Earth Month Wrap Up
In April, Northwestern celebrated Earth Month with sustainNU’s inaugural Earth Day Fair. Environmentally focused student groups, departments, and vendors shared information and taught students about environmental stewardship on campus.
At sustainNU’s booth at the fair, attendees had to sort flashcards into trash, compost, and recycling in order to receive a prize. The giveaways included reusable utensil sets, water bottles, and shopping bags, all of which support reduced waste. Students also had a chance to share their eco tips at the ENERGY STAR® photo booth.
In honor of our Tree Campus USA partnership, the Northwestern community was invited to help plant trees on the Evanston campus. One Book, One Northwestern sponsored this effort where , staff and student volunteers helped plant 9 new trees on the lakefill and near University Library. Special thanks to Facilities Grounds Services for providing the trees and support for the event.
Check out the video below to see some highlights from the fair and tree planting!