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The Shepherd Lab

Certified July, 2023

The Shepherd Lab aims to better understand brain circuits that are involved in the control of motor movements in animals, with the ultimate goal of adding to a body of research that can help elucidate the role of these circuits in neurological diseases such as ALS and Parkinson’s.   

We understand that sustainability is key to preserving our planet and improving the quality of life of current and future generations. We also understand that our lab is resource-intensive, and it is our duty to reduce our environmental footprint. Some sustainability action items we have incorporated into our lab culture include sharing lab supplies with each other, maintaining a strict shutdown checklist of lights and machines, cleaning and communicating inventories regularly, and discussing sustainability practices in lab meetings. Becoming green labs certified has helped us better understand our daily environmental impact and commit to factoring sustainability into our research for years to come. 

We thank Sustain NU for helping us turn our sustainability goals into actions, and are excited for more Northwestern labs to embody a culture of environmental accountability.