Power Down for Climate Action
February 28, 2019
Earth Hour is a global event and symbolizes that each of us, working together, can make a positive impact on climate change. This call to action is intended to create awareness around energy reduction and give everyone the opportunity to contribute. Northwestern will turn off landmark lights such as signage on the downtown campus and the Crown Clock Tower lights in Evanston.
This campaign has become the largest of its kind since beginning in Sydney, Australia in 2007. Last year, 188 countries and territories participated with nearly 18,000 landmarks and monuments going dark for the hour.
Students, faculty and staff are encouraged to participate by making sure lights are off in unoccupied spaces. Students can join this movement during spring break trips, at home, or on campus. And to help conserve energy during Earth Hour and throughout spring break, students should remember to turn off lights and devices before leaving campus.
Whether you are at work or at home you can support this effort by:
- Turning off all non-essential lights
- Taking the stairs for exercise instead of the elevator
- Turning off your monitor if you are not using your computer
- Turning off and unplug all small electrical appliances that are not in use (i.e., chargers, coffee makers, radios, toasters, etc.)
- Taking this time to reflect and appreciate the world you live in
- Spreading the word on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram
Find more sustainability tips on sustainNU's website.