News Innovation Fellow at the Tow Center | Media, Technology & Society | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Czyz, Daniel | Knights of Dabrowski Scholarship | Biological Sciences IBIS | The Graduate School | 2006-2007 |
Grobelski, Jennifer | Knights of Dabrowski Scholarship | Religious Studies | Weinberg College | 2006-2007 |
Rocca, Richard Mason | Knowles Science Teaching Fellowship | Education & Social Policy | SESP | 2016-2017 |
Ozdemir, Nina | Knowles Teaching Fellows Program | Economics | Weinberg | 2017-2018 |
Prakash, Rohan | Knowles Teaching Fellows Program | Secondary Teaching | Education and Social Policy | 2017-2018 |
Smith, Bradley Emmons | Knowles Teaching Fellows Program | Secondary Teaching | Education and Social Policy | 2018-2019 |
Luczak, Amber | Knowles Teaching Fellows Program | Secondary Teaching | Education and Social Policy | 2019-2020 |
Salzman, Emily | Knowles Teaching Fellows Program | Secondary Teaching | Education and Social Policy | 2020-2021 |
Shyu, Rosalie | Knowles Teaching Fellows Program | Secondary Teaching | Education and Social Policy | 2022-2023 |
Buxton, Benjamin Val | KODAK Student Scholarship Awards (Bronze Award) | Documentary Media | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Christiansen, Gabrielle | Kohler Foundation Fellowship | Art History | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Ansori, Sofyan | KONEKSI Collaborative Research Grants | Anthropology | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Han, Jinwook | Korea Foundation for Advanced Studies Overseas PhD Scholarship Program | Economics | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
Doolan, Yuri | Korea Foundation Graduate Studies Fellowship | History | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Doolan, Yuri | Korea Foundation Language Training Scholarship | History | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Alava, Anna | Korean American Grassroots Conference Congressional Fellowship | Social Policy | Education and Social Policy | 2022-2023 |
Cha, Esther | Korean American Scholarship Foundation Scholarships | Neuroscience | Weinberg | 2021-2022 |
Kim, Kevin | Korean American Scholarship Foundation Scholarships | Political Science | Weinberg | 2021-2022 |
Lee, Stephanie | Korean American Scholarship Foundation Scholarships | Art History | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Shin, Sally | Korean-American Scientists and Engineers Association Chan Il and Young Hee Chung Scholarship | Neuroscience | Weinberg | 2019-2020 |
Choi, Jane | Korean-American Scientists and Engineers Association Hyundai Scholarship | Biomedical Engineering | McCormick | 2019-2020 |
Kim, Soojin | Korean-American Scientists and Engineers Association Korea-US Science Cooperation Center Scholarships | Neuroscience | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
Seo, Dawa | Korean-American Scientists and Engineers Association Korea-US Science Cooperation Center Scholarships | Civil and Environmental Engineering | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
David, Jonathan Tae In | Korean Ancestry Grant | Radio/TV/Film/Mathematics | Communication/Weinberg | 2018-2019 |
Kielb, Stephanie | Kosciuszko Foundation Scholarship | Clinical Psychology | Feinberg | 2013-2014 |
Lin, Tony | Kosciuszko Foundation Tuition Scholarship Program | Piano | Bienen School | 2004-2005 |
Chen, Kevin Jason | KPCB Fellows Program | Computer Science | McCormick | 2014-2015 |
Townsend, Joshua | Kraus Crystallographic Research Award | Earth & Planetary Science | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Jolly, Jennifer | Kress Foundation Travel Fellowship | Art History | The Graduate School | 1999-2000 |
Garrison, Eliza | Kress Foundation Travel Fellowship | Art History | The Graduate School | 2000-2001 |
Norris, Toby | Kress Foundation Travel Fellowship | Art History | The Graduate School | 2000-2001 |
Wei, Yang | Kress Foundation Travel Fellowship | Art History | The Graduate School | 2001-2002 |
Chakrabarty, Ananda | Kress Foundation Travel Fellowship | Art History | The Graduate School | 2003-2004 |
Lewis, Jacob | Kress Foundation Travel Fellowship | Art History | The Graduate School | 2008-2009 |
Chowdhury, Zirwat | Kress Foundation Travel Fellowship | Art History | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Lewis, Jacob | Kress Foundation Travel Fellowship | Art History | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
DeYoung, Justine | Kress History of Art Travel Fellowships | Art History | The Graduate School | 2007-2008 |
Veneskey, Laura | Kress Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz | Art History | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Creekmore III, Andrew | Kress Pre-Doctoral Fellows in Residence at Selected Institutions | Anthropology | The Graduate School | 2005-2006 |
Boyd, Alison | Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz Max-Planck-Institut Fellowship | Art History | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Munoz, Jose | La Caixa de Pensions of Barcelona | Anthropology | The Graduate School | 2001-2002 |
Munoz, Jose | La Caixa de Pensions of Barcelona | Anthropology | The Graduate School | 2004-2005 |
Carrillo-Cañas, Cristina | La Caixa Foundation Fellowship | | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Anthony, Isobel | Laffont Competition Los Angeles District (Winner) | Voice and Opera | Bienen | 2022-2023 |
Wolfe, David | Laffont Competition Upper Midwest Region (Winner) | Voice and Opera | Bienen | 2022-2023 |
Rodriguez, Catalina | Latin American Studies Association Nineteenth-Century Section Best Thesis | Spanish and Portuguese | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
June, Matthew | LBJ Foundation Moody Research Grant | History | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Ricard, Jordyn | Leadership Alliance | Human Development and Psychological Services | Education and Social Policy | 2017-2018 |
Nissani, Daniel | Leadership Alliance | Secondary Education | SESP/Weinberg College | 2012-2013 |
Nickson, Dana | Leadership Alliance Summer Research Grant | Social Policy | SESP/Weinberg College | 2008-2009 |
Powell, Samantha | LeadNext Fellows: Ambassadors for a Global Future | Public Health | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Lee, Sean | Lebanon Doctoral Dissertation Summer Workshop | Political Science | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Catlin, Kathryn Anne | Leifur Eiriksson Foundation | Anthropology | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Curry, Savoy | Leo Baeck Fellowship Program | History | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Feller-Simmons, Paul | Leo Baeck Fellowship Programme | Musicology | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Karagöz, Özge | Leonard A. Lauder Fellowships in Modern Art | Art History | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Walker, Catherine | Leopold and Elizabeth Marmet Scholarship | Chemistry | Weinberg | 2020-2021 |
Perry, Alex | Les Brownlee Memorial Scholarship | Journalism | Medill | 2022-2023 |
Deans, Susan Malia | Lewis and Clark Fund for Exploration and Field Research | Plant Biology and Conservation | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Regalado, Felix | Lewis Van Haney Philharmonic Prize Tenor Trombone Competition (First Prize) | Wind and Percussion Instruments | Bienen | 2021-2022 |
McQuillan, Mollie Therese | LGBT Population Health Training Fellowship | Human Development & Social Policy | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Stokes, Mikala | Library Company of Philadelphia Mellon Scholars Short-Term Fellowships | History | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
LaPlaca, Laura | Library of Congress Junior Fellows Program | Screen Cultures | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Guzman, Gabriel | LifeWorks Scholarship | Performance Studies | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
Heller, Jordana | Linguistic Society of America Institute Fellowship | Linguistics | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Goldsmith, Randall | Link Foundation Energy Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2004-2005 |
Martinson, Alex | Link Foundation Energy Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2004-2005 |
Guloy, Amado | Link Foundation Energy Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2008-2009 |
Bayram, Can | Link Foundation Energy Fellowship | Electrical Engineering & Computer Science | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Servaites, Jon | Link Foundation Energy Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Cao, Duyen Hanh | Link Foundation Energy Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Turner-Rosa, Samantha | Link Foundation Graduate Fellowship Program | Plant Biology and Conservation | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Boamah, Mavis Dufie | Linus Pauling Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellowship | Chemistry | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Fritz, Meaghan Morrissa | Lipking Newberry Fellowship | English | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Shrodes, Addie | Literacy Research Association Best Paper Award in Literacy, Technology, and Media | Learning Sciences | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Dirzyte, Gerda | Lithuania Foundation Scholarship | Audiology | Communication | 2021-2022 |
Barry, Morgan | Littleton-Griswold Research Grant for Research in US Legal History | History | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Birkel, Margaret | Living with a Purpose Fellowship | History | Weinberg College | 2011-2012 |
Jenkins, Noah | Los Angeles Philharmonic National Composers Intensive | Music Composition | Bienen | 2021-2022 |
Jencks, Lynn | Louisville Dissertation Writing Year Grant | Religious Studies | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Smith, Matthew J. | Louisville Institute Dissertation Fellowship | Religious Studies | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Millner, Marlon | Louisville Institute Dissertation Fellowship | Religious Studies | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Shearer, Tobin | Louisville Institute Dissertation Fellowship | History | The Graduate School | 2005-2006 |
Brown, Rashayla Marie | Lucas Fellows | Performance Studies | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
Shabtay, Talia | Luce/American Council of Learned Societies Dissertation Fellowships in American Art | Art History | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Kennedy, Emma | Luce/American Council of Learned Societies Dissertation Fellowships in American Art | Art History | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Boone, Emilie | Luce Dissertation Research Award | Art History | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Tiefenbruck, Laura | Lucent Technologies Graduate Research Program for Women | Electrical Engineering & Computer Science | The Graduate School | 1999-2000 |
Wysocki, Laura | Lucent Technologies Graduate Research Program for Women | Integrated Science Program | Weinberg College | 2002-2003 |
Stamler-Jonas, Rachel | Luce Scholars | Theatre | Communication | 2017-2018 |
Brehm, Gavin O'Toole | Luce Scholars | Music | Bienen | 2019-2020 |
Yancey, Robert | Luce Scholars Program | Neuroscience | Weinberg College | 1979-1980 |
Peterson, James | Luce Scholars Program | | Weinberg College | 1985-1986 |
Sands, Mark | Luce Scholars Program | | Weinberg College | 1985-1986 |
DiCara, Joseph | Luce Scholars Program | | Feinberg | 1988-1989 |
McDevitt, Sean | Luce Scholars Program | | Kellogg School | 1991-1992 |
Callahan, Patricia | Luce Scholars Program | | Medill | 1992-1993 |
Goodman, Alistair | Luce Scholars Program | | Kellogg School | 1992-1993 |
Martinez, Leonardo | Luce Scholars Program | Economics & Political Science | Weinberg College | 2000-2001 |
Gohar, Kian | Luce Scholars Program | History | Weinberg College | 2001-2002 |
Chiu, Alexis | Luce Scholars Program | Journalism | Medill | 2003-2004 |
Ortolani, Alexander | Luce Scholars Program | English | Weinberg College | 2003-2004 |
Little, Mark | Luce Scholars Program | Economics | Weinberg College | 2004-2005 |
McGarvey, Ayelish | Luce Scholars Program | Social Policy | SESP | 2004-2005 |
Ripley, Nicole | Luce Scholars Program | Theatre | School of Communication | 2005-2006 |
Gruen, Andrew | Luce Scholars Program | Journalism | Medill/Weinberg College | 2008-2009 |
Peters, Andrew | Luce Scholars Program | | Feinberg | 2013-2014 |
Moravek, Jessie | Luce Scholars Program | Environmental Science | Weinberg College | 2015-2016 |
Cilento, Christina | Luce Scholars Program | Learning & Organizational Change | SESP | 2016-2017 |
D'Urso, Amanda | Lucius Barker Award | Political Science | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Winegar, Peter | Ludo Frevel Crystallography Scholarship | Chemistry | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
York, Alexander James | Luminarts Cultural Foundation Classical BSOM Fellowship - Baritone | Voice & Opera | Bienen School | 2015-2016 |
Cho, Brannon | Luminarts Cultural Foundation Classical BSOM Fellowship - Cello | String Instruments | Bienen School | 2015-2016 |
Fan, Chen-Shen | Luminarts Cultural Foundation Classical BSOM Fellowship - Piano | Piano | Bienen School | 2015-2016 |
Leonard, Madison | Luminarts Cultural Foundation Classical BSOM Fellowship - Soprano | Voice & Opera | Bienen School | 2015-2016 |
Velasco, Julian | Luminarts Cultural Foundation Classical Music Fellowship | Wind and Percussion Instruments | Bienen | 2019-2020 |
Good, Zachary | Luminarts Cultural Foundation Classical Music Fellowship | Wind and Percussion Instruments | Bienen | 2020-2021 |
Kim, Saetbyeol | Luminarts Cultural Foundation Classical Music Fellowship | Piano | Bienen | 2020-2021 |
Zhao, Muzi | Luminarts Cultural Foundation Classical Music Fellowship | Piano | Bienen | 2020-2021 |
Connor, Joseph | Luminarts Cultural Foundation Classical Music Fellowship | Wind and Percussion Instruments | Bienen | 2021-2022 |
Kong, Qi | Luminarts Cultural Foundation Classical Music Fellowship | Piano | Bienen | 2021-2022 |
Seko, Momoko | Luminarts Cultural Foundation Classical Music Fellowship | Wind and Percussion Instruments | Bienen | 2022-2023 |
Shi, Wenting | Luminarts Cultural Foundation Classical Music Fellowship | Piano | Bienen | 2022-2023 |
Tucker, Julius Prentiss | Luminarts Cultural Foundation Jazz Improvisation Fellowship - Piano | Jazz Studies | Bienen School/McCormick | 2015-2016 |
Harvey, Sean | Lyndon B. Johnson Presidential Library Moody Research Grant | History | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Poureslami, Bahareh | Lynne Cooper Harvey Foundation Scholarship | Voice & Opera | Bienen School | 2015-2016 |
Liebman, Helaine | Lynne Harvey Foundation Scholarship | Voice and Opera | Bienen | 2021-2022 |
Elliott, Shanté | L’Oréal Paris Women of Worth Honoree | Learning Sciences | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
Taylor, Adrienne | MacColl Johnson Fellowships | String Instruments | Bienen | 2020-2021 |
Krall, Katie | Major League Baseball Diversity Fellowship Program | History | Weinberg | 2017-2018 |
Kennedy, Erin | Malkin Scholar Award | Counseling Psychology | The Graduate School | 2007-2008 |
Brogaard, Kristin | Malkin Scholar Award | Biological Sciences IBIS | The Graduate School | 2008-2009 |
Cassidy, Justin | Malkin Scholar Award | Biological Sciences IBIS | The Graduate School | 2008-2009 |
Nelson, Kevin | Malkin Scholar Award | Biological Sciences IBIS | The Graduate School | 2008-2009 |
Brown, Rashayla Marie | Mandela Washington Fellowship for Young African Leaders | Performance Studies | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
Baras, Konstantinos | ManiFeste Selected Composer | Composition and Music Technology | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Ruzzante, Matteo | Marco Fanno Fellowships | Economics | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
Boone, Emilie | Marcus Garvey Foundation Jean Harvey Slappy Research Fellowship | Art History | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Goksel, Hayrunnisa | Margaret McNamara Memorial Fund | Sociology | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Harmon, Katherine | Maria Goeppert Mayer Fellowship | Applied Physics | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
Halaburda, Carlos | Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Postdoctoral Fellowships | Spanish and Portuguese | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Lam, Kevin | Marilyn A. Papp Graduate Scholarship | Art History | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Mercer, Elliot Gordon | Marilyn Yarbrough Dissertation/Teaching Fellowship | Theatre and Drama | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Deveney, Grace | Marjorie Susman Curatorial Fellowship at the Museum of Contemporary Art | Art History | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Gleisser, Faye Raquel | Marjorie Susman Curatorial Fellowship at the Museum of Contemporary Art | Art History | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Major, Andrew | Mark and Randi Ravitts Woodworth Award for Young Conductors | Conducting | Bienen | 2022-2023 |
Overbeke, Grace Kessler | Mark and Ruth Luckens International Prize in Jewish Thought and Culture | Theatre and Drama | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Lewis, Jacob | Mark Samuels Lasner Fellowship in Printing History | Art History | The Graduate School | 2008-2009 |
Savla, Ushma | Marshall Sherfield Scholarship | Biomedical Engineering | The Graduate School | 1998-1999 |
Mayekar, Samir Shailesh | Marshal Memorial Fellow | | Kellogg School | 2016-2017 |
Thompson, Andrew Ifedapo | Massachusetts Institute of Technology Diversity Predoctoral Fellowships | Political Science | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Al-Saeedi, Safa | Massachusetts Institute of Technology Diversity Predoctoral Fellowships | Political Science | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Cheng, Monica | Match Corps Fellow | Psychology | Weinberg College | 2015-2016 |
Goldstein, Lily | Match Corps Fellow | Journalism | Medill | 2015-2016 |
Henderson, Molly | Match Corps Fellow | American Studies | Weinberg College | 2015-2016 |
Zetley, Mikaela | Match Corps Fellow | Social Policy | SESP | 2015-2016 |
Sennott, Tara Morgan | Match Corps Fellow | | School of Communication | 2016-2017 |
Patel, Savan | Match Education Program | Communication Studies | School of Communication | 2012-2013 |
Pezeshki, Alex | Match Education Program | Biological Sciences | Weinberg College | 2012-2013 |
Tang, Jennifer | Match Education Program | Biological Sciences | Weinberg College | 2012-2013 |
Garibay, Francisco Lopez | Materials Research Societies Graduate Student Awards | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Kim, Jaemyung | Materials Research Societies Graduate Student Awards | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Agne, Matthias | Materials Research Society Graduate Student Awards (Gold) | Materials Science and Engineering | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
Beck, Megan | Materials Research Society Graduate Student Awards (Gold) | Materials Science and Engineering | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
Xu, David | Materials Research Society Graduate Student Awards (Gold) | Chemistry | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Hill, Megan | Materials Research Society Graduate Student Awards (Silver) | Materials Science and Engineering | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
Li, Xiaotong | Materials Research Society Graduate Student Awards (Silver) | Chemistry | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
Lu, Xuezeng | Materials Research Society Graduate Student Awards (Silver) | Materials Science and Engineering | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
Du, Jingshan | Materials Research Society Graduate Student Awards (Silver) | Materials Science and Engineering | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Jariwala, Deep | Materials Research Society Silver Medal | | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Love, Thomas | Max Kade Berlin Fellowship | Art History | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Callaghan, Helen | Max-Planck Doctoral Fellowship | Political Science | The Graduate School | 2004-2005 |
Veneskey, Laura | Max Planck Institute Doctoral Fellowship | Art History | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Tevebring, Frederika | Max Planck Institute Doctoral Fellowship | Comparative Literary Studies | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Boyd, Alison Ann | Max Planck Institute Pre-doctoral Fellowship | Art History | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Boyd, Alison | Max Planck Institut Post-Doctoral Fellowship | Art History | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Shum, Melody | Max Planck Summer Academy for Legal History | History | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Smith, Blake | Max Weber Fellowship | History | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Caride, Laura | Mayo Clinic Dependent Scholarship | Environmental Sciences | Weinberg | 2020-2021 |
Pittman, LaShawnDa | McArthur Summer Research Grant | Sociology | The Graduate School | 2006-2007 |
Alhennawi, Raghdan | McCall MacBain Scholarships Finalist Award | Journalism, Media, and Integrated Marketing | Medill | 2022-2023 |
Tay, Wilma | McDonald Conference for Leaders of Character Fellowship | Economics | Weinberg | 2021-2022 |
Clark, Michael | McKnight Prize in Undergraduate Molecular Biophysics | Chemistry | Weinberg College | 2013-2014 |
Roberts, Wendy | McNeil Center Fellowship for Early American Studies | English | The Graduate School | 2008-2009 |
Lott, Patricia | McNeil Center Fellowship for Early American Studies | African American Studies | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Johnson, Donald | McNeil Center Fellowship for Early American Studies | History | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Xu, Yingyue | Mechanics of Hearing Travel Award | Communication Sciences & Disorders | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Goedde, Bradley | Mechanistic Machine Learning and Digital Twins for Computational Science, Engineering, and Technology National Science Foundation Fellowship | Mechanical Engineering | McCormick | 2020-2021 |
Rosenberg, Adrian | Medical Research Scholars Program | Medical Science Training | Feinberg | 2018-2019 |
Wood, Emily Bennett | Medici Archive Project Short-Term Samuel H. Kress Fellowships | Art History | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Walsh, Lora | Medieval Academy, Schallek Award | Religious Studies | The Graduate School | 2006-2007 |
Lee, Jennifer | Medieval Academy, Schallek Award | English | The Graduate School | 2008-2009 |
Murdock, Jacquelyn | Medieval Academy, Schallek Award | English | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Cole, Lauren | Medieval Academy of America/Graduate Student Committee Grant for Innovation in Community Building and Professionalization | History | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Harris, Carissa | Medieval Academy of America Schallek Award | History | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Bain, Kristi | Medieval Academy of America Schallek Award | Religious Studies | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Fort, Gavin | Medieval Academy of America Schallek Award | History | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Cole, Lauren | Medieval Academy of America Summer Research Program | History | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Feerick, Thomas | Medieval Slavic Summer Institute | Slavic Languages and Literatures | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Forsyth, Conor | Melanoma Research Foundation Medical Student Awards | Medical School | Feinberg/Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Butler, Noah | MelloCLS Dissertation Completion Fellowship | Anthropology | The Graduate School | 2006-2007 |
Baics, Gergely | Mellon/ACLS Dissertation Completion Fellowship | History | The Graduate School | 2007-2008 |
Knight, Jeffrey | Mellon/ACLS Dissertation Completion Fellowship | English | The Graduate School | 2007-2008 |
Kasimis, Demetra | Mellon/ACLS Dissertation Completion Fellowship | Political Science | The Graduate School | 2008-2009 |
Cavert, William | Mellon/ACLS Dissertation Completion Fellowship | History | The Law School | 2009-2010 |
Nadalo, Stephanie | Mellon/ACLS Dissertation Completion Fellowship | History | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Roberts, Strother | Mellon/ACLS Dissertation Completion Fellowship | History | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Baugh, Amanda | Mellon/ACLS Dissertation Completion Fellowship | Religious Studies | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Bhasin , Christine | Mellon/ACLS Dissertation Completion Fellowship | Theatre | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Warne, Andrew | Mellon/ACLS Dissertation Completion Fellowship | History | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Doak, Connor | Mellon/ACLS Dissertation Completion Fellowship | Slavic Languages & Literature | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Pashman, Howard | Mellon/ACLS Dissertation Completion Fellowship | History | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Shirley, Christopher | Mellon/ACLS Dissertation Completion Fellowship | English | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Myrick, Amy | Mellon/ACLS Dissertation Completion Fellowship | Law | The Law School/The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Puckett, Cassidy | Mellon/ACLS Dissertation Completion Fellowship | Sociology | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Fall, Rebecca Lynn | Mellon/ACLS Dissertation Completion Fellowship | English | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Hickey, Alanna Lynn | Mellon/ACLS Dissertation Completion Fellowship | English Literature | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Hoke, Morgan | Mellon/ACLS Dissertation Completion Fellowship | Anthropology | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Reitz, Erin | Mellon/ACLS Dissertation Completion Fellowship | Art History | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Roth, Sarah | Mellon/ACLS Dissertation Completion Fellowship | English | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Srivastava, Swati | Mellon/ACLS Dissertation Completion Fellowship | Political Science | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Vogler, Stefan | Mellon/ACLS Dissertation Completion Fellowship | Sociology | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Catlin, Kathryn Anne | Mellon/American Council of Learned Societies Dissertation Completion Fellowship | Anthropology | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Eatmon, Myisha | Mellon/American Council of Learned Societies Dissertation Completion Fellowship | History | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Fang, Jun Philip | Mellon/American Council of Learned Societies Dissertation Completion Fellowship | Sociology | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
Zhou, Zhiqiu Benson | Mellon/American Council of Learned Societies Dissertation Completion Fellowship | Communication Studies | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
Dennis, Ashley | Mellon/American Council of Learned Societies Dissertation Completion Fellowship | African American Studies | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Kim, Hayana | Mellon/American Council of Learned Societies Dissertation Completion Fellowship | Theatre and Drama | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Rosengarten, Andrea | Mellon/American Council of Learned Societies Dissertation Completion Fellowship | History | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Safaeian, Azadeh | Mellon/American Council of Learned Societies Dissertation Completion Fellowship | Comparative Literary Studies | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Sullivan, Stephen | Mellon/American Council of Learned Societies Dissertation Completion Fellowship | Anthropology | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Kling, Samuel | Mellon/American Council of Learned Societies Public Fellows | History | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Koski, Jessica | Mellon/American Council of Learned Societies Public Fellows | Sociology | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Bell, Jessy | Mellon Chicago Object Studies Initiative Teaching Fellowship | Art History | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Oswald, Julia Marie | Mellon COSI Curatorial Research Fellow at the Art Institute of Chicago | Art History | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Wood, Emily | Mellon COSI Internship at the Art Institute of Chicago | Art History | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Lindgren-Gibson, Alex | Mellon-Council for European Studies Dissertation Completion Fellowship | History | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Fall, Rebecca Lynn | Mellon-Council for European Studies Dissertation Completion Fellowship | English | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Catlin, Kathryn Anne | Mellon-Council for European Studies Dissertation Completion Fellowships in European Studies | Anthropology | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Nguyen, Christoph | Mellon-Council for European Studies Pre-Dissertation Fellowship | Political Science | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Robinson, Matthew | Mellon-Council for European Studies Pre-Dissertation Fellowship | Religious Studies | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Motlani, Aisha | Mellon Curatorial Internship at the Art Institute of Chicago | | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Murphy, John Paul | Mellon Curatorial Internship at the Art Institute of Chicago | | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Lee, Jennifer | Mellon Dissertation Year Fellowship | English | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Kácsor, Adrienn | Mellon Fellowships for Dissertation Research in Original Sources | Art History | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Rosengarten, Andrea | Mellon Fellowships for Dissertation Research in Original Sources | History | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Bos, Colin | Mellon Fellowships for Dissertation Research in Original Sources | History | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Cacchione, Olivia | Mellon Fellowships for Dissertation Research in Original Sources | Musicology | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Foreman, Matthew | Mellon Fellowships for Dissertation Research in Original Sources | History | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Racek, Sandra | Mellon Foundation Chicago Objects Study Initiative Fellow in European Painting and Sculpture | Art History | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Estrela, Sarah | Mellon Foundation Chicago Objects Study Initiative Fellow in Photography | Art History | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Dill, Olivia | Mellon Foundation Chicago Objects Study Initiative Fellow in Prints and Drawings | Art History | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Bell, Jessy | Mellon International Dissertation Research Fellowship | Art History | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Ansori, Sofyan | Mellon International Dissertation Research Fellowship | Anthropology | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Owens, Golden | Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship Dissertation Grants | Screen Cultures | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Alston, Brandon | Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship Travel and Research Grants | Sociology | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Sanders, Crystal | Mellon Mays University Fellows Travel and Research Grant | History | The Graduate School | 2007-2008 |
De Simone, Maria | Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship in the Humanities | Interdisciplinary PhD in Theatre and Drama | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Penning, Joel | Mellon Summer Institute in Italian Paleography at the Getty Library | History | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Baker, Kevin | Mellon THATCamp Fellowship | History | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Barrios, Erika | Mellon University Press Diversity Fellowship | English | Weinberg | 2019-2020 |
Williams, Jameka | Mellon University Press Diversity Fellowship | Poetry | Professional Studies | 2020-2021 |
Fritz, Meaghan Morrissa | Melville Society's Walter E. Bezanson Research Fellowship | English | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Markenson, Casey Tova | Memorial Foundation for Jewish Culture Doctoral Scholarships | Theatre and Drama | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Salditch, Leah | Mendenhall Research Fellowship Program | Earth and Planetary Sciences | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Joshi, Komal | Merage Foundation for the American Dream Fellowship | Biological Sciences | Weinberg College | 2005-2006 |
Li, Rosa | Merage Foundation for the American Dream Fellowship | Economics | Weinberg College | 2006-2007 |
Jani, Ina | Merage Foundation for the American Dream Fellowship | Biological Sciences | Weinberg College | 2009-2010 |
Kang, Hye Yun | Mershon Center for International Security Studies Postdoctoral Fellowship | Political Science | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Kácsor, Adrienn | Metropolitan Museum of Art Predoctoral Fellowship | Art History | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Krausz, Samuel | Metropolitan Opera Laffont Competition Indiana District (Winner) | Voice and Opera | Bienen | 2021-2022 |
Garibay, Francisco Lopez | Mexican National Council for Science and Technology Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2007-2008 |
Monroy-Ríos, Emiliano | Mexican National Council for Science and Technology Fellowship | Earth & Planetary Science | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Han, Ying | MEXT Research Student Scholarship | Biological Sciences | Weinberg | 2017-2018 |
Sigal, Maxwell | MEXT Research Student Scholarship | Biological Sciences | Weinberg | 2019-2020 |
Lipkowitz, Elise | Michigan Society of Fellows | History | The Graduate School | 2008-2009 |
Skeaff, Chris | Michigan Society of Fellows | Political Science | The Graduate School | 2008-2009 |
McCray, Arthur | Microscopy and Microanalysis Student Scholar Awards | Applied Physics | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Wang, Jing | Microsoft Research Graduate Women's Scholarship | Electrical Engineering & Computer Science | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Hill, Kaitlin Marie Speer | Microsoft Research Graduate Women's Scholarship | Engineering Science & Applied Mathematics | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Hill, Kaitlin Marie Speer | Microsoft Research Graduate Women's Scholarship | Engineering Sciences & Applied Mathematics | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Ewbank, Madeline May | Middle East and North Africa Regional Fellowship Program | Middle East and North African Studies | Weinberg | 2017-2018 |
Al-Saeedi, Safa | Middle East Initiative Research Fellowship Program | Political Science | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Wu, Eileen | Midwest Association for Public Opinion Research Doris A. Graber Award for Best Public Opinion Paper | Psychology | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Smith, Sydney | Midwest Korean Speech Contest (Excellent Awards) | Asian Languages and Cultures | Weinberg | 2020-2021 |
Menard, Monet | Midwest Korean Speech Contest (Highest Standing Awards) | Undeclared | Weinberg | 2020-2021 |
Nies, Anne | Mildred Hartney Scholarship | Plant Biology | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Kelly, Andrew | Miller Center National Fellowship Program | Political Science | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Sarcevic-Tesanovic, Rachel | Millstone Research Fellowship | History | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Hunter, Marcus | Minority Fellowship Program at the American Sociological Association | Sociology | The Graduate School | 2008-2009 |
Lara-Millan, Armando | Minority Fellowship Program at the American Sociological Association | Sociology | The Graduate School | 2008-2009 |
Tristan, | Mitchell Scholarship | American Studies | Weinberg College | 2000-2001 |
Johnson, Nicholas | Mitchell Scholarship | Theatre | School of Communication | 2003-2004 |
Parnell-Marino, Lauren | Mitchell Scholarship | Social Policy | SESP | 2008-2009 |
Goens, Dawna Michelle | Mitchem Dissertation Fellowship | Sociology | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Martell, Jeffrey | MIT Edward Clark Walsh Presidential Graduate Fellowship | Chemistry | Weinberg College | 2008-2009 |
Hart, Andrea | Modern Story Fellowship | Latin American & Caribbean Studies | Weinberg College | 2008-2009 |
Tiampo, Melody Chau | Monbusho Grant | Art History | The Graduate School | 1998-1999 |
Major, Andrew | Montana Arts Council Strategic Investment Grants | Conducting | Bienen | 2022-2023 |
McCoy, Laura | Monticello-McNeil Fellowship | History | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Raehsler, Ashley | Most Promising Pediatric Clinician Award | Physical Therapy | Feinberg | 2021-2022 |
Croegaert, Christiana | Mount Holyoke Alumnae Association Frances Mary Hazen Fellowship | Anthropology | The Graduate School | 2001-2002 |
Stein, Aliza | Multi-disciplinary Program in Educational Sciences (MPES) Fellowship | Learning Sciences | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Stein, Mary Abigail | Multi-disciplinary Program in Educational Sciences (MPES) Fellowship | Learning Sciences | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Vargas, Robert | Multi-disciplinary Program in Educational Sciences Fellowship | Sociology | The Graduate School | 2007-2008 |
Branigan, Amelia | Multi-disciplinary Program in Educational Sciences Fellowship | Sociology | The Graduate School | 2008-2009 |
Vargas, Robert | Multi-disciplinary Program in Educational Sciences Fellowship | Sociology | The Graduate School | 2008-2009 |
Small, Morgan | Musicians Club of Women Nerenburg Award | Voice and Opera | Bienen | 2022-2023 |
Schreck, David | Music Teachers National Association Chamber Music Competition (Alternate) | Wind and Percussion Instruments | Bienen | 2019-2020 |
Pui, Sin Lei | Music Teachers National Association Illinois State Performance Competition Young Artist Piano Division (First Prize) | Piano/Biological Sciences | Bienen/Weinberg | 2019-2020 |
Wong, Shing Yan | Music Teachers National Association Illinois Young Artist Woodwind Competition (First Place) | Wind and Percussion Instruments | Bienen | 2021-2022 |
Wu, Audrianna | Music Teachers National Association Piano Competition Young Artist Division (Winner) | Piano | Bienen | 2021-2022 |
Lin, Brian | Music Teachers National Association Solo Competition East Central Senior Woodwind Division (Winner) | Wind and Percussion Instruments | Bienen | 2021-2022 |
Zhao, Muzi | Music Teachers National Association Young Artist Piano Competition East Central Division (First Prize) | Piano | Bienen | 2019-2020 |
Keeley, Theresa | Myrna Bernath Fellowship from the Society of Historians of American Foreign Relations | History | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Hartman, Elizabeth Ann | Nadia and Nicholas Nahumck Fellowship | Anthropology | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Fritz, Meaghan Morrissa | Nantucket Historical Association's E. Geoffrey and Elizabeth Thayer Verney Fellowship | English | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
McGlynn, Gregory | NASA Aeronautics Scholarship Program | Electrical Engineering & Computer Science | McCormick | 2009-2010 |
Bocchini, Peter | NASA Aeronautics Scholarship Program | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Casar, Caitlin | NASA Astrobiology Science Conference Travel Grant | Earth & Planetary Sciences | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Gilliam, Ashley Elisabeth | NASA Earth and Space Science Fellowship | Earth & Planetary Science | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Hadden, Samuel | NASA Earth and Space Science Fellowship | Physics and Astronomy | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Voges, Andrea | NASA Earth System Science Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2005-2006 |
Hatcher, Nicholas | NASA Graduate Student Researchers Program Fellowship | Physics & Astronomy | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Locascio, Mark | NASA Graduate Student Researchers Program Fellowship | Mechanical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Zevin, Michael Joseph | NASA Hubble Fellowship Program | Physics and Astronomy | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
Antone, William Brennan | NASA Human Research Program Grant Augmentation Competition for Students and Postdocs | Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
Izadinia, Niloufar | NASA Human Research Program Grant Augmentation Competition for Students and Postdocs | Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
Matthews, Tristan | NASA Illinois Space Grant Fellowship | Physics & Astronomy | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Morscher, Meagan | NASA Illinois Space Grant Fellowship | Physics & Astronomy | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Swaroop Bellie, Darsan | NASA Illinois Space Grant Summer Research Program | Jazz Studies/Physics | Bienen/Weinberg | 2021-2022 |
Fang, Julia | NASA MUST | Physics & Astronomy | Weinberg College | 2007-2008 |
Male, James | NASA Space Technology Graduate Research Opportunities | Materials Science and Engineering | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Zavanelli, Duncan | NASA Space Technology Graduate Research Opportunities | Materials Science and Engineering | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Lewis, Broderick | NASA Space Technology Graduate Research Opportunities | Materials Science and Engineering | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Geisendorfer, Nicholas | NASA Space Technology Research Fellowship | Materials Science and Engineering | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Arnold, Heather | NASA Space Technology Research Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | McCormick | 2010-2011 |
Miller, Sarah | NASA Space Technology Research Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
McMorrow, Julian | NASA Space Technology Research Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Rambo, Timothy | NASA Space Technology Research Fellowship | Electrical Engineering & Computer Science | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Rambo, Timothy | NASA Traineeship | Electrical Engineering & Computer Science | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Burchell, Damon Chandru | Nasir Jones Hip Hop Fellowship at the Du Bois Institute at Harvard University | African American Studies | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Dyer, Elizabeth Brooks | National Academy of Education/Spencer Foundation | Learning Sciences | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Dyer, Elizabeth Brooks | National Academy of Education/Spencer Foundation Dissertation Fellowship | Learning Sciences | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Oubou, Hafsa | National Academy of Education/Spencer Foundation Dissertation Fellowship Program | Anthropology | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
Kiguel, Sebastian | National Academy of Education/Spencer Foundation Dissertation Fellowship Program | Human Development and Social Policy | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
McCambly, Heather | National Academy of Education/Spencer Foundation Dissertation Fellowship Program | Human Development and Social Policy | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
McDaid-Morgan, Nikki | National Academy of Education/Spencer Foundation Dissertation Fellowship Program | Learning Sciences | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Landeros, Judith | National Academy of Education/Spencer Foundation Dissertation Fellowship Program | Social Policy | Education and Social Policy | 2021-2022 |
