Yonek, Juliet | Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality R36 Dissertation Grant | Health Sciences Integrated Program | The Graduate School |
Balbale, Salva Najib | Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality T32 | Health Sciences Integrated Program | The Graduate School |
Kricke, Gayle Elisa | Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality T32 | Health Sciences Integrated Program | The Graduate School |
Ward, Charlotte Emily | Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality T32 | Health Sciences Integrated Program | The Graduate School |
Kleintop, Amanda | AHA's Littleton-Griswold Research Grant for U.S. Legal History | History | The Graduate School |
Wang, Timothy Chiaan | Air Products Graduate Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School |
Doolan, Yuri | AKS Research Paper Contest for Korean Studies | History | The Graduate School |
Nasta, Jesse | Albert J. Beveridge Grant for Research in the Western Hemisphere | History | The Graduate School |
Malone, Katrina | American Association of University Women American Fellowship | Executive Master's | Kellogg School |
Sookar, Nicolette | American Association of University Women American Fellowship | Genetic Counseling | The Graduate School |
Goksel, Hayrunnisa | American Association of University Women International Fellowship | Sociology | The Graduate School |
McElhattan, David Reed | American Bar Foundation Northwestern University Fellow | Sociology | The Graduate School |
Khoury, Rana B. | American Center for Oriental Research Pre-Doctorate Fellowship | Political Science | The Graduate School |
Conwell, Jordan Andrew | American Educational Research Association Dissertation Grant | Sociology | The Graduate School |
Dyer, Elizabeth Brooks | American Education Research Association Fellowship | Learning Sciences | The Graduate School |
Jeong, Yong | American Heart Association Pre-doctoral Fellowship | Biomedical Engineering | The Graduate School |
Marcum, Ryan | American Heart Association Pre-doctoral Fellowship | Biological Sciences | The Graduate School |
Sharma, Aabha | American Heart Association Pre-doctoral Fellowship | Life Sciences | Feinberg/The Graduate School |
Fort, Gavin | American Historical Association Bernadotte E. Schmitt Grant | History | The Graduate School |
Eckhoff, Kathryn | American Institute of Steel Construction Education Foundation Scholarship | Civil & Environmental Engineering | The Graduate School |
Aronson, Michael | American Institute of Steel Construction Steel Erector Association Scholarship | Engineering | McCormick |
Johnson, David Benjamin | American Society for Aesthetics Dissertation Completion Fellowship | Philosophy | The Graduate School |
Ewaleifoh, Osfame | American Society for Microbiology Robert D. Watkins Graduate Research Fellowship | Life Sciences | Feinberg/The Graduate School |
Chen, Xiang | American Society for Nondestructive Testing Fellowship | Mechanical Engineering | The Graduate School |
Zeng, Yue | American Society of Civil Engineers Annual Scholarship | Environmental Sciences | Weinberg College/McCormick |
Kucan, Gordan | American Society of Civil Engineers Annual Structural Engineering Scholarship | Engineering | McCormick |
Rangel, Esteban | Argonne Labs Fellowship | Computer Science | The Graduate School |
Eckhoff, Kathryn | Associated General Contractor Scholarship | Engineering | McCormick |
Kim, Stephan | Association of Old Crows Scholarship | Electrical Engineering | McCormick |
Andrade, Tricia | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Sociology | Weinberg College |
Brooke, Beatrice | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Political Science | Weinberg College |
Bughrara, Moneb | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Undeclared | Weinberg College |
Chang, Irene | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Economics | Weinberg College |
Li, Daniel | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Biological Sciences | Weinberg College |
Lopez, Karla Paola | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Civil Engineering | McCormick |
Mims, Cheron | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Anthropology | Weinberg College |
Sedeno, Nina | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Political Science | Weinberg College |
