Schedule an Appointment
To make an appointment, please call the clinic at 312.695.8134. It is very important that you mention you are a Northwestern University student whenever you schedule an appointment
Same day and next day appointments can be accommodated. If you need a sooner appointment than is scheduled for you based on your clinical symptoms, please ask to speak with a triage nurse who can assess your condition and facilitate an appointment.
For any other scheduling issues or concerns, please ask to speak to Elizabeth Brogsdale, scheduling coordinator.
The Northwestern Medicine Student Health Service/Chicago provides a broad array of outpatient medical services including but not limited to:
- General medicine appointments
- COVID testing and management
- Sexual and reproductive health appointments
- Physical exams
- Screening for sexually transmitted infections
- Immunizations (there may be a charge)
- Urgent care appointments
- Referrals to specialists
- Follow-up for chronic health problems
- Management of anxiety and depression