Landeros, Judith | National Academy of Education/Spencer Foundation Dissertation Fellowship Program | Social Policy | Education and Social Policy | 2021-2022 |
Marshall, Jessica | National Academy of Education/Spencer Foundation Dissertation Fellowship Program | Learning Sciences | Education and Social Policy | 2021-2022 |
Marshall, Jessica | National Academy of Education/Spencer Foundation Dissertation Fellowship Program | Learning Sciences | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Stovall, Jessica | National Academy of Education/Spencer Foundation Dissertation Fellowship Program | Literature | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Stovall, Jessica | National Academy of Education/Spencer Foundation Dissertation Fellowship Program | Literature | Professional Studies | 2021-2022 |
Mackevicius, Claire | National Academy of Education/Spencer Foundation Dissertation Fellowship Program | Human Development and Social Policy | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Rosario, Roberto | National Academy of Education/Spencer Foundation Dissertation Fellowship Program | Psychology | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Rosario-Ramos, Enid | National Academy of Education Predoctoral Fellowship in Adolescent Literacy | Learning Sciences | The Graduate School | 2007-2008 |
Anderson, Eleanor | National Academy of Education Spencer Dissertation Fellowship | Learning Sciences | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Conwell, Jordan Andrew | National Academy of Education Spencer Dissertation Fellowship | Sociology | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Johnson, Anthony Matthias | National Academy of Education Spencer Dissertation Fellowship | Sociology | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Krist, Christina | National Academy of Education Spencer Dissertation Fellowship | Learning Sciences | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
McQuillan, Mollie | National Academy of Education Spencer Dissertation Fellowship | Human Development & Social Policy | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Soares, Leigh | National Academy of Education Spencer Dissertation Fellowship | History | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Portillo, Rubén | National Association of Music Merchants President’s Innovation Award | String Instruments | Bienen | 2022-2023 |
Ravitsky, Michelle | National Association of Teachers of Singing Central Region Advanced Classical Treble (First Place) | Voice and Opera | Bienen | 2020-2021 |
Robertson, Jane | National Association of Teachers of Singing Central Region Advanced Classical Treble (First Place) | Voice and Opera | Bienen | 2020-2021 |
Hensley, Benedict | National Association of Teachers of Singing Central Region Auditions (Winner) | Voice and Opera | Bienen | 2020-2021 |
Lin, Nicholas | National Association of Teachers of Singing Central Region Auditions (Winner) | Voice and Opera | Bienen | 2020-2021 |
Brooks, Zoe | National Association of Teachers of Singing Central Region Lower Classical Treble (First Place) | Undeclared | Weinberg | 2020-2021 |
Schlesinger, Rachel | National Association of Teachers of Singing Central Region Lower Classical Treble (First Place) | Voice and Opera | Bienen | 2020-2021 |
Brewer, Ashley | National Association of Teachers of Singing Central Region Upper Classical Treble (First Place) | Voice and Opera/English | Bienen/Weinberg | 2020-2021 |
Chee, Stephanie | National Association of Teachers of Singing Central Region Upper Classical Treble (First Place) | Voice and Opera | Bienen | 2020-2021 |
Fleischmann, Megan | National Association of Teachers of Singing Central Region Upper College Classical Treble Competition (First Place) | Voice and Opera | Bienen | 2021-2022 |
Robertson, Jane | National Association of Teachers of Singing Chicago Chapter Advanced College Classical Treble Competition (First Place) | Voice and Opera | Bienen | 2021-2022 |
Dovgalyuk, Mark | National Association of Teachers of Singing Chicago Chapter Lower College/Independent Studio TBB Voice (First Place) | Voice and Opera | Bienen/Weinberg | 2021-2022 |
Boatright, Karl | National Association of Teachers of Singing Chicago Chapter Upper College/Independent Studio TBB Voice (First Place) | Voice and Opera/Linguistics | Bienen/Weinberg | 2021-2022 |
Fleischmann, Megan | National Association of Teachers of Singing Chicago Chapter Upper College Classical Treble Competition (First Place) | Voice and Opera | Bienen | 2021-2022 |
Campos, Karla | National Board for Certified Counselors Foundation Mental Health Counseling Master’s Fellows | Clinical Mental Health Counseling | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Dhar, Joy | National Board for Certified Counselors Foundation Mental Health Counseling Master’s Fellows | Clinical Mental Health Counseling | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
London, Nadia | National Board for Certified Counselors Foundation Mental Health Counseling Master’s Fellows | Clinical Mental Health Counseling | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Vasilou, Sasha | National Board for Certified Counselors Foundation Mental Health Counseling Master’s Fellows | Clinical Mental Health Counseling | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Jepsen, Christopher | National Bureau of Economic Research Fellowship | Economics | The Graduate School | 1998-1999 |
Truffa, Francesca | National Bureau of Economic Research Gender in the Economy Fellows | Economics | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Wong, Ashley | National Bureau of Economic Research Gender in the Economy Fellows | Economics | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Thompson, Allison | National Cancer Institute CURE Minority Program Training Grant | Clinical Psychology | The Graduate School | 2004-2005 |
Selensky, Matthew | National Cave and Karst Research Institute National Seed Grant Program | Earth and Planetary Sciences | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Zhou, Zhiqiu | National Communication Association Asian/Pacific American Communication Studies Division and Caucus Outstanding Dissertation Award | Communication Studies | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Twyman, Marlon Demarcie | National Consortium for Graduate Degrees for Minorities in Engineering and Science | Technology & Social Behavior | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Balvanz, Adam | National Defence Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Chemistry | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Johnson, Broderick | National Defence Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Chemistry | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Nensel, Ashley | National Defence Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Chemistry | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Wink, Gabrielle | National Defence Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Mechanical Engineering | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Warfel, Katherine | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Chemical Engineering | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Borowski, Elisa C. | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Civil and Environmental Engineering | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Miller, Christopher Xavier | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Mechanical Engineering | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Peterson, Luke | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Mathematics | Weinberg | 2019-2020 |
Archuleta, Chloe | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Chemical Engineering | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Curtis, Andrew | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Mechanical Engineering | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Mathis, Lela | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Materials Science and Engineering | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Meyer, Joel | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Mechanical Engineering | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Miller, Nicholas | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Physics | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
O’Connor, James | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Chemistry | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Sheridan, Thomas | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Chemistry | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Son, Florencia | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Chemistry | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Sweers, Matthew | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Materials Science and Engineering | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Berkovich, Jaime | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Materials Science and Engineering | McCormick | 2022-2023 |
Evenchik, Alexander | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Materials Science and Engineering | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Leonor, Joseph | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Mechanical Engineering | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Price, Samuel | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Materials Science and Engineering | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Endelman, Jeffrey | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Chemical & Biological Engineering | McCormick | 1999-2000 |
Krodel, David | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Chemistry | Weinberg College | 1999-2000 |
Siem, Ellen | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | McCormick | 1999-2000 |
Dahl, Amy | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Civil & Environmental Engineering | The Graduate School | 2000-2001 |
Farrell, Todd | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Biomedical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2000-2001 |
Faulring, Eric | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Mechanical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2000-2001 |
Gratson, Gregory | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | McCormick | 2000-2001 |
Greene, Mark | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2000-2001 |
Huo, Jeffrey Sean | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Biomedical Engineering | McCormick | 2000-2001 |
Kreeger, Pamela | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Chemical & Biological Engineering | The Graduate School | 2000-2001 |
Lai, Tammy | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2000-2001 |
Lee, Kaw-Yuan | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Electrical Engineering & Computer Science | McCormick | 2000-2001 |
McClintock, Ryan | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Electrical Engineering & Computer Science | The Graduate School | 2000-2001 |
Own, Christopher | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2000-2001 |
Sarah, Marsha | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Biomedical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2000-2001 |
Sawkar, Anu | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Chemistry | Weinberg College | 2000-2001 |
Woo, Leta | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2000-2001 |
Alappattu, Jomy | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Mathematics | Weinberg College | 2001-2002 |
Anderson, Donde | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Integrated Science Program | Weinberg College | 2001-2002 |
Hung, Albert | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2001-2002 |
Kinser, Christopher | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2001-2002 |
Schwarzlose, Rebecca | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Psychology | Weinberg College | 2001-2002 |
Bender, Matthew | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2003-2004 |
Comstock, David | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2003-2004 |
Dredze, Mark | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Electrical Engineering & Computer Science | McCormick | 2003-2004 |
Soukasene, Stephen | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2003-2004 |
Cantrell, Donald | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Medical Scientist Training Program | The Graduate School | 2004-2005 |
Zhao, Bo | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2004-2005 |
Cruz, Samantha | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | McCormick | 2005-2006 |
Emberger, Gloria | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Chemical & Biological Engineering | The Graduate School | 2005-2006 |
Deymier, Alix | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2006-2007 |
Le, Ian | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Mathematics | The Graduate School | 2006-2007 |
Rondinelli, James | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | McCormick | 2006-2007 |
Schlitz, Ruth | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2006-2007 |
Ziebell, Tiffany | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | McCormick | 2006-2007 |
Henninger, Michael | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Integrated Science Program | Weinberg College | 2007-2008 |
Herman, David | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2007-2008 |
Hurst, Allen | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Mechanical Engineering | McCormick | 2007-2008 |
Murray, Ian | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2007-2008 |
Brown, Samantha | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Integrated Science Program | Weinberg College | 2008-2009 |
Fakonas, James | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | McCormick | 2008-2009 |
Kreno, Lauren | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2008-2009 |
Meredig, Bryce | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2008-2009 |
Young, Kaylie | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2008-2009 |
Auyeung, Evelyn | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Gardner, Daniel | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Huntington, Mark | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Personick , Michelle | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Wilson, Andrew | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Mechanical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Young, Aaron | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Biomedical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Antaris, Alexander | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Electrical Engineering & Computer Science | McCormick | 2010-2011 |
Arnold, Heather | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Baranowski, Lauryn | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Eichelsdoerfer, Daniel | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Heitzer, Henry | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Huet, Lucie | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Mechanical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Riley, James | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
So, Monica | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Trazkovich, Alex | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Mechanical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Tupper, Catherine | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Van Aartsen, Rebecca | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Mechanical Engineering | | 2010-2011 |
Zhukhovitskiy, Aleksandr | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Physics & Astronomy | Weinberg College | 2010-2011 |
Barnes, Jonathan | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Culver, Kayla | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Hryn, Alexander | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Narayan, Suguna | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Biomedical Engineering | Feinberg/The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Randeria, Pratik | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Biomedical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Roenbeck, Michael | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Mechanical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Ross, Michael | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Cain, Jeffrey | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Ginder, Ryan | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | McCormick | 2012-2013 |
Gwynne, Ewain | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Mathematics | Weinberg College | 2012-2013 |
Hoffman, Emily | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Kay, Jennifer | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Chemical & Biological Engineering | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Ku, Jessie | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Leonardi, Matthew | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Moreau, Liane | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Secor, Ethan | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Smith, Jacob | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Walker, Amanda | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Beal, Rachel Ellen | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | McCormick | 2013-2014 |
Chen, Charlotte Hui | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Chinen, Alyssa Brooke | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Gibbs-Hall, Ian Christopher | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Guan, Chenxia Monica | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Chemical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Harris, Rachel Dory | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Hedrick, James Lupton | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Chemical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Knudson, Michael Phan | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Lau, Garrett Chinyu | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Materials Science | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Leonardi, Matthew John | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Lou, Alexander Jen-Tong | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
McAnally, Michael O'Neal | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Peters, Aaron William | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Reisman, Benjamin Joshua | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Chemistry | Weinberg College | 2013-2014 |
Sinko, Robert Arnold | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Mechanical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
So, Miranda Ming-Wai | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Wells, Spencer Allan | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Beck, Megan Elizabeth | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Desanker, Michael | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Dolberg, Taylor Brianne | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Gaviria Rojas, William Andres | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Electrical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Kafka, Orion Landauer | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Kelley, Matthew Sae Jin | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Laramy, Christine Rose | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Peters, Matthew | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Reynolds, Ryan Dave | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Sather, Nicholas | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Materials Science and Engineering | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Wong, Nolan Log-Chi | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Amsterdam, Samuel | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
DeBenedictis, Elizabeth | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Mechanical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
DeStefano, Matthew | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Eaton, Matthew | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Fitzsimons, Kathleen Anne | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Mechanical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Mendonca, Matthew Lee | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Chemical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Perez, Kaitlyn | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Urbach, Zachary | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Chinen, Alyssa | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Harmon, Katherine | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Applied Physics | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Hershewe, Jasmine Marie | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Chemical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Hunt, Andrew | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Chemical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Rosen, Andrew Scott | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Chemical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Shipman, Drew | National Flute Association Young Artist Mentorship Program | Wind and Percussion Instruments | Bienen | 2021-2022 |
May, Madeleine | National Geographic Young Explorers Grant | Journalism | Medill/Weinberg College | 2013-2014 |
Skurie, Jaclyn | National Geographic Young Explorers Grant | Journalism | Medill/Weinberg College | 2013-2014 |
Ex-Willey, Aiden | National Health Service Corps Scholarship Program | Physician Assistant Program | Feinberg | 2021-2022 |
Kim, Angela | National Health Service Corps Scholarship Program | Physician Assistant Program | Feinberg | 2021-2022 |
Sian, Carlos | National Health Service Corps Scholarship Program | Physician Assistant Program | Feinberg | 2021-2022 |
Evangelopoulos, Michael | National Hellenic Student Association Scholarships | Biomedical Engineering | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Smilnak, Gordon | National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Medical Student Research Fellowships | MD Program | Feinberg | 2020-2021 |
Winograd, Michael | National Institute of Justice Graduate Research Fellowship | Psychology | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Bant, Jason | National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke National Research Service Award | Biological Sciences IBIS | The Graduate School | 2008-2009 |
Staublin, Philip | National Institute of Standards and Technology-Materials Genome Initiative Postdoctoral Fellowships | Materials Science and Engineering | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Glavin, Courtney | National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders Research Dissertation Fellowship for AuD Audiologists (F32) | Communication Sciences and Disorders | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Holloway, Ashley | National Institutes of Health Individual Predoctoral to Postdoctoral Fellow Transition Award (F99/K00) | Neuroscience | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Wojnowski, Natalia | National Institutes of Health Medical Research Scholars Program | MD Program | Feinberg | 2021-2022 |
Carroll, Allison | National Institutes of Health Medical Research Scholars Program | MD Program | Feinberg | 2021-2022 |
Moy, Madelyn | National Institutes of Health Oxford–Cambridge Scholars Program | Integrated Science Program | Weinberg | 2021-2022 |
Pope, Eleanor | National Institutes of Health Postbac Cancer Research Training Award | Biological Sciences | Weinberg | 2022-2023 |
Lieberman, Amy | National Institutes of Health Postbac Intramural Research Training Award | Human Development and Psychological Services | Education and Social Policy | 2017-2018 |
Hussein, Rowan Khalid | National Institutes of Health Postbac Intramural Research Training Award | Neuroscience | Weinberg | 2019-2020 |
Steans, Russell | National Institutes of Health Postbac Intramural Research Training Award | Biological Sciences | Weinberg | 2021-2022 |
Freeman, Angela | National Institutes of Health Research Supplements to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research | Health Sciences Integrated Program | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Daniels, Jay | National Institutes of Health Ruth L. Kirschstein Individual Predoctoral National Research Service Award for MD/PhD and other Dual Degree Fellowships (F30) | MD Program/Driskill Graduate Program in Life Sciences | Feinberg/Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Morgun, Eva | National Institutes of Health Ruth L. Kirschstein Individual Predoctoral National Research Service Award for MD/PhD and other Dual Degree Fellowships (F30) | MD Program/Driskill Graduate Program in Life Sciences | Feinberg/Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Wang, Max | National Institutes of Health Ruth L. Kirschstein Individual Predoctoral National Research Service Award for MD/PhD and other Dual Degree Fellowships (F30) | MD Program/Driskill Graduate Program in Life Sciences | Feinberg/Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Carrow, Kendal | National Institutes of Health Ruth L. Kirschstein Individual Predoctoral National Research Service Award for MD/PhD and other Dual Degree Fellowships (F30) | Medical School | Feinberg/Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Chandra, Sidhanth | National Institutes of Health Ruth L. Kirschstein Individual Predoctoral National Research Service Award for MD/PhD and other Dual Degree Fellowships (F30) | Medical School | Feinberg/Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Schroth, Samantha | National Institutes of Health Ruth L. Kirschstein Individual Predoctoral National Research Service Award for MD/PhD and other Dual Degree Fellowships (F30) | Medical School | Feinberg/Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Zhang, Vivian | National Institutes of Health Ruth L. Kirschstein Individual Predoctoral National Research Service Award for MD/PhD and other Dual Degree Fellowships (F30) | Medical School | Feinberg/Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Chalmers, Zachary | National Institutes of Health Ruth L. Kirschstein Individual Predoctoral National Research Service Award for MD/PhD and Other Dual Degree Fellowships (F30) | Driskill Graduate Program in Life Sciences | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Drumm, Michael | National Institutes of Health Ruth L. Kirschstein Individual Predoctoral National Research Service Award for MD/PhD and Other Dual Degree Fellowships (F30) | Driskill Graduate Program in Life Sciences | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Hayes, Cooper | National Institutes of Health Ruth L. Kirschstein Individual Predoctoral National Research Service Award for MD/PhD and Other Dual Degree Fellowships (F30) | Driskill Graduate Program in Life Sciences | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Rawat, Radhika | National Institutes of Health Ruth L. Kirschstein Individual Predoctoral National Research Service Award for MD/PhD and Other Dual Degree Fellowships (F30) | Driskill Graduate Program in Life Sciences | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Truica, Mihai | National Institutes of Health Ruth L. Kirschstein Individual Predoctoral National Research Service Award for MD/PhD and Other Dual Degree Fellowships (F30) | Driskill Graduate Program in Life Sciences | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Vasan, Karthik | National Institutes of Health Ruth L. Kirschstein Individual Predoctoral National Research Service Award for MD/PhD and Other Dual Degree Fellowships (F30) | Driskill Graduate Program in Life Sciences | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Arafa, Hany | National Institutes of Health Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31) | Biomedical Engineering | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Beauchamp, James | National Institutes of Health Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31) | Biomedical Engineering | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Canton-Josh, Jose | National Institutes of Health Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31) | Neuroscience | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Coats-Thomas, Margaret | National Institutes of Health Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31) | Biomedical Engineering | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Droll, Stephenie | National Institutes of Health Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31) | Biological Sciences | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Gaertner, Zachary | National Institutes of Health Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31) | Neuroscience | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Grant, Rogan | National Institutes of Health Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31) | Neuroscience | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Hegazy, Marihan | National Institutes of Health Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31) | Driskill Graduate Program in Life Sciences | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Jakubowski, Kristen | National Institutes of Health Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31) | Biomedical Engineering | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Jo, Andrew | National Institutes of Health Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31) | Neuroscience | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Kountz, Timothy | National Institutes of Health Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31) | Driskill Graduate Program in Life Sciences | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Kwong, Ada | National Institutes of Health Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31) | Chemistry | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
McGee, John | National Institutes of Health Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31) | Chemical Engineering | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Munoz, Miranda | National Institutes of Health Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31) | Neuroscience | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Osborne, Kenneth | National Institutes of Health Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31) | Psychology | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Rollins, Madeline | National Institutes of Health Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31) | Driskill Graduate Program in Life Sciences | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Sombeck, Joseph | National Institutes of Health Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31) | Biomedical Engineering | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Telenson, Alexander | National Institutes of Health Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31) | Neuroscience | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Wang, Allison | National Institutes of Health Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31) | Biomedical Engineering | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Wienbar, Sophia | National Institutes of Health Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31) | Neuroscience | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Dipali, Shweta | National Institutes of Health Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31) | Driskill Graduate Program in Life Sciences | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Fu, Emily | National Institutes of Health Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31) | Clinical Psychology | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Ives, Ashley | National Institutes of Health Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31) | Chemistry | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Keszycki, Rachel | National Institutes of Health Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31) | Clinical Psychology | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Law, Calvin | National Institutes of Health Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31) | Driskill Graduate Program in Life Sciences | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Lurie, Sarah | National Institutes of Health Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31) | Neuroscience | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Pereira-Luppi, Maria | National Institutes of Health Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31) | Driskill Graduate Program in Life Sciences | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Thames, Ariel | National Institutes of Health Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31) | MD Program/Biological Sciences | Feinberg/Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Vigotsky, Andrew | National Institutes of Health Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31) | Biomedical Engineering | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Waldeck, Nathan | National Institutes of Health Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31) | Driskill Graduate Program in Life Sciences | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Weddle, Carly | National Institutes of Health Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31) | Driskill Graduate Program in Life Sciences | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Arias, Erika | National Institutes of Health Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31) | Medical School | Feinberg/Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Baraboo, Justin | National Institutes of Health Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31) | Biomedical Engineering | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Battalio, Samuel | National Institutes of Health Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31) | Clinical Psychology | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Brea, Lourdes | National Institutes of Health Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31) | Driskill Graduate Program in Life Sciences | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Capek, Matthew | National Institutes of Health Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31) | Biological Sciences | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Chen, Jiexi | National Institutes of Health Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31) | Driskill Graduate Program in Life Sciences | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Fattah, Mara | National Institutes of Health Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31) | Chemistry | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Heywood, Ashley | National Institutes of Health Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31) | Clinical Psychology | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Holden, Tobias | National Institutes of Health Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31) | Medical School/Health Sciences Integrated Program | Feinberg/Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Joshi, Divya | National Institutes of Health Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31) | Biomedical Engineering | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
King, Erin | National Institutes of Health Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31) | Neuroscience | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Lander, Stephen | National Institutes of Health Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31) | Medical School/Driskill Graduate Program in Life Sciences | Feinberg/Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Linden, Anne | National Institutes of Health Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31) | Neuroscience | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Miguel, Kayla | National Institutes of Health Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31) | Neuroscience | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Nili, Amanda | National Institutes of Health Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31) | Clinical Psychology | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Rao, Nalini | National Institutes of Health Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31) | Neuroscience | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Salvador, Jocelynda | National Institutes of Health Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31) | Driskill Graduate Program in Life Sciences | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Torres Acosta, Manuel | National Institutes of Health Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31) | Medical School/Driskill Graduate Program in Life Sciences | Feinberg/Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Trujillo, Jaquelyn | National Institutes of Health Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31) | Medical School/Driskill Graduate Program in Life Sciences | Feinberg/Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Tucci, Frank | National Institutes of Health Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31) | Biological Sciences | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Zalon, Annie | National Institutes of Health Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31) | Neuroscience | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Zvolanek, Kristina | National Institutes of Health Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31) | Biomedical Engineering | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
He, Isabella | National Institutes of Health Summer Internship Program in Biomedical Research | Biological Sciences | Weinberg | 2022-2023 |
Larocca, Laura | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Climate and Global Change Postdoctoral Program | Earth and Planetary Sciences | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Mosiman, Wyatt | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Ernest F. Hollings Undergraduate Scholarship | Journalism | Medill | 2020-2021 |
Bhattacharyya, Rumi | National Osteoporosis Foundation Mazess Student Fellowship | Life Sciences | The Graduate School | 1998-1999 |
Radeff, Julie | National Osteoporosis Foundation Mazess Student Fellowship | Life Sciences | The Graduate School | 1998-1999 |
Otim, Kathyrn | National Physical Sciences Consortium Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2007-2008 |
O'Connor, Devin | National Physical Sciences Consortium Fellowship | Mechanical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Bostic, Molly | National Physical Sciences Consortium for Women & Minorities | Computing & Info Systems | Weinberg College | 1999-2000 |
Erk, Kendra | National Research Council Post-doctoral Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Walsh, Michael | National Research Council Post-doctoral Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Gerlin, Gerpha | National Science Foundation Cultural Anthropology Methods Program Fellows | Anthropology | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Krause, Keegan | National Science Foundation Cultural Anthropology Methods Program Fellows | Anthropology | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Johnson-Kuhn, Jennifer | National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant | Anthropology | The Graduate School | 1996-1997 |
Ozbal, Rana Deniz | National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant | Anthropology | The Graduate School | 2000-2001 |
Miller, Aaron | National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant | Anthropology | The Graduate School | 2003-2004 |
McDonnell, Terence | National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant | Sociology | The Graduate School | 2004-2005 |
DeLucia, Kristin | National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant | Anthropology | The Graduate School | 2006-2007 |
Metz (McDonnell), Erin | National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant | Sociology | The Graduate School | 2006-2007 |
Morehart, Christopher | National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant | Anthropology | The Graduate School | 2006-2007 |
Mumm, Jesse | National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant | Anthropology | The Graduate School | 2006-2007 |
Lipkowitz, Elise | National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant | History | The Graduate School | 2007-2008 |
Mauxion, Aurelién | National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant | Anthropology | The Graduate School | 2007-2008 |
Anderson, Elisabeth | National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant | Sociology | The Graduate School | 2008-2009 |
Delale-O’Connor , Lori | National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant | Sociology | The Graduate School | 2008-2009 |
Baese-Berk, Melissa | National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant | Linguistics | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Bezila, Kieran | National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant | Sociology | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Bolsen, Toby | National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant | Political Science | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Day, Christopher | National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant | Political Science | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Millhauser, John | National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant | Anthropology | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Zaloznaya, Marina | National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant | Sociology | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Kares, Faith | National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant | Anthropology | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Hsieh, Yuli | National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Kosbie, Jeffrey | National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant | Sociology | The Graduate School/The Law School | 2011-2012 |
Koski, Jessica | National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant | Sociology | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Kosbie, Jeffrey | National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant | Sociology | The Graduate School/The Law School | 2012-2013 |
