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One essential element of complying with the University's Policy, Minors at Northwestern, is the requirement that all members of the Northwestern community who participate in programs or activities that involve minors are expected to complete the following training.

Protect Children (EDU-IL)

Available through myHR Learn, this training is 40-45 minutes in length and will allow you to print a certificate of completion afterward. It is designed to help those who will be working with minors to better understand their reporting obligations, to recognize signs of child abuse, to detect predators, and to understand how to report suspected abuse.

Protect Children Training Course

The Office of Human Resources, through its myHR Learn system, is the records repository of completion for the training. In order to complete the training, a staff member must first be added to the training portal. Typically, the training administrator or director provides a list of all Program staff using the template provided during the registration process. Providing this information during the registration process ensures all staff will be automatically added to the training portal. Additionally, the following steps can be taken to add staff to the training portal:

  1. Self-Assignment. Program Staff may request access to each course through MyHR Learn, which is administered by the Office of Human Resources. It is the responsibility of the administrator or director of the Covered Program to ensure all Program Staff have completed the required training.
  2. Managers can assign training automatically to their own direct reports and no template would be required to register for the training. The program administrator or director is still responsible for ensuring all Program Staff have completed the required training.

DCFS Training for Mandated Reporters

Class ID: HRD781-200A-01

The Illinois Abused and Neglected Child Reporting Act states that all University employees are mandated reporters of suspected cases of child abuse and/or neglect. Students are also obligated to report. The DCFS Online Training for Mandated Reporters is completed upon hired and renewed periodically, but at least once every three years.