Get Help
The University strongly encourages survivors of any form of violence to seek medical attention as soon as possible, even if they feel no injury was sustained. Medical providers can treat visible physical injuries, identify injuries that may not be visible, and, where appropriate, also test for and treat sexually transmitted infections, test for pregnancy, and provide emergency contraception (if requested). In addition, a hospital can test for the presence of alcohol or drugs (e.g. “date rape” drugs) and perform a rape evidence collection procedure, which can help maintain legal options.
Medical services on or near campus:
NorthShore University Health System/ Evanston Hospital
Emergency Department is open 24 hours. Evidence collection kit available; Evanston Police Victim Services advocate can be present to provide support services, if desired.
- Location: 2650 Ridge Avenue, Evanston
- Phone: (847) 570-2111 (Emergency Room)
For more information or to request an appointment online see the NorthShore University Health System/Evanston Hospital website.
Northwestern Memorial Hospital
Emergency Department is open 24 hours. Evidence collection kit available; Advocate from Rape Victim Advocates will be present to provide support services, if desired.
- Location: 251 E Huron, Chicago
- Phone: (312) 926-5188 (Emergency Room)
For more information, see the Northwestern Memorial Hospital website.
Amita Health St. Francis Hospital
Emergency Department is open 24 hours. Evidence collection kit available; Evanston Police victim services advocate can be present to provide support services, if desired. Emergency contraception is provided in cases of sexual assault.
- Location: 355 Ridge Avenue, Evanston
- Phone: (847) 316-4000
For more information, see the Amita Health St. Francis Hospital website.
Northwestern University Health Service
If you choose not to go to the Emergency Room, you should still consider seeing a private doctor or a clinician at Northwestern University Health Service (NUHS). Note: NU Health Services do not provide evidence collection kits.
- Evanston Campus: 633 Emerson Street, Evanston
- Phone: (847) 491-8100 (RN Call Service Available)
For regular hours of operation and 24-hour emergency contact info see the NUHS Evanston campus website.
- Chicago Campus: 675 North St. Clair Suite 18-200, Chicago
- Phone: (312) 695-8134 (please confirm current NU student status)
For regular hours of operation and 24-hour emergency contact info see the NUHS Chicago campus website.
Medical Care Support
Miami, FL Campus: Jackson Memorial Hospital Roxcy Bolton Rape Treatment Center
Evidence collection kit available at no charge.
- Location: 1611 NW 12th Avenue, Institute Annex 1st Floor, Miami, Florida
- Phone: (305) 585-7273
- Website
Washington, D.C. Campus: MedStar Washington Hospital Center
Evidence collection kit available at no charge via DC Forensic Nurse Examiners; student can request a free Uber to MedStar by calling the phone number below.
- Location: 110 Irving Street NW, Washington, D.C.
- Phone: (800) 641-4028
- Website
San Francisco, CA Campus: Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital
Evidence collection kit available at no charge; additional/follow-up services available via their Rape Treatment Center.
- Location: 1001 Potrero Avenue, San Francisco, California
- Phone: (415) 437-3000
- Website
Doha, Qatar Campus
In Qatar, if a survivor goes to the hospital, they may not retain sole discretion over whether to pursue criminal charges. Medical personnel at hospitals are required to alert the police when it appears that the person seeking treatment has sustained an injury as a result of a criminal offense, including sexual assault. The person seeking treatment could then be required to speak with the police. Survivors should visit a hospital or doctor with whom they feel comfortable. Survivors can talk to the NU-Q Deputy Title IX Coordinator for more information.