Hasnain, Sadaf | National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant | Anthropology | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Kovalsky, Elyse | National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant | Sociology | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Phillippi, Bradley | National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant | Anthropology | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Taylor, Sarah | National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant | Anthropology | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Valles, Dario | National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant | Anthropology | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Fink, Angela Marie | National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant | | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Gardner, Elliot Menachem | National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant | Plant Biology | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Lanari, Elisa | National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant | Anthropology | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Levy, Stephanie Brooke | National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant | Anthropology | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Radosavljevic, Aleksandar | National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant | Plant Biology | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Menon, Alka Vaid | National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant | Sociology | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Ferrant, Coline | National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant | Sociology | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Friedman, Brittany Michelle | National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant | Sociology | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Denby, Thomas | National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grants | Linguistics | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Garofalo, Livia | National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grants | Anthropology | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Grauer, Kacey | National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grants | Anthropology | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Kim, Nayoun | National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grants | Linguistics | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Kyweluk, Moira | National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grants | Anthropology | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Ramirez, Roberto Rosado | National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grants | Anthropology | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Ryan, Calen | National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grants | Anthropology | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Farhang, Foroogh | National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grants | Anthropology | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Kim, Andrew Wooyoung | National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grants | Anthropology | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Oubou, Hafsa | National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grants | Anthropology | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Perez, Julianna | National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grants | Anthropology | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Al-Saeedi, Safa | National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grants | Political Science | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Gubitz, Samuel | National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grants | Political Science | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Manus, Melissa | National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grants | Anthropology | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Reilly, Sophie | National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grants | Anthropology | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Reilly, Sophie | National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grants | Anthropology | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Rodriguez, Maria | National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grants | Linguistics | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Singh, Dilpreet | National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grants | Anthropology | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Singh, Dilpreet | National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grants | Anthropology | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Turner, Daniel | National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grants | Linguistics | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Dibbern, Jennifer | National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grants | Linguistics | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Ng, Carla | National Science Foundation East Asia and the Pacific Summer Institute | Chemical & Biological Engineering | The Graduate School | 2007-2008 |
Zhao, Bo | National Science Foundation East Asia and the Pacific Summer Institute | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2007-2008 |
Lodewyck, Jessica | National Science Foundation East Asia and the Pacific Summer Institute | Earth & Planetary Science | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Lodewyck, Jessica | National Science Foundation East Asia and the Pacific Summer Institute | Earth & Planetary Science | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Townsend, Joshua | National Science Foundation East Asia and the Pacific Summer Institute | Earth & Planetary Science | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Witek, Michael | National Science Foundation East Asia and the Pacific Summer Institute | Earth & Planetary Science | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Yao, Lu | National Science Foundation East Asia and the Pacific Summer Institute | Anthropology | Weinberg College | 2011-2012 |
Bruns, Carson | National Science Foundation East Asia and the Pacific Summer Institute | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Mrazek, Alissa | National Science Foundation East Asia and the Pacific Summer Institute | | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Huynh, Kimberly T. | National Science Foundation East Asia and the Pacific Summer Institute | | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Bigelow, Lauren | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Anthropology | The Graduate School | 1995-1996 |
Brewer, Luke | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 1995-1996 |
Kaplan, Audrey | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Cognitive Sciences | Weinberg College | 1995-1996 |
Kay, Tamara | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Sociology | Weinberg College | 1995-1996 |
Koch, Abigail | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Sociology | The Graduate School | 1995-1996 |
Langdo, Thomas | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Integrated Science Program | Weinberg College | 1995-1996 |
Leininger, April | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Cognitive Sciences | Weinberg College | 1995-1996 |
Love, Bradley | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Psychology | The Graduate School | 1995-1996 |
Meier, Nicole | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | McCormick | 1995-1996 |
Savla, Ushma | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Biomedical Engineering | McCormick | 1995-1996 |
Schmidt, Deanna | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Biomedical Engineering | McCormick | 1995-1996 |
Spade, Cynthia | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Applied Mathematics & Engineering Sciences | The Graduate School | 1995-1996 |
Thomas, Roy | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Psychology | The Graduate School | 1995-1996 |
Tsuji, Stuart | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemical & Biological Engineering | McCormick | 1995-1996 |
Amromin, Yevgeny | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Economics | Weinberg College | 1996-1997 |
Beattie, Josh | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Biological Sciences | Weinberg College | 1996-1997 |
Bishop, Rachel | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 1996-1997 |
Boroditsky, Lera | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Cognitive Sciences | Weinberg College | 1996-1997 |
Earl, Jennifer | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Social Policy | SESP | 1996-1997 |
Gunn, Virginia | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Psychology | The Graduate School | 1996-1997 |
Hay, Lesley | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemical & Biological Engineering | McCormick | 1996-1997 |
Lukas, William | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Anthropology | The Graduate School | 1996-1997 |
Padera, Timothy | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Biomedical Engineering | McCormick | 1996-1997 |
Palaniappan, Meena | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Civil & Environmental Engineering | McCormick | 1996-1997 |
Schwartz, Hillarie | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Psychology | The Graduate School | 1996-1997 |
Srivastava, Sanjay | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Psychology | Weinberg College | 1996-1997 |
Wu, Eric | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemistry | Weinberg College | 1996-1997 |
Arsham, Andrew | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Comparative Literary Studies | Weinberg College | 1997-1998 |
Carlson, Daniel Lawrence | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Civil & Environmental Engineering | McCormick | 1997-1998 |
Compton, Katherine Leigh | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Electrical Engineering & Computer Science | McCormick | 1997-1998 |
Furgiuele, Naomi Michelle | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemical & Biological Engineering | McCormick | 1997-1998 |
Gandhi, Chris Shrenik | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Integrated Science Program | Weinberg College | 1997-1998 |
Husberg, Marianne Elisabeth | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemical & Biological Engineering | McCormick | 1997-1998 |
Kammler, Daniel | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | McCormick | 1997-1998 |
Wilson, Andrew Thomas | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Electrical Engineering & Computer Science | McCormick | 1997-1998 |
Adams, Matthew | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Political Science | Weinberg College | 1998-1999 |
Balch, Dorian Kenneth | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 1998-1999 |
Bartelt, Shannon Leigh | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Civil & Environmental Engineering | McCormick | 1998-1999 |
Hamilton, Melissa Jo | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Electrical Engineering & Computer Science | McCormick | 1998-1999 |
Jenn, Brian Hunter | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Economics | The Graduate School | 1998-1999 |
Ozbal, Rana Deniz | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Anthropology | The Graduate School | 1998-1999 |
Rijssenbeek, Job Thomas | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 1998-1999 |
VanArk, Emily Mary | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Geological Sciences | Weinberg College | 1998-1999 |
Wilson, William Douglas | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Electrical Engineering & Computer Science | McCormick | 1998-1999 |
Allen, Kimberly Jo | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Business Administration | Kellogg School | 1999-2000 |
Bostic, Molly | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Computing & Info Systems | Weinberg College | 1999-2000 |
Cheryan, Sapna | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | American Studies | Weinberg College | 1999-2000 |
Endelman, Jeffrey | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemical & Biological Engineering | McCormick | 1999-2000 |
Reynolds, Anne | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemistry | Weinberg College | 1999-2000 |
Rissman, Tracey | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemical & Biological Engineering | McCormick | 1999-2000 |
Rosenzweig, Mark | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Biological Sciences | Weinberg College | 1999-2000 |
Schwille, John | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Mechanical Engineering | The Graduate School | 1999-2000 |
Sudbrack, Chantal | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 1999-2000 |
Tiefenbruck, Laura | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Electrical Engineering & Computer Science | The Graduate School | 1999-2000 |
Wilson, David | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Mathematics | Weinberg College | 1999-2000 |
Witney, Andrew | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Slavic Languages & Literature | Weinberg College | 1999-2000 |
Conrey, Frederica | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Psychology | The Graduate School | 2000-2001 |
Gratson, Gregory | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | McCormick | 2000-2001 |
Harper, Ermelinda | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Civil & Environmental Engineering | The Graduate School | 2000-2001 |
Huo, Jeffrey Sean | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Biomedical Engineering | McCormick | 2000-2001 |
Kreeger, Pamela | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemical & Biological Engineering | The Graduate School | 2000-2001 |
Madsen, Brian | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2000-2001 |
Mustanski, Brian | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Psychology | Weinberg College | 2000-2001 |
Nunalee, Frank | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2000-2001 |
Sawkar, Anu | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemistry | Weinberg College | 2000-2001 |
Winship, Scott | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Sociology | Weinberg College | 2000-2001 |
Winter, Jessica | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemical & Biological Engineering | McCormick | 2000-2001 |
Zahn, Jacob | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemical & Biological Engineering | McCormick | 2000-2001 |
Akalis, Scott | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Psychology | Weinberg College | 2001-2002 |
Clark, Jamie | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Anthropology | Weinberg College | 2001-2002 |
Creekmore III, Andy | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Anthropology | The Graduate School | 2001-2002 |
DePristo, Mark A. | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Computing & Info Systems | Weinberg College | 2001-2002 |
Greer, Christopher | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Physics & Astronomy | Weinberg College | 2001-2002 |
Hung, Albert | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2001-2002 |
Jefferis, Valerie | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Psychology | Weinberg College | 2001-2002 |
Kinser, Christopher | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2001-2002 |
Lefebvre, Michelle | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2001-2002 |
Niendem, Tara Ann | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Psychology | Weinberg College | 2001-2002 |
Orton, Kai | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Biological Sciences IBIS | The Graduate School | 2001-2002 |
Schwarzlose, Rebecca | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Psychology | Weinberg College | 2001-2002 |
Sutanto, Myra | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Biological Sciences | Weinberg College | 2001-2002 |
Tang, John | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Economics | Weinberg College | 2001-2002 |
Zambreno, Joseph | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Electrical Engineering & Computer Science | The Graduate School | 2001-2002 |
Anderson, Donde | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Integrated Science Program | Weinberg College | 2002-2003 |
Atanassova, Antonia | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Economics | Weinberg College | 2002-2003 |
Buchheit, Katherine | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Radio/TV/Film | School of Communication | 2002-2003 |
Fowler, Douglas | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemistry | Weinberg College | 2002-2003 |
Fuhrken, Peter | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemical & Biological Engineering | The Graduate School | 2002-2003 |
Guarrera, David | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Mathematics | Weinberg College | 2002-2003 |
Hakemian, Amanda | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2002-2003 |
Huang, Yi Ting | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Psychology | Weinberg College | 2002-2003 |
Knowles, Megan | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Psychology | The Graduate School | 2002-2003 |
Lee, Kathryn | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Biomedical Engineering | McCormick | 2002-2003 |
Lovejoy, Katherine | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Integrated Science Program | Weinberg College | 2002-2003 |
Meltz, Karyn | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Anthropology | Weinberg College | 2002-2003 |
Stehlin, Julia | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2002-2003 |
Torres, Cesar | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Civil & Environmental Engineering | The Graduate School | 2002-2003 |
Vieregge, Dale | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2002-2003 |
Andrew, Jennifer | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | McCormick | 2003-2004 |
Cadena, Brian | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Psychology | Weinberg College | 2003-2004 |
Eastwick, Paul | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Psychology | The Graduate School | 2003-2004 |
Fausey, Caitlin | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Spanish | Weinberg College | 2003-2004 |
Fox, Gretchen | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Psychology | Weinberg College | 2003-2004 |
Hunleth, Jean | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Anthropology | The Graduate School | 2003-2004 |
Kuna, Jeffrey | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Electrical Engineering & Computer Science | McCormick | 2003-2004 |
Lensch, Jessica | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2003-2004 |
Meier, Steven | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Biomedical Engineering | McCormick | 2003-2004 |
Nataraj, Shanthi | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Civil & Environmental Engineering | McCormick | 2003-2004 |
Pappacena, Kristen | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2003-2004 |
Severson, Elizabeth | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Anthropology | Weinberg College | 2003-2004 |
Sukal, Theresa | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Biomedical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2003-2004 |
Thomas, Gerald | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | History | Weinberg College | 2003-2004 |
Bishop, Kyle | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemical & Biological Engineering | The Graduate School | 2004-2005 |
Coyne, Jennifer | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemical & Biological Engineering | The Graduate School | 2004-2005 |
Destin, Mesmin | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Psychology | Weinberg College | 2004-2005 |
Finley, James | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Biomedical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2004-2005 |
Ihm, Catherine | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Physics & Astronomy | Weinberg College | 2004-2005 |
Joo, John | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | McCormick | 2004-2005 |
Lai, Bonnie | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Biomedical Engineering | McCormick | 2004-2005 |
Levine, Seth | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemical & Biological Engineering | The Graduate School | 2004-2005 |
Liu, Wenhao | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Integrated Science Program | Weinberg College | 2004-2005 |
Meade, Lesley | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Mechanical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2004-2005 |
Mumm, Jesse | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Anthropology | The Graduate School | 2004-2005 |
Nijm, Grace | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Electrical Engineering & Computer Science | The Graduate School | 2004-2005 |
Pfeiffer, Deirdre | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Performance Studies | School of Communication | 2004-2005 |
Rankin, Yolanda | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Electrical Engineering & Computer Science | The Graduate School | 2004-2005 |
Seitz, Michelle | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2004-2005 |
Simpson, Jamesina | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Electrical Engineering & Computer Science | The Graduate School | 2004-2005 |
Smith, Alexi | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Anthropology | Weinberg College | 2004-2005 |
Vura-Weis, Josh | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2004-2005 |
Honbo, Daniel | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Electrical Engineering & Computer Science | The Graduate School | 2005-2006 |
Kent, Lansing | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Economics | The Graduate School | 2005-2006 |
Laun, Gregory | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Psychology | Weinberg College | 2005-2006 |
Lopour, Beth | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Mechanical Engineering | McCormick | 2005-2006 |
Lucas, Gale | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Psychology | The Graduate School | 2005-2006 |
Margolis, Jeffrey | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Biological Sciences | Weinberg College | 2005-2006 |
Merzlyak, Anna | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Biomedical Engineering | McCormick | 2005-2006 |
Miller, Elizabeth | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Psychology | Weinberg College | 2005-2006 |
Pace (Finley), Stacey | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemical & Biological Engineering | The Graduate School | 2005-2006 |
Patel, Kush | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Integrated Science Program | Weinberg College | 2005-2006 |
Pentzer, Emily | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2005-2006 |
Perry, Nicola | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2005-2006 |
Quinn, Elizabeth | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Anthropology | The Graduate School | 2005-2006 |
Quist, Brian | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Biomedical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2005-2006 |
Rice, Tonya | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2005-2006 |
Rudoy, John | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Neuroscience | The Graduate School | 2005-2006 |
Scott, Justin | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2005-2006 |
Tefft, Brandon | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Biomedical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2005-2006 |
Vose, Thomas | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Mechanical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2005-2006 |
Dew-Becker, Ian | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Economics | Weinberg College | 2006-2007 |
Deymier, Alix | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2006-2007 |
Giam , Louise | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2006-2007 |
Grace, Ariel | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Psychology | The Graduate School | 2006-2007 |
Huang, Kevin | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Electrical Engineering & Computer Science | McCormick | 2006-2007 |
Hughes, Laura | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2006-2007 |
Juarez, Santiago | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Anthropology | The Graduate School | 2006-2007 |
Le, Ian | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Mathematics | The Graduate School | 2006-2007 |
Mikelonis, Anne Marie | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Civil & Environmental Engineering | McCormick | 2006-2007 |
Overholtzer, Lisa | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Anthropology | The Graduate School | 2006-2007 |
Rondinelli, James | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | McCormick | 2006-2007 |
Rottman, Benjamin | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Cognitive Sciences | Weinberg College | 2006-2007 |
Salahi, Sara | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Biomedical Engineering | McCormick | 2006-2007 |
Sharrock, Katherine | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Anthropology | Weinberg College | 2006-2007 |
Vento, Melanie | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Anthropology | The Graduate School | 2006-2007 |
Yousef, Andrew | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2006-2007 |
Ziebell, Tiffany | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | McCormick | 2006-2007 |
Zuhl, Andrea | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemistry | Weinberg College | 2006-2007 |
Chan, Stephanie C. | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2007-2008 |
Chlon, Timothy M | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Integrated Graduate Program in the Life Sciences | The Graduate School | 2007-2008 |
Cote, Laura J | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2007-2008 |
George, Christopher B. | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2007-2008 |
Grillo, Doris | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemical & Biological Engineering | The Graduate School | 2007-2008 |
Herman, David | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2007-2008 |
Herrmann, Patricia A | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Psychology | The Graduate School | 2007-2008 |
Jolly, Amber | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Cell & Molecular Biology | The Graduate School | 2007-2008 |
Jones, Matthew | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2007-2008 |
Jorgensen, Daniel | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2007-2008 |
Lim, Jeremy | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Biomedical Engineering | McCormick | 2007-2008 |
Osberg, Kyle | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2007-2008 |
Pakula, Margaret | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Civil & Environmental Engineering | McCormick | 2007-2008 |
Perrachione, Tyler | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Linguistics | Weinberg College | 2007-2008 |
Pradhan, Suraj | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Biological Sciences | Weinberg College | 2007-2008 |
Proffit, Diana | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2007-2008 |
Tsuruta, Fuko | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Civil & Environmental Engineering | McCormick/Bienen School | 2007-2008 |
Twist, Christina | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Mechanical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2007-2008 |
Wakefield, Noelle | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Molecular & Cellular Biology | The Graduate School | 2007-2008 |
Wetzel, Jon | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Electrical Engineering & Computer Science | The Graduate School | 2007-2008 |
Zha, Runye | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2007-2008 |
Boiteau, Rene | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Integrated Science Program | Weinberg College | 2008-2009 |
Brown, Samantha | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Integrated Science Program | Weinberg College | 2008-2009 |
Cembrowski, Mark | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Applied Mathematics & Engineering Sciences | The Graduate School | 2008-2009 |
Clark, Alan | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Media, Technology & Society | The Graduate School | 2008-2009 |
Ebeling, Carl | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Earth & Planetary Science | The Graduate School | 2008-2009 |
Fischer, Rebecca | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Integrated Science program | Weinberg College | 2008-2009 |
Gettler, Lee | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Anthropology | The Graduate School | 2008-2009 |
Goens, Dawna | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Sociology | The Graduate School | 2008-2009 |
Hammock, Mallory | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemical & Biological Engineering | McCormick | 2008-2009 |
Kreno, Lauren | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2008-2009 |
Liang, Yu Teng | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2008-2009 |
Martell, Jeffrey | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemistry | Weinberg College | 2008-2009 |
Matosziuk, Lauren | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2008-2009 |
Miranda, Almita | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Anthropology | The Graduate School | 2008-2009 |
Morris-Cohen, Adam | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2008-2009 |
Murray, Ian | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2008-2009 |
Powers, Chivon | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Psychology | The Graduate School | 2008-2009 |
Stubbs, Matilda | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Anthropology | The Graduate School | 2008-2009 |
Thayer, Zaneta | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Anthropology | The Graduate School | 2008-2009 |
Turpin, Matthew | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Mechanical Engineering | McCormick | 2008-2009 |
Young, Jessica | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Anthropology | The Graduate School | 2008-2009 |
Young , Kaylie Lynn | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2008-2009 |
Zhu, Yan-Jin | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Mechanical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2008-2009 |
Benck, Jesse | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemical & Biological Engineering | McCormick | 2009-2010 |
Browne, Kevin | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Bruns, Carson | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Byker, Sarah | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Carlson, Nicole | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Physics & Astronomy | McCormick | 2009-2010 |
Carpenter, Lacey | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Anthropology | Weinberg College | 2009-2010 |
Craig, Maureen | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Social Psychology | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Cramer, Margaret | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Radio/TV/Film | School of Communication | 2009-2010 |
Ebben, Carlena | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Fahrenbach, Albert | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Garcia, Denia | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Psychology | Weinberg College | 2009-2010 |
Greene, Michael | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Theoretical & Applied Mechanics | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Greene, Michael | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Theoretical & Applied Mechanics | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Handelsman, Alysa | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Spanish | Weinberg College | 2009-2010 |
Hecht, Brent | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Electrical Engineering & Computer Science | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Hechtman, Lisa | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Psychology | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Hertel-Fernandez, Alexander | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2009-2010 |
Imas, Alex | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Economics | Weinberg College | 2009-2010 |
Johnson, Anthony | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Kahn, Yonatan | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Wind & Percussion Instruments | Bienen School/Weinberg College | 2009-2010 |
Knowles, Kathryn | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Levin, Todd | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Integrated Science Program | Weinberg College | 2009-2010 |
Lewis, Sheena | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Technology & Social Behavior | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Manuel, Steven | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Mechanical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
McBriarty, Martin | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Moyer, Tyson | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Mui, Stephanie | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Biological Sciences | Weinberg College | 2009-2010 |
Myrick, Amy | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Sociology | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Nicolaou, Zachary | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Mathematics | Weinberg College | 2009-2010 |
Oeser, Michelle | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Biological Sciences | Weinberg College | 2009-2010 |
Patel, Swati | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | International Studies | Weinberg College | 2009-2010 |
Personick, Michelle | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Phan, Joseph-Tin | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Biological Sciences | Weinberg College | 2009-2010 |
Rafalovich, Igor | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Neurobiology & Physiology | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Rheinschmidt, Michelle | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Psychology | Weinberg College | 2009-2010 |
Schearer, Eric | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Mechanical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Son, Deborah | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Psychology | Weinberg College | 2009-2010 |
Stoerzinger, Kelsey | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | McCormick | 2009-2010 |
Sun, Wenhao | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Applied Mathematics & Engineering Sciences | Weinberg College | 2009-2010 |
Tallman, Paula | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Anthropology | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Tanaka, Hiroaki | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Mathematics | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Timmerman, Laura | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemical & Biological Engineering | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Valles, Dario | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Anthropology | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Young, Aaron | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Biomedical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Zelasko, Daria | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Biomedical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Ackerman, David | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Integrated Science program | Weinberg College | 2010-2011 |
Andrews, Jessica | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Learning Sciences | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Antaris, Alexander | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Electrical Engineering & Computer Science | McCormick | 2010-2011 |
Avestro, Alyssa-Jennifer | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Barton, Phillip | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | McCormick | 2010-2011 |
Beckerman, Bernard | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Bragg, Jared | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Anthropology | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Cao, Dennis | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Cartwright, Mark | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Electrical Engineering & Computer Science | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Colon, Yamil | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemical & Biological Engineering | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Cutsail, George | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Electrical Engineering & Computer Science | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Drake, Tasha | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Dyer, Elizabeth | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Learning Sciences | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Edwards, Brian | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Psychology | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Farr, Benjamin | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Physics & Astronomy | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Frank, Matthew | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Economics | Weinberg College | 2010-2011 |
Frankel, Dana | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Heffern, Marie | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Hines, Elizabeth | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Biological Sciences | Weinberg College | 2010-2011 |
Holte, Dane | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemistry | Weinberg College | 2010-2011 |
Hu, Dennis | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemistry | Weinberg College | 2010-2011 |
Karl, Daniel | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | English | Weinberg College | 2010-2011 |
Kath, James | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Integrated Science Program | Weinberg College | 2010-2011 |
Knelman, Joseph | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Environmental Sciences | Weinberg College | 2010-2011 |
Koltonow, Andrew | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Miller, Michelle | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Integrated Science program | Weinberg College | 2010-2011 |
Nuamah, Sally | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Political Science | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Radosevich, Andrew | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Biomedical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Rodriguez, Carl | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Physics & Astronomy | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Safron, Adam | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Psychology | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Saslow, Sarah | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Seanez, Ismael | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Biomedical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Sekar, Karthik | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Sileika, Tadas | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Biomedical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
So, Monica | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Strasser, Samantha | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Biomedical Engineering | McCormick | 2010-2011 |
Tan, Anthony | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | McCormick | 2010-2011 |
Townsend, Taryn | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Tupper, Catherine | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Wells, Daniel | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Applied Mathematics & Engineering Sciences | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Wytock, Thomas | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Physics & Astronomy | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Zhukhovitskiy, Aleksandr | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Physics & Astronomy | Weinberg College | 2010-2011 |
Aguado, Brian | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Biomedical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Amin, Victor | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Barnaby, Stacey | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Benson, David | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Economics | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Brand, Stephen | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemical & Biological Engineering | McCormick | 2011-2012 |
Carney, Christiane | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Chung, Peter | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Daly, Nathan | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemistry | Weinberg College | 2011-2012 |
Froberg, John | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Biological Sciences | Weinberg College | 2011-2012 |
Geier, Michael | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Gruenke, Natalie | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Hankins, Patrick | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Hannah, Daniel | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Haynes, Alyssa | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Horwitz, Noah | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Howell, Sarah | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Hoyos, Christian | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Psychology | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Jackson, Nicholas | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Levy, Dorainne | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Psychology | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Levy, Stephanie | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Anthropology | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Linzmeier, Lauren | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Mathematics | Weinberg College | 2011-2012 |
Liu, Jason | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Integrated Science program | Weinberg College | 2011-2012 |
Luck, Kyle | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Madison, Lindsey | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
O'Brien, Matthew | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Perez, Jessica | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemical & Biological Engineering | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Pouchet, Jessica | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Anthropology | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Qu, Lisa | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Neuroscience | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Randeria, Pratik | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Biomedical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Rawlings, Michael | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Rorschach, Katherine | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Mechanical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Ruggero, Nicholas | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemical & Biological Engineering | McCormick | 2011-2012 |
Salk, Rachel | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Psychology | Weinberg College | 2011-2012 |
Senior, Ana | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Psychology | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Shastry, Tejas | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | McCormick | 2011-2012 |
She, Yiwei | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Mathematics | Weinberg College | 2011-2012 |
Sheppard, John | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Biomedical Engineering | McCormick/Weinberg College | 2011-2012 |
Sturdy, Lauren | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Troiano, Julianne | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Vargas, Iliana | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Psychology | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Wang, Christine | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Economics | Weinberg College | 2011-2012 |
Weinberg, David | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Weisshaar, Katherine | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Sociology | Weinberg College | 2011-2012 |
White, Kolby | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Psychology | Weinberg College | 2011-2012 |
Yao, Lu | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Anthropology | Weinberg College | 2011-2012 |
Yee, Alexander | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Electrical Engineering & Computer Science | McCormick | 2011-2012 |
Young, Christina | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Clinical Psychology | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Aldrich, Thomas | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Ansari, Asna | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Integrated Science Program | Weinberg College | 2012-2013 |
Audu, Cornelius | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Beckerman, Laura | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Astrobiology | Weinberg College | 2012-2013 |
Bushnell, Grace | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Biomedical Engineering | McCormick | 2012-2013 |
Butler, Melanie | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Cain, Jeffrey | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Crosby, Lawrence | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Dale, Edward | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Duffy, Patrick | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Eichel, Kelsie | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Biological Sciences | Weinberg College | 2012-2013 |
Felberg, Lisa | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemical & Biological Engineering | McCormick | 2012-2013 |
Gwynne, Ewain | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Mathematical Methods in the Social Sciences | Weinberg College | 2012-2013 |
