Occupational Health
Our occupational health programs are designed to protect the well-being of employees, volunteers, students, and visitors on Northwestern’s campuses. This includes measures to prevent injuries and illnesses by evaluating, controlling, and eliminating health hazards in the workplace through programs such as ergonomics, hearing protection, and respiratory protection.
California COVID-19 Prevention
Procedures designed to control employees’ exposures to the SARS-CoV-2 virus (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2) that causes COVID-19 (Coronavirus Disease 2019) that may occur in California workplaces.Employee Exposure Records
Program with procedures for personnel to obtain and access medical records, safety data sheets, and exposure records from environmental and biological monitoring.Ergonomics
Program to prevent and reduce work-related ergonomic injuries and improve health and comfort.Hearing Conservation
Program to establish procedures to eliminate potential noise exposures through effective engineering and administrative controls.Heat Illness Prevention
Program to establish the guidelines and procedures to protect individuals from heat-related exposures and illnesses.