Yang, Jiayu | 7th Crystal Ruth Bell Residency | Documentary Media | Graduate School |
Cruz, Stefany | Ada Lovelace Fellowship | Chemical Engineering | Graduate School |
Kennedy, Emma | Ailsa Mellon Bruce Predoctoral Fellowships for Historians of American Art to Travel Abroad | Art History | Graduate School |
Trang, Brittany | American Association for the Advancement of Science Mass Media Science and Engineering Fellowship | Chemistry | Graduate School |
Shrodes, Addie | American Association of University Women American Dissertation Fellowship | Learning Sciences | Graduate School |
Moon, Nina | American Association of University Women American Fellowships Dissertation Fellowships | English | Graduate School |
Rodriguez, Yara | American Association of University Women International Fellowships | Driskill Graduate Program in Life Sciences | Graduate School |
Alston, Brandon | American Bar Foundation/Northwestern University Doctoral Fellowship in Law and Social Science | Sociology | Graduate School |
Dikcis, Maria | American Council of Learned Societies Emerging Voices Fellowships | English | Graduate School |
Dabholkar, Sugat | American Educational Research Association Special Interest Groups Advanced Technologies for Learning and Learning Sciences Best Student Paper Award | Learning Sciences | Graduate School |
Hayashi, Vanessa | American Heart Association Predoctoral Fellowship | Driskill Graduate Program in Life Sciences | Graduate School |
Jacobs, Miranda | American Heart Association Predoctoral Fellowship | Interdisciplinary Biological Sciences | Graduate School |
Ebrahimi, Sasha | American Institute of Chemical Engineers Student Competition in Bio-Sensors (First Place) | Chemical Engineering | Graduate School |
Al-Saeedi, Safa | American Political Science Association Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grants | Political Science | Graduate School |
Zimmerman, Justin | American Political Science Association First Generation Scholars in the Profession | Political Science | Graduate School |
Rashid, Reem | American-Scandinavian Fellowships | Biomedical Engineering | Graduate School |
Shum, Melody | American Society for Legal History Small Grants for Legal History Research | History | Graduate School |
Coats-Thomas, Margaret | American Society of Biomechanics Graduate Student Grant-in-Aid Program | Biomedical Engineering | Graduate School |
Miller, Scott | Andrew W. Mellon Curatorial Research/Collections Specialist Fellowship | Art History | Graduate School |
Pavlish, Bogdan | Armenian Studies Scholarship | History | Graduate School |
Bell, Jessy | Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies Dissertation Research Grant | Art History | Graduate School |
Guillen, Milton | Bay Area Video Coalition MediaMaker Fellowship | Documentary Media | Graduate School |
Koninckx, Elsa | Belgian American Educational Foundation Research Fellowships | Chemical Engineering | Graduate School |
Carty, Christina | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Earth and Planetary Sciences | Weinberg |
Ershtein, Emily | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Integrated Science Program | Weinberg |
Kwan, Michelle | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Biological Sciences | Weinberg |
Moore, Catie | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Radio/Television/Film | Communication |
Wang, Christiana | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Communication Studies | Communication |
Yamamoto, Mako | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Theatre | Communication |
Crippa, Federico | Bonaldo Stringher Scholarship | Economics | Graduate School |
Pizzimenti, Cristoforo | Bonaldo Stringher Scholarship | Economics | Graduate School |
Li, Bing | Botanical Society of America Graduate Student Research Awards | Plant Biology and Conservation | Graduate School |
Loke, Elena | Botanical Society of America Graduate Student Research Awards | Plant Biology and Conservation | Graduate School |
Petersen, Claire | British Marshall Scholarship | Economics/Environmental Engineering | Weinberg/McCormick |
Rehemtulla, Nabeel | Chambliss Astronomy Achievement Student Awards | Physics and Astronomy | Graduate School |
Alnusf, Marzouq | Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship | Philosophy | Weinberg |
Passos, Jessica | Chateaubriand Fellowship | French and Francophone Studies | Graduate School |
Warfel, Katherine | Chateaubriand Fellowship | Chemical and Biological Engineering | Graduate School |
