Test Anxiety
An animated video about test anxiety that highlights the importance of mindfulness and writing practices to loosen worries from your mind to help boost your grade!
Meditation Music by Anatolie Antoniu & Marin Nicoarã | Graphic Animation by Koyote Sundance Meiners-Rios | Video & Audio by Thomas Molash
Practices to Decrease Test Anxiety
Write it Out!
- Write it Out Audio (7:38)
- Get rid of worries before the exam - A guided practice that clears out worries from the mind; research shows it has increased test performance by at least 5 points.
Walk Off Your Stress
- Walk Off your Stress Audio (11:50)
- Mindful walking helps to distract you from worrying and increase well-being as you are more present in the world around you rather than up in your head worrying about stuff that usually doesn’t happen.
Catch Your Breath
- Catch Your Breath Audio (9:34)
- This practice helps decrease the stress response so you can think more clearly and do better on your exam.
5 Minute Meditation
- 5 Minute Meditation (7:20)
- Research says 5 minutes of deep breathing will boost your exam scores, so chill out for a few minutes using this practice.
Find a Comfortable Rhythm
- Find a Comfortable Rhythm Audio (6:10)
- Paced breathing helps to distract the mind from worries, freeing up space in the brain to think about more important stuff.