Address |
Department and Mail Code |
Estimated Delivery Time* |
40 Arts Circle Drive |
Mary and Leigh Block Museum of Art: 60208-2410 |
11:10 a.m. |
50 Arts Circle Drive |
Pick-Staiger Concert Hall: 60208-2420 |
11:00 a.m. |
60 Arts Circle Drive |
Regenstein Hall of Music: 60208-2400 |
11:05 a.m. |
2701 Ashland Avenue |
Anderson Hall: 60208-3650 |
2705 Ashland Avenue |
McGaw Memorial Hall: 60208-3650 |
2707 Ashland Avenue |
Coon Sports Center: 60208-2660 |
1850 Campus Drive |
Locy Hall
- Geological Sciences: 60208-2150
- Geology Library: 60208-2160
11:15 a.m. |
1860 Campus Drive |
Crowe Hall
- Asian-American Studies: 60208-2166
- Center for Legal Studies: 60208-2165
- Religion: 60208-2164
- Slavic Languages and Literatures: 60208-2163
- Spanish and Portuguese Languages: 60208-2161
- Writing Program: 60208-2162
Asian-American Studies: 10:17 a.m. Center for Legal Studies: 10:15 a.m. Religion: 10:55 a.m. Slavic Languages & Literatures: 10:58 a.m. Spanish & Portugese: 10:19 a.m. Writing Program: 10:45 a.m. |
1870 Campus Drive |
McCormick Tribune Building: 60208-2170 |
11:30 a.m. |
1877 Campus Drive |
John J. Louis Hall
- Speech Media Service Group: 60208-2415
- WNUR: 60208-2280
10:45 a.m. |
1880 Campus Drive |
Kresege Centennial Hall
- African-American Studies: 60208-2210
- Art History: 60208-2208
- Art Theory and Practice: 60208-2207
- Classics: 60208-2200
- Center for Humanities, Alice Berline Kaplan:
- Center for Writing Arts: 60208-2215
- French and Italian: 60208-2204
- Gender Studies Program: 60208-2211
- German: 60208-2203
- IT Information Center: 60208-2212
- Mathematical Methods in the Social Sciences:
- Multimedia Learning Center: 60208-2201
- Philosophy: 60208-2214
- Program of African and Asian Language:
- African-American Studies: 10:40 a.m.
- Art History: 10:48 a.m.
- Classics: 10:25 a.m.
- Center for Writing Arts: 10:53 a.m.
- French & Italian: 10:38 a.m.
- German: 10:32 a.m.
- Philosophy: 10:42 a.m.
- Program of African & Asian Studies: 10:50 a.m.
1920 Campus Drive |
Annie May Swift Hall
- Performance Studies: 60208-2260
- Radio/Television/Film: 60208-2270
11:20 a.m. |
1949 Campus Drive |
Theatre and Interpretation Center: 60208-2430 |
10:57 a.m. |
1970 Campus Drive |
University Library
- Acquisitions: 60208-2301
- Administrative Services: 60208-2300
- Africana: 60208-2302
- Assistant Librarians: 60208-2303
- Bibliographers: 60208-2305
- Bindery: 60208-2305
- Budget: 60208-2306
- Carrels and Studies: 60208-2307
- Cataloging Department: 60208-2308
- Circulations Services: 60208-2309
- Communications Manager: 60208-2310
- Copy Center: 60208-2311
- Core Collection: 60208-2312
- Curriculum Department: 60208-2313
- Data Center: 60208-2314
- Development Office: 60208-2321
- Facility Manager: 60208-2315
- Fines and Overdues: 60208-2316
- Gifts of Books to Library: 60208-2317
- Information Systems Development: 60208-2318
- Interlibrary Loan: 60208-2319
- Management Systems: 60208-2322
- Media Center: 60208-2323
- Periodicals Room: 60208-2324
- Personnel Office: 60208-2325
- Purchasing (supplies/equipment): 60208-2326
- Reference: 60208-2327
- Reserve Book Room: 60208-2328
- Serials: 60208-2329
- Transportation Library: 60208-2330
Deering Library
- Archives: 60208-2350
- Art Collection: 60208-2351
- Government Publications: 60208-2352
- Map Collection: 60208-2353
- Music Library: 60208-2354
- Special Collections: 60208-2355
1:20 p.m. (dock mailroom) |
1999 Campus Drive |
Norris University Center
- A and O Films: 60208-2520