Hartz, Erica | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Hernandez, Christopher | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Anthropology | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Herrmann, Sascha | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Mathematics | Weinberg College | 2012-2013 |
Hill, Kaitlin Marie Speer | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Applied Mathematics & Engineering Sciences | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Holsteen, Aaron | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Hui, Julie | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Mechanical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Jacobs, Abigail | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Mathematical Methods in the Social Sciences | Weinberg College | 2012-2013 |
Johnson, Anthony | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Sociology | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Kahn, Lauren | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Cognitive Sciences | Weinberg College | 2012-2013 |
Kay, Jennifer | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemical & Biological Engineering | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Larson, Grace | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Social Psychology | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Maltman, Alexis | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Communication Sciences & Disorders | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Mansukhani, Nikhita | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Martin, Rey | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemical & Biological Engineering | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Mauck, Catherine | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
McGourty, Colleen | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Biological Sciences | Weinberg College | 2012-2013 |
Moffitt, Stephanie | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Perszyk, Danielle | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Psychology | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Plunk, Amelia | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Pozzi, Eric | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Reddick, Michael | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemical & Biological Engineering | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Rickert, Karl | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Roche, Kevin | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Civil & Environmental Engineering | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Rutz, Alexandra | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Biomedical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Seyfarth, Scott | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Musicology | Bienen School/Weinberg College | 2012-2013 |
Soler-Crespo, Rafael | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Theoretical & Applied Mechanics | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Thaner, Ryan | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Tsai, Charlie | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemical & Biological Engineering | McCormick | 2012-2013 |
Upshur, Mary | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Voong, Lilien | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Molecular Biosciences | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Yurk, Natasha | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Social Policy | SESP | 2012-2013 |
Zarychta, Alan | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Social Policy | SESP | 2012-2013 |
Zhao, Zhibo | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | McCormick | 2012-2013 |
Alster, Eli Edward | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Ashley, Michael | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Barstein, Jamie Nicole | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Psychology | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Bucior, Benjamin James | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Chase, Hilary | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Clarke, Samantha | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Clifton, Sara | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Engineering Sciences & Applied Mathematics | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Cook, Daniel | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Life Sciences | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Davis, Amanda | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Biological Sciences | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
de Paz, Alexandra | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Biological Sciences | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Deibler, Kristine | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Des Soye, Benjamin | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Biological Sciences | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Edelbrock, John Francis | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Material Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Edme, Kedy | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
FitzSimons, Kathleen Anne | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Mechanical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Ford, Matthew | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Mechanical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Fried, Ruby | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Anthropology | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Fuentes, Christina | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Biomedical Engineering | McCormick | 2013-2014 |
Gallagher, Audrey | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Graham, Michael | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Grant, Jennifer | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Harburg, Emily | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Technology & Social Behavior | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Harris, Rachel | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Hujsak, Karl | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Hutcheson, Jason | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemistry | Weinberg College | 2013-2014 |
Jiang, Han | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Neuroscience | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Kokish, Mark | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Kolberg, Alexandra Nichole | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Biomedical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Mannix, Andrew | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
McAnally, Michael | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
McGeachy, Alicia | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Miller, Samuel | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Moser, Newell | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Mechanical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Nauert, Scott | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Norko, Marissa | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Engineering Sciences & Applied Mathematics | McCormick | 2013-2014 |
Nothelfer, Christine | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Psychology | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Nowierski, Samantha | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Applied Physics | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Pegg, Caitlin E. | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Life Sciences | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Peterson, Erik | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2013-2014 |
Scholes, Rachel | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemical & Biological Engineering | McCormick | 2013-2014 |
Serrano, Christopher | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Shahani, Ashwin | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Skinner, Owen | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Sladek, Michael | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Psychology | Weinberg College | 2013-2014 |
Smith, Rachel | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Biological Sciences | Weinberg College | 2013-2014 |
Sprague, Emily | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Applied Physics | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Weidner, Victoria | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Willis, Alexander Masato | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Wright, Madeleine | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Yeh, Chyi-Huey | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Barona, Melissa | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Beamer, Matthew Michael | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Civil & Environmental Engineering | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Beck, Megan Elizabeth | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Materials Science and Engineering | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Bhandari, Abhit | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | | Weinberg College | 2014-2015 |
Binelli, Erica Ashley | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Neuroscience | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Cassidy, Rachel Marie | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Biomedical Engineering | McCormick | 2014-2015 |
Chin, Stacey Megan | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Chiou, Kevin | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Materials Science and Engineering | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Coffel, Ethan David | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | | Weinberg College | 2014-2015 |
Dolberg, Taylor Brianne | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemical Engineering: | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Doubleday, Peter Francis | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Biological Sciences | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Eid, Aya | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Biomedical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Emery, Lydia Fiske | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Psychology | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Fixelle, Joshua | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Physics and Astronomy | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Frost, Allison Marie | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | | SESP | 2014-2015 |
Garcia, Xavier Eduardo | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Mathematics | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Gaviria Rojas, William Andres | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Electrical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Ger, Stephanie Kwang-Yu | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Engineering Science & Applied Math | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Haque, Zahin Ambereen | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Economics and Maths | Weinberg College | 2014-2015 |
Helal, Kazi Yasin | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemical Engineering: | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Johnson, Eric Daniel | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | | Weinberg College | 2014-2015 |
Kafka, Orion Landauer | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Mechanical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Kirshon, Layne David | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | | Weinberg College | 2014-2015 |
Kocher, Acadia Anne | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | | Weinberg College | 2014-2015 |
Kremer, Kyle Lee | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Physics | Bienen School | 2014-2015 |
Laramy, Christine Rose | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemical Engineering: | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
LaTourrette, Alexander Scott | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Psychology | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Lee , Keyoung David | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | | Weinberg College | 2014-2015 |
Lewis, Jacob Alexander | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Biomedical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Lhota, Redmond Charles | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | | McCormick | 2014-2015 |
Lim, Alane Tarianna | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Materials Science and Engineering | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Logsdon, Jenna Leigh | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Matsuda, Nathan Seigo | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Computer Science | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
McFarlin, Jamie Marie | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Earth & Planetary Sciences | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Nangia, Nishant | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Engineering Sciences & Applied Mathematics | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Noble, Charleston Michael | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | | Weinberg College | 2014-2015 |
Ohno, Paul Erich | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Okoniewski, Stephen Richard | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | | Weinberg College | 2014-2015 |
Perry, Bruce Alan | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Price , Christopher K. | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Reynolds, Ryan Dave | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Santos, Peter | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | | McCormick | 2014-2015 |
Stark, Jessica C. | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Sutherland, Erika | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | | Weinberg College | 2014-2015 |
Tedeschi (Reynolds), Ellen Elizabeth | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Psychology | Weinberg College | 2014-2015 |
Valley, Shannon Gabrielle | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | | Weinberg College | 2014-2015 |
Vander Ende, Emma Rose | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Wallace, Shay Goff | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Ware, Henry Oliver | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Mechanical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Winkelmann, James Arthur | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Biomedical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Witkowski, Sarah Jean | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Psychology | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Woodruff , James Zachary | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Mechanical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Adkins, Amy | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Biomedical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Antonoplis, Stephen Michael | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Economics | Weinberg College | 2015-2016 |
Be, Ariana Gray | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Bergeron, Hadallia | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
DeBenedictis, Elizabeth | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Mechanical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Dickman, Taylor Marie | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Ernst, Adrienne Rosemarie | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Plant Biology & Conservation | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Garr-Schultz, Alexandra Kristen | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Psychology | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Glazer, James | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Psychology | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Grovogui, Jann Albert | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Hernandez Gonzalez, Liliana Maria | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Civil & Environmental Engineering | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Heydari, David | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Electrical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Kathawalla, Ummul-Kiram | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Human Development & Psychological Services | SESP | 2015-2016 |
Kelty, Margaret Louise | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemistry | Weinberg College | 2015-2016 |
Kim, Do Soon | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Lam, David | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Materials Sciences & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Lee, Aileen | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Biological Sciences | Weinberg College | 2015-2016 |
Lin, Stephen Edward | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Mechanical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Liquin, Emily Grace | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Cognitive Science | Weinberg College | 2015-2016 |
Mayhew, Hannah Elizabeth | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
McClelland, Kevin Patrick | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Menssen, Rebecca Marie Gobel | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Engineering Sciences & Applied Mathematics | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Pairs, Pranee Ida-Louise | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemistry | Weinberg College | 2015-2016 |
Palmer, Rebecca Hansen | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Pang, Edward | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | McCormick | 2015-2016 |
Park, Jesse | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemistry | Weinberg College | 2015-2016 |
Pearson, Tyler James | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Reeves, Cody Jordan | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Engineering Sciences & Applied Mathematics | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Rote, Jennifer | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Rowberg, Andrew Joseph | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Materials Sciences & Engineering | McCormick | 2015-2016 |
Rucker, Julian Michael | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Psychology | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Seo, Hannah Seungyeon | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemical Engineering | McCormick | 2015-2016 |
Smith, Eric Nathan | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Biological Sciences | Weinberg College | 2015-2016 |
Stranford, Devin | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Tirado, Fernando Luis Reyes | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Materials Sciences & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Velkoff, Elizabeth Ann | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | English | Weinberg College | 2015-2016 |
Yu, Jessica | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Beard, Jessica Claire | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemistry | Weinberg College | 2016-2017 |
Chen, Rui | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Physics | Weinberg College | 2016-2017 |
Cordero Mercado, Joseph Yadiel | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Physics | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Davis, Janel | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Biomedical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Fink, Heather McGinnis | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Economics | Weinberg College | 2016-2017 |
Gallagher, Natalie McDaniel | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Psychology | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Gwynne, Araminta | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Mathematics | Weinberg College | 2016-2017 |
Harmon, Katherine | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Applied Physics | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Hightower, Brianna | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Media, Technology & Society | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Hunt, Andrew Colin | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Kitch, Gabriella Dawn | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Earth & Planetary Sciences | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Maddock, Stephen James | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Technology & Social Behavior | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Marrero, Raul E. | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Civil & Environmental Engineering | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Mazuski, Richard John | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Stringed Instruments | Bienen School/Weinberg College | 2016-2017 |
McLeod, Shaunna Marie | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Myong, Michele | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Nazon, Yves Frantz | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Mechanical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Powderly, Kelly Marie | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemistry | Weinberg College | 2016-2017 |
Powers-Riggs, Natalia Elise | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Reibstein, Sarah | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Anthropology | Weinberg College | 2016-2017 |
Roots, Paul | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Civil & Environmental Engineering | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Shaffer, Jonathan David | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Biomedical Engineering | McCormick | 2016-2017 |
Stojkovska, Iva | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Neuroscience | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Straccia, Mark | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Mechanical Engineering | McCormick/Weinberg College | 2016-2017 |
Vigotsky, Andrew David | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Biomedical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Wenzell, Katherine Elizabeth | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Plant Biology & Conservation | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Avila, Raudel Oswaldo | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Mechanical Engineering | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Basu, Devika | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Psychology | Weinberg | 2017-2018 |
Beckmann, Lisa Jane | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Biomedical Engineering | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Burke, Jacqueline Alexis | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Biomedical Engineering | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Chan, Yu Chin | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Mechanical Engineering | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Chriswell, Kaitlyn Elaine | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Political Science | Weinberg | 2017-2018 |
Collins, Kelsey Ann | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Chemistry | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Edelstein, Hailey Ilyse | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Chemical Engineering | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Fries, Chelsea | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Biomedical Engineering | McCormick | 2017-2018 |
Gurvich, Alexander | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Physics | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Harvey, Samantha Marie | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Chemistry | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Henry, Laura Nicole | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Psychology/Human Communication Sciences | Weinberg/Communication | 2017-2018 |
Herr, Vincent Craig | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Mathematics | Professional Studies | 2017-2018 |
Jackson, Brennan Leo | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Biomedical Engineering | McCormick | 2017-2018 |
Jibril, Liban | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Materials Science and Engineering | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Kelly, John Michael | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Psychology | Weinberg | 2017-2018 |
Kennedy, Nolan | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Biological Sciences | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Kimmel, Blaise Russel | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Chemical Engineering | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Lynne, Alyssa Anne | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Sociology | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Madhvapathy, Surabhi | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Materials Science and Engineering | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Majewska, Natalia Izabela | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Chemical Engineering | McCormick | 2017-2018 |
Miller, David Webster | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Mirea, Nicole Irene | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Linguistics | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Oestreich, William Kent | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Environmental Engineering | McCormick | 2017-2018 |
Parker, Kelly Ann | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Materials Science and Engineering | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Peruzzi, Justin Alexander | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Chemical Engineering | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Rasor, Blake | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Chemical Engineering | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Skala, Luke Peter | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Chemistry | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Steele, Ariana June | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Linguistics | Weinberg | 2017-2018 |
Strauss, Michael Joseph | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Chemistry | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Swanson, Tessa Louise | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Civil Engineering | McCormick | 2017-2018 |
Watkins, Nicolas Edward | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Chemistry | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Amrofell, Matthew Brooks | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Chemical Engineering | McCormick | 2018-2019 |
Bain, Justin Andrew | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Plant Biology and Conservation | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Barham, Elena | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Political Science | Weinberg | 2018-2019 |
Bellcross, Aleia | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Chemistry | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Boyd, Margrethe Anne | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Biomedical Engineering | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Brantly, Nathan | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Biomedical Engineering | McCormick | 2018-2019 |
Brunel, Lucia | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Chemical Engineering | McCormick | 2018-2019 |
Bushick, Kyle Matthew | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Materials Science and Engineering | McCormick | 2018-2019 |
Calcaterra, Heather Ann | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Chemical Engineering | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Castano, Ioannina | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Chemistry | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Ceja, Cristina Renee | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Psychology | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Cooley, Victoria Mae | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Materials Science and Engineering | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Downing, Julia Roclo | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Materials Science and Engineering | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Eckdahl, Christopher | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Chemistry | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Edgington, Jane Aileen | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Chemical Engineering | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Gray, Robert Matthew | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Applied Mathematics | McCormick | 2018-2019 |
Gruver, Andrea Marie | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Plant Biology and Conservation | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Harper, Clare | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Life Sciences | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Holloway, Ashley | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Neuroscience | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Johns, Sara Allmond | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Economics | Weinberg | 2018-2019 |
Kim, Yehsong | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Psychology | Weinberg | 2018-2019 |
Kofman, Camila | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Chemical Engineering | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Koninckx, Elsa | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Chemical Engineering | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Kunz, Miriam Magdalene Bohlmann | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Chemistry | Weinberg | 2018-2019 |
Lee, Sarah Priscilla | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Human Development and Psychological Services | Education and Social Policy | 2018-2019 |
Lu, Grace Meng-wei | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Mathematics | Weinberg | 2018-2019 |
Meehan, Elizabeth Anne | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Political Science | Weinberg | 2018-2019 |
Miguel, Kayla Christine | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Neuroscience | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Miller, Christopher Xavier | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Mechanical Engineering | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Minkowicz, Samuel | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Neuroscience | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Moravek, Jessie | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Biological Sciences | Weinberg | 2018-2019 |
Morrison, William Dean | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Economics | Weinberg | 2018-2019 |
Ng, Daniel Siukei | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Materials Science and Engineering/Linguistics | McCormick/Weinberg | 2018-2019 |
Pukelis, Kelsey Bianca | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Economics | Weinberg | 2018-2019 |
Rasmussen, Rebecca Ann | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Life Sciences | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Rokhmanova, Nataliya | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Biomedical Engineering | McCormick | 2018-2019 |
Roldan, Wendy | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Mechanical Engineering | McCormick | 2018-2019 |
Sayed, Hassan | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Economics | Weinberg | 2018-2019 |
Schlafly, Millicent K. | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Mechanical Engineering | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Schoeneberger, Carrie Anne | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Chemical Engineering | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Silver, Jamilah | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Human Development and Psychological Services/Psychology | Education and Social Policy/Weinberg | 2018-2019 |
Smith, Cara Stephanie | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Biomedical Engineering | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Thomas, Lauren Catherine | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Economics | Weinberg | 2018-2019 |
VanBelzen, Daniel Jacob | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Life Sciences | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Vratsanos, Maria Anastasia | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Materials Science and Engineering | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Wang, Louis Shen | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Materials Science and Engineering | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Wasson, Megan Cathleen | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Chemistry | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Watson, Garrett | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Materials Science and Engineering | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Webster, Samantha Ann | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Theoretical and Applied Mechanics | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Whitehill, Matthew Steven | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Mechanical Engineering | McCormick | 2018-2019 |
Wiggs, Devin Scott | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Sociology | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Archuleta, Chloe | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Chemical Engineering | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
Banerjee, Dipayan | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Industrial Engineering | McCormick | 2019-2020 |
Bisram, Marisa Ravena | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Mechanical Engineering | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
Borgsmiller, Leah Elizabeth | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Materials Science and Engineering | McCormick | 2019-2020 |
Boucher, Jonathan | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Interdisciplinary Biological Sciences | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
Brown, Paige Joann | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Chemistry | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
Bryan, Austin Drake | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Anthropology | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
Callahan, Christopher | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Environmental Sciences | Weinberg | 2019-2020 |
Chaney, Lindsey Elise | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Materials Science and Engineering | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
Chu, Ross | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Economics | Weinberg | 2019-2020 |
Cox, Lisa Marie | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Linguistics | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
Guo, Melody Chen | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Chemistry | Weinberg | 2019-2020 |
Hilburger, Claire | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Biomedical Engineering | McCormick | 2019-2020 |
Hirani, Zoheb | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Chemistry | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
Hwang, Sohyeon | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Media, Technology, and Society | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
Jeang, William | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Materials Science and Engineering | McCormick | 2019-2020 |
Knapp, Julia Grace | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Chemistry | Graduate School | 2019-20 |
Kuo, Lidia | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Materials Science and Engineering | Graduate School | 2019-20 |
LaGrassa, Nicholas | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Computer Science and Learning Sciences | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
Lemley, Breniel Quebral | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Media, Technology, and Society | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
Lennon, Maya Danielle | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Media, Technology, and Society | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
Lowell, Beverly | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Physics | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
Miller, Kyle Daniel | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Materials Science and Engineering | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
Ng, Rachel Ka Yan | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Biological Sciences | Weinberg | 2019-2020 |
Panuganti, Shobhana | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Chemistry | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
Popovic, Katarina | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Chemical Engineering | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
Prado, Olivia Anna | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Global Health Studies | McCormick | 2019-2020 |
Ray, Michael William | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Interdisciplinary Biological Sciences | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
Su, Katherine | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Materials Science and Engineering | McCormick | 2019-2020 |
Taylor, Rita Lynn | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Cognitive Science | Weinberg | 2019-2020 |
Todes, Jordan | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Earth and Planetary Sciences | Weinberg | 2019-2020 |
Wang, Xiaotian | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
Younkin, Gordon Curtis | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Chemistry | Weinberg | 2019-2020 |
Anderson, Eric | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Materials Science and Engineering | McCormick | 2020-2021 |
Arnold, Jack | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Chemical Engineering | McCormick | 2020-2021 |
Benavidez, Bobbie | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Anthropology | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Bidstrup, Erik | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Chemical Engineering | McCormick | 2020-2021 |
Bier, Sarah | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Biological Sciences | Weinberg | 2020-2021 |
Brown, Paul | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Materials Science and Engineering | McCormick | 2020-2021 |
Brucks, Matthew | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Chemical Engineering | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Budzikowski, Jorie | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Biomedical Engineering | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Calderon, Chloe | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Physics | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Chellam, Nikhil | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Chemical Engineering | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Coile, Matthew | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Chemical Engineering | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Coplan, Caitlin | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Chemistry | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Degen, Eleanor | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Biological Sciences | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Gunnels, Taylor | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Biomedical Engineering | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Guo, Binghao | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Materials Science and Engineering | McCormick | 2020-2021 |
Huttelmaier, Stefanie | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Civil and Environmental Engineering | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Kwik, Harrison | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Technology and Social Behavior | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Lally, Maura | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Physics | Weinberg | 2020-2021 |
Lee, Claire | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Computer Engineering | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Lim, Sarah | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Computer Science | Weinberg | 2020-2021 |
Ma, Jaron | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Materials Science and Engineering | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Mangum, Hannah | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Sociology | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
McDonnell, Emma | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Computer Science | McCormick | 2020-2021 |
Mirabito, Yakira | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Materials Science and Engineering | McCormick | 2020-2021 |
Mittelberg, Tara | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Environmental Sciences | Weinberg | 2020-2021 |
Omahen, Nicholas | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Astronomy | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Pe, David | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Chemistry | Weinberg | 2020-2021 |
Puleo, Peter | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Earth and Planetary Sciences | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Riesel, Eric | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Chemistry | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Salamanca, Paul | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Sociology | Weinberg | 2020-2021 |
Schroeder, Zachary | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Theatre | Communication | 2020-2021 |
Silverman, David | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Psychology | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Simitz, Lauren | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Chemical Engineering | McCormick | 2020-2021 |
Taylor, Elijah | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Interdisciplinary Biological Sciences | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Varner, Samuel | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Chemical Engineering | McCormick | 2020-2021 |
Velazquez, Diana | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Environmental Sciences | Weinberg | 2020-2021 |
Wang, Brenda | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Chemical Engineering | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
West, Cory | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Materials Science and Engineering | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Wong, Mauying | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Chemistry | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Balvanz, Adam | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Chemistry | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Bardgett, Dylan | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Chemistry | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Bland, Matthew | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Materials Science and Engineering | McCormick | 2021-2022 |
Butler, Ellyn | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Psychology | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Chiu, Jessica | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Materials Science and Engineering | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Coirier, Nathaniel | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Electrical Engineering | McCormick | 2021-2022 |
Day, Alexandra | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Computer Engineering | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
DiBiase, Beth | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Chemical Engineering | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Evitt, David | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Mechanical Engineering | McCormick | 2021-2022 |
