Department and School Approvers
Supervisors and Administrators
We rely on supervisors and administrators to maintain strong financial controls. The process includes the timely review of user access and notification of promotions, transfers and terminations. Please email Financial Operations IT ( when users become inactive or leave your department.
New employees are automatically provisioned with the basic roles, expense report and iBuyNU Shopper access. If additional access is required, please submit a new Security Access form to Financial Operations IT Security ( Once the request has been completed and you receive the Security Notification, please check that all approved changes are applied correctly by reviewing the Cognos report GE007 – User Security Profile.
Employees who have separated from the department or University will be removed from FFRA systems access but will retain the basic expense report and iBuyNU Shopper roles.
In addition to daily security change requests, a NUFinancials User Security Access Recertification process is conducted once a year to evaluate the validity and completeness of NUFinancials and Cognos systems access for your department/unit. This is an opportunity to review the roles assigned to each user to ensure they have the appropriate access to maintain your department/unit’s security and financial controls.
For additional information of the NUFinancials roles, please refer to the Role Descriptions.
To better understand the access needed based on appointments, see Getting Started.