- A and O Productions: 60208-2519
- AIESEC: 60208-2521
- Administration: 60208-2500
- Arts Alliance: 60208-2522
- Associated Student Government: 60208-2523
- Bisexual, Gay, and Lesbian Alliance: 60208-2526
- Box Office: 60208-2504
- Browsing Library: 60208-2505
- Campus Activities: 60208-2501
- Campus Reservations/Catering: 60208-2502
- Cone Zone/Higher Grounds: 60208-2506
- Craft Studio: 60208-2507
- Daily Northwestern: 60208-2517
- Dance Marathon: 60208-2525
- Dittmar Art Gallery: 60208-2508
- Finance Department: 60208-2503
- Food Service: 60208-2511
- Game Room: 60208-2513
- Interfraternity Council: 60208-2527
- Legal Aid: 60208-2528
- Mayfest: 60208-2529
- Norris Center Bookstore (Barnes and Noble):
- Norris Center Program Board: 60208-2530
- Norris Outdoors: 60208-2515
- Norris Sight and Sounds Service: 60208-2512
- Northwestern Chronicle: 60208-2532
- NUC Marketing: 60208-2509
- NU Community Ensemble: 60208-2531
- Off-Campus Student Association: 60208-2534
- Panhellenic Association: 60208-2534
- Rock-A-Like: 60208-2535
- Rubber Teeth: 60208-2536
- Student Blood Services: 60208-2537
- Student Organization Finance Office: 60208-2516
- WildCARD: 60208-2550
- Wildcat Council: 60208-2538
- Yearbook Syllabus: 60208-2518
11:35 a.m. |
2026 Campus Drive |
Central Utilities Plant: 60208-2720 |
2120 Campus Drive |
School of Education and Social Policy
- BS Programs: 60208-2611
- Center for the Teaching Professions: 60208-2617
- Counseling Psychology: 60208-2613
- Dean, Office of the: 60208-2610
- Human Development and Social Policy: 60208-2615
- MS in Education Program: 60208-2612
- Northwestern Consortium of School Districts:
- Student Affairs: 60208-2621
Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences
- African-American Studies: 60208-5128
1:35 p.m. |
2169 Campus Drive |
Allen Center: 60208-2800 |
1:55 p.m. |
2190 Campus Drive |
Nanofabrication Center: |
2220 Campus Drive |
Cook Hall
- Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences:
- Materials Science and Engineering: 60208-3108
2240 Campus Drive |
Frances Searle Building
- Audiology and Hearing Sciences: 60208-3550
- Communication Sciences and Disorders:
- Communication Studies: 60208-3545
- Learning Disabilities: 60208-3560
- School of Communications, Office of the Dean:
- Speech and Language Pathology: 60208-3570
1:50 p.m. |
2311 Campus Drive |
Henry Crown Sports Pavilion/Norris Aquatic Center Recreation Sports: 60208-3610 |
2:05 p.m. |
1501 Central Street |
Ryan Field Complex: 60208-2630 |
2:45 p.m. |
1810 Chicago Avenue |
Sociology: 60208-1330 |
1:45 p.m. |
1815 Chicago Avenue |
Communication Studies: 60208-1340 |
2:17 p.m. |
405 Church |
School of Continuing Studies: 60208-4220
- Summer Session: 60208-2650
- University College*: 60208-2660
2:15 p.m. |
1007 Church |
- Human Resources Information Systems:
- Media Management Center: 60201-5981
- Student Loans, 3rd Floor: 60201-5981
10:15 a.m. |
515 Clark Street |
Environmental Sciences: 60208-1250 |
2:15 p.m. |
555 Clark Street |
- HRA Development: 60208-1225
- Office of the President Emeritus: 60208-1220
- Student Accounts: 60208-1221
- Student Financial Services: 60208-1222
- Student Loans: 60208-1227
- University Relations: 60208-1230
HRA Development: 2:27 p.m. Student Accounts: 2:37 p.m. Student Loans: 2:20 p.m. University Relations: 2:25 p.m. |
619 Clark Street |
- Accounting Services: 60208-1135
- Bursar: 60208-1130
- Financial Systems: 60208-1133
633 Clark Street |
Rebecca Crown Center
