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Northwestern Intercultural Learning Initiative (NILI)

Northwestern's Intercultural Learning Initiative (NILI), hosted in the Office of the Vice President of International Relations, aims to advance the university’s global ambitions by providing Northwestern staff members with the crucial tools and skills they need to thrive in a culturally diverse workplace.

Navigating Cultures Workshops


Quarterly Workshops for Northwestern Staff Members

Our 5-week workshop series provides tools for greater self-awareness and practical global insights to increase intercultural effectiveness in the workplace. Offered quarterly, the workshops are free and open to all Northwestern staff members.

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Customized Workshops for Students, Faculty and Staff

We offer resources, support, and customized workshops for Northwestern constituents and units across campus. These programs and activities vary in content, length, and depth, and are tailored to the group's needs. 

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Ways to Get and Stay Involved

Cultural Navigator Network

Once staff members complete the "Navigating Cultures in the Global Workplace," they join the Cultural Navigator Network, which offers continued learning opportunities for those wanting to stay engaged.

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image of a compass with the words Cultural Navigators
Purple background with the words: Intercultural Competency and Global Inclusion

Peer Resource Group

The peer resource group brings together Northwestern staff members interested in Intercultural Competency and Global Inclusion to share best practices and challenges and to learn from one another.

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The Intercultural Learning Initiative is co-led by Jennifer Gerrard and Janka Pieper:

Jennifer Gerrard and Janka Pieper's professional practitioner certifications include: