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Myrna Garcia

myrnaintro.jpg"I remember how much I struggled to complete a manuscript that I was excited to write. I set aside specific days to work on it, yet I could not get it off my desk. After some soul-searching, I realized that I had trouble holding myself accountable. Instead of beginning my day with writing, I prioritized preparing a delicious breakfast, responding to seemingly urgent emails (they were not time-sensitive!), and letting myself be distracted by trivial business. Ugh! I needed help. A coffee chat with Martha, an academic amigo (friend), changed all of this. I learned about the pomodoro method and discovered the importance of an accountability buddy: Martha. I also created a writing group to break the isolation of the process, and discovered SMART goals (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time­bound). Needless to say, Martha's advice was transformative. I continue to employ these strategies today, as well as offer them to others."