Bernstein, Sadie | Clearway Community Solar Essay Contest Scholarship (Second Place) | Computer Science | Weinberg |
Marshall, Jessica | Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning Predoctoral Research Fellow | Learning Sciences | Graduate School |
Lampert, Nina | Come on Out Japan Internships | Human Development and Psychological Services | Education and Social Policy |
Veerina, Abhinav | Come on Out Japan Internships | Religious Studies | Weinberg |
Bilter, Brianna | Critical Language Scholarship | Journalism | Medill |
Bobbitt, Joshua | Critical Language Scholarship | Undeclared | Weinberg |
Guo, Michelle | Critical Language Scholarship | Asian Languages and Cultures | Weinberg |
LaMountain, Christopher | Critical Language Scholarship | Music | Bienen |
Maskara, Savir | Critical Language Scholarship | Economics | Weinberg |
Myren, Natalie | Critical Language Scholarship | Middle East and North African Studies | Weinberg |
Pignataro, Jillian | Critical Language Scholarship | Slavic Languages and Literature | Graduate School |
Silber, Carol | Critical Language Scholarship | Political Science | Weinberg |
Walia, Aryan | Critical Language Scholarship | Manufacturing and Design Engineering | McCormick |
Shrodes, Addie | Curriculum Inquiry Writing Fellowship | Learning Sciences | Graduate School |
Creason, Carl | Cushwa Center for the Study of American Catholicism Research Travel Grants | History | Graduate School |
Tashi, Rekjong | Dalai Lama Graduate Scholarship | Religious Studies | Graduate School |
Bohannon, Xiao | David L. Clark National Graduate Student Research Seminar | Human Development and Social Policy | Graduate School |
Cowhy, Jennifer | David L. Clark National Graduate Student Research Seminar | Human Development and Social Policy | Graduate School |
Leahy, Brian | Dedalus Foundation Dissertation Fellowship | Art History | Graduate School |
Goetjen, Timothy | Department of Energy Office of Science Graduate Student Research Program | Chemistry | Graduate School |
Knapp, Julia | Department of Energy Office of Science Graduate Student Research Program | Chemistry | Graduate School |
Mackenzie, Michael | Department of Energy Office of Science Graduate Student Research Program | Physics | Graduate School |
Shebek, Kevin | Department of Energy Office of Science Graduate Student Research Program | Chemical Engineering | Graduate School |
Zheng, Cindy | Department of Energy Office of Science Graduate Student Research Program | Chemistry | Graduate School |
Kim, Kevin | Department of Energy Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internships | Chemistry | Weinberg/Bienen |
Elling, Eskil | Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Research Grants | Philosophy | Graduate School |
Howell, Elizabeth | Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Research Grants | History | Graduate School |
Alexander, Kenya | Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Research Internship in Science and Engineering | Mechanical Engineering | McCormick |
Bland, Matthew | Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Research Internship in Science and Engineering | Materials Science and Engineering | McCormick |
Council, Raymonde | Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Research Internship in Science and Engineering | Materials Science and Engineering | McCormick |
Fine, Simona | Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Research Internship in Science and Engineering | Materials Science and Engineering | McCormick |
Goes, Eleanor | Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Research Internship in Science and Engineering | String Instruments | Bienen |
Kann, Johanna | Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Research Internship in Science and Engineering | Chemical Engineering | McCormick |
Williams, Christian | Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Research Internship in Science and Engineering | Materials Science and Engineering | McCormick |
Alnusf, Marzouq | Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Short-Term Research Grants | Philosophy | Graduate School |
Cole, Samuel | Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Study Scholarship | Political Science | Weinberg |
Larsen, Victoria | Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Study Scholarship | Anthropology | Weinberg |
Liu, Chuyue | Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Study Scholarship | Statistics | Weinberg |
Vasquez Toral, Enzo | Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst University Summer Course Grant | Performance Studies | Graduate School |