Shi, Mary | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Undeclared | Weinberg College |
Shi, Mary Wu | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Economics | Weinberg College |
Weber, De'Sean | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Anthropology | Weinberg College |
Wood, Ashley | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship | Political Science | Weinberg College |
Keener, Andrew Stephen | Bibliographical Society of American Short Term Fellowship | English | The Graduate School |
Henderson, Molly | Blue Engine Fellowship | American Studies | Weinberg College |
Kling, Samuel | Bordin/Gillette Fellowship | History | The Graduate School |
Akiboh, Alvita Ansa | Bordin/Gillette Fellowship from Bentley Library at University of Michigan | History | The Graduate School |
Peyton, David | Boren Fellowship | Political Science | The Graduate School |
Castellanos, Jessica H. | Boren Scholarship | International Studies | Weinberg College |
Christmas, Andrea Shannon | Bourse Jeanne Marandon Fellowship | History | The Graduate School |
Bickel-Barlow, Jessica Isabel | British Marshall Scholarship | English | School of Communication/Weinberg College |
Barham, Elena Frances | Carnegie Endowment for International Peace James C. Gaither Junior Fellows Program | Philosophy | Weinberg College |
Forrat, Natalia | CDDRL Stanford Predoctoral Fellowship | Sociology | The Graduate School |
Thomas, Sarah | Chareaubriand Fellowship | Civil & Environmental Engineering | The Graduate School |
Morse, Jaimie Nicole | Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship | Sociology | The Graduate School |
Zheng, Yanqiu | China Times Cultural Foundation Young Scholarship Award | History | The Graduate School |
Raizada, Tara | CIEE International Relations, Political Science, History, Peace and Conflict-Resolution Merit Scholarship | Political Science | Weinberg College |
Sykes, Rory Alison | CLIR Mellon Fellowship for Dissertation Research in Original Sources | Art History | The Graduate School |
Forsee, Andrea Frances | Congress Bundestag Youth Exchange for Young Professionals | Comparative Literature | Weinberg College |
Cassingham, Colleen | Critical Language Scholarship | MENA | Weinberg College |
Davis, Michaela Danielle | Critical Language Scholarship | Asian Languages & Cultures | Weinberg College |
Ewbank, Madeline May | Critical Language Scholarship | Radio/TV/Film | School of Communication |
Grindon, Mia | Critical Language Scholarship | Communication Studies | School of Communication |
Sabath, Craig Thomas | Critical Language Scholarship | Political Science | Weinberg College |
Sawhney, Asha Mare | Critical Language Scholarship | Political Science | Weinberg College |
Marpet, Blaze | DAAD Intensive Language Course Grant | Philosophy | The Graduate School |
Scott, Kyle | DAAD Intensive Language Course Grant | Philosophy | The Graduate School |
Avruch, Nadav | DAAD Research Grant | Comparative Literary Studies | The Graduate School |
Di Salvo, Carlos Javier Pereira | DAAD Research Grant | Philosophy | The Graduate School |
Jain, Aditya Sanjay | DAAD Research Internship in Science and Engineering | Industrial Engineering | McCormick |
Ozsan, Ilayda | DAAD Research Internship in Science and Engineering | Biology | Weinberg College |
Krinsman, William Edward | DAAD Study Scholarship | Mathematics | Weinberg College |
Anderson, Megan | DAAD Undergraduate Scholarship | Chemistry | Weinberg College |
Shang, Jiaqi | DAAD Undergraduate Scholarship | Mathematics | Weinberg College |
Baxter, Daniel Stephen | Department of Energy Office of Science Graduate Student Research Award | Physics & Astronomy | The Graduate School |
Kang, Susan | Donald Peck International Flute Competition 2015 | Wind & Percussion Instruments | Bienen School |
Mok, Kenneth D | Dunn Memorial Fellowship | Economics | Weinberg College |
Wu, Joanna Grace | Eastern Connecticut Symphony Orchestra Instrumental Competition | Wind & Percussion Instruments & Ad Hoc | Bienen School |
Zardetto-Smith, Kaitlin Elizabeth | Edith Newfield Scholarship | Voice & Opera | Bienen School |
Nguyen, Scott | Edward Kleinhammer Orchestral Bass Trombone Competition | Wind & Percussion Instruments | Bienen School |
Leonard, Madison | Eleanor McCollum Competition for Young Singers | Voice & Opera | Bienen School |
