Safety & Security Messages for Our Community
Messages from the Department of Safety & Security for your awareness.
Dedicated to Service
The Department of Safety & Security serves a vibrant and diverse university community of about 31,000 faculty, staff, and students, as well as thousands of daily visitors on the Evanston and Chicago campuses--around the clock, every day of the year. We are committed to a collaborative and transparent approach to campus safety that engenders the highest level of respectful engagement and equitable services to all, so learning and research can continue to thrive at Northwestern.
Messages from the Department of Safety & Security for your awareness.
A forum for dialogue regarding campus safety and wellness.
The following units report to Bruce A. Lewis, Chief of Police and Senior Associate Vice President for Safety & Security.
University Police works closely with students, faculty and staff to create a safe living, learning and research environment for the Evanston and Chicago campuses.
Transportation and Parking Services manages Northwestern’s parking, commuting and university shuttle services.
Emergency Management prepares and maintains the University’s Emergency Response Framework and ensures compliance with federal, state and local directives.
Environmental Health & Safety offers environmental, occupational health, and workplace safety programs, training, and resources.
The Behavioral Consultation Program serves as the central point of contact to receiving community concerns about threatening or concerning behaviors.