Knapp, Alex | Drama Review Student Essay Contest | Interdisciplinary PhD in Theatre and Drama | Graduate School |
Lang, Alexandra | Elie Wiesel Foundation Prize in Ethics Essay Contest (First Prize) | Philosophy | Weinberg |
Ceja, Cristina | Elsevier/Vision Research Travel Awards | Psychology | Graduate School |
Forowycz, Orion | Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees | Integrated Science Program | Weinberg |
Galvez, Saul | Expanding Diversity in Economics Summer Institute | Economics | Weinberg |
Lee, Ginny | Expanding Diversity in Economics Summer Institute | Radio/Television/Film | Communication |
Smith, Tyra | Expanding Diversity in Economics Summer Institute | Theatre | Communication |
Alvarado-Patlan, Teresa | Ford Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship | History | Graduate School |
Evangelopoulos, Michael | Fotios Litsas Scholarship | Biomedical Engineering | Graduate School |
Narroway, Richard | Freedman Classical Fellows | String Instruments | Bienen |
Akanyirige, Precious | Fulbright US Student Program | Medical Scientist Training Program | Feinberg |
Balestrieri-Fox, Dominic | Fulbright US Student Program | Political Science | Weinberg |
Brandt, Emma | Fulbright US Student Program | Sociology | Graduate School |
Downing, Adam | Fulbright US Student Program | Political Science | Weinberg |
Gopal, Keerti | Fulbright US Student Program | American Studies | Weinberg |
Gopalka, Mahika | Fulbright US Student Program | Cognitive Science | Weinberg |
Haller, Liam | Fulbright US Student Program | Mathematics | Weinberg |
Henschen, Erica | Fulbright US Student Program | Neuroscience | Weinberg |
LaMountain, Christopher | Fulbright US Student Program | Music | Bienen |
Mann, Julia | Fulbright US Student Program | Theatre | Communication |
Rashid, Reem | Fulbright US Student Program | Biomedical Engineering | Graduate School |
Rosengarten, Andrea | Fulbright US Student Program | History | Graduate School |
Rosenzweig-Ziff, Daniel | Fulbright US Student Program | Journalism | Medill |
Sierra, Claudia | Fulbright US Student Program | Political Science | Weinberg |
Skurie, Jaclyn | Fulbright US Student Program | Journalism | Medill |
Smith, Rebecca | Fulbright US Student Program | Communication Studies | Communication |
Williams, Titobioluwa | Fulbright US Student Program | Legal Studies | Weinberg |
Wu, Tara | Fulbright US Student Program | Journalism | Medill |
Duplessis, Isaiah | GEM Associate Fellow | Materials Science and Engineering | Graduate School |
Hernandez, Adrian | GEM Associate Fellow | Civil and Environmental Engineering | Graduate School |
Alvarez, Carolina | GEM Full Fellow | Mechanical Engineering | Graduate School |
Dominguez, Annmarie | GEM Full Fellow | Interdisciplinary Biological Sciences | Graduate School |
Goncalves, Rebecca | GEM Full Fellow | Chemistry | Graduate School |
Misiaszek, John | GEM Full Fellow | Mechanical Engineering | Graduate School |
Smith, Michael | GEM Full Fellow | Computer Science and Learning Sciences | Graduate School |
Thompson, JaCoya | GEM Full Fellow | Computer Science | Graduate School |
Landivar Macias, Andony | Geo-Institute Scholarship | Civil and Environmental Engineering | Graduate School |
Seo, Dawa | Geo-Institute Scholarship | Civil and Environmental Engineering | Graduate School |
Gabriel, Douglas | Getty/American Council of Learned Societies Postdoctoral Fellowships in the History of Art | Art History | Graduate School |
Di Tommaso, Valerio | Giorgio Mortara Scholarship | Economics | Graduate School |
Dravid, Amil | Goldwater Scholarship | Computer Science | McCormick |
Laeuger, Andrew | Goldwater Scholarship | Integrated Science Program | Weinberg |
Moy, Madelyn | Goldwater Scholarship | Integrated Science Program | Weinberg |
Jun, Byungjin | Google PhD Fellowship Program | Computer Science | Graduate School |
Mubarak, Hannah | Government of Saudi Arabia Scholarship | Driskill Graduate Program in Life Sciences | Graduate School |
Okumura, Kyohei | Heiwa Nakajima Foundation Overseas Scholarship | Economics | Graduate School |
Fitzpatrick, Mina | Ikusmira Berriak Residencies | Documentary Media | Graduate School |
Ceja, Cristina | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers VIS 2020 Inclusivity and Diversity Scholarship | Psychology | Graduate School |
Hirano, Yu | Japan Foundation Doctoral Fellowship | History | Graduate School |
Matsuura, Ryunosuke | Japan-International Monetary Fund Scholarship Program for Advanced Studies | Economics | Graduate School |
