Express Services
FedEx is Northwestern University’s recommended express mail service. Our contract provides significantly reduced rates and exceptional service.Delivery Options
- FedEx First Overnight® - Overnight Delivery by 8:00 or 8:30 a.m. (to select ZIP codes)
- FedEx Priority Overnight® - Delivery by 10:30 a.m.*
- FedEx Standard Overnight® - Delivery by 3:00 p.m.*
- FedEx 2Day® 2 Business Days - Delivery by 4:30 p.m.*
- FedEx Express Saver® 3 Business Days - Delivery by 4:30 p.m.*
* Delivery times are to most destinations.
How to Ship a Package
- The preferred way to ship a package with FedEx is to use Ship Manager.
Ship Manager is an online shipping tool that gives users access to Northwestern's negotiated rates. This site also allows users to store addresses, track shipments, and keep a 45-day history of shipments.
If you are a registered Ship Manager user:- Log in to FedEx Ship Manager
- Select "Prepare Shipment Online" from the "Ship" drop-down menu
- If you are not a registered user and would like to be, contact Jackie Nelson in Procurement and Payment Services.
- You can also complete a Request for FedEx Service form. Leave the form with your campus mail for pickup or call Mail Services at 1-7227 for a special pickup if your mail has already gone out.
How to Ship a Package:
The preferred way to ship a package with UPS is to use CampusShip.
- If you are a registered CampusShip user, log in to CampusShip.
- If you are not a registered user and would like to be, contact Jackie Nelson in Procurement and Payment Services.
- You can also complete a Request for UPS Service form. Leave the form with your campus mail for pickup or call Mail Services at 1-7227 for Next Day Air and 2nd Day Air UPS shipments only.
UPS drop-off locations and pickup times (Evanston campus)
- Medill - 1845 Sheridan Road: 5:00 p.m.
Box is in the main hallway on the first floor. - Searle - 2240 Campus Drive: 5:00 p.m.
Box is at the main reception desk by the front door. - Kellogg - 2001 Sheridan Road: 7:00 p.m.
Box is in the basement next to the mailroom, around the corner from the Kellogg Kafe.