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Add Events

Add a Single Event

  1. Go to PlanIt Purple Homepage.
  2. Click the Add/Manage Events button.
  3. Under the My Groups heading, locate the group hosting the event. If you do not see the group, you must either create a group or submit a request to become an editor.
  4. Click Add An Event.
  5. Fill in each field as appropriate. Under When & Where, click on Single Time to create a single event.
  6. Click Submit on the bottom of the page once you are done entering all the information. We recommend you provide as many details as you can. Your event will post to PlanIt Purple immediately.

Add a Recurring Event

  1. Go to PlanIt Purple Homepage.
  2. Click the Add/Manage Events button.
  3. Under the My Groups heading, locate the group hosting the event. If you do not see the group, you must either create a calendar or submit a request to become an editor.
  4. Click Add An Event.
  5. Fill in each field as appropriate.
  6. Under When & Where, click on Recurring Schedule to create recurring events. Make sure you add event occurrence by clicking  Add To Schedule.

    When and Where form recurring events
  7. Once you are satisfied with the event information, click Submit on the bottom of the page. Your event will post to PlanIt Purple immediately.