Martin, Tobias | Journeyman Fellowship | Mechanical Engineering | Graduate School |
Moon, Nina | Kate B. and Hall J. Peterson Fellowships | English | Graduate School |
Salzman, Emily | Knowles Teaching Fellows Program | Secondary Teaching | Education and Social Policy |
Walker, Catherine | Leopold and Elizabeth Marmet Scholarship | Chemistry | Weinberg |
Shrodes, Addie | Literacy Research Association Best Paper Award in Literacy, Technology, and Media | Learning Sciences | Graduate School |
Winegar, Peter | Ludo Frevel Crystallography Scholarship | Chemistry | Graduate School |
Good, Zachary | Luminarts Cultural Foundation Classical Music Fellowship | Wind and Percussion Instruments | Bienen |
Kim, Saetbyeol | Luminarts Cultural Foundation Classical Music Fellowship | Piano | Bienen |
Zhao, Muzi | Luminarts Cultural Foundation Classical Music Fellowship | Piano | Bienen |
Taylor, Adrienne | MacColl Johnson Fellowships | String Instruments | Bienen |
Al-Saeedi, Safa | Massachusetts Institute of Technology Diversity Predoctoral Fellowships | Political Science | Graduate School |
Du, Jingshan | Materials Research Society Graduate Student Awards (Silver) | Materials Science and Engineering | Graduate School |
Caride, Laura | Mayo Clinic Dependent Scholarship | Environmental Sciences | Weinberg |
Goedde, Bradley | Mechanistic Machine Learning and Digital Twins for Computational Science, Engineering, and Technology National Science Foundation Fellowship | Mechanical Engineering | McCormick |
Dennis, Ashley | Mellon/American Council of Learned Societies Dissertation Completion Fellowship | African American Studies | Graduate School |
Kim, Hayana | Mellon/American Council of Learned Societies Dissertation Completion Fellowship | Theatre and Drama | Graduate School |
Rosengarten, Andrea | Mellon/American Council of Learned Societies Dissertation Completion Fellowship | History | Graduate School |
Safaeian, Azadeh | Mellon/American Council of Learned Societies Dissertation Completion Fellowship | Comparative Literary Studies | Graduate School |
Racek, Sandra | Mellon Foundation Chicago Objects Study Initiative Fellow in European Painting and Sculpture | Art History | Graduate School |
Estrela, Sarah | Mellon Foundation Chicago Objects Study Initiative Fellow in Photography | Art History | Graduate School |
Dill, Olivia | Mellon Foundation Chicago Objects Study Initiative Fellow in Prints and Drawings | Art History | Graduate School |
Bell, Jessy | Mellon International Dissertation Research Fellowship | Art History | Graduate School |
Williams, Jameka | Mellon University Press Diversity Fellowship | Poetry | Professional Studies |
Salditch, Leah | Mendenhall Research Fellowship Program | Earth and Planetary Sciences | Graduate School |
Kácsor, Adrienn | Metropolitan Museum of Art Predoctoral Fellowship | Art History | Graduate School |
Al-Saeedi, Safa | Middle East Initiative Research Fellowship Program | Political Science | Graduate School |
Smith, Sydney | Midwest Korean Speech Contest (Excellent Awards) | Asian Languages and Cultures | Weinberg |
Menard, Monet | Midwest Korean Speech Contest (Highest Standing Awards) | Undeclared | Weinberg |
Male, James | NASA Space Technology Graduate Research Opportunities | Materials Science and Engineering | Graduate School |
Kiguel, Sebastian | National Academy of Education/Spencer Foundation Dissertation Fellowship Program | Human Development and Social Policy | Graduate School |
McCambly, Heather | National Academy of Education/Spencer Foundation Dissertation Fellowship Program | Human Development and Social Policy | Graduate School |
McDaid-Morgan, Nikki | National Academy of Education/Spencer Foundation Dissertation Fellowship Program | Learning Sciences | Graduate School |
Ravitsky, Michelle | National Association of Teachers of Singing Central Region Advanced Classical Treble (First Place) | Voice and Opera | Bienen |
Robertson, Jane | National Association of Teachers of Singing Central Region Advanced Classical Treble (First Place) | Voice and Opera | Bienen |
Hensley, Benedict | National Association of Teachers of Singing Central Region Auditions (Winner) | Voice and Opera | Bienen |
Lin, Nicholas | National Association of Teachers of Singing Central Region Auditions (Winner) | Voice and Opera | Bienen |
Brooks, Zoe | National Association of Teachers of Singing Central Region Lower Classical Treble (First Place) | Undeclared | Weinberg |
