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Sustainability Orientation

Each year nearly 2,500 undergraduate students join our campus community. 

An image of the Northwestern ArchA group of returning students believed there was an opportunity for greater awareness of sustainability practices on campus and worked to incorporate a video into Purple Prep, the orientation for incoming students. 

"We wanted to get students oriented toward sustainability before they even arrive on campus. The video is meant to not only educate new students on what they can do to be involved in NU's eco-initiatives but also represent Northwestern's institutional commitment to being a sustainable campus" - Katie Cummins, ’24, School of Communications, one of the organizers of the initiative.  

80% of the incoming class completed the optional module which included a video and a series of reflective questions. The video shares information about sustainability curriculum, environmentally conscious campus life, and institutional eco initiatives. Everyone on campus can be a good steward of the environment when going about their daily activities. Watch the video to learn more!