- Accounting Services for Research and Sponsored Programs:
- Budget Analysis, Planning and Allocation:
- Controller: 60208-1116
- Course and Teacher Evaluation Council:
- Credit Union: 60208-1124
- Government Relations: 60208-1117
- Graduate School: 60208-1113
- IT Planning and Development: 60208-1136
- Investment: 60208-1122
- President's Office: 60208-1100
- Provost's Office: 60208-1101
- Associate Provost, 1st Floor: 60208-1119
- Associate Provost, 2nd Floor: 60208-1105
- Real Estate: 60208-1123
- Registrar: 60208-1118
- Research and Sponsored Programs: 60208-1110
- Research Finance and Administration: 60208-1111
- Senior Vice President for Business and Finance:
- Travel Center: 60208-1125
- Vice President and General Counsel: 60208-1109
- Vice President for Administration and Planning:
- Vice President for Information Technology:
- Vice President for Research: 60208-1108
- Vice President for Student Affairs: 60208-1107
Crown mailroom:
- 9:30 a.m.
- 1:00 p.m.
- 3:45 p.m.
Crown FedEx:
617 Dartmouth Street |
Center for Talent Development: 60208-4175 |
10:00 a.m. |
627 Dartmouth Street |
Searle Center for Teaching: 60208-4181 |
10:05 a.m. |
630 Dartmouth Street |
- International Office: 60208-4190
- Study Abroad: 60208-4195
10:07 a.m. |
711 Elgin Road |
Music Administration Building: 60208-1200 |
2:05 p.m. |
633 Emerson Street |
Student Health Services: 60208-4000 |
1:15 p.m. |
600 Foster Avenue |
Transportation Center: 60208-405 |
11:04 a.m. |
617 Haven Street |
NROTC: 60208-4140 |
10:25 a.m. |
618 Garrett |
MS in Education Program: 60208-4135 |
10:30 a.m. |
1801 Hinman Avenue |
- Undergraduate Admissions: 60208-1260
- Undergraduate Financial Aid: 60208-1270
- Veterans Office: 60208-1280
12:00 p.m. |
1810 Hinman Avenue |
- Anthropology: 60208-1310
- Geography: 60208-1280
12:00 p.m. |
1813 Hinman Avenue |
Center for Civic Engagement: 60208-1315 |
1819 Hinman Avenue |
University Police: 60208-1320 |
10:23 a.m. |
618 Library Place |
Center for Applied Psychological and Family Studies: 60208-4103 |
10:51 a.m. |
620 Library Place |
- International Studies: 60208-4105
- Program of African Studies: 60208-4110
10:53 a.m. |
620 Lincoln Street |
- Career Services: 60208-4220
- Web Communications: 60208-4230
10:30 a.m. |
1801 Maple |
- Office of Strategic Initiatives: 60201-3135
- Auxiliary Services: 60208-2501
1:38 p.m. |
1890 Maple |
Computer Science: 60201-3125 |
1:30 p.m. |
616 Noyes Street |
Integrated Science Program: 60208-4160 |
10:20 a.m. |
617 Noyes Street |
National High School Institute: 60208-4165 |
10:22 a.m. |
629 Noyes Street |
- Institute for Health Services Research
and Policy Studies: 60208-4170
- NU Press: 60208-4210
10:15 a.m. |
1800 Sherman #504 |
Technology Transfer Program: 60201-0000 |
1:18 p.m. |
1603 Orrington |
IT Administration: 60208-3883 |
2020 Ridge Avenue |
- Accounts Payable: 60208-4320
- Annual Giving: 60208-4312
- Auditing: 60208-4330
- Development Research: 60208-4304
- Development Services: 60208-4305
- Development Special Events: 60208-4306
- Estate Planning: 60208-4308
- Facilities Management: 60208-4301
- Information Technology Services: 60208-4311
- Mail Services: 60208-4314
- Motor Pool: 60208-4325
- Office Systems Equipment: 60208-4303
- Physical Plant: 60208-4301
- Printing and Duplicating: 60208-4310
- Purchasing Services: 60208-4303
- Risk Management: 60208-4335
- Travel Services: 60208-4303
- TriQuarterly: 60208-4302
- University Architect: 60208-4300
- University Development: 60208-4307
Most offices: 11:00 a.m.