Fahy, Kira | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Chemistry | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Glenn, Maya | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Gender and Sexuality Studies | Weinberg | 2021-2022 |
Gomez-Patron, Andrea | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Electrical Engineering | McCormick | 2021-2022 |
Henry, Kaylee | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Biomedical Engineering | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Kawles, Allegra | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Neuroscience | Weinberg | 2021-2022 |
Kim, Yejun | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Chemical Engineering | McCormick | 2021-2022 |
Lavroff, Robert | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Chemical Engineering | McCormick | 2021-2022 |
Liu, Alisa | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Computer Science | Weinberg | 2021-2022 |
Marand, Anika | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Interdisciplinary Biological Sciences | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Montoya, Ryne | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Chemical Engineering | McCormick | 2021-2022 |
O'Connor, Liam | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Paul, McKinley | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Materials Science and Engineering | McCormick | 2021-2022 |
Pereyra, Alessandro | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Materials Science and Engineering | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Pieczulewski, Naomi | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Materials Science and Engineering | McCormick | 2021-2022 |
Ricard, Jordyn | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Human Development and Psychological Services | Education and Social Policy | 2021-2022 |
Rosario, Erica | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Interdisciplinary Biological Sciences | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Sanroman Gutierrez, Kenzie | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Chemical Engineering | McCormick | 2021-2022 |
Schauer, Elizabeth | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Chemical Engineering | McCormick | 2021-2022 |
Semenza, Evan | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Neuroscience | Weinberg | 2021-2022 |
Sultan, Imran | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Physics | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Sun, Molly | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Chemistry | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Tran, Mia | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Civil and Environmental Engineering | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Walker, Mitchell | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Materials Science and Engineering | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
White, Hope | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Neuroscience | Weinberg | 2021-2022 |
Williams, Christian | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Materials Science and Engineering | McCormick | 2021-2022 |
Aeschliman, Spencer | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Civil and Environmental Engineering | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Braun, Katherine | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Earth and Planetary Sciences | Weinberg | 2022-2023 |
Call, Connor | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Chemical Engineering | McCormick | 2022-2023 |
Carter, Dori-Taylor | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | American Studies | Weinberg | 2022-2023 |
Choi, Hyeonseon | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Materials Science and Engineering | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Clements, Rebecca | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Biomedical Engineering | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Colon, Evan | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Theoretical and Applied Mechanics | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
DeFoe, Alysse | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Chemical Engineering | McCormick | 2022-2023 |
Delgado, Jennifer | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Chemistry | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Diaz-Arauzo, Santiago | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Materials Science and Engineering | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Edmonds, Donnisa | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Neuroscience | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Ganti-Agrawal, Saahir | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Applied Mathematics | McCormick | 2022-2023 |
Garcia Solares, Julio | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Anthropology | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Ge, Wanqian | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Computer Science | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Georgopoulos, Leonidas | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Materials Science and Engineering | McCormick | 2022-2023 |
Gonzalez Prieto, Elena | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Astronomy | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Griffith, Justin | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Chemical Engineering | McCormick | 2022-2023 |
Harriott, Emily | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Human Communication Sciences | Communication | 2022-2023 |
Humbert, Heather | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Biological Sciences | Weinberg | 2022-2023 |
Hyatt, Benjamin | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Joseph, Madeline | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Chemical Engineering | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Kalamaris, Nicholas | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Chemical Engineering | McCormick | 2022-2023 |
Kocoj, Conrad | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics | McCormick | 2022-2023 |
Li, Alice | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Chemistry | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Lohman-Meza, Patricia | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Materials Science and Engineering | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Louie, Garrett | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Physics | Weinberg | 2022-2023 |
Lu, Jazmyn | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Materials Science and Engineering | McCormick | 2022-2023 |
Luo, Daniel | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Economics | Weinberg | 2022-2023 |
Mast, Zachary | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Chemistry | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Melles, Eden | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Political Science | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Moisanu, Casandra | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Chemistry | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Naji, Maram | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Chemical Engineering | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Nash, Bailey | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Earth and Planetary Sciences | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Newmeyer, Emma-Rose | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Chemistry | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Olszewski, Alyssa | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Chemistry | Weinberg | 2022-2023 |
Palmer, Jonathan | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Chemistry | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Pietryga, Jacob | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Materials Science and Engineering | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Ramirez Aguilar, Teresita | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Astronomy | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Rieth, Isabelle | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Neuroscience | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Riordan, Kimberly | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Chemistry | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Sant'Anna, Lucas | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Biomedical Engineering | McCormick | 2022-2023 |
Sobol, Sarah | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Chemical Engineering | McCormick | 2022-2023 |
Stokes, Chase | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Psychology | Weinberg | 2022-2023 |
Swaroop Bellie, Darsan | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Jazz Studies/Physics | Bienen/Weinberg | 2022-2023 |
Tellez, Liana | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Chemical Engineering | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Trost, Jenna | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Chemical Engineering | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Ulloa, Obsmara | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Computer Science | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
White, Logan | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Materials Science and Engineering | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Wu, Rebecca | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Anthropology | Weinberg | 2022-2023 |
Zaki, Shadden | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Materials Science and Engineering | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Zha, Rujing | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Mechanical Engineering | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Ebrahim, Omar | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Chemistry | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Farsheed, Adam | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Mechanical Engineering | McCormick | 2020-2021 |
Fenimore, Logan | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Chemical Engineering | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Fernandez, Jared | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Electrical Engineering | McCormick | 2020-2021 |
Roan, Joshua | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Materials Science and Engineering | McCormick | 2020-2021 |
Rosencrance, Celeste | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Driskill Graduate Program in Life Sciences | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Guerra, Lauren | National Science Foundation Non-Academic Research Internships for Graduate Students | Chemistry | Weinberg | 2022-2023 |
Saha, Sourav | National Science Foundation Non-Academic Research Internships for Graduate Students | Theoretical and Applied Mathematics | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Gowda, Karan | National Science Foundation Quantitative Biology Undergraduate Summer Research Program | Biological Sciences | Weinberg | 2019-2020 |
Petersen, Gabriel | National Science Foundation Quantitative Biology Undergraduate Summer Research Program | Mathematics | Weinberg | 2019-2020 |
Nguyen, Quynh-May | National Science Foundation Quantitative Biology Undergraduate Summer Research Program | Statistics | Weinberg | 2020-2021 |
Boruchov, Hannah | National Science Foundation Research Experiences for Undergraduates | Mechanical Engineering | McCormick | 2020-2021 |
Goedde, Bradley | National Science Foundation Research Experiences for Undergraduates | Mechanical Engineering | McCormick | 2020-2021 |
He, Jeffrey | National Science Foundation Research Experiences for Undergraduates | Mechanical Engineering | McCormick | 2020-2021 |
Jung, Minjee | National Science Foundation Research Experiences for Undergraduates | Environmental Sciences | Weinberg | 2020-2021 |
Lin, Kyra | National Science Foundation Research Experiences for Undergraduates | Environmental Sciences | Weinberg | 2020-2021 |
Morton, Sean | National Science Foundation Research Experiences for Undergraduates | Mechanical Engineering | McCormick | 2020-2021 |
Mosiman, Wyatt | National Science Foundation Research Experiences for Undergraduates | Journalism | Medill | 2020-2021 |
Seifried, Tessa | National Science Foundation Research Experiences for Undergraduates | Environmental Sciences | Weinberg | 2020-2021 |
Velazquez, Diana | National Science Foundation Research Experiences for Undergraduates | Environmental Sciences | Weinberg | 2020-2021 |
Williams, Christian | National Science Foundation Research Experiences for Undergraduates | Materials Science and Engineering | McCormick | 2020-2021 |
Azevedo, Julia | National Science Foundation Research Experiences for Undergraduates | Industrial Engineering | McCormick | 2021-2022 |
Bah, Ibrahima | National Science Foundation Research Experiences for Undergraduates | Industrial Engineering | McCormick | 2021-2022 |
Gamliel, Natan | National Science Foundation Research Experiences for Undergraduates | Computer Science | McCormick | 2021-2022 |
Gao, Jingqing | National Science Foundation Research Experiences for Undergraduates | Mechanical Engineering | McCormick | 2021-2022 |
Lee, Christopher | National Science Foundation Research Experiences for Undergraduates | Industrial Engineering | McCormick | 2021-2022 |
Luo, Zening (Tony) | National Science Foundation Research Experiences for Undergraduates | Computer Science | Weinberg | 2021-2022 |
McCotter, Erin | National Science Foundation Research Experiences for Undergraduates | Biological Sciences | Weinberg | 2021-2022 |
Morris, Avery | National Science Foundation Research Experiences for Undergraduates | Industrial Engineering | McCormick | 2021-2022 |
O'Patka, Ryan | National Science Foundation Research Experiences for Undergraduates | Computer Science | Weinberg | 2021-2022 |
Ruck, Emma | National Science Foundation Research Experiences for Undergraduates | Mechanical Engineering | McCormick | 2021-2022 |
Ryan, Parker | National Science Foundation Research Experiences for Undergraduates | Computer Science/Radio/Television/Film | McCormick/Communication | 2021-2022 |
Tadesse, Kate | National Science Foundation Research Experiences for Undergraduates | Biological Sciences | Weinberg | 2021-2022 |
Tenner, Aliyah | National Science Foundation Research Experiences for Undergraduates | Computer Science | McCormick | 2021-2022 |
Wicks, Kathyrn | National Science Foundation Research Experiences for Undergraduates | Industrial Engineering | McCormick | 2021-2022 |
Berg, James | National Science Foundation Research Experiences for Undergraduates | Environmental Sciences | Weinberg | 2022-2023 |
Cao, Erica | National Science Foundation Research Experiences for Undergraduates | Environmental Sciences | Weinberg | 2022-2023 |
Hahm, Lydia | National Science Foundation Research Experiences for Undergraduates | Mechanical Engineering | McCormick | 2022-2023 |
Klingler, Carol | National Science Foundation Research Experiences for Undergraduates | Mechanical Engineering | McCormick | 2022-2023 |
Tajuddin, Imra | National Science Foundation Research Experiences for Undergraduates | Chemistry | Weinberg | 2022-2023 |
Zitomer, Daniel | National Science Foundation Research Experiences for Undergraduates | Jazz Studies | Weinberg | 2022-2023 |
Reith, Alisa | National Science Foundation Research Traineeship Program | Learning Sciences | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Yoo, Jonathan | National Security Education Program Flagship Language Initiative | History | Weinberg College | 2004-2005 |
Stokes, Mikala | National Society of the Colonial Dames of America Award for Graduate Study in American History | History | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Chou, Yu-Tien | National Trombone Quartet Competition (First Prize) | Wind and Percussion Instruments | Bienen | 2022-2023 |
Fowler, William | National Trombone Quartet Competition (First Prize) | Wind and Percussion Instruments | Bienen | 2022-2023 |
Mihalich, Nicholas | National Trombone Quartet Competition (First Prize) | Wind and Percussion Instruments | Bienen | 2022-2023 |
Simms, Hillary | National Trombone Quartet Competition (First Prize) | Wind and Percussion Instruments | Bienen | 2022-2023 |
Ribet, Stephanie | National Water Research Institute-American Membrane Technology Association Graduate Fellowships for Membrane Technology | Materials Science and Engineering | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Twocrow, Isabella | Native American Congressional Internship Program | Learning and Organizational Change | Education and Social Policy | 2021-2022 |
Nies, Anne | Native Orchid Society Fred Case Grant | Plant Biology & Conservation | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Grant, Curtis | Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada Postgraduate Scholarships - Doctoral | Mathematics | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Karapetyan, Aleksandr | Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada Postgraduate Scholarships - Doctoral | Mathematics | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Zou, Jay | Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada Postgraduate Scholarships - Doctoral | Integrated Science Program | Weinberg | 2022-2023 |
Tzou, Justin | Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada Scholarship | Engineering Sciences & Applied Mathematics | The Graduate School | 2007-2008 |
Chin, Gillian | Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada Scholarship | Industrial Engineering & Management Sciences | The Graduate School | 2008-2009 |
Harney, Allison | Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada Scholarship | Biological Sciences IBIS | The Graduate School | 2008-2009 |
Chin, Gillian | Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada Scholarship | Industrial Engineering & Management Sciences | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Gordon, Lyle | Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada Scholarship | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Bonar, Nicolle Andrea | Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada Scholarship | Biological Sciences IBIS | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Girard, Martin | Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada Scholarship | Applied Physics | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Bonar, Nicolle Andrea | Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada Scholarship | Biological Sciences IBIS | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
McMillan, Janet Rose | Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada Scholarship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Lagunas, Natalie | NCAA's Ethnic Minority and Women's Enhancement Postgraduate Scholarship for Careers in Athletics | English | Weinberg College | 2014-2015 |
Taylor, La'Terria Jasmine | NCAA's Ethnic Minority and Women's Enhancement Postgraduate Scholarship for Careers in Athletics | Management Studies | Kellogg School | 2014-2015 |
Montane, Veronica | NCAA Ethnic Minority and Women’s Enhancement Graduate Scholarship | Physical Therapy | Feinberg | 2021-2022 |
Ison, Mark | NCAA Wayne Duke Postgraduate Award | Electrical Engineering & Computer Science | McCormick | 2009-2010 |
Fitzgibbons, Mary | NEH Younger Scholars Award | English | Weinberg College | 1985-1986 |
Yarbery, Anita | NEH Younger Scholars Award | American Studies | Weinberg College | 1988-1989 |
Gore, Dayo | NEH Younger Scholars Award | History | Weinberg College | 1990-1991 |
Manna, Paul | NEH Younger Scholars Award | Political Science | Weinberg College | 1990-1991 |
Slauter, Eric | NEH Younger Scholars Award | History | Weinberg College | 1990-1991 |
Daschko, Lev | Neporany Doctoral Fellowship | History | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
Oyon, Daniel Eduardo | Neurosurgery Research & Education Foundation Fellowship | Medical School | Feinberg | 2015-2016 |
McCoy, Laura | New England Regional Fellowship Consortium | History | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Glaholt, Hayley Rose | New England Regional Fellowship Consortium Fellowship | Religious Studies | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Rquibi, Leila | New Roots for Restoration Grant | Plant Biology and Conservation | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Hofmaier, Keenya | New York City Teaching Fellows | Social Policy | SESP/Weinberg College | 2009-2010 |
Gissendanner, Gwendolyn | New York City Urban Fellows Program | Social Policy | Education and Social Policy | 2017-2018 |
Shapiro, Michaela | New York City Urban Fellows Program | History | Weinberg | 2018-2019 |
Abdullah, Ali | New York City Urban Fellows Program | Political Science | Weinberg | 2020-2021 |
Rubin, Anna | New York City Urban Fellows Program | Legal Studies | Weinberg | 2021-2022 |
Dembosky, Hannah | New York City Urban Fellows Program | Environmental Sciences | Weinberg | 2022-2023 |
Pei, Bridget | New York Flute Club Competition (Finalist) | Wind and Percussion Instruments | Bienen | 2020-2021 |
McCaffrey, Hope | New-York Historical Society Mellon Foundation Predoctoral Award in Women’s History and Public History | History | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
McCaffrey, Hope | New York Public Library Short-Term Research Fellowships | History | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Francis, Laila | New York State Summer Writers Institute Scholarship | English | Weinberg | 2017-2018 |
Liu, Yunhao (Leslie) | New York State Summer Writers Institute Scholarship | Economics | Weinberg | 2017-2018 |
Pan, Megan | New York State Summer Writers Institute Scholarship | Philosophy | Weinberg | 2017-2018 |
Shaw, Sydney | New York State Summer Writers Institute Scholarship | Journalism | Medill | 2017-2018 |
Crane, Liza | New York Youth Symphony First Music Program | Composition and Music Technology | Bienen | 2021-2022 |
Dennis, Ashley | Next Exit History Research Assistant Internship | African American Studies | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
O'Malley, Patrick Ryan | Next on Grand: National Composers Intensive Fellowship 2015 | Music Composition | Bienen School | 2015-2016 |
Adamski, Katherine | NIAF Voyage of Discovery | Psychology | Weinberg College | 2008-2009 |
Pardini, Emily | NIAF Voyage of Discovery | Undeclared | SESP | 2009-2010 |
Lu, Yi-Ting | Nief-Norf Summer Festival Call for Scores | Music Composition | Bienen | 2020-2021 |
Gast, Alexandra | NIH Academy Fellowship | Biological Sciences | Weinberg College | 2009-2010 |
Johnson, Thomas | NIH Cambridge University Scholarship | Biological Sciences | Weinberg College | 2006-2007 |
Srinivasan, Sharan | NIH Cambridge University Scholarship | Integrated Science Program | Weinberg College | 2008-2009 |
Sheppard, John | NIH Cambridge University Scholarship | Biomedical Engineering | McCormick | 2009-2010 |
Sumner, Jennifer | NIH National Research Award | Psychology | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Wilt, Joshua | NIH National Research Award | Psychology | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Shepherd, Brittany | NIH OxCam University Scholarship | Medical School | Feinberg | 2010-2011 |
Fernandopulle, Michael Sanjay | NIH OxCam University Scholarship | Medical Scientist Training Program | The Graduate School/Feinberg | 2015-2016 |
Kita, Ryosuke | NIH Post Baccalaureate Intramural Research Training Award | Integrated Science program | Weinberg College | 2008-2009 |
Nadig, Ajay | NIH Post Baccalaureate Intramural Research Training Award | | Weinberg College | 2016-2017 |
Bromann, Paul | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Neuroscience | The Graduate School | 1997-1998 |
Farkas, Frank | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Neuroscience | The Graduate School | 1997-1998 |
Easton, Amy | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Neuroscience | The Graduate School | 1998-1999 |
Oh, Myongsoo | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Neuroscience | The Graduate School | 1998-1999 |
Sangoram, Ashvin | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Neuroscience | The Graduate School | 1998-1999 |
Fitzgerald, Matthew | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Audiology & Hearing Science | School of Communication | 2000-2001 |
Hooker, Christine | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Psychology | The Graduate School | 2000-2001 |
Kuo, Amy Gamelli | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Neuroscience | The Graduate School | 2000-2001 |
Whittlesey, Kevin | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Biological Sciences IBIS | The Graduate School | 2000-2001 |
Wilcoxon, Jennifer | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Neuroscience | The Graduate School | 2000-2001 |
Wu, Wendy | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Neuroscience | The Graduate School | 2000-2001 |
Baum, Amber | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Neuroscience | The Graduate School | 2001-2002 |
Gerdin, Matthew | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Neuroscience | The Graduate School | 2001-2002 |
Jarsky, Tim | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Neuroscience | The Graduate School | 2001-2002 |
Lodewyck, Danielle | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Speech & Language Pathology | The Graduate School | 2001-2002 |
Metz, Alexia | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Neuroscience | The Graduate School | 2001-2002 |
Miller, Michael | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Biomedical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2001-2002 |
Wible, Bradley | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Neuroscience | The Graduate School | 2001-2002 |
Bauer, Jay | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Speech & Language Pathology | School of Communication | 2002-2003 |
Bent, Tessa | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Linguistics | The Graduate School | 2002-2003 |
Grieco, Tina | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Neuroscience | The Graduate School | 2002-2003 |
Kaczorowski, Catherine Cook | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Neuroscience | The Graduate School | 2002-2003 |
Wilson, Regina | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Life Sciences | The Graduate School | 2002-2003 |
Carpentier, Pamela | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Neuroscience | The Graduate School | 2003-2004 |
Czeisler, Catherine | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Neuroscience | The Graduate School | 2003-2004 |
Daniels, Cynthia | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Biological Sciences IBIS | The Graduate School | 2003-2004 |
Hyngstrom, Allison | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Neuroscience | The Graduate School | 2003-2004 |
Khaliq, Zayd | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Neuroscience | The Graduate School | 2003-2004 |
Miller, Brooke | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Neuroscience | The Graduate School | 2003-2004 |
Ajiboye, Abidemi | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Biomedical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2004-2005 |
Izzo, Agnella | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Biomedical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2004-2005 |
Jaramillo, Thomas | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Neuroscience | The Graduate School | 2004-2005 |
Koenig, Anne | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Psychology | The Graduate School | 2004-2005 |
Lapointe, Nichole | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Neuroscience | The Graduate School | 2004-2005 |
Mander, Bryce | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Neuroscience | The Graduate School | 2004-2005 |
Sutton, Jonathan | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Psychology | The Graduate School | 2004-2005 |
Taylor, Kimberly | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Biological Sciences IBIS | The Graduate School | 2004-2005 |
Aratyn, Yvonne | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Life Sciences | The Graduate School | 2005-2006 |
Huyck, Julia | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Communication Sciences & Disorders | The Graduate School | 2005-2006 |
Jacobs, Rachel | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Clinical Psychology | The Graduate School | 2005-2006 |
Matthews, Elizabeth | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Neuroscience | The Graduate School | 2005-2006 |
Pugh, Jason | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Neuroscience | The Graduate School | 2005-2006 |
Rogalski, Emily | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Neuroscience | The Graduate School | 2005-2006 |
Ajiboye, Abidemi | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Biomedical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2006-2007 |
Aman, Teresa | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Neuroscience | The Graduate School | 2006-2007 |
Applewhite, Derek | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Life Sciences | The Graduate School | 2006-2007 |
Aratyn, Yvonne | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Mechanical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2006-2007 |
Cieslak, John Anthony | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Medical School | Feinberg/The Graduate School | 2006-2007 |
Craft, Jeffrey | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Medical School | Feinberg/The Graduate School | 2006-2007 |
Fuller, Abby | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Cell & Molecular Biology | The Graduate School | 2006-2007 |
Gertler, Tracy | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Medical School | Feinberg/The Graduate School | 2006-2007 |
Huyck, Julia Jones | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Communication Sciences & Disorders | The Graduate School | 2006-2007 |
Hyngstrom, Allison | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Neuroscience | The Graduate School | 2006-2007 |
Jacobs, Rachel | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Clinical Psychology | The Graduate School | 2006-2007 |
Jaffe, Kimberly | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Biological Sciences | The Graduate School | 2006-2007 |
Jalali , Ali | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | | Feinberg | 2006-2007 |
Jaramillo, Thomas | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Neuroscience | The Graduate School | 2006-2007 |
Kopp, Kelly | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Life Sciences | The Graduate School | 2006-2007 |
Lenaeus, Michael | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Medical School | Feinberg/The Graduate School | 2006-2007 |
Lin, Erick | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | | Feinberg | 2006-2007 |
Mander, Bryce | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Neuroscience | The Graduate School | 2006-2007 |
Matthews, Elizabeth | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Neuroscience | The Graduate School | 2006-2007 |
Mutch, Christopher | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Medical School | Feinberg/The Graduate School | 2006-2007 |
O'Connor, Tracy | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Life Sciences | The Graduate School | 2006-2007 |
Pejchal, Martina | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Medical School | Feinberg/The Graduate School | 2006-2007 |
Pugh, Jason | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Neuroscience | The Graduate School | 2006-2007 |
Quirion, Mary | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Life Sciences | The Graduate School | 2006-2007 |
Redig, Amanda | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Medical School | Feinberg/The Graduate School | 2006-2007 |
Reynolds, Matthew | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | | Feinberg | 2006-2007 |
Rogalski, Emily | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Neuroscience | The Graduate School | 2006-2007 |
Salvay, David | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | | Feinberg | 2006-2007 |
Sayed, Blayne | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Medical School | Feinberg/The Graduate School | 2006-2007 |
Simpson, Cory | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Medical School | Feinberg/The Graduate School | 2006-2007 |
Thompson, Wendy | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Life Sciences | The Graduate School | 2006-2007 |
Umetsu, Sarah | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Medical School | Feinberg/The Graduate School | 2006-2007 |
Wang, Jade | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Neuroscience | The Graduate School | 2006-2007 |
Woodhead, Gregory | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | | Feinberg/The Graduate School | 2006-2007 |
Carias, Ann | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Biological Sciences | The Graduate School | 2007-2008 |
Sabin, Andrew | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Communication Sciences & Disorders | The Graduate School | 2007-2008 |
Sittig, Laura | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Neuroscience | The Graduate School | 2008-2009 |
Caulfield, Margaret | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Life Sciences | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Guzman, Yomayra | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Neuroscience | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Jackson, Marisa | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Medical Scientist Training Program | Feinberg/The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Oby, Emily | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Neuroscience | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Patel, Dipal | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Medical School | Feinberg/The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Quach , David | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Neuroscience | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Rangel, Stephanie | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Life Sciences | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Ruderman, Sarah | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Biomedical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Seluzicki, Adam | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Biological Sciences IBIS | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Vanleeuwen, Jon-Eric | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Neuroscience | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Strait, Dana | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Neuroscience | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Zhang, Angelica | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Medical Scientist Training Program | Feinberg | 2010-2011 |
Adewuyi, Adenike | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Biomedical Engineering | Feinberg/The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Adeyanju, Oyinlolu | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Biomedical Engineering | Feinberg/The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Anderegg, Angela | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Neuroscience | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Anderson, Charles | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Neuroscience | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Atienza, Roxanne | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Brown, Abigail | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Communication Sciences & Disorders | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Campochiaro, Laura | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Medical Scientist Training Program | Feinberg/The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Dewey, James | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Communication Sciences & Disorders | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Hatfield, Julianne | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Life Sciences | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Hoover, Eric | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Communication Sciences & Disorders | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Krizman, Jennifer | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Communication Sciences & Disorders | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Martin, Rebecca | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Molecular Sciences | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Nordin, Kara | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Molecular Sciences | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Romereim, Sarah | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Molecular Sciences | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Rouse, Elliot | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Biomedical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Sabin, Andrew | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Communication Sciences & Disorders | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Schieber, Michael | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Medical Scientist Training Program | Feinberg | 2011-2012 |
Sebeson, Amy | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Molecular Sciences | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Shook, Anthony | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Communication Sciences & Disorders | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Skory, Robin | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Medical Scientist Training Program | Feinberg/The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Tarasewicz, Elizabeth | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Life Sciences | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Chatterjee, Neil | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Medical Scientist Training Program | Feinberg | 2012-2013 |
Chen, Po-Han | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Medical Scientist Training Program | Feinberg | 2012-2013 |
Escobar, David | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Medical Scientist Training Program | Feinberg | 2012-2013 |
Gao, Ruoqi | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Medical Scientist Training Program | Feinberg | 2012-2013 |
Martin, Rebecca | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Biological Sciences | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
McEwen, Abbye | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Medical Scientist Training Program | Feinberg | 2012-2013 |
Moore, Laura | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Medical Scientist Training Program | Feinberg | 2012-2013 |
Nordin, Kara | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Biological Sciences | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Pope, Christopher | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Biological Sciences | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Schuchard, Julia | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Communication Sciences & Disorders | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Sita, Timothy | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Medical Scientist Training Program | Feinberg/The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Smith, Lauren | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Medical Scientist Training Program | Feinberg | 2012-2013 |
Wetz, Suzanne | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Medical Scientist Training Program | Feinberg | 2012-2013 |
Aguiniga, Lizath Monserrath | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Life Sciences | Feinberg | 2013-2014 |
Baler, Kevin | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Biomedical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Baudo, Robert B. | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Communication Sciences & Disorders | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Cooper, Garry | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Neuroscience | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Cyrus, Bita Faterneh | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Life Sciences | Feinberg | 2013-2014 |
Duckett, Philethea Rochester | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Health Services & Outcomes Research | Feinberg | 2013-2014 |
Krizman, Jennifer | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Communication Sciences & Disorders | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Leech, Kristan Anne | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Neuroscience | Feinberg | 2013-2014 |
Lewis, Amanda Halley | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | IbiS | Feinberg | 2013-2014 |
Mendoza, Adelita | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Short, Abigail E. | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Life Sciences DGP | Feinberg | 2013-2014 |
Weber, Kenneth Arnold | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Neuroscience | Feinberg | 2013-2014 |
Yonek, Juliet C. | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Health Sciences Integrated Program | Feinberg | 2013-2014 |
Bajema, Elizabeth Amber | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Belli, Hayley Michelle | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Biomedical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Brooker, Sarah Marie | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Neuroscience | Feinberg/The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Bush, Nicholas Edward | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Interdepartmental Neuroscience | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Howard, James David | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Neuroscience | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Johnson, Reva Elisa | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Biomedical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
McGee, Warren | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Neuroscience | Feinberg/The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Mciver, Eileen | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Neuroscience | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Perich, Matthew George | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Biomedical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Seáñez-Gonzales, Ismael | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Biomedical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Spriggs, Chelsey Cierra | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Life Sciences | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Stiles-Shields, Elizabeth Colleen | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Clinical Psychology | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Thacker, Jon Matthew | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Biomedical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Wu, Yeechan | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Neuroscience | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Anker, Jonathan | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Life Sciences | Feinberg/The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Bayer, Amanda Rose | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Brazee, Patricia | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Life Sciences | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Capo-Lugo, Carmen Enid | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Neuroscience | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Cooper, John | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Neuroscience | Feinberg/The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Fisher, Daniel | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | | Feinberg/The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Harmon, Thomas | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Neuroscience | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Lamano, Jonathan | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Life Sciences | Feinberg/The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Rutledge, Nakisha | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Life Sciences | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Shapiro, Jason | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Life Sciences | Feinberg/The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Slater, Jessica | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Communication Science & Disorders | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Soetikno, Brian | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Biomedical Engineering | Feinberg/The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Techner, Jose-Marc | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Chemistry | Feinberg/The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Thomas, Alexandra Lee | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Life Sciences | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Toth, Anna | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Neuroscience | Feinberg/The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Vega, Marvin Marcus | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Wadhwani, Anil | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Neuroscience | Feinberg/The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Donahue, Patrick | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual Predoctoral NRSA for MD/PhD (F30) | Medical Scientist Training Program | The Graduate School/Feinberg | 2016-2017 |
