Northwestern Career Advancement

I need help figuring out which career path is best for me.

NCA offers a number of resources to help you figure out your career path, from taking an assessment to creating an action plan. We encourage you to make an appointment today with a career counselor. For more information, visit the our page on Making Career Choices.

When should I consider applying for internships?

Students can secure internships as early as freshman year, and career advisors can help you conduct an effective internship search. Check out our internship page to help you get started.

I can’t afford to take an unpaid internship this summer.

Many internships do provide salaries or stipends to students, but for organizations that don’t offer paid internships, we encourage students to apply for the Summer Internship Grant Program.

I can’t afford to fly to California for my interview for a summer internship. Are there any resources available?

The Career Development Fund provides funding to support or supplement the career development needs of undergraduate students with demonstrated financial need. Students can apply to receive funding to support travel to career and graduate school interviews.