1800 Sheridan Road |
Alumni Relations: 60208-1800 |
10:25 a.m. |
1845 Sheridan Road |
Medill School of Journalism
- Admissions and Financial Aid: 60208-2102
- Broadcast: 60208-2106
- Dean, Office of the: 60208-2101
- Editorial Programs: 60208-2105
- Magazine Program: 60208-2107
- Newspaper Program: 60208-2108
- Placement: 60208-2103
- Student Records: 60208-2104
Most offices: 11:15 a.m.
- Media Management: 11:30 a.m.
1870 Sheridan Road |
Alice Millar Chapel, University Chaplain: 60208-1350 |
2:10 p.m. |
1881 Sheridan Road |
Harris Hall
- History: 60208-2220
- Weinberg at Harris Hall: 60208-2225
11:05 a.m. |
1897 Sheridan Road |
University Hall
- English: 60208-2240
- International Studies: 60208-2255
- Mathematical Methods in the Social Sciences:
11:10 a.m. |
1902 Sheridan Road |
Center for International and Comparative Studies: 60208-4005 |
11:30 a.m. |
1908 Sheridan Road |
WCAS Undergraduate Advisors: 60208-3008 |
11:27 a.m. |
1914 Sheridan Road |
African-American Student Affairs: 60208-4010 |
11:25 a.m. |
1918 Sheridan Road |
WCAS Dean's Office: 60208-4020 |
1922 Sheridan Road |
WCAS Office of Studies: 60208-4030 |
11:22 a.m. |
1936 Sheridan Road |
- Multi-Cultural Center (African-American Student
Outreach Program and Hispanic/Latino Student Outreach Program): 60208-4043
- University Academic Advisory Center: 60208-4042
11:09 a.m. |
2000 Sheridan Road |
Women's Center: 60208-4060 |
11:02 a.m. |
2001 Sheridan Road |
Leverone Hall
Kellogg Graduate School of Management Academic Departments:
- Accounting and Information Systems: 60208-2002
- Finance: 60208-2006
- Management and Strategy: 60208-2013
- Managerial Economics and Decision Sciences:
- Marketing: 60208-2008
- Organizational Behavior: 60208-2011
Kellogg Graduate School of Management Academic Programs:
- Health Services Management: 60208-2007
- Master of Management in Manufacturing:
- Administration: 60208-2001
Kellogg Graduate School of Management:
- Admissions: 60208-2003
- Career Management Center: 60208-2012
- Computer Lab: 60208-2004
- Educational Materials: 60208-2005
- Math Center: 60208-2014
- Merger: 60208-2010
Northwestern University Information Technology (NUIT): 60208-2030 |
4:15 p.m. |
2003 Sheridan Road |
Andersen Hall
2006 Sheridan Road |
Statistics: 60208-4070 |
11:00 a.m. |
2010 Sheridan Road |
Business Institution Program: 60208-4075 |
2016 Sheridan Road |
Linguistics: 60208-4090 |
10:57 a.m. |
2021 Sheridan Road |
Cresap Laboratory: 60208-2700 |
1:15 p.m. (at Swift Hall) |
2029 Sheridan Road |
Swift Hall
- Cognitive Science Program: 60208-2705
- Psychology: 60208-2710
1:15 p.m. |
2033 Sheridan Road |
Lunt Hall
- Mathematics: 60208-2730
- Mathematics Library: 60208-2740
12:30 - 1:00 p.m. |
2040 Sheridan Road |
Institute for Policy Research: 60208-4100 |
10:48 a.m. |
2133 Sheridan Road |
