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FAQs for Tax Forms

Below are frequently asked questions about the annual W-2 and 1042-S forms. For information on accessing copies of current or prior year forms, please see Annual Tax Form Reprints.  If you have additional questions or concerns, please contact

When can I expect to receive last year's W-2 Form in the mail?

Electronic copies of the W-2 will be available to all active employees in myHR no later than January 31 each year.

Former employees, and those who have not opted into an electronic-only W-2, will receive a paper copy at their last home address on file in myHR. Paper copies will be sent no later than January 31. 

How can I get my 1099 or 1098-T forms?  

Human Resources does not issue these forms.  Contact Tax and Regulatory Services regarding the 1099-MISC form.  If you need a 1098-T (Tuition Statement) Form, visit View & Print 1098-T Forms Webpage and contact Student Accounts for further assistance.

I updated my address online last year but the state tax information is incorrect on the W-2.  Can I get a new W-2 Form? 

We are unable to change the address listed once the original W-2 has been printed.  Updating address information does not impact or change state tax withholdings.  Employees are responsible for notifying Human Resources in a timely manner when moving out of state or vice versa.  Visit the Tax Information and Personal Information webpages for more details.   

I am unable to see a W-2 Form in myHR although I worked all of last year?  

You do not have a W-2 on file because 1) earnings were in the form of a scholarship, fellowship, or grant and 2) no taxes were withheld from your pay throughout last year.  NRSA Post-Docs, grad students who are paid via scholarship, and one-time scholarship award recipients typically fall into this category.  Please reference or request your last pay stub from the previous year to see a summary of your earnings, tax withholdings, etc.  

The wages on my W-2 are low and do not reflect what I received in earnings last year.  Is this accurate? 

Your wages are low or it is listed as $0 on the W-2 form because you only earned income via scholarship, fellowship, or a grant.  Use the steps in the prior question to access your last pay stub.


When can I get specific information about the amount I received in scholarship last year? 

The most official document for students to reference is the last pay stub of the year which shows a summary of earnings (e.g. scholarship vs. wages, tax withholdings).  Use the steps above to access your last pay stub.


I am a Foreign National and just received my SSN.  How can the SSN be added to my W-2 Form?

Email the Foreign National Tax Team ( for assistance with adding your SSN to the W-2 Form. 


Who receives the 1042-S Form? 

Form 1042-S is created for anyone considered a nonresident alien for US tax purposes who received payments from the University for fellowship/scholarship, independent contracted services, or royalties as well as anyone with a benefit under a tax treaty with their resident country.  The Foreign National Tax Team also notifies all employees who are expecting to receive the 1042-S Form. 

Resources: 1042-S Information and Tax Information for Foreign Nationals

My name was misspelled and/or my SSN is incorrect on the W-2.  How can I fix this? 

 Email Human Resources to request a new W-2 with the correct spelling of your name and/or SSN.  


Can I receive tax advice from Human Resources? 

 The University cannot provide individual guidance on the completion of the W-4/W-2 form or any related tax implications.  If you have questions, please review IRS guidance or contact a tax consultant.  Visit this page to see a list of tax resources.