Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences
Welcome to Weinberg College! We’re eager to meet you and committed to making sure you have the information you need to jump confidently into your first quarter as a Wildcat! Be sure to use your summer checklist to keep track of the Weinberg-specific tasks. Please also follow us on Instagram (@WeinbergCollege2028) as we guide you through the tasks you need to complete this summer and introduce you to the people you really need to know!
Introduce yourself: Weinberg College's Online Dossier
All students in Weinberg College are required to compile an online dossier by August 15.
What is the dossier?
- An opportunity for self-reflection. Your dossier will prompt you to look back on your high school experience and look ahead to what you hope to learn in your first quarter and beyond.
- A powerful resource for planning ahead. As you compile the dossier, it will suggest classes for your consideration. If you took an AP or IB exam, for example, your dossier will indicate whether you can expect to earn credit in that subject area and which classes would be logical next steps.
- An online introduction. Your advisers and first-year seminar instructor will use the information in your dossier to get a sense of your past accomplishments and your plans for the next four years.
Placement Exams and Assessments
Review the Placement Exams and Assessments page for information on placement exams and assessments in biology, calculus, chemistry, and languages other than English. Although the deadline to complete any exams relevant to your plans is July 31, it may be to your advantage to take exams well before that date
Additional Placement Exams guidance for your school can be found in Purple Prep's June email.
Advising and Registration
The transition from high school to college can be challenging. That’s why Weinberg students take a College Seminar in their very first quarter. College Seminars are small classes taught by faculty members from departments across the college. In addition to exploring a wide range of fascinating topics, they also foreground skills and resources essential to academic success such as time management, emotional intelligence, and goal setting. And here’s the best part: the professor teaching your College Seminar will also be your first academic adviser. Starting in early September, your College Seminar instructor will check in regularly to be sure you have the information you need to assemble your fall-quarter schedule and dive into your first year with confidence. They will be the first faculty member you meet when you arrive on campus and will be there to answer questions or find assistance when you register for classes on September 20.
Email Us Anytime
Don’t hesitate to email Weinberg College advisers directly, especially when it concerns confidential matters—AP/IB scores, placement exam results, and the like. Get in touch with us at weinbergfirst@northwestern.edu, and an adviser will gladly help you.