Reinhart, Paul | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Predoctoral Individual National Service Award | Communication Science & Disorders | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Eshein, Adam | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Predoctoral Individual NRSA (F31) | Biomedical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Ferrer, Jennifer Rachel | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Predoctoral Individual NRSA (F31) | Biological Sciences | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Frederick, Natalie | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Predoctoral Individual NRSA (F31) | Neuroscience | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Manes, Jordan | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Predoctoral Individual NRSA (F31) | Neuroscience | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
McDonald, Benjamin | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Predoctoral Individual NRSA (F31) | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Ohm, Daniel | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Predoctoral Individual NRSA (F31) | Neuroscience | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Su, Jimmy | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Predoctoral Individual NRSA (F31) | Biomedical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Thompson, Elaine | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Predoctoral Individual NRSA (F31) | Communication Science & Disorders | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Thorp, Elias Barry | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Predoctoral Individual NRSA (F31) | Biomedical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Wu, Jia Jie | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Predoctoral Individual NRSA (F31) | Biological Sciences | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Han, Lucy | NIH Summer Student Research Fellowship | Psychology | Weinberg College | 2008-2009 |
Rodman, Tara | Nippon Foundation Fellowship | Theatre & Drama | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
De Leon, Alexa | Nippon Foundation Fellowship | History | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Wang, Xuandi | NLGJA: The Association of LGBTQ+ Journalists Excellence in International Coverage | History | Weinberg | 2022-2023 |
Feller-Simmons, Paul | Noah Greenberg Award | Musicology | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Arnold, Claire | North American Conference on British Studies Dissertation Fellowship | History | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Daily, Ruby | North American Conference on British Studies Dissertation Fellowship | History | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Maslakowski, Katya | North American Conference on British Studies Dissertation Fellowship | History | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Walters, Emily Curtis | North American Conference on British Studies Dissertation Year Travel Grant | History | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Potter, David | North American Summer School in Logic, Language and Information Travel Grant | Linguistics | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
VanderStelt, Erin | North Central Chapter Research Grant from Society of Wetland Scientists | Plant Biology | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Beeler, Carolyn | NPR Kroc Fellowship | Journalism | Medill | 2008-2009 |
Yu, Alan | NPR Kroc Fellowship | Integrated Marketing Communications | Medill | 2012-2013 |
Chin, Yu Sun | NPR Kroc Fellowship | Journalism | Medill | 2014-2015 |
Rickert, Matthew Ronald | NRAO Grote Reber Doctoral Fellowships | Physics and Astronomy | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Gürkan, Mehmet | NWO Veni Fellowship | Physics & Astronomy | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Nugent, Allison | NYC Urban Fellows Program | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2003-2004 |
Jaeckel, Tyler | NYC Urban Fellows Program | American Studies | Weinberg College | 2005-2006 |
Shields, Joseph | NYC Urban Fellows Program | Industrial Engineering & Management Sciences | McCormick | 2007-2008 |
Fischler, Matthew | NYC Urban Fellows Program | American Studies | School of Communication | 2009-2010 |
Cunningham, Ana | NYC Urban Fellows Program | English | Weinberg College | 2010-2011 |
Erickson, Ryan | NYC Urban Fellows Program | History | Weinberg College | 2010-2011 |
Herzog, Alexa Claire | NYC Urban Fellows Program | Social Policy | SESP | 2014-2015 |
Wylde, Samuel Adam | NYC Urban Fellows Program | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2014-2015 |
Hansen, Kaitlin | NYC Urban Fellows Program | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2016-2017 |
Strawder, Cierra | NYU Global Academic Fellowship | Sociology | Weinberg College | 2013-2014 |
Ginder, Ryan | Oak Ridge National Laboratory Distinguished Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | McCormick | 2010-2011 |
Chung, Ding Wen | Office of Science Graduate Student Research Program | Materials Science and Engineering | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Hsu, Darren Jason | Office of Science Graduate Student Research Program | Chemistry | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Redfern, Louis Robert | Office of Science Graduate Student Research Program | Chemistry | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Rivera, Vivien | Office of Science Graduate Student Research Program | Civil and Environmental Engineering | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Temples, Dylan | Office of Science Graduate Student Research Program | Physics and Astronomy | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Simmons, Jesseca | Ohio Arts Council Media Arts Grant | Documentary Media | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Yang, Chuqiao Vicky | Omidyar Complexity Postdoctoral Fellowships | Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Zhang, Yuanzhao | Omidyar Complexity Postdoctoral Fellowships | Physics and Astronomy | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
Charlafti, Niki | Onassis Foundation Commissioned Artist | Composition and Music Technology | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Evangelopoulos, Michael | Onassis Foundation Scholarships | Biomedical Engineering | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Kempis, Nicole | One Acre Fund Postgraduate Fellowship | Comparative Literary Studies | Weinberg | 2017-2018 |
Salomon, Jacob | One Acre Fund Postgraduate Fellowship | Biomedical Engineering | McCormick | 2017-2018 |
Umuhire, Emilie | One Acre Fund Postgraduate Fellowship | Psychology | Weinberg | 2017-2018 |
Ziliberberg, Cristian | Open Society Foundations Doctoral Fellows Program | Management & Organization | The Graduate School/Kellogg School | 2011-2012 |
Lee, Sean | Orient-Institut Beirut Doctoral Fellowships | Political Science | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Sarkisian, Aram | Orthodox Christian Studies NEH Dissertation Completion Fellowship | History | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Gantz, Jeremy | Overseas Press Club Foundation Fellowship | Journalism | Medill | 2007-2008 |
Gross, Jennifer | Overseas Press Club Foundation Fellowship | Journalism | Medill | 2009-2010 |
Bailey, Natalie | Overseas Press Club Foundation Fellowship | Journalism | Medill | 2010-2011 |
Tang, Sisi | Overseas Press Club Foundation Fellowship | Journalism | Medill | 2010-2011 |
Bohn, Lauren | Overseas Press Club Foundation Fellowship | Journalism | Medill | 2011-2012 |
Arbery, Will | P73 Playwriting Fellowship | Writing | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Nuzhna, Lada | Palantir Women in Technology Scholarship | Computer Science | McCormick | 2019-2020 |
Bush, Rosemary | Paleontological Society Student Research Grant | Earth & Planetary Science | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Blackwood, Sarah | Patricia and Philip Frost Fellowship at the Smithsonian America | English | The Graduate School | 2005-2006 |
Sanchez-Kisielewska, Olga | Patricia Carpenter Emerging Scholar Award | Music Theory & Cognition | Bienen School | 2015-2016 |
Bouri, Amit | Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowship for New Americans | Business Administration | Kellogg School | 2005-2006 |
Mayekar, Samir | Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowship for New Americans | International Studies | Weinberg College | 2010-2011 |
Roy, Victor | Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowship for New Americans | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2011-2012 |
Nguyen, Patricia | Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowship for New Americans | Performance Studies | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Ekas, Holly | Paul and Daisy Soros Fellowship for New Americans | Chemical Engineering | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Chou, Benjamin | Paul and Daisy Soros Fellowships for New Americans | JD/MBA | Pritzker/Kellogg | 2017-2018 |
Muñiz, Julissa | Paul and Daisy Soros Fellowships for New Americans | Human Development and Social Policy | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Liu, Jenny Yongjia | Paul and Daisy Soros Fellowships for New Americans | Mechanical Engineering/Medical Science Training | Graduate School/Feinberg | 2018-2019 |
Zhanlin, Chen | Paul and Daisy Soros Fellowships for New Americans | Medical School | Feinberg | 2022-2023 |
Getsy, David | Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art Junior Fellowship | Art History | The Graduate School | 1998-1999 |
Schibeci, Lynn | Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art Junior Fellowship | History | The Graduate School | 1998-1999 |
Seshadri, Shalini | Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art Junior Fellowship | Art History | The Graduate School | 2005-2006 |
High, Ean Christian | Peabody Essex Museum Phillips Library Fellowship | English | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Zheng, Yanqiu | Percy Buchanan Graduate Prize | History | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Rosyada, Amrina | Percy Buchanan Graduate Prize, Southeast Asia | Anthropology | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Baim, Nikki Leah | Peter Agris Memorial Journalism Scholarships | Journalism | Medill | 2019-2020 |
Guillerm, Gabrielle | Peter R. D'Agostino Research Travel Grants | History | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Roberts, Wendy | Peterson Fellowship | English | The Graduate School | 2008-2009 |
Rosenzweig, Mark | Pfizer Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship | Biological Sciences | Weinberg College | 1998-1999 |
Larson, Theresa | Pfizer Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship | Biological Sciences | Weinberg College | 1999-2000 |
Sutanto, Myra | Pfizer Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship | Integrated Science Program | Weinberg College | 2000-2001 |
Adler, Adam | Pfizer Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship | Biological Sciences | Weinberg College | 2001-2002 |
Krase, Jessica | Pfizer Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship | Biomedical Engineering | McCormick | 2001-2002 |
Zuhl, Andrea | Pfizer Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship | Chemistry | Weinberg College | 2004-2005 |
Lyle, Brian | Pfizer Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship | Chemistry | Weinberg College | 2005-2006 |
Ellison, Meredith | PHENND Fellows | History | Weinberg | 2021-2022 |
Russman, Daniel Jesse | Phi Delta Theta Centennial Scholarship | Manufacturing & Design Engineering | McCormick | 2014-2015 |
Freeston, Lily | Philanthropic Educational Organization International Peace Scholarship | Documentary Media | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Boyd, Katherine | Philanthropic Educational Organization Scholarship | Law | The Law School | 2008-2009 |
Talkington, Nora Elizabeth | Philanthropic Education Organization Continuing Education Award | Plant Biology | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Barnaby, Stacey Nicole | Philanthropic Education Organization Scholar Award | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Cote, Laura | Philanthropic Education Organization Scholarship | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Ksiazek, Kelly | Phipps Conservatory Botany in Action Fellowship | Plant Biology & Conservation | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Baker, Erin | PhRMA Foundation Award | Life Sciences DGP | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Martell, Cydney | PhRMA Foundation Predoctoral Fellowships | Driskill Graduate Program in Life Sciences | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Gonzalez, Laura | Physician Assistant Education Association Future Educator Fellowship | Physician's Assistant | Feinberg | 2015-2016 |
Goldfarb, Avi | Plurimus Corporation Research Fellowship | Economics | The Graduate School | 1999-2000 |
Singletary, A.J. | Point Foundation Scholarship | Law | The Law School | 2013-2014 |
Grzybek, Joseph | Polish American Foundation Scholarship | Chemistry | Weinberg | 2019-2020 |
Wicker, William | Polish American Foundation Scholarship | Slavic Languages and Literatures | Weinberg | 2019-2020 |
Kielb, Stephanie | Polish Women's Civic Club Dr. Korzec Scholarship | Clinical Psychology | Feinberg | 2013-2014 |
Floyd, Jessica Ashley | POLITICO Journalism Institute | Editorial Journalism | Medill | 2018-2019 |
Johnson-Kuhn, Jennifer | Population Council Fellowship | Anthropology | The Graduate School | 1998-1999 |
Sales, Joy | Postdoctoral Fellowship in Immigration, Cultures, and Law | History | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Agne, Matthias Thomas | PPG Foundation Fellowship | Materials Science and Engineering | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Tirado, Fernando Luis Reyes | PPG Foundation Fellowship | Materials Science and Engineering | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Divine, Alli Corrine | PPIA Junior Summer Institute | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2014-2015 |
Hopkins, Ajoni Anwar | PPIA Junior Summer Institute | Sociology | Weinberg College | 2016-2017 |
Fisher, Katherine | PPIA Public Service Conference | Learning & Organizational Change | SESP/Weinberg College | 2016-2017 |
Ksiazek, Kelly | Prairie Biotic Research Inc. Award | Plant Biology & Conservation | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Roberts, Kaleigh Filisa | PRCRP Horizon Award from the Department of Defense | Medical Scientist Training Program | The Graduate School/Feinberg | 2016-2017 |
Love, Thomas | Preparing Future Faculty – Faculty Diversity Postdoctoral Fellowship | Art History | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Porter, Jayson | President's Postdoctoral Fellowship Program | History | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Rothman, Carter Roland | Presidential Associates Program | International Studies | Weinberg | 2019-2020 |
Brown, Brittany | Presidential Management Fellowship | Public Policy & Administration | | 2005-2006 |
Drake, Tiffany | Presidential Management Fellowship | International Business | Kellogg School | 2012-2013 |
Issakoo, Adlil | Presidential Management Fellowship | Public Policy & Administration | SCS | 2012-2013 |
Patel, Nicole | Presidential Management Fellowship | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2012-2013 |
Rosner, Eric | Presidential Management Fellowship | Public Policy & Administration | SCS | 2012-2013 |
Faulkner, Trisha | Presidential Management Fellowship | Asian & Mid East Languages and Civilizations | Weinberg College | 2014-2015 |
Arthur, Diane Kukuwa | Princeton in Africa Fellowship | Human Development and Psychological Services | Education and Social Policy | 2018-2019 |
Dunlevy, Leah | Princeton in Africa Fellowship | Journalism | Medill | 2018-2019 |
Chorley, Hannah Sophia | Princeton in Africa Fellowship | Journalism | Medill | 2019-2020 |
Bream, Allison | Princeton in Africa Fellowship | Social Policy | SESP | 2009-2010 |
Kolisetty, Akhila | Princeton in Africa Fellowship | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2009-2010 |
Martin, Case | Princeton in Africa Fellowship | History | Weinberg College | 2009-2010 |
Kornfeld, Julie | Princeton in Africa Fellowship | Social Policy | SESP | 2010-2011 |
Bhandari, Abhit | Princeton in Africa Fellowship | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2011-2012 |
Birhanu, Mark | Princeton in Africa Fellowship | Social Policy | SESP | 2011-2012 |
Emery, Neal | Princeton in Africa Fellowship | Biological Sciences | Weinberg College | 2011-2012 |
Manning, Lauren | Princeton in Africa Fellowship | Journalism | Medill | 2012-2013 |
Nebhrajani, Roshan | Princeton in Africa Fellowship | Journalism | Medill | 2012-2013 |
Nickson, Dana | Princeton in Africa Fellowship | African American Studies | Weinberg College | 2012-2013 |
Robele, Sophia | Princeton in Africa Fellowship | Communication Studies | School of Communication | 2012-2013 |
Liron, Rebecca | Princeton in Africa Fellowship | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2013-2014 |
Wolf, Morgan | Princeton in Africa Fellowship | Social Policy | SESP | 2013-2014 |
Domash, Alex Samuel | Princeton in Africa Fellowship | | Weinberg College | 2014-2015 |
Hernandez, Caleigh Elizabeth | Princeton in Africa Fellowship | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2014-2015 |
Wood, Mariah Shay | Princeton in Africa Fellowship | Environmental Sciences | Weinberg College | 2014-2015 |
Nigarura, Kevin | Princeton in Africa Fellowship | Economics | Weinberg College | 2015-2016 |
Persaud, Udita | Princeton in Africa Fellowship | Anthropology | Weinberg College | 2016-2017 |
Dunbar, Erin Selene | Princeton in Asia Fellowship | Comparative Literary Studies | Weinberg | 2017-2018 |
Chen, Angie | Princeton in Asia Fellowship | Human Communication Sciences | Communication | 2018-2019 |
Pennex, Sophia | Princeton in Asia Fellowship | Political Science | Weinberg | 2022-2023 |
Yang, Mary | Princeton in Asia Fellowship | Journalism | Medill | 2022-2023 |
Ho, Kathleen | Princeton in Asia Fellowship | Comparative Literary Studies | Weinberg College | 2004-2005 |
Williams, Philip | Princeton in Asia Fellowship | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2006-2007 |
Kirkpatrick, Kelly | Princeton in Asia Fellowship | Social Policy | SESP | 2008-2009 |
Spencer, Craig | Princeton in Asia Fellowship | History | Weinberg College | 2009-2010 |
Andreeff, Daniel | Princeton in Asia Fellowship | History | Weinberg College | 2010-2011 |
Knowles, Jessica | Princeton in Asia Fellowship | Journalism | Medill | 2010-2011 |
Monteverde, Jay | Princeton in Asia Fellowship | Law | The Law School | 2010-2011 |
Orr, Rebecca | Princeton in Asia Fellowship | Communication Studies | School of Communication | 2011-2012 |
Trop, Justin | Princeton in Asia Fellowship | Biological Sciences | Weinberg College | 2011-2012 |
Rodrigues, Natalia | Princeton in Asia Fellowship | History | Weinberg College | 2012-2013 |
Frank, Annalise | Princeton in Asia Fellowship | Journalism | Medill/Weinberg College | 2013-2014 |
Kahsay, Mahalia | Princeton in Asia Fellowship | Social Policy | SESP/Weinberg College | 2013-2014 |
Rollet, Charles | Princeton in Asia Fellowship | History | Weinberg College | 2013-2014 |
Trautwein, Catherine | Princeton in Asia Fellowship | Integrated Marketing & Communication | Medill | 2013-2014 |
Cianciotto, Luke Matteo | Princeton in Asia Fellowship | Social Policy | SESP | 2014-2015 |
Conroy, William Wood | Princeton in Asia Fellowship | Environmental Policy & Culture | Weinberg College | 2014-2015 |
Wall, Maeve Kathleen | Princeton in Asia Fellowship | | Weinberg College | 2014-2015 |
DeCorrevont, Alex Christian | Princeton in Asia Fellowship | Economics | Weinberg College | 2015-2016 |
Imoisili, Sowa | Princeton in Asia Fellowship | Economics | Weinberg College | 2015-2016 |
Shuttleworth, Clayton | Princeton in Asia Fellowship | Performance Studies | School of Communication | 2015-2016 |
Veerina, Abhinav | Princeton in Asia Fellowship | Religious Studies | Weinberg College | 2015-2016 |
Weinstein, Kara | Princeton in Asia Fellowship | English | Weinberg College | 2015-2016 |
Eisenstein, Amy | Princeton in Asia Fellowship | History | Weinberg College | 2016-2017 |
Levey, Benjamin | Princeton in Asia Fellowship | American Studies | Weinberg College | 2016-2017 |
Svoboda, Emmajane | Princeton in Asia Fellowship | History | Weinberg College | 2016-2017 |
Dalton, Tatiana | Princeton in Latin America Fellowship | Theatre | Communication | 2017-2018 |
Ruxin, Aliana | Princeton in Latin America Fellowship | American Studies | Weinberg | 2018-2019 |
Sanchez, Lorna Teresa | Princeton in Latin America Fellowship | Biological Sciences | Weinberg | 2018-2019 |
Charney, Joseph | Princeton in Latin America Fellowship | Journalism | Medill | 2019-2020 |
Kacprzak, Janine | Princeton in Latin America Fellowship | History | Weinberg College | 2008-2009 |
Ng, Meixi | Princeton in Latin America Fellowship | Social Policy | SESP | 2010-2011 |
Steege, Julia | Princeton in Latin America Fellowship | Anthropology | Weinberg College | 2010-2011 |
Levine, Todd | Princeton in Latin America Fellowship | English | Weinberg College | 2011-2012 |
Bachelor, Brooke | Princeton in Latin America Fellowship | Pre-Med Certificate | SCS | 2012-2013 |
Glenn, Chelsea | Princeton in Latin America Fellowship | Economics | Weinberg College | 2012-2013 |
Galloway, Grace Carrie | Princeton in Latin America Fellowship | English | Weinberg College | 2014-2015 |
Garcia, Isabel Luna | Princeton in Latin America Fellowship | Social Policy | SESP | 2014-2015 |
Lugli, Madelyn | Princeton University Library Research Grants | History | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
McKee, C. C. | Professional Development Fellowship in Art History | Art History | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Good, Elizabeth | Program on Negotiations Graduate Research Fellowships | Political Science | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Boddeker-O’Connor, Ryley | Project Horseshoe Farm Community Health Fellowship | Social Policy | Education and Social Policy | 2022-2023 |
Shou, Cindy | Project Horseshoe Farm Community Health Fellowship | History | Weinberg | 2022-2023 |
Garigipati, Priya | Project Horseshoe Farm Fellowship | Biological Sciences | Weinberg | 2017-2018 |
Cormier, Mary | Project Horseshoe Farm Fellowship | Neuroscience | Weinberg | 2019-2020 |
Kanthawar, Pooja | Project Horseshoe Farm Fellowship | Social Policy | Education and Social Policy | 2019-20 |
Sanchez, Lorna Teresa | Project Horseshoe Farm Fellowship | Biological Sciences | Weinberg | 2019-2020 |
Chen, Catherine | Project Horseshoe Farm Fellowship | Biomedical Engineering | McCormick | 2020-2021 |
Asseh, Samira | Project Horseshoe Farm Fellowship | Human Development and Psychological Services | Education and Social Policy | 2021-2022 |
Langhauser, Carrie Emilia | Project Horseshoe Farm Fellowship | | Weinberg College | 2014-2015 |
Ifthikhar, Rafa | Project Horseshoe Farm Fellowship | Psychology | Weinberg College | 2015-2016 |
Huang, Timothy Jane | Project Horseshoe Farm Fellowship | Chemistry | Weinberg College | 2016-2017 |
Wang, Kevin Shuguang | Project Horseshoe Farm Fellowship | Biological Sciences | Weinberg College | 2016-2017 |
Almeida, Cesar | Projects for Peace | Learning Sciences | Education and Social Policy | 2017-2018 |
Chebet, Faith | Projects for Peace | Undeclared | Weinberg | 2018-2019 |
Budhiraja, Shreya | Projects for Peace | Neuroscience | Weinberg | 2019-2020 |
Borland, Julia | Projects for Peace | Social Policy | Education and Social Policy | 2020-2021 |
Ringstad, Emma | Projects for Peace | Economics | Weinberg | 2020-2021 |
Pokisa, Edwin | Projects for Peace | Social Policy | Education and Social Policy | 2021-2022 |
Ligon, Michaiah | Projects for Peace | Learning and Organizational Change | Education and Social Policy | 2022-2023 |
Bernard, Jama Joy | Projects for Peace | Anthropology | Weinberg College | 2006-2007 |
Ranganathan, Manjari | Projects for Peace | Economics | Weinberg College | 2006-2007 |
Schmitt, Maggie | Projects for Peace | History | Weinberg College | 2006-2007 |
Campbell-Massa, Sean | Projects for Peace | Biomedical Engineering | McCormick/Weinberg College | 2007-2008 |
Eisenhart, Emily | Projects for Peace | Anthropology | Weinberg College | 2007-2008 |
Wofsey, Katherine | Projects for Peace | Biological Sciences | Weinberg College | 2007-2008 |
Pillai, Gokila | Projects for Peace | Biological Sciences | Weinberg College | 2008-2009 |
Thomas, Cristina | Projects for Peace | Biological Sciences | Weinberg College | 2008-2009 |
Perlman, Daniel | Projects for Peace | Social Policy | SESP | 2009-2010 |
Polepeddi, Lalith | Projects for Peace | Anthropology | Weinberg College | 2009-2010 |
Hsu, Lydia | Projects for Peace | African Studies | Weinberg College | 2010-2011 |
Metivier, Krishni | Projects for Peace | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2011-2012 |
Rodriguez-Vega, Isabel | Projects for Peace | Environmental Sciences | Weinberg College | 2011-2012 |
Clark, Leslie | Projects for Peace | Radio/TV/Film | School of Communication | 2012-2013 |
Legros, Ayanna | Projects for Peace | African American Studies | Weinberg College | 2012-2013 |
Reddy, Neha | Projects for Peace | Anthropology | Weinberg College | 2013-2014 |
Zhou, Matthew | Projects for Peace | Anthropology | Weinberg College | 2013-2014 |
Massucco, Maria Florence | Projects for Peace | Voice and Opera Performance | Bienen School | 2014-2015 |
Elmeligy, Lena Hazim | Projects for Peace | Radio/TV/Film | School of Communication | 2015-2016 |
Tsay, Stella | Public Policy and International Affairs Fellowship | Communication Studies | School of Communication | 2003-2004 |
Anderson, Jodi | Public Policy and International Affairs Fellowship | Psychology | Weinberg College | 2004-2005 |
Lee, Jane | Public Policy and International Affairs Fellowship | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2004-2005 |
Wagner, Marcella | Public Policy and International Affairs Fellowship | Economics | Weinberg College | 2004-2005 |
Chen, Cassandra | Public Policy and International Affairs Fellowship | Social Policy | SESP/Weinberg College | 2005-2006 |
Argueta, Carla | Public Policy and International Affairs Fellowship | Social Policy | SESP | 2008-2009 |
Bentley, Tabitha | Public Policy and International Affairs Fellowship | Social Policy | SESP | 2008-2009 |
Lewis, Shari | Public Policy and International Affairs Fellowship | Social Policy | SESP | 2008-2009 |
Richardson, Tasha | Public Policy and International Affairs Fellowship | Communication Sciences & Disorders | School of Communication | 2008-2009 |
Moon, Jeannette | Public Policy and International Affairs Fellowship | Communication Studies | School of Communication/Weinberg College | 2012-2013 |
Davies, Adam | Public Policy and International Affairs Junior Summer Institute Fellowship Program | Social Policy/Gender and Sexuality Studies | Education and Social Policy/Weinberg | 2018-2019 |
Walcott, Lauren | Public Policy and International Affairs Junior Summer Institute Fellowship Program | Social Policy | Education and Social Policy | 2022-2023 |
Davies, Adam | Public Policy Leadership Conference | Gender and Sexuality Studies/Social Policy | Weinberg/Education and Social Policy | 2017-2018 |
Lee, Louis | Public Policy Leadership Conference | Social Policy | Education and Social Policy | 2022-2023 |
Resnick, Aimee | Public Policy Leadership Conference | Social Policy | Education and Social Policy | 2022-2023 |
Breidenbach, Michael | Publius Fellowship | History | Weinberg College | 2007-2008 |
Graf, Carly | Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting Reporting Grants | Editorial Journalism | Medill | 2018-2019 |
Dhembla, Mrinali | Pulitzer Center Postgraduate Reporting Fellows | Editorial Journalism | Medill | 2022-2023 |
Dier, Sam | Pulitzer Center Postgraduate Reporting Fellows | Editorial Journalism | Medill | 2022-2023 |
Mukhopadhyay, Ankita | Pulitzer Center Postgraduate Reporting Fellows | Editorial Journalism | Medill | 2022-2023 |
Narotam, Poonam | Pulitzer Center Postgraduate Reporting Fellows | Editorial Journalism | Medill | 2022-2023 |
Islow, Khadija | Pulitzer Center Reporting Fellows | Journalism | Medill | 2019-2020 |
Mittal, Apoorva | Pulitzer Center Reporting Fellows | Editorial Journalism | Medill | 2019-2020 |
Zornosa, Laura | Pulitzer Center Reporting Fellows | Journalism | Medill | 2019-2020 |
Abid, Abdul Rahman | Pulitzer Center Reporting Fellows | Journalism | Medill | 2021-2022 |
Ali, Adan | Pulitzer Center Reporting Fellows | Journalism | Medill | 2021-2022 |
Elliott, Christian | Pulitzer Center Reporting Fellows | Editorial Journalism | Medill | 2021-2022 |
Evans, Emanuella | Pulitzer Center Reporting Fellows | Journalism | Medill | 2021-2022 |
Kitchlew, Iffah | Pulitzer Center Reporting Fellows | Journalism | Medill | 2021-2022 |
Castro, Gina | Pulitzer Center Reporting Fellows | Editorial Journalism | Medill | 2022-2023 |
Mir, Muhammad | Pulitzer Center Reporting Fellows | Journalism, Media, Integrated Marketing | Medill | 2022-2023 |
Mubashar, Laiba | Pulitzer Center Reporting Fellows | Journalism, Media, Integrated Marketing | Medill | 2022-2023 |
Buchanan, Zachary | Pulliam Fellowship | Journalism | Medill | 2009-2010 |
Wang, Stephanie | Pulliam Fellowship | Journalism | Medill | 2009-2010 |
Hills, Drake Alexander | Pulliam Journalism Fellowship | Editorial Journalism | Medill | 2018-2019 |
Hinkle, Jeannette Rosemary | Pulliam Journalism Fellowship | Editorial Journalism | Medill | 2018-2019 |
Kitamura, An | Quad Fellowship | Chemistry | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Yamasaki, Jun | Quad Fellowship | Applied Mathematics | McCormick | 2022-2023 |
Weiss, Daniel Kamrath | Quantum Computing Graduate Research Fellowship | Physics | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Zheng, Yanqiu | Quinn Fellow at the Chabraja Center for Historical Studies | History | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Ahn, Richard | Radiological Society of North American Research Medical Student Grant | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Ribet, Stephanie | Raleigh and Clara Miller Memorial Scholarship Award | Materials Science and Engineering | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Bayes, Robin | Rapoport Family Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Grants | Political Science | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
D'Urso, Amanda | Rapoport Family Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Grants | Political Science | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Kang, Suji | Rapoport Family Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Grants | Political Science | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Levy, Jeremy | Rapoport Family Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Grants | Political Science | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Giljohann, David | Rappaport Award for Research Excellence | Biological Sciences IBIS | The Graduate School | 2008-2009 |
Jansen, Jaclyn | Rappaport Award for Research Excellence | Biological Sciences IBIS | The Graduate School | 2008-2009 |
Ledoux, Sarah | Rappaport Award for Research Excellence | Biological Sciences IBIS | The Graduate School | 2008-2009 |
Love, Thomas | Rauschenberg Residency | Art History | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
Zondi, Mlondolozi Bradley | Rauschenberg Residency | Performance Studies | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
Kabaoglu, Seyma | Religion, Spirituality, and Democratic Renewal Program | Anthropology | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Nasielski, Katharine | Religious Action Center Eisendrath Legislative Fellowship | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2010-2011 |
DiMartino, Caitlin | Renaissance Society of America-Samuel H. Kress Research Fellowships in Renaissance Art History | Art History | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Martoccio, Michael Paul | Renaissance Society of America Young Scholar Research Grant | History | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Friedman, Jessica | Renate Voris Fellowship | Theatre and Drama | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Born, Molly | Report for America Corps | Editorial Journalism | Medill | 2017-2018 |
Max, Samantha | Report for America Corps | Journalism | Medill | 2017-2018 |
McCarthy, Ciara | Report for America Corps | American Studies | Weinberg | 2017-2018 |
Burakoff, Madeline | Report for America Corps | Journalism | Medill | 2019-2020 |
Dernbach, Rebecca Zosia | Report for America Corps | Editorial Journalism | Medill | 2019-2020 |
Hudspeth Blackburn, Piper | Report for America Corps | Editorial Journalism | Medill | 2019-2020 |
Karisch, Kristina | Report for America Corps | Journalism | Medill | 2019-20 |
Nieberg, Patricia | Report for America Corps | Editorial Journalism | Medill | 2019-2020 |
Schwartz, Alexander | Report for America Corps | Journalism | Medill | 2019-2020 |
Bruess, Elena | Report for America Corps | Editorial Journalism | Medill | 2020-2021 |
Oceguera, Rita | Report for America Corps | Editorial Journalism | Medill | 2020-2021 |
Savransky, Rebecca | Report for America Corps | Journalism | Medill | 2020-2021 |
Hedrick, Tera Lee | Research Center for Anatolian Civilizations Junior Residential Fellowship | Art History | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Stiepan, Samantha | Research Dissertation Fellowship for AuD Audiologists (F32) | Communication Sciences and Disorders | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Munch, Steven | Research Grant from the Tobin Project's Regulation Whiteboard Initiative | Sociology | The Graduate School | 2008-2009 |
Goldsmith, Emma | Research Society for Victorian Periodicals Curran Fellowship | History | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Dill, Olivia | Residential Institute in the History of Science, Technology, and Medicine | Art History | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Puleo, Risa Aja | Residential Institute in the History of Science, Technology, and Medicine | Art History | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Lugoloobi, William | Rhodes Scholarship | Journalism, Media, and Integrated Marketing | Medill | 2022-2023 |
Petryk, Irena | Rhodes Scholarship | Economics | Weinberg | 2022-2023 |
Robles Del Pino, Nia | Rhodes Scholarship | Physics | Weinberg | 2023-2024 |
David, Charles W. | Rhodes Scholarship | | | 1908-1909 |
Woodbury, G. Coleman | Rhodes Scholarship | | | 1926-1927 |
Willmoore, Kendall | Rhodes Scholarship | | | 1932-1933 |
Barber, Charles F. | Rhodes Scholarship | | | 1939-1940 |
Goodman, Thomas Paton | Rhodes Scholarship | | McCormick | 1950-1951 |
Fish, Charles K. | Rhodes Scholarship | | | 1958-1959 |
Miller, Lawrence A. | Rhodes Scholarship | | | 1969-1970 |
Hopkins, Michael | Rhodes Scholarship | Mathematics | Weinberg College | 1978-1979 |
Peckham, Mary | Rhodes Scholarship | | | 1980-1981 |
Berg, Thomas | Rhodes Scholarship | Journalism | Medill | 1981-1982 |
Duncombe, David | Rhodes Scholarship | History | Weinberg College | 1982-1983 |
Crosby, Sarah | Rhodes Scholarship | Journalism | Medill | 1987-1988 |
Chubbuck, Katharine | Rhodes Scholarship | Journalism | Medill | 1993-1994 |
Bejan, Cristina | Rhodes Scholarship | Philosophy | Weinberg College | 2003-2004 |
Dwinal, Mallory | Rhodes Scholarship | Spanish | Weinberg College | 2008-2009 |
Yermakova, Anya | Rhodes Scholarship | Music Performance | Bienen School/Weinberg College | 2008-2009 |
Smierciak, Sarah | Rhodes Scholarship | History | Weinberg College | 2011-2012 |
Athari, Maryam | Rhonda A. Saad Prize for Best Paper in Modern and Contemporary Arab Art | Art History | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
Adipa, Priscilla | Richard A. Horovitz Fund for Professional Development | Sociology | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Breidenbach, Michael | Richard Weaver Scholarship | History | Weinberg College | 2008-2009 |
Zaki, Mary | Ridge Center Doctoral Dissertation Research Grant | Economics | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Locci, Ricardo | Rizing Tide Crest Scholarship | Physical Therapy | Feinberg | 2021-2022 |
Morales-Flores, Ruth | Rizing Tide Crest Scholarship | Physical Therapy | Feinberg | 2021-2022 |
Hua, Jacqueline | Rizing Tide Crest Scholarship Rizing Stars | Physical Therapy | Feinberg | 2021-2022 |
Mariposa, Michelle | Robert and Winifred Connelly Green Award | Chemistry | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
SOCons, Karen | Robert Bosch Foundation Fellowship Program | Mathematics | Weinberg College | 2000-2001 |
Earley, Anthony | Robert Bosch Foundation Fellowship Program | English | Weinberg College | 2000-2001 |
Hasler, Kate | Robert Bosch Foundation Fellowship Program | English | Weinberg College | 2000-2001 |
Busch, Steven | Robert Bosch Foundation Fellowship Program | Business Administration | Kellogg School | 2001-2002 |
Lobel, Hannah | Robert Bosch Foundation Fellowship Program | Journalism | Medill | 2002-2003 |
Albertson, Annie | Robert Bosch Foundation Fellowship Program | Law | The Law School | 2006-2007 |
Klein, Adam | Robert Bosch Foundation Fellowship Program | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2006-2007 |
Somaskanda, Sumangali | Robert Bosch Foundation Fellowship Program | Journalism | Medill | 2008-2009 |
Beeler, Carolyn | Robert Bosch Foundation Fellowship Program | Journalism | Medill | 2012-2013 |
Kruse, Derek | Robert Bosch Foundation Tutor Program | German | Weinberg College | 2001-2002 |
Saunders, Carter | Robert Bosch Foundation Tutor Program | German | Weinberg College | 2002-2003 |
Seward, Julie | Robert Bosch Foundation Tutor Program | Business Institutions | Weinberg College | 2002-2003 |
Peabody, Seth | Robert Bosch Foundation Tutor Program | Wind & Percussion Instruments | Bienen School | 2003-2004 |
Klein, Adam | Robert Bosch Foundation Tutor Program | History | Weinberg College | 2005-2006 |
Dabholkar, Sugat | Robert F. Tinker American Educational Research Association Scholarship | Learning Sciences | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
McCoy, Laura | Robert H. Smith International Center for Jefferson Studies at Monticello | History | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Li, Yue | Robert P. Apkarian Memorial Scholarship | Applied Physics | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Peurach, Maria | Robertson Foundation for Government Fellowship | Psychology | Weinberg | 2017-2018 |
Fuller, Sheridan | Robert Wood Johnson Foundation COVID-19 and Racism Grant | Human Development and Social Policy | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Edwards, Rebecca Giovanna | Roche/ARCS Foundation Scholar Award | | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Tubi, Omri | Rockefeller Archive Center Research Stipend | Sociology | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Laprise, John | Rockefeller Archive Grant in Aid | Media, Technology & Society | The Graduate School | 2007-2008 |
Wood, Lindsay | Roger Boye Oxbridge Bursary | History | Weinberg College | 2007-2008 |
Thirani, Neha | Roger Boye Oxbridge Bursary | International Studies | Weinberg College | 2008-2009 |
Beadle, Meaghan | Roger Boye Oxbridge Bursary | American Studies | Weinberg College | 2009-2010 |
Dumont, Anna | Rome Global Gateway Rome Seminar | Art History | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Carter, Haley | Rosemary Grant Advanced Awards | Plant Biology and Conservation | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Saberi, Roxana | Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarship | Journalism | Medill | 1998-1999 |
Carls, Philip | Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarship | Economics | Weinberg College | 1999-2000 |
Corstange, Daniel | Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarship | History | Weinberg College | 1999-2000 |
Koch, Elissa | Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarship | Social Policy | SESP | 1999-2000 |
Mullin, Elisabeth | Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarship | German | Weinberg College | 1999-2000 |
Parker, Sean Patrick | Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarship | Communication Studies | The Graduate School | 2000-2001 |
Ruble, Edward | Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarship | Chemical & Biological Engineering | McCormick | 2000-2001 |
Carlson, Mark | Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarship | Wind & Percussion Instruments | Bienen School | 2001-2002 |
Dunn, Roger | Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarship | Industrial Engineering & Management Sciences | McCormick | 2001-2002 |
Kim, Jane | Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarship | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2001-2002 |
Randall, Nancy | Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarship | Anthropology | Weinberg College | 2001-2002 |
Sharkey, Brianne | Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarship | Wind & Percussion Instruments | Bienen School | 2001-2002 |
Bhatia, Ramona | Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarship | Neurobiology & Physiology | The Graduate School | 2002-2003 |
Bremer, Lee | Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarship | Psychology | Weinberg College | 2002-2003 |
Lockwood, Lee | Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarship | Industrial Engineering & Management Sciences | McCormick | 2002-2003 |
Sandstrom, Brian | Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarship | History | Weinberg College | 2002-2003 |
Adamczyk, Sarah | Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarship | History | Weinberg College | 2003-2004 |
Althen, Kathleen | Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarship | Slavic Languages & Literature | Weinberg College | 2003-2004 |
Lopez, Rachel | Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarship | Sociology | Weinberg College | 2003-2004 |
Morrison, Mary | Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarship | Journalism | Medill | 2003-2004 |
Van Gendt, Saskia Lucia | Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarship | Environmental Sciences | Weinberg College | 2003-2004 |
Groth, Lauren | Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarship | Sociology | Weinberg College | 2004-2005 |
Lang, Scott John | Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarship | Sociology | The Graduate School | 2004-2005 |
Abetti, Annah | Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarship | Religious Studies | Weinberg College | 2005-2006 |
Ho, Kathleen | Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarship | Comparative Literary Studies | Weinberg College | 2005-2006 |
Jozwik, Anna | Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarship | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2005-2006 |
Keung , Hoi Ling | Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarship | Economics | School of Communication/Weinberg College | 2005-2006 |
Leffler, Elliot | Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarship | Theatre | School of Communication | 2005-2006 |
