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Northwestern and France

Northwestern and France

Northwestern University offers its students and faculty highly innovative educational and research opportunities in France. Our programs in France serve our university community at multiple levels, undergraduate, graduate, and faculty, and in all scholarly fields, from the Humanities to the Natural Sciences and Management Studies.


Northwestern's partnerships with France’s most renowned universities enable individual faculty to network with their French colleagues, and allow students, both graduate and undergraduate, to broaden their Northwestern education abroad.

Partner InstitutionPartner Type & Sponsor
École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales
École Normale Supérieure de Paris
École Normale Supérieure de Lyon
École Supérieure des Sciences Economiques et Commerciales  
HEC-ISA School of Management  
Sciences Po
Sciences Po: École de Droit
Université de Pau et Des Pays de l'Adour
  • Research > McCormick School of Engineering
Université de Strasbourg- Nouveau Hôpital Civil
Université Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris 3

Units and Groups

Northwestern units dedicated to France, French Studies, or programs in France include:

The Department of French and Italian

The Department of French offers a major and minor for undergraduates, a four-year BA/MA program in French, and a PhD Program in French and Francophone Studies.

More Here

French Interdisciplinary Group (FIG)

The French Interdisciplinary Group (FIG) is a scholarly group that facilitates long-term intellectual exchanges and collaborations between Northwestern faculty, graduate students and undergraduates in all fields, and their counterparts at leading French institutions for higher education.

More Here

Paris Program in Critical Theory

The Northwestern Paris Program in Critical Theory affords up to five highly qualified advanced graduate students from a wide variety of disciplines a unique opportunity to spend one year in Paris familiarizing themselves with French and European theoretical research.

More here

Modern European History: France and Global Francophonie

This group of Historians at Northwestern works in fields related to the domestic, colonial, and post-colonial history of France and of the former French colonies and zones of influence in the Caribbean, Africa, the Middle East, and Asia. At Northwestern, we have a particular focus on the era of the Enlightenment, the Revolution and its aftermath, and on twentieth-century history of France and its colonies.
More here


Northwestern alumni are based in France.
More than half are located in the capital, Paris.

The NU-Kellogg Club of France offers social and networking opportunities to keep alumni connected to Northwestern and fellow alumni in France. Other ways to get and stay connected can be found here.

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This page features data and information from the 2023-2024 academic year and gets updated annually. The last update was made in October 2024. For questions or comments about the information listed here, please contact Janka Pieper, Senior Director of Communications.