Department Lockups
Our department identity system leverages the Northwestern University identity.
Our vertical and horizontal lockups allow for school names and departments to be featured in a single lockup. In addition, when a department is creating materials for an internal audience, a lockup excluding the school name may be used.
Always use the supplied artwork when placing the academic N. Never take the N directly from the wordmark.
Department Vertical Lockup
Department Horizontal Lockup
Both horizontal and vertical templates are available. If you would like to create a lockup for your unit, please contact Leslie-Anne Mock with any inquiries.
Additional usage guidelines
- Clear space and minimum sizevisual-identity/logos-lockups/northwestern-wordmark-lockup/usage-guidelines/sizes/index guidelines apply to all brand lockups.
- Akkurat is the approved brand font for brand lockups.
- Approved lockup colors: Northwestern Purple/ Cool Gray 10 C (40 30 20 66), white, and black.