Schlesinger, Rachel | National Association of Teachers of Singing Central Region Lower Classical Treble (First Place) | Voice and Opera | Bienen |
Brewer, Ashley | National Association of Teachers of Singing Central Region Upper Classical Treble (First Place) | Voice and Opera/English | Bienen/Weinberg |
Chee, Stephanie | National Association of Teachers of Singing Central Region Upper Classical Treble (First Place) | Voice and Opera | Bienen |
Selensky, Matthew | National Cave and Karst Research Institute National Seed Grant Program | Earth and Planetary Sciences | Graduate School |
Archuleta, Chloe | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Chemical Engineering | Graduate School |
Curtis, Andrew | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Mechanical Engineering | Graduate School |
Mathis, Lela | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Materials Science and Engineering | Graduate School |
Meyer, Joel | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Mechanical Engineering | Graduate School |
Miller, Nicholas | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Physics | Graduate School |
O’Connor, James | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Chemistry | Graduate School |
Sheridan, Thomas | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Chemistry | Graduate School |
Son, Florencia | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Chemistry | Graduate School |
Sweers, Matthew | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Materials Science and Engineering | Graduate School |
Evangelopoulos, Michael | National Hellenic Student Association Scholarships | Biomedical Engineering | Graduate School |
Smilnak, Gordon | National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Medical Student Research Fellowships | MD Program | Feinberg |
Glavin, Courtney | National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders Research Dissertation Fellowship for AuD Audiologists (F32) | Communication Sciences and Disorders | Graduate School |
Chalmers, Zachary | National Institutes of Health Ruth L. Kirschstein Individual Predoctoral National Research Service Award for MD/PhD and Other Dual Degree Fellowships (F30) | Driskill Graduate Program in Life Sciences | Graduate School |
Drumm, Michael | National Institutes of Health Ruth L. Kirschstein Individual Predoctoral National Research Service Award for MD/PhD and Other Dual Degree Fellowships (F30) | Driskill Graduate Program in Life Sciences | Graduate School |
Hayes, Cooper | National Institutes of Health Ruth L. Kirschstein Individual Predoctoral National Research Service Award for MD/PhD and Other Dual Degree Fellowships (F30) | Driskill Graduate Program in Life Sciences | Graduate School |
Rawat, Radhika | National Institutes of Health Ruth L. Kirschstein Individual Predoctoral National Research Service Award for MD/PhD and Other Dual Degree Fellowships (F30) | Driskill Graduate Program in Life Sciences | Graduate School |
Truica, Mihai | National Institutes of Health Ruth L. Kirschstein Individual Predoctoral National Research Service Award for MD/PhD and Other Dual Degree Fellowships (F30) | Driskill Graduate Program in Life Sciences | Graduate School |
Vasan, Karthik | National Institutes of Health Ruth L. Kirschstein Individual Predoctoral National Research Service Award for MD/PhD and Other Dual Degree Fellowships (F30) | Driskill Graduate Program in Life Sciences | Graduate School |
Arafa, Hany | National Institutes of Health Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31) | Biomedical Engineering | Graduate School |
Beauchamp, James | National Institutes of Health Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31) | Biomedical Engineering | Graduate School |
Canton-Josh, Jose | National Institutes of Health Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31) | Neuroscience | Graduate School |
Coats-Thomas, Margaret | National Institutes of Health Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31) | Biomedical Engineering | Graduate School |
Droll, Stephenie | National Institutes of Health Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31) | Biological Sciences | Graduate School |
Gaertner, Zachary | National Institutes of Health Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31) | Neuroscience | Graduate School |
Grant, Rogan | National Institutes of Health Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31) | Neuroscience | Graduate School |
Hegazy, Marihan | National Institutes of Health Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31) | Driskill Graduate Program in Life Sciences | Graduate School |