Polans, Elizabeth | Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarship | Radio/TV/Film | School of Communication | 2005-2006 |
Sakuhara, Kazumi | Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarship | Communication Studies | School of Communication | 2005-2006 |
Boscoe, Adam | Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarship | Ad Hoc | Weinberg College | 2006-2007 |
Braddix, Gayl | Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarship | Performance Studies | School of Communication | 2006-2007 |
Hirsch, Deborah | Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarship | Journalism | Medill | 2006-2007 |
Hoaglin, Michael | Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarship | Biomedical Engineering | McCormick | 2006-2007 |
Levin, Andrew | Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarship | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2006-2007 |
Lohela, Julie | Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarship | Communication Studies | School of Communication/Weinberg College | 2006-2007 |
Whiting, Grant | Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarship | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2006-2007 |
Amponsah, Alexander | Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarship | Environmental Sciences | Weinberg College | 2007-2008 |
Chen, Stephanie | Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarship | Journalism | Medill/Weinberg College | 2007-2008 |
Chowdhry, Aysha | Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarship | History | Weinberg College | 2007-2008 |
Dixon, Amanda | Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarship | Social Policy | SESP/Weinberg College | 2007-2008 |
Eulich, Whitney | Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarship | Social Policy | SESP | 2007-2008 |
Hertel-Fernandez, Alexander | Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarship | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2007-2008 |
Paschyn, Christina | Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarship | Journalism | Medill | 2007-2008 |
Rouser, Matthew | Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarship | History | Weinberg College | 2007-2008 |
Rubinoff, Sirena | Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarship | Journalism | Medill | 2007-2008 |
Willis, Robin | Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarship | Theatre | School of Communication | 2007-2008 |
Yun, Jinna | Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarship | Journalism | Medill | 2007-2008 |
Apte, Trisha | Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarship | Communication Studies | School of Communication | 2008-2009 |
Craig , Amanda | Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarship | Journalism | Medill/Weinberg College | 2008-2009 |
Enwemeka, Zeninjor | Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarship | Journalism | Medill/Weinberg College | 2008-2009 |
Koester, Heidi-Marie | Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarship | Journalism | Medill/Weinberg College | 2008-2009 |
Thurman, Brooke | Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarship | Anthropology | Weinberg College | 2008-2009 |
Abels, Jessica | Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarship | Journalism | Medill | 2009-2010 |
Swanenberg, Irene | Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarship | Integrated Science Program | Weinberg College | 2009-2010 |
Domaradski, Magdalena | Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarship | Psychology | Weinberg College | 2010-2011 |
Luczak, Megan | Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarship | Social Policy | SESP | 2010-2011 |
Shepherd, Brittany | Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarship | Medical School | Feinberg | 2010-2011 |
Sumadi, Sarah | Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarship | Journalism | Medill | 2010-2011 |
Jani, Ina | Rotary Cultural Ambassadorial Scholarship | Biological Sciences | Weinberg College | 2008-2009 |
Coffaro, Lauren Elizabeth | Rotary Peace Fellowship | Communication Studies | School of Communication | 2014-2015 |
Racek, Sandra | Rubenianum Fellowship | Art History | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Gavin-Smyth, Nora | Rufford Foundation Conservation Grant | Plant Biology and Conservation | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Jariwala, Deep Manoj | Russell and Sigurd Varian Award | | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Hoffmann, Bridget | Russell Sage Small Grant in Behavioral Economics | Economics | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Locci, Ricardo | Ruth Burda Motzer Scholarships | Physical Therapy | Feinberg | 2021-2022 |
Chhiba, Krishan Dilip | Ruth L. Kirschstein Individual Predoctoral National Research Service Award for MD/PhD and other Dual Degree Fellowships (F30) | Life Sciences/Medical Science Training Program | Graduate School/Feinberg | 2017-2018 |
Harvey, Samuel Emerson | Ruth L. Kirschstein Individual Predoctoral National Research Service Award for MD/PhD and other Dual Degree Fellowships (F30) | Life Sciences/Medical Science Training Program | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Henrich, Stephen | Ruth L. Kirschstein Individual Predoctoral National Research Service Award for MD/PhD and other Dual Degree Fellowships (F30) | Biomedical Engineering/Medical Science Trading Program | Graduate School/Feinberg | 2017-2018 |
Weidemann, Benjamin | Ruth L. Kirschstein Individual Predoctoral National Research Service Award for MD/PhD and other Dual Degree Fellowships (F30) | Life Sciences/Medical Science Training Program | Graduate School/Feinberg | 2017-2018 |
Aristova, Maria | Ruth L. Kirschstein Individual Predoctoral National Research Service Award for MD/PhD and other Dual Degree Fellowships (F30) | Biomedical Engineering/Medical Science Training | Graduate School/Feinberg | 2018-2019 |
Fernandopulle, Michael Sanjay | Ruth L. Kirschstein Individual Predoctoral National Research Service Award for MD/PhD and other Dual Degree Fellowships (F30) | Medical Science Training | Feinberg | 2018-2019 |
Gacita, Anthony Martin | Ruth L. Kirschstein Individual Predoctoral National Research Service Award for MD/PhD and other Dual Degree Fellowships (F30) | Life Sciences/Medical Science Training | Graduate School/Feinberg | 2018-2019 |
Gargus, Emma Susanna | Ruth L. Kirschstein Individual Predoctoral National Research Service Award for MD/PhD and other Dual Degree Fellowships (F30) | Life Sciences/Medical Science Training | Graduate School/Feinberg | 2018-2019 |
Naved, Bilal Abdulah | Ruth L. Kirschstein Individual Predoctoral National Research Service Award for MD/PhD and other Dual Degree Fellowships (F30) | Biomedical Engineering | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
Orr, Meghan Jo | Ruth L. Kirschstein Individual Predoctoral National Research Service Award for MD/PhD and other Dual Degree Fellowships (F30) | Chemistry | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
Peng, Wesley | Ruth L. Kirschstein Individual Predoctoral National Research Service Award for MD/PhD and other Dual Degree Fellowships (F30) | Neuroscience | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
Ren, Lynn | Ruth L. Kirschstein Individual Predoctoral National Research Service Award for MD/PhD and other Dual Degree Fellowships (F30) | Neuroscience | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
Scott, Michael Baran | Ruth L. Kirschstein Individual Predoctoral National Research Service Award for MD/PhD and other Dual Degree Fellowships (F30) | Biomedical Engineering | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
Adoff, Michael David | Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31) | Neuroscience | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Baillargeon, Emma | Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31) | Biomedical Engineering | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Edmonds, Maxwell | Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31) | Life Sciences/Medical Science Training Program | Graduate School/Feinberg | 2017-2018 |
Free, Robert | Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31) | Materials Science and Engineering | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Herr, Timothy | Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31) | Health Sciences Integrated PhD Program | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Karbasforoushan, Haleh | Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31) | Neuroscience | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Lahiri, Asha | Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31) | Neuroscience | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Lin, Carmen | Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31) | Neuroscience | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Montauti, Elena | Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31) | Life Sciences | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Nilakantan, Aneesha | Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31) | Neuroscience | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Sharma, Sripadh Balasubramanian | Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31) | Neuroscience/Medical Science Training Program | Graduate School/Feinberg | 2017-2018 |
Sze, Christie | Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31) | Life Sciences | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Ward, Charlotte Emily | Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31) | Health Sciences Integrated PhD Program | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Yeung, Priscilla See-Wai | Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31) | Life Sciences/Medical Science Training Program | Graduate School/Feinberg | 2017-2018 |
Adams, Casey John | Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31) | Chemistry | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Boratyn, Daria Agnieszka | Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31) | Neuroscience | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Cooler, Samuel Adam | Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31) | Neuroscience | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Curtis, Philip Robert | Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31) | Communication Sciences and Disorders | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Gallagher, Virginia Terwilliger | Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31) | Clinical Psychology | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Hark, Timothy John | Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31) | Neuroscience | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Hoffman, Sara Ann | Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31) | Clinical Psychology | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Kaster, Megan Annerose | Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31) | Chemistry | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Kim, Dalton Robert | Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31) | Chemistry/Medical Science Training | Graduate School/Feinberg | 2018-2019 |
McNulty, Maureen Rose | Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31) | Life Sciences | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Nicolozakes, Constantine | Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31) | Biomedical Engineering/Medical Science Training | Graduate School/Feinberg | 2018-2019 |
Sastry, Namratha G. | Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31) | Neuroscience | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Simeon, Katherine | Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31) | Communication Sciences and Disorders | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Stiepan, Samantha Maria | Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31) | Communication Sciences and Disorders | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Versteeg, Christopher Steven | Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31) | Biomedical Engineering | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Ward, Kristina Marie | Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31) | Communication Sciences and Disorders | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Ward, Meghan Baker | Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31) | Chemistry | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Wilson, Uzma Shaheen | Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31) | Communication Sciences and Disorders | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Adkins, Amy | Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31) | Biomedical Engineering | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
Clevenger, Margarette | Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31) | Driskill Graduate Program in Life Sciences | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
Daley, Elizabeth | Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31) | Neuroscience | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
Gupta, Tina | Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31) | Psychology | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
Hermiller, Molly | Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31) | Neuroscience | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
Hilger, Allison | Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31) | Communication Sciences and Disorders | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
Iorga, Michael | Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31) | Biomedical Engineering | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
Lam, Phoebe Hok-Yee | Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31) | Psychology | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
Nas, Megan Yasemin | Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31) | Driskill Graduate Program in Life Sciences | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
Pinheiro, Emily | Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31) | Driskill Graduate Program in Life Sciences | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
Vargas, Teresa | Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31) | Psychology | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
Zimmerman, Lindsay Paige | Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31) | Health Sciences Integrated Program | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
Cheng, Monica | SAGA Fellow | Psychology | Weinberg College | 2015-2016 |
Cheon, Bobby | Salimetrics Distinguished Student Scholar Award | Psychology | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Johnson, Ashley | Sam Fishman Travel Award from the Reuther Library at Wayne State | History | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Fergie, Dexter | Samuel Flagg Bemis Dissertation Research Grants | History | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Lee, Jessica | Samuel Fletcher Tapman American Society of Civil Engineers Student Chapter Scholarship | Civil Engineering | McCormick | 2020-2021 |
Glickman, Stephanie | Samuel H. Kress Foreign Institutional Fellowship | Art History | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Glickman, Stephanie | Samuel H. Kress Foreign Institutional Fellowship | Art History | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Olien, Catherine Victoria | Samuel H. Kress Foundation History of Art Institutional Fellowship | Art History | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Betzer, Sarah | Samuel H. Kress Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship in the History of Art | Art History | The Graduate School | 1998-1999 |
Parker, Rebecca | Samuel H. Kress Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship in the History of Art | Art History | The Graduate School | 1998-1999 |
Getsy, David | Samuel H. Kress Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship in the History of Art | Art History | The Graduate School | 1999-2000 |
Olmsted, Jennifer | Samuel H. Kress Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship in the History of Art | Art History | The Graduate School | 2001-2002 |
Keating, Jessica | Samuel H. Kress Two-Year Fellowship at a Foreign Institution | Art History | The Graduate School | 2005-2006 |
Veneskey, Laura | Samuel H. Kress Two-Year Fellowship at a Foreign Institution | Art History | The Graduate School | 2007-2008 |
Warren, Maureen | Samuel H. Kress Two-Year Fellowship at a Foreign Institution | History | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Wilson, Jamila | San Francisco Fellows | Psychology | Weinberg | 2020-2021 |
Legallet, Neva | San Francisco Fellows | Social Policy | Education and Social Policy | 2022-2023 |
Norambuena, Matthew | San Francisco Fellows | Political Science | Weinberg | 2022-2023 |
Bowman, Kathryn | San Francisco Fellows | Social Policy | Education and Social Policy | 2022-2023 |
Widener, Laney | Santa Clara Valley Chapter | Plant Biology | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Agrawal, Saaket | Sarnoff Cardiovascular Research Foundation Fellowship | MD Program | Feinberg | 2019-2020 |
Pierce, Jacob Bailey | Sarnoff Fellowship Program | Public Health/Medical Science Training | Graduate School/Feinberg | 2018-2019 |
Alghamdi, Amani | Saudi Aramco Scholarship | Chemistry | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Vargas, Teresa | Schizophrenia International Research Society Early Career Awards | Psychology | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Joo, Young | Schlanger Scientific Ocean Drilling Fellowship | Geological Sciences | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Childress, Laurel | Schlanger Scientific Ocean Drilling Fellowship | Earth & Planetary Science | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Ohno, Paul Erich | Schmidt Science Fellows | Chemistry | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
D'Aquino, Andrea | Schmidt Science Fellows | Chemistry | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
Zhang, Yuanzhao | Schmidt Science Fellows | Physics and Astronomy | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
Evans, Austin | Schmidt Science Fellows | Chemistry | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Hunt, Andrew | Schmidt Science Fellows | Chemical Engineering | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Adrover, Lauren | Schneider Student Paper Prize in Economic Anthropology from the Society for Economic Anthropology | Anthropology | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Brackin, Maria | Scholar of the Saint Andrew's Society of NYS | Philosophy | Weinberg College | 2011-2012 |
Guerzovich, Maria Florencia | Scholarship of the Organization of American States | Political Science | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Zellman, Ariel | Schusterman Israel Studies Graduate Fellowships | English | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Harris, David | Schwarzman Scholar | Industrial Engineering | McCormick | 2016-2017 |
Yuan, Ye | Schwarzman Scholar | Economics | Weinberg College | 2016-2017 |
Lim, Jung Sup | Schwarzman Scholars | Communication Studies | Communication | 2017-2018 |
Xue, Bozhong | Schwarzman Scholars | Sociology/Civil Engineering | Weinberg/McCormick | 2017-2018 |
Jiang, Sophie | Schwarzman Scholars | Radio/Television/Film | Communication | 2020-2021 |
Zhu, Courtney | Schwarzman Scholars | Journalism | Medill | 2020-2021 |
Scanlon, Ruby | Schwarzman Scholars | Social Policy | Education and Social Policy | 2022-2023 |
Patel, Ami | Science and Technology Policy Graduate Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2007-2008 |
Brown, Paul Timothy | Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internships | Materials Science and Engineering | McCormick | 2019-2020 |
Georgopoulos, Leonidas | Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internships | Materials Science and Engineering | McCormick | 2019-2020 |
Reynolds, Katherine | SculptureCenter Curatorial Fellow | Art Theory and Practice | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Sales, Joy Nicholas | SEASSI Scholarship | History | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Joo, Hyejin | Seattle International Piano Competition Professional Artist (Gold Medal) | Piano | Bienen | 2019-2020 |
Neely, James | Seismological Society of America Eastern Section Student Presentation Awards | Earth and Planetary Sciences | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
Ng, Benjamin | Sertoma Club Scholarship | Communication Sciences & Disorders | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Corcoran, Riley | Sertoma Communicative Disorders Scholarship | Audiology | Communication | 2020-2021 |
McDonnell, Miranda | Sertoma Communicative Disorders Scholarship | Audiology | Communication | 2020-2021 |
Zama, Jazzmin | Sertoma Communicative Disorders Scholarship | Speech, Language and Learning | Communication | 2020-2021 |
Burke, Kyle | Shafr Dissertation Completion Fellowship | | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Korganbekova, Malika | Shankar-Spiegel Dissertation Award | Marketing | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Derderian, Elizabeth Ann | Sheikh Saud bin Saqr al Qasimi Foundation Doctoral Research Grant | Anthropology | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Silva, Andrea | Sidley PreLaw Scholarship | Sociology | Weinberg College | 2013-2014 |
Liu, Mengtan | Sigma Xi Grants in Aid of Research | Chemistry | Weinberg | 2017-2018 |
Finch, Jessamine Hope | Sigma Xi Grants-in-Aid of Research Award | Plant Biology | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Agrawal, Ananya Mohit | Sigma Xi Grants-in-Aid of Research Award | Chemistry | Weinberg College | 2016-2017 |
Bush, Rosemary | Sigma-Xi Research Grant | Plant Biology & Conservation | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Rhodes, Matthew | Sigma-Xi Research Grant | Plant Biology & Conservation | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
White, Alexandra | Sinai Scholar Fellowship | Sociology | Weinberg College | 2011-2012 |
Lee, Cerina | Sir James Lougheed Award of Distinction | Health Sciences Integrated Program | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Scheiwe, Heather | Skadden Foundation Fellowship | Law | The Law School | 2009-2010 |
Sunken, Grace Louise | Slovenian Women's Union of America Merit Award | | Weinberg College | 2014-2015 |
Gilli, Mauro | Smith Richardson Foundation World Politics and Statecraft Fellowship | Political Science | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Radosavljevic, Aleks | Smithsonian Institute Curatorial Graduate Fellowship | Plant Biology | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Boone, Emilie | Smithsonian Institute Fellow at the National Gallery of Art | Art History | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Akiboh, Alvita Ansa | Smithsonian Institute Graduate Student Fellowship | History | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Urena, Leslie | Smithsonian Institute Predoctoral Fellowship | Art History | The Graduate School | 2005-2006 |
Miller, Nicholas | Smithsonian Institute Predoctoral Fellowship | Art History | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Zarsadiaz, James | Smithsonian Institute Predoctoral Fellowship | History | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Radosavljevic, Aleksandar | Smithsonian Institute Predoctoral Fellowship | Plant Biology | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Bugajski, Jill | Smithsonian Institute Terra Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship | Art History | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Gleisser, Faye | Smithsonian Institute Terra Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship | Art History | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Kelemu, Finote Aster Gijsman | Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute Internships | Biological Sciences | Weinberg | 2018-2019 |
Kalema, William | Social Equity Venture Fund Student Essay Competition | History | Weinberg College | 2008-2009 |
Halaburda, Carlos | Social Science and Humanities Council of Canada Postdoctoral Fellowships | Spanish and Portuguese | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Cornejo, Oscar | Social Science Research Council/Mellon Mays Predoctoral Research Development Grant | Sociology | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Ling, Xi Min | Social Science Research Council (Singapore) Graduate Research Fellowship | History | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Alston, Brandon | Social Science Research Council Dissertation Proposal Development Program | Sociology | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Amin, Anjni | Social Science Research Council Dissertation Proposal Development Program | Music Theory and Cognition | Bienen | 2017-2018 |
Bos, Colin | Social Science Research Council Dissertation Proposal Development Program | History | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Cacchione, Olivia | Social Science Research Council Dissertation Proposal Development Program | Music | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Collins, Jayme | Social Science Research Council Dissertation Proposal Development Program | English | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Delaini, Lucia | Social Science Research Council Dissertation Proposal Development Program | Communication Studies | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Estrela, Sarah | Social Science Research Council Dissertation Proposal Development Program | Art History | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Hill, James Howard | Social Science Research Council Dissertation Proposal Development Program | Religious Studies | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Justo, Nathalia | Social Science Research Council Dissertation Proposal Development Program | Political Science | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Miller, Isaac Noah Ginsberg | Social Science Research Council Dissertation Proposal Development Program | African American Studies | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Nunez, Alicia Vanessa | Social Science Research Council Dissertation Proposal Development Program | Spanish and Portuguese | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Nur, Salih | Social Science Research Council Dissertation Proposal Development Program | Political Science | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Porter-Lupu, Jennifer | Social Science Research Council Dissertation Proposal Development Program | Anthropology | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Terek, Keegan | Social Science Research Council Dissertation Proposal Development Program | Anthropology | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Topoleski, Anthony | Social Science Research Council Dissertation Proposal Development Program | Slavic Languages and Literatures | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Urwasi, Kadek | Social Science Research Council Dissertation Proposal Development Program | Sociology | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Zender, Benjamin | Social Science Research Council Dissertation Proposal Development Program | Performance Studies | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Arnold, Claire | Social Science Research Council Dissertation Proposal Development Program | History | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Bell, Jessy | Social Science Research Council Dissertation Proposal Development Program | Art History | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Berry, Allena | Social Science Research Council Dissertation Proposal Development Program | Learning Sciences | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Croft, Marissa | Social Science Research Council Dissertation Proposal Development Program | Communication Studies | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Gyamfi, Bright | Social Science Research Council Dissertation Proposal Development Program | History | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Jones, Benjamin | Social Science Research Council Dissertation Proposal Development Program | Art History | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Marsh, Gervais | Social Science Research Council Dissertation Proposal Development Program | Performance Studies | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Muñiz, Julissa | Social Science Research Council Dissertation Proposal Development Program | Human Development and Social Policy | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Ozkan, Mahmure Idil | Social Science Research Council Dissertation Proposal Development Program | Anthropology | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Pass, Kenneth | Social Science Research Council Dissertation Proposal Development Program | Sociology | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Rapport, Kaelin | Social Science Research Council Dissertation Proposal Development Program | Anthropology | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Rodriguez, Catalina | Social Science Research Council Dissertation Proposal Development Program | Spanish and Portuguese | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Tate, Angela | Social Science Research Council Dissertation Proposal Development Program | History | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Weissman, Benjamin | Social Science Research Council Dissertation Proposal Development Program | Musicology | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Wilkenfeld, Jacob | Social Science Research Council Dissertation Proposal Development Program | Spanish and Portuguese | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Zender, Benjamin | Social Science Research Council Dissertation Proposal Development Program | Performance Studies | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Kacsor, Adrienn | Social Science Research Council International Dissertation Research Fellowship | Art History | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Terek, Keegan | Social Science Research Council International Dissertation Research Fellowship | Anthropology | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Breiter, Sarah | Social Science Research Council International Dissertation Research Fellowship | Anthropology | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
Gyamfi, Bright | Social Science Research Council International Dissertation Research Fellowship | History | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
Keita, Lamin | Social Science Research Council International Dissertation Research Fellowship | Political Science | Graduate School | 2019-20 |
Kuma, Dela | Social Science Research Council International Dissertation Research Fellowship | Anthropology | Graduate School | 2019-20 |
Kácsor, Adrienn | Social Science Research Council International Dissertation Research Fellowship | Art History | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
Safaeian, Azadeh | Social Science Research Council International Dissertation Research Fellowship | Comparative Literary Studies | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
Onoma, Kwamena | Social Science Research Council International Dissertation Research Fellowship | Political Science | The Graduate School | 2004-2005 |
Charlebois, Tim | Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Doctoral Fellowship | Political Science | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Good, Elizabeth | Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Doctoral Fellowship | Political Science | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
Edwards, Mitchell Robert | Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Doctoral Fellowships | History | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Halaburda, Carlos | Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Doctoral Fellowships | Spanish and Portuguese | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Morelli, Didier | Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Doctoral Fellowships | Performance Studies | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Fergie, Dexter | Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Doctoral Fellowships | History | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
Fortier, Jacob | Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Doctoral Fellowships | Political Science | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Murray, Emerson | Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Doctoral Fellowships | Political Science | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Jurdjevic, Mark | Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Doctoral Fellowship | History | The Graduate School | 1998-1999 |
Steinberg, David | Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Doctoral Fellowship | Political Science | The Graduate School | 2005-2006 |
Day, Christopher | Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Doctoral Fellowship | Political Science | The Graduate School | 2006-2007 |
Legacey, Erin-Marie | Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Doctoral Fellowship | History | The Graduate School | 2006-2007 |
Munroe, Andre | Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Doctoral Fellowship | Political Science | The Graduate School | 2006-2007 |
Matuk, Camilla | Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Doctoral Fellowship | Learning Sciences | The Graduate School | 2007-2008 |
Penafiel, Ricardo | Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Doctoral Fellowship | | | 2008-2009 |
Day, Christopher | Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Doctoral Fellowship | Political Science | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Henripin, Olivier | Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Doctoral Fellowship | Political Science | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Mason, Rebecca | Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Doctoral Fellowship | Philosophy | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Carswell, Kathleen | Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Doctoral Fellowship | Psychology | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Doyle, Caitlyn | Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Doctoral Fellowship | Comparative Literary Studies | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Spiro, Miriam | Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Doctoral Fellowship | | | 2010-2011 |
Cooper, Angela | Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Doctoral Fellowship | Linguistics | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Ferguson, Brock | Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Doctoral Fellowship | Psychology | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Wray, Anthony | Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Doctoral Fellowship | Economics | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Browman, Alexander | Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Doctoral Fellowship | Psychology | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Daniher, Colleen | Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Doctoral Fellowship | Performance Studies | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Cochran, William Bruce | Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Doctoral Fellowship | Philosophy | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Laperrière, Marie | Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Doctoral Fellowship | Sociology | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Noddings, Timothy | Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Doctoral Fellowship | Gender & Sexuality Studies | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Norris, Samuel | Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Doctoral Fellowship | Economics | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
van den Scott, Jeffrey | Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Doctoral Fellowship | Music | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
van den Scott, Lisa-Jo | Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Doctoral Fellowship | Sociology | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Gates, Sarah Lindsay | Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Doctoral Fellowship | Music Theory & Cognition | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Noddings, Timothy | Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Doctoral Fellowship - SSHRC | History | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Orrego Torres, Ely | Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Religion, Spirituality, and Democratic Renewal Program | Political Science | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Sanchez-Kisielewska, Olga | Society for Eighteenth Century BSOM Student Paper Award | Music Theory & Cognition | Bienen School | 2015-2016 |
Burke, Kyle | Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations Dissertation Completion Fellowship (Soc Hist Am For Rel) | History | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Daitoku, Takaaki | Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations Global Scholars Crant | History | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Akiboh, Alvita Ansa | Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations Stuart L. Barnath Dissertation Research Grant | History | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Collier, Azurii | Society for Neuroscience, Neuroscience Scholars Program Fellowship | Psychology | The Graduate School | 2008-2009 |
Hughes, Erin | Society for Personality and Social Psychology Inside the Grant Panel | Psychology | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Feller-Simmons, Paul | Society for Seventeenth-Century Music Diversity and Inclusion Research Award | Musicology | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Donelson, Raffana | Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy Grant | Philosophy | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Cheon, Bobby | Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues Fellowship | Psychology | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Chen, Yu-Ying | Society for the Study of Reproduction Annual Meeting Trainee Travel Award | Driskill Graduate Program in Life Sciences | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Murphy, Alina | Society for the Study of Reproduction Annual Meeting Trainee Travel Award | Driskill Graduate Program in Life Sciences | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Ozdemir, Hazal | Society of Armenian Studies Fellowships | History | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Saxine, Ian | Society of Colonial Wars in the State of Maryland Fellowship | History | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Akiboh, Alvita Ansa | Society of Fellows Postdoctoral Fellowship (University of Michigan) | History | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Cooper, Benjamin Joel | Society of Herbarium Curators Student Research Grant | Plant Biology & Conservation | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Gerlin, Gerpha | Society of Medical Anthropology Best Graduate Student Essay | Anthropology | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Ahmed, Jannat | Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers Chicago Section Academic Scholarship | Mechanical Engineering | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Gu, Thomas | Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers Chicago Section Fellowship | Mechanical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Pickens, David Bruce | Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers Scholarship | Mechanical Engineering | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Vise, Melissa | Solmsen Fellowship at the Institute for Research in the Humanities at UW Madison | History | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Gabriel, Douglas | Soon Young Kim Postdoctoral Fellowships | Art History | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Alamuddin, Rayane | Soros Open Society Fellowship | Human Development & Social Policy | SESP | 2010-2011 |
Forrat, Natalia | Soros Open Society Fellowship | Social policy | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Shum, Melody | Southeast Asian Studies Archives Fellowship Program | History | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Nadia, Mirna | Southeast Asia Research Group Predissertation Fellowship | Sociology | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
Utama, Rahardhika Arista | Southeast Asia Research Group Pre-Dissertation Fellowship | Sociology | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Sounaye, Abdoulaye | South-South Rethinking Development Fellowship | Religious Studies | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Porter-Lupu, Jennifer | Spatial Archaeology Residential and Online Institute | Anthropology | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Raillard, Daniela | Spatial Archaeology Residential and Online Institute | Anthropology | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Joseph, Diana M. | Spencer Foundation Dissertation Fellowship | Learning Sciences | SESP | 1997-1998 |
Tabak, Iris Ellen | Spencer Foundation Dissertation Fellowship | Learning Sciences | SESP | 1997-1998 |
Johnson-Kuhn, Jennifer | Spencer Foundation Dissertation Fellowship | Anthropology | The Graduate School | 1998-1999 |
Tartaro, Andrea | Spencer Foundation Dissertation Fellowship | Technology & Social Behavior | The Graduate School | 2006-2007 |
Delale-O’Connor , Lori | Spencer Foundation Dissertation Fellowship | Sociology | The Graduate School | 2008-2009 |
Sanders, Crystal | Spencer Foundation Dissertation Fellowship | History | The Graduate School | 2008-2009 |
Stephan, Jennifer | Spencer Foundation Dissertation Fellowship | Political Science | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Hart, Cassandra | Spencer Foundation Dissertation Fellowship | Human Development & Social Policy | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Luna, Melissa | Spencer Foundation Dissertation Fellowship | Learning Sciences | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Jamil, Nurhaizatul | Spencer Foundation Dissertation Fellowship | Anthropology | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Mesa, Thomas Jonathan | Sphinx Competition, Senior Division - Cello | String Instruments | Bienen School | 2015-2016 |
Bandyopadhyay, Neelanjan | SPIE Optics and Photonics Education Scholarship | | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Bonakdar, Alireza | SPIE Optics and Photonics Education Scholarship | | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Callewaert, Francois | SPIE Optics and Photonics Education Scholarship | | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Cicek, Erdem | SPIE Optics and Photonics Education Scholarship | | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Haddadi, Abbas | SPIE Optics and Photonics Education Scholarship | | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Heydari, David | SPIE Optics and Photonics Education Scholarship | Electrical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Jariwala, Deep Manoj | SPIE Optics and Photonics Education Scholarship | | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Du, Jingshan | SPIE Optics and Photonics Education Scholarships | Materials Science and Engineering | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Li, Yuanwei | SPIE Optics and Photonics Education Scholarships | Chemical Engineering | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Wu , Wei | SPIE Scholarship | Electrical Engineering & Computer Science | The Graduate School | 2007-2008 |
Bayram, Can | SPIE Scholarship | Electrical Engineering & Computer Science | The Graduate School | 2008-2009 |
Nguyen, Binh Minh | SPIE Scholarship | Electrical Engineering & Computer Science | The Graduate School | 2008-2009 |
Sounaye, Abdoulaye | SSRC Dissertation Proposal Development Fellowship | Religious Studies | The Graduate School | 2007-2008 |
Kim, Jeong Chul | SSRC Dissertation Proposal Development Fellowship | Sociology | The Graduate School | 2008-2009 |