Ford Motor Company Engineering Design Center: 60208 |
2145 Sheridan Road |
Technological Institute
McCormick School of Engineering and Applied Science:
- Administration: 60208-3101
- Bio-Medical Engineering: 60208-3107
- Center for Manufacturing Engineering:
- Center for Quantum Devices: 60208-3129
- Chemical Engineering: 60208-3120
- Civil Engineering: 60208-3109
- Computer Science: 60208-3106
- Computer Studies: 60208-3127
- Continuing Engineering Education: 60208-3124
- Co-Op Engineering Education: 60208-3122
- Council on Dynamic Systems and Controls:
- Council of Urban and Regional Planning:
- Dean, Office of the: 60208-3100
- Electrical Engineering and Computer Science:
- Engineering Sciences and Applied Math:
- Freshman Program: 60208-3105
- Graduate Studies: 60208-3103
- Industrial Engineering and Management
Sciences and Masters of Engineering Management: 60208-3119
- Industry Relations: 60208-3123
- Master of Management in Manufacturing Program:
- Mechanical Engineering: 60208-3111
- National Society of Black Engineerings:
- Registrar: 60208-3114
- Science Engineering: 60208-3114
- Undergraduate Affairs: 60208-3102
- Chemistry: 60208-3113
- Physics: 60208-3112
- Materials Research Center: 60208-3116
- Research Safety, Office of: 60208-3121
2407 Sheridan Road |
Patten Gymnasium: 60208-3620 |
2:30 p.m. |
2131 Tech Drive |
Dearborn Observatory: 60208-2900 |
1:35 p.m. |
2137 Tech Drive |
Catalysis Center
- General: 60208-3000
- Quality Control: 60208-3020
- Tribology: 60208-3010
2205 Tech Drive |
Hogan Biological Sciences Building
- Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, and Cell Biology:
- Biological Sciences Program, Interdepartmental:
- Biological Sciences, Undergraduate Program in:
- Biotechnology Facility: 60208-3525
- Center for Circadian Biology and Medicine:
- Institute for Neuroscience, Neurobiology,
and Physiology: 60208-3520
1:40 p.m. |
2233 Tech Drive |
Seeley G. Mudd Library for Science and Engineering: 60208-3530 |
601 University Place |
Scott Hall
- Career Development Center: 60208-1003
- Dean of Students: 60208-1002
- Food Service: 60208-1007
- Homecoming: 60208-1004
- Placement Center: 60208-1005
- Political Science: 60208-1006
- Residential Colleges: 60208-1000
- Services for Students with Disabilities: 60208-1012
- Special Events: 60208-1008
- Student Employment: 60208-1002
- Undergraduate Housing: 60208-1001
- Undergraduate Residential Life: 60208-1009
- University Food Service: 60208-1010
- Waa-Mu Show: 60208-1011
1:22 p.m. |
720 University Place |
- Benefits: 60208-1143
- Compensation: 60208-1140
- EEO, Affirmative Action, Disability Services,
and Employee Support Programs: 60208-1147
- Employee Records: 60208-1141
- Employment/Recruitment: 60208-1142
- Payroll: 60208-1145
- Position and Budget Control: 60208-1144
10:50 a.m. and 1:50 p.m. |