If the survivor chooses not to go to the emergency room, s/he should still consider seeing a private doctor or a clinician. Survivors are encouraged to inquire about and understand the extent of confidentiality healthcare providers can provide to the survivor of sexual violence. The confidentiality laws and regulations may differ substantially from those in other countries. Emergency contraception is not available in Qatar. Rape evidence collection may not be available in Qatar. Individuals who have been sexually assaulted may choose to go to the emergency room. The nearest hospitals to the Northwestern University in Qatar campus are:
Al-Ahli Hospital
Emergency 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
- Location: Ahmed Bin Ali Street
- Phone: +974 4489 8901, +974 4489 8999, +974 4489 3349
Women's Hospital
Emergency 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
- Al Rayyan Road, opposite Lulu Centre
- Phone: +974 4439 3299/3295
Sidra Medicine
Women and children only. Outpatient Sunday-Thursday, 7:00am-4:00pm
- Durkhan Road, opposite Northwestern University in Qatar
- Phone: +974 4003 3333
There is also medical care available at the following location on campus:
Qatar Foundation Primary Healthcare Center (QF PHCC)
- HBKU Student Center
- Phone: +974 4454 1244 (call to inquire about hours of operation)
In thinking about current and long-term safety, you may want to consider developing a safety plan which could include ways to remain safe and possible ways to reduce risk of future harm. Information about safety planning can be found on the National Domestic Violence Hotline website.
For assistance with safety planning, you can contact CARE or Northwestern University Police Department.
Area police departments:
Northwestern University Police Department
- Evanston Campus: 1201 Davis Street, Evanston. Phone: (847) 491-3456 (24 hours)
- Chicago Campus: 211 East Superior Street, Chicago. Phone: (312) 503-3456 (24 hours)
See the Northwestern University Police website for more information.
Evanston Police Department
Chicago Police Department – 18th District (covers Chicago campus)
Miami, FL Campus: Coral Gables Police Department
Washington, D.C. Campus: Metropolitan Police Department - 1st District
San Francisco, CA Campus: San Francisco Police Department - Central Station
Doha, Qatar Campus
Survivors are encouraged to talk to the Deputy Title IX Coordinator—Qatar Campus for more information on what may happen if they file a police report. Generally, once a sexual assault is reported to the police, physical evidence of a struggle is collected and then the case is referred to the prosecutor, who then determines if a crime took place. The amount of physical evidence which shows a struggle will usually decide the case. If physical evidence is inconclusive, the case would be dismissed, and the survivor might either be asked to sign a statement or be jailed.
In an emergency dial +974 4454 0999 (on campus) or 999 (off campus)
If you need emotional support or guidance, you may choose to speak with one of the confidential resources. Confidential resources can provide survivors with information about support services and their options. Because of the confidential nature of these resources, disclosing information to or seeking advice from a confidential resource does not constitute a report or complaint to the University.
Members of the University community who believe they have experienced sexual misconduct have the right to choose whether or not to report the incident to law enforcement and/or pursue a sexual misconduct complaint with the University. Information on reporting options can be found in the File a Report section.
Additional information about what happens after a report is made can be found in the University Policy section.
Regardless of whether an individual decides to make a report, Northwestern strongly encourages individuals who have experienced sexual misconduct to preserve evidence to the greatest extent possible, as this will maintain all options for them in the future. More information can be found on our Preserving Evidence page.
Supportive Measures
Supportive measures are individualized services offered as appropriate, as reasonably available, and without fee or charge to either or both the reporting and responding parties involved in an incident of sexual misconduct, prior to an investigation, while an investigation is pending or where no investigation has been requested. Supportive measures may include:
- Counseling
- Extensions of time or other course-related adjustments
- Modifications of work or class schedules
- Campus escort services
- Mutual restrictions on contact between the parties
- Changes in work or housing locations
- Leaves of absence
- Increased security and monitoring of certain areas of campus
- Other changes to academic, living, dining, transportation, and working situations
Supportive measures will be individualized and appropriate based on the information gathered by the Office of Civil Rights and Title IX Compliance, making every effort to avoid depriving any student of their education. The measures needed by each party may change over time, and the Office of Civil Rights and Title IX Compliance will communicate with parties to ensure that any supportive measures are necessary and effective based on the parties’ evolving needs. An individual may request to receive support – including the measures mentioned in this section – even if they do not choose to participate in the University’s Complaint Resolution Process.
Student, staff or faculty members seeking supportive measures should contact Emily Babb, Title IX Coordinator: or 847-491-3355.
More information can be found in our resource guides containing information on both the options and help available to those experiencing sexual misconduct at Northwestern.