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Non-Tenure Eligible Committee

The Non-Tenure Eligible Committee identifies issues and advises on best practices related to non-tenure eligible faculty.

Meet the Committee

Committee Chair

Cat Fabian, Clinical Assistant Professor, Non-Tenure (SoC),

Committee Members

  • Caryn Ward, Professor, Journalism, Undergrad (Medill)
  • Judith Rosenbaum, Clinical Professor, Non-Tenure (Law)
  • Anne Waller, Senior Lecturer, Non-Tenure (Bienen)
  • Axel Mueller, Professor of Instruction, Non-Tenure, (WCAS)
  • Katherine Wright, Research Assistant Professor, Medical Social Sciences (Feinberg)
  • Pamela Bannos, Associate Professor of Instruction, Art Theory/Practice (WCAS)
  • John Bailitz, Professor, Emergency Medicine (Feinberg)
  • Nicole Hawkins, Research Assistant Professor, Pharmacology (Feinberg)


Committee Work


As outlined in our brief report (link below), the NTE Committee calls for individual schools to continue to work systematically to ensure and/or enhance communication of various procedures with NTE faculty.


The NTE Committee worked closely with the Faculty Handbook Committee (Lois Deming Hedman, Chair) to revise several sections of the NU Faculty Handbook so that they explicitly incorporate non-tenure-eligible faculty. The Committee also started discussion of faculty librarians becoming members of the Faculty Assembly, as well as having a Senate seat. This item is expected to be resolved sometime in 2016-17.

Finally, our committee produced a document that provides an overview of NTE faculty in ten schools, plus librarians, at Northwestern in order to facilitate understanding of who NTE faculty are and what we do. In the process of developing this document, committee members uncovered several issues for further exploration (e.g., multi-year contracts, guarantees of academic freedom, faculty governance, faculty workload, among others). 

NTE Faculty NU Overview_6-3-16 pdf

We anticipate taking up at least 2-3 of those items during 2016-17, as well as revisiting the promised annual publication of faculty salary by the Provost's Office.


Based on concerns raised by our constituents, the NTE Committee conducted an informal survey of non-tenure-track faculty regarding performance evaluation criteria and procedures. Based on this feedback, committee members met with members of both Central Administration, as well as individual school administrators, to begin conversations about best practices in evaluation of non-tenure-track faculty. (NTEEvaluationSurveySummaryFeb20 pdf).

Throughout the year, the Committee continued to follow up with members of the Provost’s Office regarding the publication of NTE faculty salary data. Associate Provost for Faculty, Lindsay Chase-Lansdale, and Cathy Grimstead, Assistant Provost for Faculty, ensured that these data were published on the Provost’s website, and have assured the Committee that this publication will be on an annual basis going forward. (

Together with the Faculty Handbook Committee, members of the NTE Committee began initial review of the 2015 version of the Faculty Handbook, and anticipate more work on this throughout 2015-16.


NTE Faculty Data Table as of 2-24-2014.

This table includes (self-reported) data regarding Non-tenure-eligible faculty titles, ranks, promotion pathways, etc., in most of the schools at NU. This data was provided by members of NTE faculty, and in some cases, reviewed by school administrators. Information contained in the table will be updated annually, in September, to reflect any changes, corrections, etc.


Aggregate data of non-tenure-eligible (NTE) faculty salaries for FY2012-2013

This table includes aggregate data of non-tenure-eligible (NTE) faculty salaries for FY2012-2013 for each category that includes at least 9 faculty members. Feinberg and research NTE faculty are not represented due to the fact that part of their income may be derived from private practice or external sources of funding.

This information was provided by the Office of the Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs in May, 2013.

A similar table for aggregate data of tenure line faculty salaries can be found on the Office of the Provost website.