Jakubowski, Kristen | National Institutes of Health Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31) | Biomedical Engineering | Graduate School |
Jo, Andrew | National Institutes of Health Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31) | Neuroscience | Graduate School |
Kountz, Timothy | National Institutes of Health Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31) | Driskill Graduate Program in Life Sciences | Graduate School |
Kwong, Ada | National Institutes of Health Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31) | Chemistry | Graduate School |
McGee, John | National Institutes of Health Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31) | Chemical Engineering | Graduate School |
Munoz, Miranda | National Institutes of Health Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31) | Neuroscience | Graduate School |
Osborne, Kenneth | National Institutes of Health Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31) | Psychology | Graduate School |
Rollins, Madeline | National Institutes of Health Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31) | Driskill Graduate Program in Life Sciences | Graduate School |
Sombeck, Joseph | National Institutes of Health Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31) | Biomedical Engineering | Graduate School |
Telenson, Alexander | National Institutes of Health Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31) | Neuroscience | Graduate School |
Wang, Allison | National Institutes of Health Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31) | Biomedical Engineering | Graduate School |
Wienbar, Sophia | National Institutes of Health Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31) | Neuroscience | Graduate School |
Larocca, Laura | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Climate and Global Change Postdoctoral Program | Earth and Planetary Sciences | Graduate School |
Mosiman, Wyatt | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Ernest F. Hollings Undergraduate Scholarship | Journalism | Medill |
Gerlin, Gerpha | National Science Foundation Cultural Anthropology Methods Program Fellows | Anthropology | Graduate School |
Al-Saeedi, Safa | National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grants | Political Science | Graduate School |
Gubitz, Samuel | National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grants | Political Science | Graduate School |
Manus, Melissa | National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grants | Anthropology | Graduate School |
Anderson, Eric | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Materials Science and Engineering | McCormick |
Arnold, Jack | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Chemical Engineering | McCormick |
Benavidez, Bobbie | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Anthropology | Graduate School |
Bidstrup, Erik | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Chemical Engineering | McCormick |
Bier, Sarah | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Biological Sciences | Weinberg |
Brown, Paul | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Materials Science and Engineering | McCormick |
Brucks, Matthew | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Chemical Engineering | Graduate School |
Budzikowski, Jorie | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Biomedical Engineering | Graduate School |
Calderon, Chloe | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Physics | Graduate School |
Chellam, Nikhil | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Chemical Engineering | Graduate School |
Coile, Matthew | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Chemical Engineering | Graduate School |
Coplan, Caitlin | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Chemistry | Graduate School |
Degen, Eleanor | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Biological Sciences | Graduate School |
Gunnels, Taylor | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Biomedical Engineering | Graduate School |
Guo, Binghao | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Materials Science and Engineering | McCormick |
Huttelmaier, Stefanie | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Civil and Environmental Engineering | Graduate School |
Kwik, Harrison | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Technology and Social Behavior | Graduate School |
Lally, Maura | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Physics | Weinberg |