Kang, Susan | Farwell Trust Award - Flute | Wind & Percussion Instruments | Bienen School |
Middleman, Quinn Kathryn | Farwell Trust Award - Mezzo-Soprano | Voice & Opera | Bienen School |
Rucinski, Helen Wilczak | Farwell Trust Award - Viola | String Instruments | Weinberg College/Bienen School |
Hughes, Bethany | Ford Foundation Dissertation Fellowship | Theatre & Drama | The Graduate School |
Valles, Dario | Ford Foundation Dissertation Fellowship | Anthropology | The Graduate School |
Adediran, Atinuke (Tinu) Opeyemi | Ford Foundation Pre-doctoral Fellowship | Sociology | The Graduate School |
Trewn, Amrit | Ford Foundation Pre-doctoral Fellowship | Statistics | Weinberg College |
Brooks, Mayfield | Foreign Language and Area Studies Summer Scholarship | Performance Studies | The Graduate School |
Nganga, Kathleen | Foreign Language and Area Studies Summer Scholarship | Political Science | Weinberg College |
Palamountain, Forrest | Foreign Language and Area Studies Summer Scholarship | MENA | Weinberg College/Bienen School |
Rosengarten, Andrea | Foreign Language and Area Studies Summer Scholarship | History | The Graduate School |
Schmidt, Samantha | Foreign Language and Area Studies Summer Scholarship | History | Weinberg College |
Thomas, Treyvon | Foreign Language and Area Studies Summer Scholarship | Journalism | Medill |
Watters, Vanessa | Foreign Language and Area Studies Summer Scholarship | Anthropology | The Graduate School |
Clinton, Tyrone | Frank Huntington Beebe Fellowship | Conducting | Bienen School |
Shi, Mary Wu | Freeman-Asia Award | Economics | Weinberg College |
Catlin, Kathryn Anne | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Anthropology | The Graduate School |
Clark, Keith | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | History | The Graduate School |
Couch, Savannah Caitlin | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Theatre | School of Communication |
Di Salvo, Carlos Javier Pereira | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Philosophy | The Graduate School |
Hansen, Ary | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Political Science | Weinberg College |
Harmon, Jenna | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Musicology | The Graduate School |
Krinsman, William Edward | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Mathematics | Weinberg College |
McCarter, Catherine Cavanaugh | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Linguistics | Weinberg College |
Mueller, Bethany | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | English | Weinberg College |
Noboa, Laura | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | History | The Graduate School |
Pak, Adelina | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Political Science | Weinberg College |
Rajcan, Vanda | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | History | The Graduate School |
Reddy, Neha | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Anthropology | Weinberg College |
Sales, Joy Nicholas | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | History | The Graduate School |
Smierciak, Sarah Nicole | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | History | Weinberg College |
Wasilewski, Weronika | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Learning & Organizational Change | SESP |
York, Alexander | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Voice & Opera | Bienen School |
Zellner, Ken-Terika | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Legal Studies | Weinberg College |
Spicer, Scott Raymond | Fulbright (IIE) US Student Award | Linguistics | Weinberg College |
Bay , Susan Caroline | Fulbright Austrian Teaching Assistantship Program | Musicology | Bienen School |
Lee, Sean | Fulbright-Hays Dissertation Grant | Political Science | The Graduate School |
Swanson, Amy | Fulbright-Hays Dissertation Grant | Theatre and Drama | The Graduate School |
Collinson, David William | Fulbright Science and Innovation Fellowship | Mechanical Engineering | The Graduate School |
Angell, Megan | Fulbright UK Summer Institute | Economics | Weinberg College |
Wallace, Izaiah | GEM Ph.D. Engineering Full Fellowship | Computer Science | The Graduate School |
Dillon, Claire | George Mitchell Scholar | Art History | Weinberg College |
