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All Office of the Provost Policies

Review the policies that fall under the purview of the Office of the Provost.

For a comprehensive list of all university policies, visit the University Policies website.

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Academic Integrity

Academic Integrity: A Basic Guide, is a central resource of policies governing academic integrity for all students and faculty at Northwestern. More about Academic Integrity

Conduct and BehaviorNorthwestern Students
Consensual Romantic or Sexual Relationships Between Faculty, Staff and Students

When individuals involved in a consensual romantic or sexual relationship are in positions of unequal power at the university, there is the potential for a conflict of interest, favoritism, and exploitation. In order to protect the integrity of the university academic and work environment, this policy outlines limitations on consensual romantic or sexual relationships between faculty, staff and students. More about Consensual Romantic or Sexual Relationships Between Faculty, Staff and Students

Conduct and BehaviorNorthwestern Faculty, Northwestern Students
Employment or Evaluation of Relatives

In order to protect the integrity of the university academic and work environment, Northwestern University has limitations on supervisory or evaluative relationships between relatives. More about Employment or Evaluation of Relatives

Promotion and Performance, Conduct and BehaviorNorthwestern Faculty, Northwestern Students
Faculty Fitness Panel

Policy to address a faculty member’s inability to fulfill the essential function of their professional obligations due to significant physical or personal impairment, or significantly disruptive behavior. More about Faculty Fitness Panel

Promotion and PerformanceNorthwestern Faculty
Faculty Medical Leaves, Family Leaves, Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and Related Policies

Different leave policies will apply depending on the faculty category. See relevant policies and definitions of faculty categories. More about Faculty Medical Leaves, Family Leaves, Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and Related Policies

Accommodations and LeavesNorthwestern Faculty
New Program Development

Northwestern University strongly supports its schools and faculties in developing and implementing curricular change and innovation. Since many of the exciting new fields of study are inherently multi-disciplinary, and often do not fit neatly within a single school, all recommendations for curricular changes and/or new academic programs must follow the following process. More about New Program Development

Curricula and CourseworkNorthwestern Faculty
Policy on Awarding Certificates

From time to time schools create curricular packages smaller than a major or a minor (if that is an option within a school) that they present to students as a “certificate.” Programs leading to certificates are designed to recognize work completed through a set of courses with a specified focus or concentration. More about Policy on Awarding Certificates

Curricula and CourseworkNorthwestern Faculty
Policy on Awarding Credit

The Higher Learning Commission, Northwestern’s regional institutional accreditor, requires that the University articulate an institutional policy regarding the awarding of credit. Northwestern’s policy, which is in compliance with the federal definitions regarding the assignment of credit, reflects the current practices of the schools and programs.  More about Policy on Awarding Credit

Curricula and CourseworkNorthwestern Faculty
Policy on Extending the Probationary Period for Tenure-Track Faculty

Northwestern will permit faculty members to request extensions of their probationary period in cases where circumstances have arisen to interfere substantially with the research and/or other projects the faculty member intends to submit as part of his or her tenure review. Such circumstances may include parental responsibilities, personal or family emergencies or problems beyond the faculty member's control relating to his/her research or scholarly activities. More about Policy on Extending the Probationary Period for Tenure-Track Faculty

Promotion and PerformanceNorthwestern Faculty
Policy on Faculty Family Leave

The Faculty Family Leave policy establishes faculty family leaves for purposes of birth, adoption, or care for a child after birth or adoption. More about Policy on Faculty Family Leave

Accommodations and LeavesNorthwestern Faculty
Policy on Faculty Medical Leave

Faculty members with benefits-eligible, half-time or greater appointments who are unable to work as a result of a medically certified disability become eligible for paid sick leave. More about Policy on Faculty Medical Leave

Accommodations and LeavesNorthwestern Faculty
Policy on Non-RetaliationConduct and BehaviorNorthwestern Faculty, Northwestern Students
Policy on Recording Classes

Policy on unauthorized student recording of classroom or other academic activities. More about Policy on Recording Classes

Conduct and BehaviorNorthwestern Students, Northwestern Faculty
Policy on Tenure and Promotion Standards and Procedures

Learn about the tenure process, including procedures for both continuing faculty promotions and outside appointments. More about Policy on Tenure and Promotion Standards and Procedures

Promotion and PerformanceNorthwestern Faculty
Policy Regarding Participation in Personnel Decisions

Central administration set guidelines regarding eligibility to vote in matters regarding promotion and tenure, where school recommendations are sent on to the Provost and President. More about Policy Regarding Participation in Personnel Decisions

Promotion and PerformanceNorthwestern Faculty
Provost’s Statement on Civility

Faculty are members of a community including students, staff, and faculty colleagues. Members of the Northwestern community are expected to deal with each other with respect and consideration. More about Provost’s Statement on Civility

Conduct and BehaviorNorthwestern Students, Northwestern Faculty
Research Visitors FrameworkConduct and BehaviorNorthwestern Faculty
Sponsorship for Legal Permanent Residence

Policy on sponsoring legal permanent residency for Northwestern faculty. More about Sponsorship for Legal Permanent Residence

Accommodations and LeavesNorthwestern Faculty
Statement on Academic Accommodations for Religious Holidays

Although Northwestern University does not as an institution observe religious holidays, the academic calendar is designed to avoid conflicts with observed holidays. More about Statement on Academic Accommodations for Religious Holidays

Accommodations and LeavesNorthwestern Students, Northwestern Faculty