Lee, Claire | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Computer Engineering | Graduate School |
Lim, Sarah | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Computer Science | Weinberg |
Ma, Jaron | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Materials Science and Engineering | Graduate School |
Mangum, Hannah | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Sociology | Graduate School |
McDonnell, Emma | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Computer Science | McCormick |
Mirabito, Yakira | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Materials Science and Engineering | McCormick |
Mittelberg, Tara | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Environmental Sciences | Weinberg |
Omahen, Nicholas | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Astronomy | Graduate School |
Pe, David | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Chemistry | Weinberg |
Puleo, Peter | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Earth and Planetary Sciences | Graduate School |
Riesel, Eric | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Chemistry | Graduate School |
Salamanca, Paul | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Sociology | Weinberg |
Schroeder, Zachary | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Theatre | Communication |
Silverman, David | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Psychology | Graduate School |
Simitz, Lauren | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Chemical Engineering | McCormick |
Taylor, Elijah | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Interdisciplinary Biological Sciences | Graduate School |
Varner, Samuel | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Chemical Engineering | McCormick |
Velazquez, Diana | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Environmental Sciences | Weinberg |
Wang, Brenda | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Chemical Engineering | Graduate School |
West, Cory | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Materials Science and Engineering | Graduate School |
Wong, Mauying | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Chemistry | Graduate School |
Ebrahim, Omar | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Chemistry | Graduate School |
Farsheed, Adam | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Mechanical Engineering | McCormick |
Fenimore, Logan | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Chemical Engineering | Graduate School |
Fernandez, Jared | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Electrical Engineering | McCormick |
Roan, Joshua | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Materials Science and Engineering | McCormick |
Rosencrance, Celeste | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program | Driskill Graduate Program in Life Sciences | Graduate School |
Nguyen, Quynh-May | National Science Foundation Quantitative Biology Undergraduate Summer Research Program | Statistics | Weinberg |
Boruchov, Hannah | National Science Foundation Research Experiences for Undergraduates | Mechanical Engineering | McCormick |
Goedde, Bradley | National Science Foundation Research Experiences for Undergraduates | Mechanical Engineering | McCormick |
He, Jeffrey | National Science Foundation Research Experiences for Undergraduates | Mechanical Engineering | McCormick |
Jung, Minjee | National Science Foundation Research Experiences for Undergraduates | Environmental Sciences | Weinberg |
Lin, Kyra | National Science Foundation Research Experiences for Undergraduates | Environmental Sciences | Weinberg |
Morton, Sean | National Science Foundation Research Experiences for Undergraduates | Mechanical Engineering | McCormick |
Mosiman, Wyatt | National Science Foundation Research Experiences for Undergraduates | Journalism | Medill |
Seifried, Tessa | National Science Foundation Research Experiences for Undergraduates | Environmental Sciences | Weinberg |
Velazquez, Diana | National Science Foundation Research Experiences for Undergraduates | Environmental Sciences | Weinberg |
Williams, Christian | National Science Foundation Research Experiences for Undergraduates | Materials Science and Engineering | McCormick |
Reith, Alisa | National Science Foundation Research Traineeship Program | Learning Sciences | Graduate School |
Ribet, Stephanie | National Water Research Institute-American Membrane Technology Association Graduate Fellowships for Membrane Technology | Materials Science and Engineering | Graduate School |