Mayekar, Samir | German Marshall Memorial Fellowship | Management | Kellogg School |
High, Ean Christian | Gest Fellowship | English | The Graduate School |
Thornburg, Nicholas | Gore Fellow Award | Chemical Engineering | The Graduate School |
Wang, Mary | Gore Fellow Award | Chemical Engineering | The Graduate School |
Kleintop, Amanda | Governor Thomas McLeod and First Lady Elizabeth Alford McLeod Research Fellowship to University of South Carolina's Special Collections Library | History | The Graduate School |
Watson, Julia Katherine | Herbert Scoville Jr. Peace Fellowship | Political Science | Weinberg College |
Adeniran, Adebola | HMMI Gilliam Fellowship | Chemical Engineering | The Graduate School |
Daugherty, Michael | Hollings Scholarship | Chemistry | Weinberg College |
Keener, Andrew Stephen | Houghton Library - Katherine F. Pantzer Jr. Fellowship in Descriptive Bibliography | English | The Graduate School |
Wallner, Rachel | Huayu Enrichment Scholarship | History | The Graduate School |
Keener, Andrew Stephen | Huntington Library Francis Bacon Foundation Fellowship | English | The Graduate School |
Perri, Leah | Illinois Space Grant Consortium Scholarship | Physics | Weinberg College |
Baer, Andrew | Indiana University School of Law Postdoctoral Fellowship | History | The Graduate School |
Dempster, Joshua | Insight Data Science Fellowship | Physics & Astronomy | The Graduate School |
Bailey, Sandra Renee | Jerome and Elaine Nerenberg Foundation Scholarship - Basoon | Wind & Percussion Instruments | Bienen School |
Stein, Amanda Claire | Jewish BSOM Research Forum Conference Travel Grant | Musicology | The Graduate School |
Daily, Ruby | John Money Fellowship for Scholars of Sexology | History | The Graduate School |
Tropp, Jr., Thomas Joseph | Julius Herford Dissertation Award 2014 | Choral Conducting | Bienen School |
Doolan, Yuri | Korea Foundation Graduate Studies Fellowship | History | The Graduate School |
Lee, Sean | Lebanon Doctoral Dissertation Summer Workshop | Political Science | The Graduate School |
Catlin, Kathryn Anne | Leifur Eiriksson Foundation | Anthropology | The Graduate School |
Cao, Duyen Hanh | Link Foundation Energy Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School |
Moravek, Jessie | Luce Scholars Program | Environmental Science | Weinberg College |
York, Alexander James | Luminarts Cultural Foundation Classical BSOM Fellowship - Baritone | Voice & Opera | Bienen School |
Cho, Brannon | Luminarts Cultural Foundation Classical BSOM Fellowship - Cello | String Instruments | Bienen School |
Fan, Chen-Shen | Luminarts Cultural Foundation Classical BSOM Fellowship - Piano | Piano | Bienen School |
Leonard, Madison | Luminarts Cultural Foundation Classical BSOM Fellowship - Soprano | Voice & Opera | Bienen School |
Tucker, Julius Prentiss | Luminarts Cultural Foundation Jazz Improvisation Fellowship - Piano | Jazz Studies | Bienen School/McCormick |
Poureslami, Bahareh | Lynne Cooper Harvey Foundation Scholarship | Voice & Opera | Bienen School |
Cheng, Monica | Match Corps Fellow | Psychology | Weinberg College |
Goldstein, Lily | Match Corps Fellow | Journalism | Medill |
Henderson, Molly | Match Corps Fellow | American Studies | Weinberg College |
Zetley, Mikaela | Match Corps Fellow | Social Policy | SESP |
Fort, Gavin | Medieval Academy of America Schallek Award | History | The Graduate School |
Hoke, Morgan | Mellon/ACLS Dissertation Completion Fellowship | Anthropology | The Graduate School |
Reitz, Erin | Mellon/ACLS Dissertation Completion Fellowship | Art History | The Graduate School |
Roth, Sarah | Mellon/ACLS Dissertation Completion Fellowship | English | The Graduate School |
Srivastava, Swati | Mellon/ACLS Dissertation Completion Fellowship | Political Science | The Graduate School |
Oswald, Julia Marie | Mellon COSI Curatorial Research Fellow at the Art Institute of Chicago | Art History | The Graduate School |
Wood, Emily | Mellon COSI Internship at the Art Institute of Chicago | Art History | The Graduate School |
Hill, Kaitlin Marie Speer | Microsoft Research Graduate Women's Scholarship | Engineering Sciences & Applied Mathematics | The Graduate School |
Stein, Aliza | Multi-disciplinary Program in Educational Sciences (MPES) Fellowship | Learning Sciences | The Graduate School |