Good, Katie | SSRC Dissertation Proposal Development Fellowship | Communication Studies | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Cochran, William | SSRC Dissertation Proposal Development Fellowship | Philosophy | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Jamil, Nurhaizatul | SSRC Dissertation Proposal Development Fellowship | Anthropology | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Menon, Alka | SSRC Dissertation Proposal Development Fellowship | Sociology | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Peyton, David | SSRC Dissertation Proposal Development Fellowship | Political Science | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Christmas, Andrea Shannon | SSRC Dissertation Proposal Development Fellowship | History | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
FitzSimons, Will Forest | SSRC Dissertation Proposal Development Fellowship | | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Khoury, Rana B. | SSRC Dissertation Proposal Development Fellowship | Political Science | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Daily, Ruby | SSRC Dissertation Proposal Research Development | History | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Zeng, Zhixiong | SSRC Fellowship in Applied Economics | Economics | The Graduate School | 1998-1999 |
Sales, Joy Nicholas | SSRC Graduate Studies Enhancement Grant | History | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Johnson-Kuhn, Jennifer | SSRC International Dissertation Research Fellowship | Anthropology | The Graduate School | 1996-1997 |
Jacobs, Rachelle Marie | SSRC International Dissertation Research Fellowship | Religious Studies | The Graduate School | 1997-1998 |
Prestholdt, Jeremy | SSRC International Dissertation Research Fellowship | History | The Graduate School | 1998-1999 |
Elias, Chad | SSRC International Dissertation Research Fellowship | Art History | The Graduate School | 2006-2007 |
Bookman, Ariel | SSRC International Dissertation Research Fellowship | English | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Taylor, Rachel | SSRC International Dissertation Research Fellowship | History | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Thurston, Alexander | SSRC International Dissertation Research Fellowship | Religious Studies | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Robinson, Aileen | SSRC International Dissertation Research Fellowship | Theatre | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Thilly, Peter | SSRC International Dissertation Research Fellowship | History | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Glickman, Stephanie | SSRC International Dissertation Research Fellowship | Art History | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
DeAlmeida, Marcos Abreu Leitao | SSRC International Dissertation Research Fellowship | History | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
FitzSimons, William Forest | SSRC International Dissertation Research Fellowship | History | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Sykes, Rory Alison | SSRC International Dissertation Research Fellowship | Art History | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Hatton, Brynn | SSRC Mellon International Dissertation Research Fellowship | Art History | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Smith, Nicholas William Stephenson | SSRC Mellon International Dissertation Research Fellowship | History | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Tevebring, Frederika | SSRC Mellon International Dissertation Research Fellowship | | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Goldfarb, Avi | SSRC Pre-Dissertation Fellowship in Applied Economics | Economics | The Graduate School | 1998-1999 |
Wagner, Christopher | St. John's Benefactors' Scholarship for Research | History | Weinberg College | 2009-2010 |
Chen, Mian | Stanford East Asia Library Travel Grants | History | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Forti, Matthew | State Farm Exceptional Student Fellowship | Economics | Weinberg College | 1999-2000 |
Kogan, Uri | State Farm Exceptional Student Fellowship | Voice & Opera | Bienen School | 1999-2000 |
Mahadevia, Ankit | State Farm Exceptional Student Fellowship | Biological Sciences | Weinberg College | 1999-2000 |
Tang, John | State Farm Exceptional Student Fellowship | Economics | Weinberg College | 1999-2000 |
Srivastava, Ankur | State Farm Exceptional Student Fellowship | Philosophy | Weinberg College | 2000-2001 |
Brown, Katherine | State Farm Exceptional Student Fellowship | Economics | Weinberg College | 2001-2002 |
Riley, Theodore | State Farm Exceptional Student Fellowship | Economics | Weinberg College | 2001-2002 |
Shah, Paresh | State Farm Exceptional Student Fellowship | Economics | Weinberg College | 2001-2002 |
Wang, Xingzhi | State Key Laboratory Scientific Research Awards | Physics and Astronomy | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Abouzaglo, Maayan | Stephen L. Suckle Israeli Scholarship | Social Policy | Education and Social Policy | 2020-2021 |
Hanna, Sylvia | Stewardship Science Graduate Fellowship | Chemistry | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Marchingiglio, Riccardo | Stigler Center for the Study of the Economy and the State PhD Dissertation Award | Economics | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Feldmeyer, Laura Jeanne Ferdinand | Stuart A. Rose Manuscript, Archives, and Rare Book Short-Term Fellowships | Theatre and Drama | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Hoyt, Lindsay | Student and Early Career Council Dissertation Research Funding Awards | Human Development & Social Policy | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Cook, Amanda | Student Experience Research Network Data Archive for Interdisciplinary Research on Learning Grant | Human Development and Social Policy | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Groves, Harmony | Sturgis Area Community Foundation Scholarship | Physical Therapy | Feinberg | 2020-2021 |
Balestrieri-Fox, Dominic | Summer Fellowships for Advanced Turkish Language Study at Boğaziçi University, Istanbul | International Studies | Weinberg | 2017-2018 |
Howell, Elizabeth | Summer Fellowships for Advanced Turkish Language Study at Boğaziçi University, Istanbul | History | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Everding, Abigail | Summer Fellowships for Advanced Turkish Language Study at Boğaziçi University, Istanbul | Linguistics | Weinberg | 2019-2020 |
Elhard, Diana | Summer Fellowships for Advanced Turkish Language Study at Boğaziçi University, Istanbul | Political Science | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Kharatishvili, Tamar | Summer Institute for Technical Studies in Art | Art History | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Thompson, Andrew Ifedapo | Summer Institute in Computational Social Science | Political Science | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Ellis, Timothy | Summer Institute on Sustainability and Energy Fellows | Voice and Opera | Bienen | 2020-2021 |
Burhop, Danielle | Summer Literary Seminars Merit Fellowship | Creative Writing | SCS | 2010-2011 |
Fru, Nancy | Summer Research Opportunity Program | Communication Sciences | School of Communication | 2008-2009 |
Ochoa-Bendaña, Analidis | Summer Research Opportunity Program | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2008-2009 |
Morales, Melany | Summer Undergraduate Psychology Experience in Research Fellowship | Psychology | Weinberg | 2022-2023 |
Matisek, Jahara William | Summer Workshop on Analysis of Military Operations and Strategy Scholarship | Political Science | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Olivia, Marilyn | Sundance Ignite x Adobe Fellows | Documentary Media | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
DeSario, Paul | Sustainable Energy Fellowship | Civil & Environmental Engineering | The Graduate School | 2007-2008 |
Lewis, Jacob | Sylvan C. Coleman and Pamela Coleman Memorial Fellowship | Art History | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
O'Malley, Patrick Ryan | Symphony in C Young Composer's Competition | Music Composition | Bienen School | 2015-2016 |
Zhu, Zhehao | Symposium F.EL04—Beyond Graphene 2D Materials— Synthesis, Properties, and Device Applications Best Poster | Materials Science and Engineering | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Chan, Peter | Symposium on Computer Science and Law Travel Grant | Computer Science | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
Nyabingi, Olufemi | Symposium on Research in Child Language Disorders Student Awards | Neuroscience | Weinberg | 2020-2021 |
Talla, Aravind Reddy | Symposium on the Theory of Computing Student Travel Grants | Computer Science | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Gardner, Elliot | Systematics Research Fund | Plant Biology | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Liu, Tzuchen | Taiwanese Government Scholarship for Study Abroad | Materials Science and Engineering | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
Hsu, Chien-Ju | Taiwanese Government Scholarship for Study Abroad | Communication Sciences & Disorders | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Lutjens, Richard | Takiff Family Foundation Fellowship | History | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Bugajski, Jill | Tamiment Library Dissertation Fellowship at the Center for the United States and the Cold War | Art History | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Bernstein, Kristin | Tau Beta Pi Scholarship | Civil & Environmental Engineering | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Alexander, Ronald | Tau Beta Pi Scholarship | Chemical & Biological Engineering | McCormick | 2012-2013 |
Jacobson, Joshua | Tau Beta Pi Scholarship | Electrical Engineering & Computer Science | McCormick | 2012-2013 |
Kunjur, Neeldev | Tau Beta Pi Scholarship | Electrical Engineering & Computer Science | McCormick | 2012-2013 |
Lee, Yoon | Tau Beta Pi Scholarship | Biomedical Engineering | McCormick | 2012-2013 |
Bird , Molly Anne | Tau Beta Pi Scholarship | Biomedical Engineering | McCormick | 2014-2015 |
Ding, Jimmy L. | Tau Beta Pi Scholarship | Mechanical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Li, Cristine Jiahe | Tau Beta Pi Scholarship | Chemical Engineering | McCormick | 2015-2016 |
Zeng, Yue Major | Tau Beta Pi Scholarship | Environmental Science | Weinberg College/McCormick | 2015-2016 |
Brunel, Lucia | Tau Beta Pi Scholarships | Chemical Engineering | McCormick | 2018-2019 |
Christensen, Caroline | Tau Beta Pi Scholarships | Industrial Engineering | McCormick | 2021-2022 |
de Lesseps, Anton | Tau Beta Pi Scholarships | Applied Mathematics | McCormick | 2021-2022 |
de Siqueira Neto, Luiz | Tau Beta Pi Scholarships | Civil and Environmental Engineering | McCormick | 2021-2022 |
Greane, Aurora | Tau Beta Pi Scholarships | String Instruments/Biomedical Engineering | Bienen/McCormick | 2021-2022 |
Shah, Mili | Teaching Assistant Program in France | Economics | Weinberg | 2022-2023 |
Ngoei, Wen-Qing | Teagle Fellowship for Teaching and Learning | History | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Gilbert, Nicole | Team Rehab Scholarship | Physical Therapy | Feinberg | 2021-2022 |
Osterberg, Kelley | Telemann Fantasias Recording Competition | Wind and Percussion Instruments/Chemical Engineering | Bienen/McCormick | 2021-2022 |
Perrin, Ayodeji | Temple University Diversity and Inclusion Postdoctoral Fellows | Political Science | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Zhang, Zitao | Terry L. Priest Scholarship | Civil & Environmental Engineering | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Kleintop, Amanda | Texas State Historical Association's Lawrence T. Jones III Research Grant | History | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Crane, Liza | Texas State Symphony Orchestra Composers’ Competition (Winner) | Composition and Music Technology | Bienen | 2021-2022 |
Gourse, Alexander | Thayer Short-Term Research Fellowship from UCLA Library | History | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
O'Malley, Patrick Ryan | The American Prize in Composition, Orchestra Student Division | Music Composition | Bienen School | 2015-2016 |
Li, Youjia | The Japan Foundation Research Fellowship | History | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Glerum, Jennifer Anne | ThinkSwiss Research Scholarship | Materials Science and Engineering | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Eisenman, Sarah Rose | ThinkSwiss Research Scholarship | Psychology | Weinberg | 2019-2020 |
Charoenwong, Chalinee | ThinkSwiss Research Scholarship | Economics | Weinberg | 2020-2021 |
Wellman, Haley | ThinkSwiss Research Scholarship | Chemistry | Weinberg | 2020-2021 |
Brogaard, Jonathan | Think Swiss Research Scholarship | Law | The Law School | 2008-2009 |
Chow, Yee Hoong | Think Swiss Research Scholarship | Chemical & Biological Engineering | McCormick | 2008-2009 |
Morley, Claire | Think Swiss Research Scholarship | Voice & Opera | Bienen School | 2013-2014 |
Song, Albert | Think Swiss Research Scholarship | Biological Sciences | Weinberg College | 2013-2014 |
Ellison, Alex | Think Swiss Research Scholarship | | Weinberg College | 2014-2015 |
Nadig, Ajay Giri | Think Swiss Research Scholarship | Neuroscience | Weinberg College | 2014-2015 |
Campos, Pablo Hernan | Think Swiss Research Scholarship | Mechanical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Lovasik, Brendan | Think Swiss Research Scholarship | Biological Sciences | Weinberg College | 2015-2016 |
Cheng, Brian | Think Swiss Research Scholarship | Biological Sciences | Weinberg College | 2016-2017 |
Jozwik, Anna | Thomas R. Pickering Foreign Affairs Fellowship | Political Science | Weinberg | 2017-2018 |
Acosta-Licea , Dulce | Thomas R. Pickering Foreign Affairs Fellowship | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2007-2008 |
Turner, Darryl | Thomas R. Pickering Foreign Affairs Fellowship | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2010-2011 |
Pinedo, Elizabeth | Thomas R. Pickering Foreign Affairs Fellowship | Anthropology | Weinberg College | 2012-2013 |
Sow, Ramata | Thomas R. Pickering Foreign Affairs Fellowship | Political Science & International Studies & Business Institutions | Weinberg College | 2014-2015 |
Sisson, Sophie | Thornton Tomasetti Foundation Scholarships | Civil Engineering | McCormick | 2017-2018 |
Schwartz, Rachel | Tikvah Fellowship | Philosophy | Weinberg College | 2011-2012 |
Paris, Catherine | Tillman Scholars | Biomedical Engineering | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Akiboh, Alvita Ansa | Tobin Project Prospectus Development Workshop Award | History | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
d’Urso, Amanda Sahar | Tom Carsey Scholars | Political Science and Statistics | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Gardner, Elliot | Torrey Botanical Society Student Training Fellowship | Plant Biology & Conservation | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
De Leon, Alexandra | Toshiba International Foundation Fellowship for Research and Japanese Language Training | History | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Noel, Zina | Towards 2044: Horowitz Early Career Scholars Program | Human Development and Social Policy | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Zhang, Zitao | Transportation Clubs International Annual Student Hooper Memorial Scholarship | Civil & Environmental Engineering | The Graduate School | 2008-2009 |
Zhang, Zitao | Transportation Clubs International Annual Valedictorian | Civil & Environmental Engineering | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Fergie, Dexter | Truman Library Institute Dissertation Year Fellowships | History | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Ramanathan, Kumar | Truman Library Institute Research Grants | Political Science | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Mayekar, Samir | Truman National Security Fellowship | International Studies | Weinberg College | 2011-2012 |
Gray, Elissa | Truman Scholarship | Journalism | Medill | 2018-2019 |
Richardson, Hayden | Truman Scholarship | Legal Studies | Weinberg | 2019-2020 |
Roston, Abigail | Truman Scholarship | History | Weinberg | 2020-2021 |
Choi, Ji Hye | Truman Scholarship | Political Science | Weinberg | 2021-2022 |
Petryk, Irena | Truman Scholarship | Economics | Weinberg | 2022-2023 |
Ahn, Kaylyn | Truman Scholarship | Social Policy | Education and Social Policy | 2023-2024 |
Dellit, Anna | Truman Scholarship | Black Studies | Weinberg | 2023-2024 |
Youngers, Susan | Truman Scholarship | | | 1978-1979 |
Wilks, Undray B. | Truman Scholarship | Political Science | Weinberg College | 1980-1981 |
Pink, Daniel H. | Truman Scholarship | Linguistics | Weinberg College | 1983-1984 |
Russo, Christopher | Truman Scholarship | Economics | Weinberg College | 1983-1984 |
Bryan, Steve | Truman Scholarship | Political Science | Weinberg College | 1985-1986 |
Hirsch, Jennifer L. | Truman Scholarship | American Studies | Weinberg College | 1987-1988 |
Branstetter, Lee | Truman Scholarship | Economics | Weinberg College | 1988-1989 |
Crosland, Catherine | Truman Scholarship | History | Weinberg College | 1990-1991 |
Goldstein, Stephanie | Truman Scholarship | Journalism | Medill | 1994-1995 |
Chanda, Parthapratim | Truman Scholarship | Sociology | Weinberg College | 1997-1998 |
Martinez, Leonardo | Truman Scholarship | Undeclared | | 1997-1998 |
Kemper, Gwendolyn M. | Truman Scholarship | Sociology | The Graduate School | 2000-2001 |
Rubenstein, David | Truman Scholarship | History | Weinberg College | 2005-2006 |
Hammerly, Qiddist Miriam | Truman Scholarship | Social Policy | SESP | 2014-2015 |
Nganga, Kathleen | Truman Scholarship | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2016-2017 |
Dubose, Rachel | Tutterow Fellow | Writing | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Loh, Isaac | Tyng Fellowship | Economics | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Popovic, Milica | U.S. Army Medical Research and Material SOCand and Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs' Breast Cancer Research Program Predoctoral Award | Electrical Engineering & Computer Science | The Graduate School | 1998-1999 |
D'Amato, Rachel | UCLA Summer Program | African American Studies | Weinberg College | 2015-2016 |
Wellman, Renee Hagen | Udall Scholarship | | SESP | 2014-2015 |
Brown, Scott | Udall Scholarship | Journalism | Medill/Weinberg College | 2015-2016 |
Mills, Kadin | Udall Undergraduate Scholarship | Journalism | Medill | 2021-2022 |
Downing, Eve | Udall Undergraduate Scholarship | Environmental Policy and Culture | Weinberg | 2022-2023 |
Hembling, John J. | Udall Undergraduate Scholarship | Environmental Sciences | Weinberg College | 1997-1998 |
Martin, Marisa A. | Udall Undergraduate Scholarship | Environmental Sciences | Weinberg College | 1997-1998 |
Fuhs, Karey L. | Udall Undergraduate Scholarship | Environmental Sciences | Weinberg College | 2000-2001 |
Maricle, Genevieve E. | Udall Undergraduate Scholarship | Mathematics | Weinberg College | 2000-2001 |
Bhalla, Panah | Udall Undergraduate Scholarship | Environmental Sciences | Weinberg College | 2005-2006 |
Schiller, Sam | Udall Undergraduate Scholarship | Social Policy | SESP/Weinberg College | 2007-2008 |
Smith, Nikolai | Udall Undergraduate Scholarship | Social Policy | SESP/Weinberg College | 2007-2008 |
Ji, Isabelle | Udall Undergraduate Scholarship | Civil & Environmental Engineering | McCormick | 2009-2010 |
Wright, Emily | Udall Undergraduate Scholarship | Anthropology | Weinberg College | 2009-2010 |
Adewuyi, Adenike Adekunbi | UNCF Merck Graduate Science Dissertation Research Fellowship | Biomedical Engineering | Feinberg/The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Collier, Azurii | UNCF Merck Research Science Initiative | Psychology | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Chang, William | Undergraduate Design Competition Award | Materials Science & Engineering | McCormick | 2010-2011 |
Ginder, Ryan | Undergraduate Design Competition Award | Materials Science & Engineering | McCormick | 2010-2011 |
Lui, Boping | Undergraduate Design Competition Award | Materials Science & Engineering | McCormick | 2010-2011 |
Yu, Thomas | Undergraduate Design Competition Award | Materials Science & Engineering | McCormick | 2010-2011 |
Heishman, Robert | Union League Civic & Arts Foundation Visual Arts Award | Art Theory & Practice | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Glendening, Liam | United States Army Band American Trombone Workshop Quartet Competition (First Prize) | Wind and Percussion Instruments | Bienen | 2021-2022 |
Proffit, Evelyn | United States Army Band American Trombone Workshop Quartet Competition (First Prize) | Wind and Percussion Instruments | Bienen | 2021-2022 |
Regalado, Felix | United States Army Band American Trombone Workshop Quartet Competition (First Prize) | Wind and Percussion Instruments | Bienen | 2021-2022 |
Reid, Logan | United States Army Band American Trombone Workshop Quartet Competition (First Prize) | Wind and Percussion Instruments | Bienen | 2021-2022 |
Forstie, Clare | University Fellow in Gender and Sexuality at the University of Wisconsin-Platteville | Sociology | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Chavez, Erica | University of California, Los Angeles Bioscience Scholars Program | Neuroscience | Weinberg | 2022-2023 |
Drake, Tasha | University of Chicago Provost's Career Enhancement Postdoctoral Scholarship | Chemistry | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Baker, Kevin | University of Minnesota Charles Babbage Institute, Adelle and Erwin Tomash Fellowship in History of IT | History | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Alston, Brandon | University of Pennsylvania Predoctoral Fellowships for Excellence Through Diversity | Sociology | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Pass, Kenneth | University of Pennsylvania Program on Race, Science, and Society Predoctoral Fellowship | Sociology | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Muñiz, Julissa | University of Texas Division of Diversity and Community Engagement Visiting School Research Grant | Human Development and Social Policy | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
Barrios, Erika | University of Texas Press Publishing Fellowship | English | Weinberg | 2019-2020 |
Park, Seo Young Lindsey | Urbanek Founders Scholarship | Mathematics | Weinberg | 2018-2019 |
Nickson, Dana | Urban Prep Fellows Program | African American Studies | Weinberg College | 2010-2011 |
Shay, Benjamin | Urban Prep Fellows Program | History | Weinberg College | 2010-2011 |
Annamalai, Muthiah | Urban Prep Fellows Program | Biological Sciences | Weinberg College | 2011-2012 |
Faucher, Aaron | Urban Prep Fellows Program | Social Policy | SESP | 2011-2012 |
Gifford, Allison | Urban Prep Fellows Program | History | Weinberg College | 2011-2012 |
Kent, Coleen | Urban Prep Fellows Program | Social Policy | SESP/Weinberg College | 2011-2012 |
Ruge, Nicholas | Urban Prep Fellows Program | American Studies | Weinberg College | 2011-2012 |
Aden, Madeline | Urban Prep Fellows Program | Social Policy | SESP | 2012-2013 |
Littman, Danielle | Urban Prep Fellows Program | Theatre | School of Communication/Weinberg College | 2012-2013 |
Ryan , Moira | Urban Prep Fellows Program | History | Weinberg College | 2012-2013 |
Plaut, Ethan | USA TODAY All-USA College Academic Team | Journalism | Medill | 1999-2000 |
Broach, John | USA TODAY All-USA College Academic Team | Public Health | Feinberg/The Graduate School | 2001-2002 |
Harris, Melissa | USA TODAY All-USA College Academic Team | Journalism | Medill | 2001-2002 |
Singh, Puneet | USA TODAY All-USA College Academic Team | American Studies | Weinberg College | 2001-2002 |
Jaeckel, Lauren | USA TODAY All-USA College Academic Team | American Studies | Weinberg College | 2002-2003 |
Anthony, Shawn | USA TODAY All-USA College Academic Team | Biomedical Engineering | McCormick | 2003-2004 |
Bejan, Cristina | USA TODAY All-USA College Academic Team | Philosophy | Weinberg College | 2003-2004 |
Carson, Tracy | USA TODAY All-USA College Academic Team | History | Weinberg College | 2003-2004 |
Coelius Keplinger, Susan | USA TODAY All-USA College Academic Team | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2003-2004 |
Lee, Jane | USA TODAY All-USA College Academic Team | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2004-2005 |
Anderson, Jodi | USA TODAY All-USA College Academic Team | Psychology | Weinberg College | 2005-2006 |
Bible, Blake | USA TODAY All-USA College Academic Team | Communication Studies | School of Communication | 2005-2006 |
Chanin, Michael | USA TODAY All-USA College Academic Team | History | Weinberg College | 2005-2006 |
Lee, Aaron | USA TODAY All-USA College Academic Team | Physics & Astronomy | Weinberg College | 2006-2007 |
Hertel-Fernandez, Alexander | USA TODAY All-USA College Academic Team | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2007-2008 |
Dwinal, Mallory | USA TODAY All-USA College Academic Team | Spanish | Weinberg College | 2008-2009 |
Kleiner, Samuel | USA TODAY All-USA College Academic Team | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2008-2009 |
Hsu, Lydia | USA TODAY All-USA College Academic Team | African Studies | Weinberg College | 2010-2011 |
Seeskin, Zack Haskell | US Census Department Dissertation Fellowship | Statistics | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Premo, Jason | US Department of Veterans Affairs Yellow Ribbon Program | Economics | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Gilburne, Jillian | US Digital Corps | Communication Studies | Communication | 2021-2022 |
Kimball, Erin | US Institute of Peace Fellowship | Political Science | The Graduate School | 2007-2008 |
Johnston, Patrick | US Institute of Peace Fellowship | History | The Graduate School | 2008-2009 |
Day, Christopher | US Institute of Peace Fellowship | Political Science | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Seymour, Lee | USIP Dissertation Fellowship | Political Science | The Graduate School | 2006-2007 |
Danner, Payton | US Teaching Assistantships at Austrian Secondary Schools | English | Weinberg | 2018-2019 |
Cole, Samuel | US Teaching Assistantships at Austrian Secondary Schools | German | Weinberg | 2019-2020 |
Daiter, Maya | US Teaching Assistantships at Austrian Secondary Schools | German | Weinberg | 2019-2020 |
Gentz, Mackenzie | US Teaching Assistantships at Austrian Secondary Schools | German | Weinberg | 2021-2022 |
Stutz, Sofía | US Teaching Assistantships at Austrian Secondary Schools | Philosophy | Weinberg | 2022-2023 |
Eshleman, Magdalena | Utah Native Plant Society Grant | | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Banks, Beverly | Vada and Col. Barney Oldfield National Security Reporting Fellowship | Editorial Journalism | Medill | 2018-2019 |
Fleischmann, Megan | VanderLaan Prize | Voice and Opera | Bienen | 2021-2022 |
Boone, Isaac | Vandoren Emerging Artist Competition (First Prize) | Wind and Percussion Instruments | Bienen | 2022-2023 |
Noll, Kathleen | Venetian Research Program for Individual Scholars | History | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Tonelli, Vanessa | Venetian Research Program for Individual Scholars | Musicology | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Vasquez, Diana | Venezuelan Association in Missouri Scholarships | Speech, Language and Learning | Communication | 2021-2022 |
D’Alelio, Alec | Venture for America Fellowship | Social Policy | Education and Social Policy | 2018-2019 |
Lal-Tabak, Anand James | Venture for America Fellowship | Economics | Weinberg | 2018-2019 |
McGeehan, Conor Cashel | Venture for America Fellowship | Integrated Engineering Studies | McCormick | 2018-2019 |
Park, Jintae | Venture for America Fellowship | Winds and Percussion | Bienen | 2018-2019 |
Faden, Matthew | Venture for America Fellowship | Communication Studies | Communication | 2019-2020 |
Hofferber, David | Venture for America Fellowship | Computer Science | McCormick | 2020-2021 |
Rojas, Jair | Venture for America Fellowship | Computer Science | McCormick | 2020-2021 |
Schram, Emily | Venture for America Fellowship | Manufacturing and Design Engineering | McCormick | 2020-2021 |
Sekhar, Tejas | Venture for America Fellowship | Neuroscience | Weinberg | 2022-2023 |
Faucher, Aaron | Venture for America Fellowship | Social Policy | SESP | 2011-2012 |
Anaya, Julia | Venture for America Fellowship | Communication Studies | School of Communication | 2013-2014 |
Da Silva, Nancy | Venture for America Fellowship | Art History | Weinberg College | 2013-2014 |
Fautsch, Andreas | Venture for America Fellowship | Learning & Organizational Change | SESP | 2013-2014 |
Jones, Carolyn | Venture for America Fellowship | Mechanical Engineering | McCormick | 2013-2014 |
Platta, Benjamin | Venture for America Fellowship | Mathematics | McCormick | 2013-2014 |
Rattner, Nathaniel | Venture for America Fellowship | Integrated Marketing & Communication | Medill | 2013-2014 |
Avula, Pooja | Venture for America Fellowship | | Weinberg College | 2014-2015 |
Bartell, Nate Oscar | Venture for America Fellowship | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2014-2015 |
Arnold, Billy | Venture for America Fellowship | MENA | Weinberg College | 2016-2017 |
Coravos, Cassie | Venture for America Fellowship | Manufacturing & Design Engineering | McCormick | 2016-2017 |
Ford, Kevin | Venture for America Fellowship | History | Weinberg College | 2016-2017 |
Learner, Samuel | Venture for America Fellowship | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2016-2017 |
Meisel, Dean | Venture for America Fellowship | Economics | Weinberg College | 2016-2017 |
Meyer, Elisa G. | Venture for America Fellowship | Cognitive Science | Weinberg College | 2016-2017 |
Narain, Rahul | Venture for America Fellowship | Manufacturing & Design Engineering | Weinberg College | 2016-2017 |
Panken, Eli | Venture for America Fellowship | Journalism | Medill | 2016-2017 |
Ready, Kelly | Venture for America Fellowship | Economics | Weinberg College | 2016-2017 |
Samant, Shiven | Venture for America Fellowship | Economics | Weinberg College | 2016-2017 |
Sterneck, Brooke | Venture for America Fellowship | Social Policy | SESP | 2016-2017 |
Tabing, Alex | Venture for America Fellowship | Mechanical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
He, Sihao | Victor Elmaleh Competition (Winner) | String Instruments | Bienen | 2021-2022 |
Kay, Haddon | Victor Elmaleh Competition (Winner) | String Instruments | Bienen | 2021-2022 |
Lee, Sydney | Victor Elmaleh Competition (Winner) | String Instruments | Bienen | 2021-2022 |
Moita Venturelli de Souza, Luiz | Victor Elmaleh Competition (Winner) | String Instruments | Bienen | 2021-2022 |
Carter, Dori-Taylor | Victory Congressional Internship | American Studies | Weinberg | 2021-2022 |
Nguyen, Dung | Vietnam Education Foundation Fellowship | Electrical Engineering & Computer Science | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Chu, Lan | Vietnam Education Foundation Fellowship | Biological Sciences IBIS | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Nguyen, Hoang Thai | Vietnam Education Foundation Fellowship | Theoretical & Applied Mechanics | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Guillerm, Gabrielle | Vincentian Studies Institute Grant | History | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
McCoy, Laura | Virginia Historical Society Research Fellowship | History | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Porter, Jayson | Voss Postdoctoral Research Associate in Environment and Society | History | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Petryk, Irena | Voyager Scholarship | Economics | Weinberg | 2021-2022 |
Murphy, Shalen | Voyager Scholarship | Neuroscience | Weinberg | 2022-2023 |
Ng, Jonathan Isaac | W. Stull Holt Dissertation Fellowship | History | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Ngoei, Wen-Qing | W. Stull Holt Dissertation Fellowship | History | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Werner, Winter | Walter L. Arnstein Prize For Dissertation Research in Victorian Studies (Midwest Victorian Studies Association) | English | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Choi, Seoyoon | Warren Miller Scholarship for the ICPSR Summer Program | Political Science | The Graduate School | 2010-2011 |
Fuller, Sheridan | Washington Center for Equitable Growth Dissertation Scholars Program | Human Development and Social Policy | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Lee, Sydney | Washington International Competition for Strings (First Prize) | String Instruments | Bienen | 2021-2022 |
Basey, Adrienne Christina | Washington Native Plant Society Research Award | | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Rosendahl, Olivia | Wayne Duke Postgraduate Award | French | Weinberg | 2018-2019 |
Truffa, Francesca | Weiss Fund for Research in Development Economics | Economics | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Wong, Ashley | Weiss Fund for Research in Development Economics | Economics | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Solfest, Anna | Wells Fargo Employees' Dependent Children Scholarship | Physical Therapy | Feinberg | 2019-2020 |
Solfest, Anna | Wells Fargo Employees' Dependent Children Scholarship | Physical Therapy | Feinberg | 2020-2021 |
Chaudhry, Vinita | Wenner-Gren Dissertation Fieldwork Grant | Anthropology | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Nasir, Mohammad Bilal | Wenner-Gren Dissertation Fieldwork Grant | Anthropology | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Garofalo, Livia | Wenner-Gren Foundation Dissertation Fieldwork Grant | Anthropology | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Grauer, Kacey | Wenner-Gren Foundation Dissertation Fieldwork Grant | Anthropology | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Kyweluk, Moira | Wenner-Gren Foundation Dissertation Fieldwork Grant | Anthropology | Graduate School | 2017-2018 |
Agbasoga, Ashley | Wenner-Gren Foundation Dissertation Fieldwork Grant | Anthropology | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Farhang, Foroogh | Wenner-Gren Foundation Dissertation Fieldwork Grant | Anthropology | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Kim, Andrew Wooyoung | Wenner-Gren Foundation Dissertation Fieldwork Grant | Anthropology | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Oubou, Hafsa | Wenner-Gren Foundation Dissertation Fieldwork Grant | Anthropology | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Singh, Dil | Wenner-Gren Foundation Dissertation Fieldwork Grant | Anthropology | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Manus, Melissa | Wenner-Gren Foundation Dissertation Fieldwork Grant | Anthropology | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Ratri, Sari | Wenner-Gren Foundation Dissertation Fieldwork Grant | Anthropology | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Taher, Mariam | Wenner-Gren Foundation Dissertation Fieldwork Grant | Anthropology | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Özkan, Mahmure | Wenner-Gren Foundation Dissertation Fieldwork Grant | Anthropology | Graduate School | 2020-2021 |
Ramadhan, Febi | Wenner-Gren Foundation Dissertation Fieldwork Grant | Anthropology | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Lanari, Elisa | Wenner-Gren Foundation Dissertation Fieldwork Grant | Anthropology | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Pouchet, Jessica | Wenner-Gren Foundation Dissertation Fieldwork Grant | Anthropology | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Raillard, Daniela | Wenner-Gren Foundation Dissertation Fieldwork Grants | Anthropology | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Reilly, Sophie | Wenner-Gren Foundation Dissertation Fieldwork Grants | Anthropology | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Johnson-Kuhn, Jennifer | Wenner-Gren Foundation Fellowship | Anthropology | The Graduate School | 1997-1998 |
Reichart, Karalea | Wenner-Gren Foundation Fellowship | Anthropology | The Graduate School | 1998-1999 |
Ozbal, Rana Deniz | Wenner-Gren Foundation Fellowship | Anthropology | The Graduate School | 2000-2001 |
Linganzi, Vanessa | Wenner-Gren Foundation Fellowship | Anthropology | The Graduate School | 2001-2002 |
Tower, Craig | Wenner-Gren Foundation Fellowship | Anthropology | The Graduate School | 2002-2003 |
Hunleth, Jean | Wenner-Gren Foundation Fellowship | Anthropology | The Graduate School | 2006-2007 |
Morehart, Christopher | Wenner-Gren Foundation Fellowship | Anthropology | The Graduate School | 2006-2007 |
Vento, Melanie | Wenner-Gren Foundation Fellowship | Anthropology | The Graduate School | 2007-2008 |
Glaser, Alana | Wenner-Gren Foundation Fellowship | Anthropology | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Millhauser, John | Wenner-Gren Foundation Fellowship | Anthropology | The Graduate School | 2009-2010 |
Thurston, Alexander | Wenner-Gren Foundation Fellowship | Religious Studies | Weinberg College | 2010-2011 |
Marquez, Jr, Arturo | Wenner-Gren Foundation Fellowship | Anthropology | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Miranda, Almita | Wenner-Gren Foundation Fellowship | Anthropology | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Tallman, Paula | Wenner-Gren Foundation Fellowship | Anthropology | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Valles, Dario | Wenner-Gren Foundation Fellowship | Anthropology | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Yount-André, Chelsie | Wenner-Gren Foundation Fellowship | Anthropology | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Hoke, Morgan | Wenner-Gren Foundation Fellowship | Medical Anthropology | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Jamil, Nurhaizatul | Wenner-Gren Foundation Fellowship | Anthropology | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Phillippi, Bradley | Wenner-Gren Foundation Fellowship | Anthropology | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Stubbs, Matilda | Wenner-Gren Foundation Fellowship | Anthropology | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
DuBoe, Bailey | Wentcher Foundation Scholarships | Mathematics | Weinberg | 2018-2019 |
Klosowiak, Julian | Whitaker International Fellowship | Biomedical Engineering | McCormick | 2006-2007 |
Jayaram, Gowri | Whitaker International Fellowship | Biomedical Engineering | McCormick | 2007-2008 |
Saha, Devjani Jasmine | Whitaker International Fellowship | Biomedical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2007-2008 |
Harn, Cassandra Jo | Whitaker International Fellowship | Biomedical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Solomon, Cynthia | Whitaker International Fellowship | Biomedical Engineering | McCormick | 2012-2013 |
Zhao, Yan | Whitaker International Fellowship | Biomedical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Brantly, Nathan | Whitaker International Fellowship | Biomedical Engineering | McCormick | 2013-2014 |
ter Haar, Charlotte | Whitaker International Fellowship | Biomedical Engineering | McCormick | 2013-2014 |
Yang, Simon | Whitaker Summer Grant | Biomedical Engineering | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Harden, SaMee | White House Fellows | Law | Pritzker | 2021-2022 |
Walker, Garth | White House Fellows | Public Health | Graduate School | 2021-2022 |
Wallfish, Liana | Willa Kim Costume Design Scholarship | Design | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Basseches, Joshua | William A. Steiger Fund for Legislative Studies | Sociology | Graduate School | 2018-2019 |
Nasta, Jesse | William E. Foley Research Fellowship from the Missouri State Archives | History | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Schapiro, Alissa Elias | William J. Lowenberg Memorial Fellowship on America, the Holocaust, and the Jews | Art History | Graduate School | 2019-2020 |
Johnson, Donald | William L. Clements Library at the University of Michigan Visiting Research Fellowship | History | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Chiappetta, Brianne | William Orr Dingwall Foundation Dissertation Fellowship in the Cognitive, Clinical, and Neural Foundations of Language | Communication Sciences and Disorders | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Salvo, Joseph | William Orr Dingwall Foundation Dissertation Fellowship in the Cognitive, Clinical, and Neural Foundations of Language | Interdepartmental Neuroscience | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Cohen, Kayla | Will Steinberg Memorial Scholarship | Communication Studies | Communication | 2021-2022 |
Gouwens, Nathan | Winston Churchill Scholarship | Integrated Science Program | Weinberg College | 2002-2003 |
Boiteau, Rene | Winston Churchill Scholarship | Integrated Science Program | Weinberg College | 2008-2009 |
Kahn, Yonatan | Winston Churchill Scholarship | Wind & Percussion Instruments | Bienen School/Weinberg College | 2008-2009 |
Stoerzinger, Kelsey | Winston Churchill Scholarship | Materials Science & Engineering | McCormick | 2009-2010 |
Hu, Dennis | Winston Churchill Scholarship | Chemistry | Weinberg College | 2010-2011 |
Strasser, Samantha | Winston Churchill Scholarship | Biomedical Engineering | McCormick | 2010-2011 |
Kremer, Kyle | Winston Churchill Scholarship | Trumpet Performance | Bienen School | 2011-2012 |
Pang, Edward Lee | Winston Churchill Scholarship | Material Science & Engineering | McCormick | 2014-2015 |
Murphy, John Paul | Winterthur Research Fellowship | Art History | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Boyd, Alison | Winterthur Research Fellowship | Art History | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Chubb, Emma Imbrie | Winterthur Research Fellowship | Art History | The Graduate School | 2014-2015 |
Christman, Abigail | Wire Reinforcement Institute Scholarship | Civil & Environmental Engineering | McCormick | 2013-2014 |
Snyder, Benjamin | Witherspoon Fellowship | Political Science | Weinberg College | 2004-2005 |
Bugajski, Jill | Wolfsonian–Florida international University Research Fellowship | Art History | The Graduate School | 2011-2012 |
Stepnitz, Abigail | Women in Orthotics and Prosthetics Research Award | Prosthetics and Orthotics | Feinberg | 2021-2022 |
Grady, Elizabeth | Woodrow Wilson Dissertation Fellowship in Women’s Studies | Art History | The Graduate School | 1998-1999 |
Rodriguez, Elizabeth | Woodrow Wilson Dissertation Fellowship in Women’s Studies | English | The Graduate School | 2013-2014 |
Agyepong, Tera | Woodrow Wilson Dissertation Fellowship In Women’s Studies | African American Studies | The Graduate School | 2012-2013 |
Morse, Jaimie Nicole | Woodrow Wilson Dissertation Fellowship In Women’s Studies | Sociology | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Roth, Sarah | Woodrow Wilson Dissertation Fellowship In Women’s Studies | English | The Graduate School | 2015-2016 |
Cai, Cassia | Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Summer Student Fellowship | Earth and Planetary Sciences | Weinberg | 2019-2020 |
Chowdhury, Zirwat | Yale Center for British Art Visiting Fellowship | Art History | The Graduate School | 2008-2009 |
Leveton, Jacob | Yale Center for British Art Visiting Scholar | Art History | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Simmons, Wickliffe Eliot | Yamaha Young Performing Artists Competition - Cello | String Instruments | Bienen School | 2015-2016 |
Chang, Diana | Yenching Academy Fellowship at Peking University | Art Theory & Practice | Weinberg College | 2015-2016 |
Sherlock, Allison | Yenching Academy Fellowship at Peking University | History | Weinberg College | 2016-2017 |
Rowe, Max | Yenching Scholars | Comparative Literary Studies | Weinberg | 2018-2019 |
Yang, Lucy | Yenching Scholars | Comparative Literary Studies | Weinberg | 2019-2020 |
Henderson, Joshua | Yenching Scholars | String Instruments | Bienen/Weinberg | 2020-2021 |
Corvino, Nicholas | Yenching Scholars | Philosophy | Weinberg | 2022-2023 |
Wang, David | Yenching Scholars | Economics | Weinberg | 2022-2023 |
Leal, Ana | Younger Chemists Committee Leadership Development Award | Chemistry | Graduate School | 2022-2023 |
Jangam, Sujit | Young Investigator Award | Biological Sciences IBIS | The Graduate School | 2008-2009 |
Berkowitz, Rachel | Young People for Scholarship | Anthropology | Weinberg College | 2007-2008 |
Schiller, Sam | Young People for Scholarship | Social Policy | SESP/Weinberg College | 2007-2008 |
Khoury, Rana B. | ZEIT Stiftung Ebelin und Gerd Bucerius Fieldwork Grant | Political Science | The Graduate School | 2016-2017 |
Mayekar, Samir Shailesh | Zhi-Xing China Eisenhower Fellowship | Business Administration | Kellogg | 2018-2019 |
Eisenstein, Amy | Zuckerman Fellowship | History | Weinberg | 2021-2022 |