Abdullah, Ali | New York City Urban Fellows Program | Political Science | Weinberg |
Pei, Bridget | New York Flute Club Competition (Finalist) | Wind and Percussion Instruments | Bienen |
Lu, Yi-Ting | Nief-Norf Summer Festival Call for Scores | Music Composition | Bienen |
Simmons, Jesseca | Ohio Arts Council Media Arts Grant | Documentary Media | Graduate School |
Ekas, Holly | Paul and Daisy Soros Fellowship for New Americans | Chemical Engineering | Graduate School |
Freeston, Lily | Philanthropic Educational Organization International Peace Scholarship | Documentary Media | Graduate School |
Chen, Catherine | Project Horseshoe Farm Fellowship | Biomedical Engineering | McCormick |
Borland, Julia | Projects for Peace | Social Policy | Education and Social Policy |
Ringstad, Emma | Projects for Peace | Economics | Weinberg |
Ribet, Stephanie | Raleigh and Clara Miller Memorial Scholarship Award | Materials Science and Engineering | Graduate School |
Friedman, Jessica | Renate Voris Fellowship | Theatre and Drama | Graduate School |
Bruess, Elena | Report for America Corps | Editorial Journalism | Medill |
Oceguera, Rita | Report for America Corps | Editorial Journalism | Medill |
Savransky, Rebecca | Report for America Corps | Journalism | Medill |
Dabholkar, Sugat | Robert F. Tinker American Educational Research Association Scholarship | Learning Sciences | Graduate School |
Li, Yue | Robert P. Apkarian Memorial Scholarship | Applied Physics | Graduate School |
Fuller, Sheridan | Robert Wood Johnson Foundation COVID-19 and Racism Grant | Human Development and Social Policy | Graduate School |
Lee, Jessica | Samuel Fletcher Tapman American Society of Civil Engineers Student Chapter Scholarship | Civil Engineering | McCormick |
Wilson, Jamila | San Francisco Fellows | Psychology | Weinberg |
Evans, Austin | Schmidt Science Fellows | Chemistry | Graduate School |
Jiang, Sophie | Schwarzman Scholars | Radio/Television/Film | Communication |
Zhu, Courtney | Schwarzman Scholars | Journalism | Medill |
Reynolds, Katherine | SculptureCenter Curatorial Fellow | Art Theory and Practice | Graduate School |
Corcoran, Riley | Sertoma Communicative Disorders Scholarship | Audiology | Communication |
McDonnell, Miranda | Sertoma Communicative Disorders Scholarship | Audiology | Communication |
Zama, Jazzmin | Sertoma Communicative Disorders Scholarship | Speech, Language and Learning | Communication |
Halaburda, Carlos | Social Science and Humanities Council of Canada Postdoctoral Fellowships | Spanish and Portuguese | Graduate School |
Du, Jingshan | SPIE Optics and Photonics Education Scholarships | Materials Science and Engineering | Graduate School |
Abouzaglo, Maayan | Stephen L. Suckle Israeli Scholarship | Social Policy | Education and Social Policy |
Cook, Amanda | Student Experience Research Network Data Archive for Interdisciplinary Research on Learning Grant | Human Development and Social Policy | Graduate School |
Groves, Harmony | Sturgis Area Community Foundation Scholarship | Physical Therapy | Feinberg |
Ellis, Timothy | Summer Institute on Sustainability and Energy Fellows | Voice and Opera | Bienen |
Zhu, Zhehao | Symposium F.EL04—Beyond Graphene 2D Materials— Synthesis, Properties, and Device Applications Best Poster | Materials Science and Engineering | Graduate School |
Nyabingi, Olufemi | Symposium on Research in Child Language Disorders Student Awards | Neuroscience | Weinberg |
Charoenwong, Chalinee | ThinkSwiss Research Scholarship | Economics | Weinberg |
Wellman, Haley | ThinkSwiss Research Scholarship | Chemistry | Weinberg |
Roston, Abigail | Truman Scholarship | History | Weinberg |
Hofferber, David | Venture for America Fellowship | Computer Science | McCormick |
Rojas, Jair | Venture for America Fellowship | Computer Science | McCormick |
Schram, Emily | Venture for America Fellowship | Manufacturing and Design Engineering | McCormick |
Solfest, Anna | Wells Fargo Employees' Dependent Children Scholarship | Physical Therapy | Feinberg |
Manus, Melissa | Wenner-Gren Foundation Dissertation Fieldwork Grant | Anthropology | Graduate School |
Ratri, Sari | Wenner-Gren Foundation Dissertation Fieldwork Grant | Anthropology | Graduate School |
Taher, Mariam | Wenner-Gren Foundation Dissertation Fieldwork Grant | Anthropology | Graduate School |
Özkan, Mahmure | Wenner-Gren Foundation Dissertation Fieldwork Grant | Anthropology | Graduate School |
Henderson, Joshua | Yenching Scholars | String Instruments | Bienen/Weinberg |