Stein, Mary Abigail | Multi-disciplinary Program in Educational Sciences (MPES) Fellowship | Learning Sciences | The Graduate School |
Hadden, Samuel | NASA Earth and Space Science Fellowship | Physics and Astronomy | The Graduate School |
Rambo, Timothy | NASA Traineeship | Electrical Engineering & Computer Science | The Graduate School |
Anderson, Eleanor | National Academy of Education Spencer Dissertation Fellowship | Learning Sciences | The Graduate School |
Conwell, Jordan Andrew | National Academy of Education Spencer Dissertation Fellowship | Sociology | The Graduate School |
Johnson, Anthony Matthias | National Academy of Education Spencer Dissertation Fellowship | Sociology | The Graduate School |
Krist, Christina | National Academy of Education Spencer Dissertation Fellowship | Learning Sciences | The Graduate School |
Amsterdam, Samuel | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School |
DeBenedictis, Elizabeth | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Mechanical Engineering | The Graduate School |
DeStefano, Matthew | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School |
Eaton, Matthew | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School |
Fitzsimons, Kathleen Anne | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Mechanical Engineering | The Graduate School |
Mendonca, Matthew Lee | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Chemical Engineering | The Graduate School |
Perez, Kaitlyn | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School |
Urbach, Zachary | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School |
Menon, Alka Vaid | National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant | Sociology | The Graduate School |
Adkins, Amy | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Biomedical Engineering | The Graduate School |
Antonoplis, Stephen Michael | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Economics | Weinberg College |
Be, Ariana Gray | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School |
Bergeron, Hadallia | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School |
DeBenedictis, Elizabeth | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Mechanical Engineering | The Graduate School |
Dickman, Taylor Marie | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemical Engineering | The Graduate School |
Ernst, Adrienne Rosemarie | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Plant Biology & Conservation | The Graduate School |
Garr-Schultz, Alexandra Kristen | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Psychology | The Graduate School |
Glazer, James | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Psychology | The Graduate School |
Grovogui, Jann Albert | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | The Graduate School |
Hernandez Gonzalez, Liliana Maria | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Civil & Environmental Engineering | The Graduate School |
Heydari, David | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Electrical Engineering | The Graduate School |
Kathawalla, Ummul-Kiram | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Human Development & Psychological Services | SESP |
Kelty, Margaret Louise | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemistry | Weinberg College |
Kim, Do Soon | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemical Engineering | The Graduate School |
Lam, David | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Materials Sciences & Engineering | The Graduate School |
Lee, Aileen | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Biological Sciences | Weinberg College |
Lin, Stephen Edward | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Mechanical Engineering | The Graduate School |
Liquin, Emily Grace | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Cognitive Science | Weinberg College |
Mayhew, Hannah Elizabeth | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School |
McClelland, Kevin Patrick | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School |
Menssen, Rebecca Marie Gobel | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Engineering Sciences & Applied Mathematics | The Graduate School |
Pairs, Pranee Ida-Louise | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemistry | Weinberg College |
Palmer, Rebecca Hansen | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School |
Pang, Edward | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Materials Science & Engineering | McCormick |
Park, Jesse | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemistry | Weinberg College |
Pearson, Tyler James | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School |
Reeves, Cody Jordan | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Engineering Sciences & Applied Mathematics | The Graduate School |
Rote, Jennifer | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemistry | The Graduate School |
Rowberg, Andrew Joseph | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Materials Sciences & Engineering | McCormick |
Rucker, Julian Michael | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Psychology | The Graduate School |
Seo, Hannah Seungyeon | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemical Engineering | McCormick |
Smith, Eric Nathan | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Biological Sciences | Weinberg College |
Stranford, Devin | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemical Engineering | The Graduate School |
Tirado, Fernando Luis Reyes | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Materials Sciences & Engineering | The Graduate School |
Velkoff, Elizabeth Ann | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | English | Weinberg College |
Yu, Jessica | National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship | Chemical Engineering | The Graduate School |
Bonar, Nicolle Andrea | Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada Scholarship | Biological Sciences IBIS | The Graduate School |
McMillan, Janet Rose | Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada Scholarship | Chemistry | The Graduate School |
Oyon, Daniel Eduardo | Neurosurgery Research & Education Foundation Fellowship | Medical School | Feinberg |
O'Malley, Patrick Ryan | Next on Grand: National Composers Intensive Fellowship 2015 | Music Composition | Bienen School |
Fernandopulle, Michael Sanjay | NIH OxCam University Scholarship | Medical Scientist Training Program | The Graduate School/Feinberg |
Anker, Jonathan | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Life Sciences | Feinberg/The Graduate School |
Bayer, Amanda Rose | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Chemistry | The Graduate School |
Brazee, Patricia | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Life Sciences | The Graduate School |
Capo-Lugo, Carmen Enid | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Neuroscience | The Graduate School |
Cooper, John | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Neuroscience | Feinberg/The Graduate School |
Fisher, Daniel | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | | Feinberg/The Graduate School |
Harmon, Thomas | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Neuroscience | The Graduate School |
Lamano, Jonathan | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Life Sciences | Feinberg/The Graduate School |
Rutledge, Nakisha | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Life Sciences | The Graduate School |
Shapiro, Jason | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Life Sciences | Feinberg/The Graduate School |
Slater, Jessica | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Communication Science & Disorders | The Graduate School |
Soetikno, Brian | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Biomedical Engineering | Feinberg/The Graduate School |
Techner, Jose-Marc | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Chemistry | Feinberg/The Graduate School |
Thomas, Alexandra Lee | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Life Sciences | The Graduate School |
Toth, Anna | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Neuroscience | Feinberg/The Graduate School |
Vega, Marvin Marcus | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Chemistry | The Graduate School |
Wadhwani, Anil | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual National Research Service Award | Neuroscience | Feinberg/The Graduate School |
Reinhart, Paul | NIH Ruth L. Kirchstein Predoctoral Individual National Service Award | Communication Science & Disorders | The Graduate School |
Walters, Emily Curtis | North American Conference on British Studies Dissertation Year Travel Grant | History | The Graduate School |
Sanchez-Kisielewska, Olga | Patricia Carpenter Emerging Scholar Award | Music Theory & Cognition | Bienen School |
High, Ean Christian | Peabody Essex Museum Phillips Library Fellowship | English | The Graduate School |
Zheng, Yanqiu | Percy Buchanan Graduate Prize | History | The Graduate School |
Gonzalez, Laura | Physician Assistant Education Association Future Educator Fellowship | Physician's Assistant | Feinberg |
Nigarura, Kevin | Princeton in Africa Fellowship | Economics | Weinberg College |
DeCorrevont, Alex Christian | Princeton in Asia Fellowship | Economics | Weinberg College |
Imoisili, Sowa | Princeton in Asia Fellowship | Economics | Weinberg College |
Shuttleworth, Clayton | Princeton in Asia Fellowship | Performance Studies | School of Communication |
Veerina, Abhinav | Princeton in Asia Fellowship | Religious Studies | Weinberg College |
Weinstein, Kara | Princeton in Asia Fellowship | English | Weinberg College |
Ifthikhar, Rafa | Project Horseshoe Farm Fellowship | Psychology | Weinberg College |
Elmeligy, Lena Hazim | Projects for Peace | Radio/TV/Film | School of Communication |
Cheng, Monica | SAGA Fellow | Psychology | Weinberg College |
Olien, Catherine Victoria | Samuel H. Kress Foundation History of Art Institutional Fellowship | Art History | The Graduate School |
Sales, Joy Nicholas | SEASSI Scholarship | History | The Graduate School |
Akiboh, Alvita Ansa | Smithsonian Institute Graduate Student Fellowship | History | The Graduate School |
Gates, Sarah Lindsay | Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Doctoral Fellowship | Music Theory & Cognition | The Graduate School |
Sanchez-Kisielewska, Olga | Society for Eighteenth Century BSOM Student Paper Award | Music Theory & Cognition | Bienen School |
Mesa, Thomas Jonathan | Sphinx Competition, Senior Division - Cello | String Instruments | Bienen School |
Daily, Ruby | SSRC Dissertation Proposal Research Development | History | The Graduate School |
DeAlmeida, Marcos Abreu Leitao | SSRC International Dissertation Research Fellowship | History | The Graduate School |
FitzSimons, William Forest | SSRC International Dissertation Research Fellowship | History | The Graduate School |
Sykes, Rory Alison | SSRC International Dissertation Research Fellowship | Art History | The Graduate School |
O'Malley, Patrick Ryan | Symphony in C Young Composer's Competition | Music Composition | Bienen School |
Ding, Jimmy L. | Tau Beta Pi Scholarship | Mechanical Engineering | The Graduate School |
Li, Cristine Jiahe | Tau Beta Pi Scholarship | Chemical Engineering | McCormick |
Zeng, Yue Major | Tau Beta Pi Scholarship | Environmental Science | Weinberg College/McCormick |
Kleintop, Amanda | Texas State Historical Association's Lawrence T. Jones III Research Grant | History | The Graduate School |
O'Malley, Patrick Ryan | The American Prize in Composition, Orchestra Student Division | Music Composition | Bienen School |
Campos, Pablo Hernan | Think Swiss Research Scholarship | Mechanical Engineering | The Graduate School |
Lovasik, Brendan | Think Swiss Research Scholarship | Biological Sciences | Weinberg College |
D'Amato, Rachel | UCLA Summer Program | African American Studies | Weinberg College |
Brown, Scott | Udall Scholarship | Journalism | Medill/Weinberg College |
Forstie, Clare | University Fellow in Gender and Sexuality at the University of Wisconsin-Platteville | Sociology | The Graduate School |
Drake, Tasha | University of Chicago Provost's Career Enhancement Postdoctoral Scholarship | Chemistry | The Graduate School |
Baker, Kevin | University of Minnesota Charles Babbage Institute, Adelle and Erwin Tomash Fellowship in History of IT | History | The Graduate School |
Morse, Jaimie Nicole | Woodrow Wilson Dissertation Fellowship In Women’s Studies | Sociology | The Graduate School |
Roth, Sarah | Woodrow Wilson Dissertation Fellowship In Women’s Studies | English | The Graduate School |
Simmons, Wickliffe Eliot | Yamaha Young Performing Artists Competition - Cello | String Instruments | Bienen School |
Chang, Diana | Yenching Academy Fellowship at Peking University | Art Theory & Practice | Weinberg College |